
Message d'erreur

  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type bool dans rdf_preprocess_user_profile() (ligne 597 dans /var/www/portail/modules/rdf/rdf.module).
  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type null dans rdf_preprocess_user_profile() (ligne 597 dans /var/www/portail/modules/rdf/rdf.module).



Invited conference by Prof Yves Pigneur, Université de Lausanne

"How To Design and Test Business Models and Value Propositions"

Monday, 8 May, from 9:00 to 10:30 in Room STUD11

Everybody welcome



In this interactive talk with hands-on exercises Yves Pigneur will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. He will, in particular, get participants to apply the concepts, canvases and tools to design sustainable business models and innovative value propositions. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasized for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated. 

Short Bio

Dr. Pigneur is professor at the University of Lausanne and has held visiting professorships at Georgia State University, University of British Columbia, National University of Singapore, and HEC Montreal. Together with Alexander Osterwalder, they authored the international bestseller "Business Model Generation” (million+ copies in 40 languages) and the new “Value Proposition Design”. Last year, they have been ranked #15 on the Thinkers50 list of top business thinkers worldwide and they won the “Strategy Award” of the Thinkers50 event in London.
