Admission and enrolment procedure for exchange students


The status of exchange students strictly applies to persons studying at UCL in the framework of bilateral agreements and admitted upon the basis of an ECTS Learning agreement. The registration of exchange students is free, covers one academic year, and is not renewable.

At the end of the period of study at UCL, no official diploma or certificate whatsoever will be delivered to them, but an ECTS Transcript of records will be issued for the exclusive purpose of transfer to the home university of credits obtained at UCL.


1. Admission

Admission of exchange students is organised through the Faculty. Having been informed of the nomination of the student by the partner institution, the Faculty indicates to the student the Accommodation Office's web pages specially dedicated to exchange students, and sends to him/ her all the documents required for his / her admission and enrolment file:

  • the admission and enrolment form
  • the document « regulations-private life » to be signed
  • the access card request

The student sends back to the Faculty, at the latest on May 31st (1st semester) or November 30th (2nd semester):

  • the admission and registration form filled in and signed
  • the transcripts from previous academic years
  • the learning agreement
  • the copy of the ID card or passport
  • the document « regulations-private life » signed
  • the access card request with his name and a passport-size colour photo with a white background (pasted on it). This document has to be sent in a paper size by postmail.

The faculty forwards the file to the Enrolment Office (Service des inscriptions).

2. Enrolment

As soon as his file has been processed by the Enrolment Office, the student receives an e-mail on his own personal address, which indicates the process to be followed to activate his global account and have then access to his virtual desk and other features offered to registered students.

Students nationals outside the European Union (except for Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland) and non assimilated, all students who do need a visa will find on their virtual desk the certificate of enrolment which will allow them to obtain their student visa (Schengen D).

3. Arrival at UCL

Upon arrival at UCL, the student goes to his/her host faculty. He/she receives his/her access card and student card in exchange for the presentation of his/her European Health Insurance Card or health insurance certificate. Students nationals outside the UE (except for Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland) must also present their visa (Schengen D).