
Error message

  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type bool dans rdf_preprocess_user_profile() (ligne 597 dans /var/www/portail/modules/rdf/rdf.module).
  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type null dans rdf_preprocess_user_profile() (ligne 597 dans /var/www/portail/modules/rdf/rdf.module).

Get informed

Before applying to the university, find the programme that is right for you by consulting our ‘Course catalogue" pages, where you will find a comprehensive presentation of our programmes.

Also consult our frequently asked questions, where you can find answers to most of the questions posed by prospective international students like yourself.

If you plan to pursue a doctorate, visit the UCL PhD student page "Valodoc".

Finally, if you are a master’s or doctoral student, read our brochures ‘A Master's programme at UCL’ or ‘A PhD programme at UCL’, written specifically for international students.