Editorial Board
L.-L. Christians, A. Dillen, J. Famerée, E. Gaziaux, A. Join-Lambert, L. Kenis, M. Lamberigts, D. Luciani, A. Mayer, O. Riaudel (Secretary), J. Verheyden (General Editor).
International Advisory Board
J. Aitken (Cambridge), C. Arnold (Mainz), J.-Y. Baziou (Lille), M.S. Driscoll (Notre Dame IN), B.J. Hilberath (Tübingen), D. Hunter (Lexington KY), A. Kaptijn (Fribourg), J.S. Kloppenborg (Toronto), T. Kobusch (Bonn), D.A. Madigan (Georgetown University, Washington DC), D. Müller (Genève/Lausanne)
Honorary Members
J.-M. Auwers, E. Brito, L. De Fleurquin, J. Étienne, J. Haers, A. Haquin, A. Houssiau, J. Lust, G. Van Belle, R. Wielockx
Editorial Assistants
R. Corstjens, C. Timmermans
► Maurits Sabbebibliotheek
C. Deberiotstraat 26 box 3102
BE-3000 Leuven
+32 (0)16 32 38 61
► Collège Albert Descamps
Grand Place 45 bte L3.01.01
BE-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+32 (0)10 47 40 56
Claire Timmermans
All editorial correspondence should be addressed to either the General Editor or the Secretary:
► Joseph Verheyden (General Editor)
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Fac. of Theology and Rel. Studies
St.-Michielsstraat 4 box 3101
BE-3000 Leuven
► Olivier Riaudel (Secretary)
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Fac. de Théologie
Grand Place 45 bte L3.01.01
BE-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Papers can be written in English, French, or German, and should be submitted by e-mail (Word and pdf).
The author’s full name (on the right) and his address (on the left) should be written at the end of the article.
Authors are expected to adopt the style of the journal.
Full instructions can be found via:
ETL/BETL style sheet
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us :
Rita Corstjens + Claire Timmermans
Subscription: €100,00
(access on-line included)
Correspondence concerning subscriptions and back issues should be sent to:
Bondgenotenlaan 153, BE-3000 Leuven
e-mail: order@peeters-leuven.be
Elenchus Bibliographicus Online
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses is abstracted and indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature - IBZ; ATLA Religion Database; Bibliographie linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography; Index Religiosus; International Philosophical Bibliography/Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie; Elenchus of Biblica; Religious & Theological Abstracts; Old Testament Abstracts; New Testament Abstracts; Scopus; INIST/CNRS; CrossRef; Thomson Scientific Links.
Printed version
ISSN 0013-9513
E-ISSN 1783-1423
Publisher: Peeters, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)
ETL is available at http://poj.peeters-leuven.be