Study like a pro after one week
Each year, during Easter holiday, the university offers first-year bachelor’s students a week of intensive guidance on how to study like a pro. Playing on the French for Easter (‘Pâques’) and for pack (‘pack’), the so-called ‘Pack en bloque’ (what might be translated liberally as the ‘Easter Cram Session’), this ‘pack’ of activities is organised in Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels-Woluwe, Brussels-Saint-Gilles and Mons. It aims to instil student autonomy and:
- provide an ideal study environment for students to try out different work methods and find one that works best;
- make students think about the need for relaxation, a healthy diet and physical exercise—work-life balance aspects equally essential to successful exam preparation.
Over five days, to help the student devise a personal study strategy, the university:
- offers faculty rooms for study according to a schedule of slots from 8:30 am to 7:00 or 8:00 pm;
- divides students into small groups in study rooms where they’re supervised by more senior students;
- organises, according to faculty, training sessions led by course assistants;
- provides sport and recreational activities and healthy meals.
Thus Pack en bloque is a set of ‘à la carte’ activities for optimising student study over Easter and in the future.