With the collaboration of | ![]() |
Are you a future student at UCL for the academic year 2016-2017 and do you wish to improve your level of French before beginning your studies? The programme Intensive French courses for UCL international students has been specially designed for you.
This programme has 3 main objectives:
- To consolidate your knowledge of spoken French in order to enable you to participate fully and efficiently in your field of study as well as in your
social contacts outside the course; - To improve your written French with a view to your university studies;
- To introduce you to Belgian and French speaking culture through workshops and visits.
The themes and situations covered will be developed in relation to your needs, and the numerous and varied activities such as: grammar exercises, listening and reading comprehension, simulations, role plays … will focus on the acquisition of the skills necessary for you to integrate fully into university life.
This programme, totalling 75 hours, lasts for a period of 3 weeks. It includes 65 hours of language lessons and 10 hours of cultural visits. The lessons are given at CLL, Centres de Langues, on the university campus of UCL in Louvain-la-Neuve and Brussels.
The programme is organised before the beginning of each semester: 22nd August to 9th September 2016 inclusive and 9th January to 27th January 2017 inclusive.
In addition to a preliminary written test, an oral test during the lesson on the first morning helps to divide the students into more specific group levels.
An individual programme will be defined for each group according to the level and the specific needs of the participants.
The morning lessons will focus on Discovery OF the language: learning or improving new grammatical skills, syntax and vocabulary; whereas the afternoon lessons will be directed towards Discovery THROUGH the language, completing the preparation for your studies with workshops such as listening comprehension, writing, note taking, phonetics or culture.
Finally, to help students to integrate even better, the two last hours of each week will take the form of a workshop on the discovery of Belgian and French speaking culture in general.
The first two Wednesdays of this programme will be dedicated to visits, in particular an in depth visit of Louvain-la-Neuve (or the campus in Brussels) during which contact will be made with UCL and the various faculties in order to familiarize you with your future university environment. These visits will be the subject of a preliminary preparation during the Tuesday afternoon workshop preceding each visit. All these activities will be conducted in French and are intended to be as much a moment of discovery of the environment as an opportunity to put into practise what has been learnt in class. Your trainers will accompany you throughout these activities.
Other social activities are also offered, like a welcome drink, an international meal or a meal at the end of the course.
There are two types of accommodation on offer during your programme:
- Host family
CLL puts you in contact with several host families with whom you reserve directly.
- Eckelmans agency
Eckelmans Agency, a private letting agency, offers rooms in shared apartments (for 8-12 people). For information for Louvain-la-Neuve contact Mr Xavier Dejardin, agence.lln@eckelmans.be , tel: +32 10 45 11 45. For Brussels contact Mrs De Cleer, agence.woluwe@eckelmans.be .tel: +32 2 770 55 62.
Whatever you choose, do not forget to mention that you are studying at CLL within the framework of the intensive French courses for UCL international students!
The price of an intensive French course for UCL international students is 435 EUROS.
This price is valid as long as you have proof of enrolment at UCL. Please therefore provide proof of your enrolment at UCL with your enrolment on this programme. You can send it to us by fax (Louvain-la-Neuve +32 10 45 10 67, Brussels +32 2 609 00 43) or show it at the reception on the first day of the course.
Placement test
Everyone enrolling for this programme must take a preliminary placement test in French. This test can be found on the CLL web site (http://www.cll.be/) on the programme registration form.
22nd August to 9th September 2016 inclusive |
9th January to 27th January 2017 inclusive |
Enrolment is possible via the CLL web site. During the enrolment procedure you will be asked to take the obligatory placement test.
Enrolments must reach the CLL centre in which you wish to follow the course by:
- 13th August 2016 at the latest, for the Summer programme
- 17th December 2017 at the latest, for the Winter programme
Further information
All further information can be obtained from the secretaries at the CLL centres:
- At Louvain-la-Neuve : lln@cll.ucl.ac.be - tel: +32 10 45 44 – fax: +32 10 45 10 67
- At Brussels : bru@cll.ucl.ac.be - tel: +32 2 771 13 20 – fax: +32 2 609 00 43
Or on the web site of CLL: http://www.cll.be/