Les ARC 2016 de l'UCL

8 ARC financées dès septembre/octobre 2016 à l'UCL

1.     Dehumanization from the victim’s perspective – An integrative approach
Prof. Demoulin Stéphanie (UCL/SSH/IPSY), porte-parole, Maurage Pierre (UCL/SSH/IPSY), et Stinglhamber Florence (UCL/SSH/IPSY)

2.    Resistance to international prescriptions and injunctions in Africa and the Middle East today
Prof. Legrand Vincent (UCL/SSH/SPLE-RSCS), porte-parole, Charlier Jean-Emile (UCL Mons/SSH/IACS-IPSY), Ansoms An (UCL/SSH/IACS), et Aoun Elena (UCL Mons/SSH/SPLE)

3.     Cell Surface versus Intracellular Signaling of Activating Tyrosine Kinase Mutants: Relevance for Inhibitor Targeting
Prof. Constantinescu Stefan (UCL/SSS/DDUV), porte-parole, Demoulin Jean-Baptiste (UCL/SSS/DDUV), Limaye Nisha (UCL/SSS/DDUV), Havelange Violaine (UCL/SSS/DDUV-IREC) et Graux Carlos (UCL/SSS/IREC), Latinne Dominique (UCL/SSS/IREC)

4.     Bases moléculaires du transport de l’eau et du glucose : l’endothélium et au-delà
Prof. Horman Sandrine (UCL/SSS/IREC), porte-parole, Dessy Chantal (UCL/SSS/IREC), Bertrand Luc (UCL/SSS/IREC), Devuyst Olivier (UCL/SSS/IREC), et Balligand Jean-Luc (UCL/SSS/IREC)

5.     Hydraulic functioning of the maize root system under conditions of variable soil water availability (Hydra-Maize)
Prof. Chaumont François (UCL/SST/ISV), porte-parole, Xavier Draye (UCL/SST/ELI), et Javaux Mathieu (UCL/SST/ELI)

6.    Highly Tunable Slide-ring Networks (SlidNet)
Prof. Fustin Charles-André (UCL/SST/IMCN), porte-parole, Singleton Michael (UCL/SST/IMCN), et Van Ruymbeke Evelyne (UCL/SST/IMCN)

7.     3D Nanoarchitecturing of 2D crystals (NATURIST) : sandwiches, kirigamis and origamis with tailored physical properties
Prof. Hackens Benoît (UCL/SST/IMCN), porte-parole, Charlier Jean-Christophe (UCL/SST/IMCN), Raskin Jean-Pierre (UCL/SST/ICTM), et Pardoen Thomas (UCL/SST/IMMC)

8.     SWIPT: simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
Prof. Vandendorpe Luc (UCL/SST/ICTM), porte-parole, Louveaux Jérôme (UCL/SST/ICTM), et Oestges Claude (UCL/SST/ICTM)