Lasers & Optics


The goal of the LAS&O technology platform is threefold
  • to provide support to unexperienced people who are interested in optical methods for their own research
  • to lend small optical equipments (spectrometer, powermeter, ...) to occasional user
  • to gather large optical equipments
Long experience with the realisation of optical devices (interferometers,  deflectometer, electro-optic sampling, microscopy, ...).
  • Lasers
    • Femtosecond laser: Coherent MIRA 900-F, 9200 Pulse Picker, Harmonic generator (SHG-THG)
      • Wavelength: 700-1000 nm
      • Repetion rate: 76Mhz -  pulse picker (9.5 Khz to 4.75 Mhz, external trigger)
      • Pulse duration=100fs
      • Power: 1.5W @ 850 nm, 11mW@425 nm, 2.2 mW @ 280 nm.
    • Tunable high energy nanosecond laser chain
      • Spectral range: IR to UV
      • Repetion rate=30Hz
      • Continuum Powerlight Precision II
        • 1.6J (10ns) @1064nm
        • 800mJ (7ns) @532nm
        • 400mJ (5ns) @355nm
      • Continuum ND600
        • typically 100mJ
        • Spectral range: 420-740nm
        • Doubling + Mixing: down to 210nm (typically 20mJ)
    • Argon laser: Coherent Innova 400-15
      • CW
      • Power: 15W all visible lines, 7W@514nm, 6W@488nm, 3W all UV lines
    • Ring dye laser: Coherent CR-699
      • Monomode
      • Power: ~500mW
      • Spectral range: 540-700nm
    • CW Tunable Ti-Sapphire laser: Spectra-Physics 3900S
      • Spectral range: 700-1100nm
      • Power: 2W (wide band)
    • SuperContinuum: Fianium SC450-4
      • Spectral range: 460nm-2200nm
      • Total power=4W, visible power>600mW
      • Average Spectral Power Density > 2mW/nm
      • Repetition rate=40MHz
      • Pulse duration=6ps
    • Dual-Head Nd-YAG laser
      • Repetion rate=15Hz
  • Lambdameter: Burleigh
    • "Pulsed Wavemeter"
    • 400-1100nm
    • 7 digits
  • Optics: lenses, polarizers, mirrors, ...
  • Optomechanics:  translation & rotation stages, mounts, posts, ....
  • Detectors: powermeter, photodiodes, CCD cameras, ...
  • Spectrometers
  • Isolated optical tables, breadboards
  • TFL lab equipment: Dual-Head Nd-YAG laser, 2 PCO cameras for PIV, High-speed camaera (1000 1024x1024 frames /sec), LDV 2D laser
  • ...

Contact : Prof. Clément LAUZIN