Academic Team
Dr. Michel Liégeois (Coordinator of the Certificate)
Dr. Michel Liégeois holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Louvain where he teaches various topics such as Theories of International Relations, Security Studies, and Geopolitics and Humanitarian Affairs. He is also visiting professor at the University of Montreal where he is Director of the Summer School on Peacekeeping Operations: University of Hangzhou (China), Lille (France), and Katowice (Poland).
Dr. Liégeois main topic of research is peace operations with a focus on the issue of the use of force and the role of regional organizations.
He also conducts research on the Belgian membership in the UN Security Council and publishes extensively on the role of small powers in the United Nations Security Council. His main publications are:
• Michel Liégeois, Maintien de la paix et diplomatie coercitive - L’Organisation des Nations unies à l’épreuve des conflits de l’après-guerre froide, Bruxelles, Editions Bruylant, 2003.
• Michel Liégeois, « Opérations de paix : la question de la régionalisation », dans Guide du maintien de la paix 2005, Jocelyn Coulon (dir), Athéna Éditions, 2004, pp. 18-33.
• Michel Liégeois, « L’Union européenne et les opérations de paix : l’arrivée à maturité d’un nouvel acteur ? », dans Guide du maintien de la paix 2007, Jocelyn Coulon (dir), Athéna Éditions, 2006, pp. 143-160.
• Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael et Michel Liégeois, Deux poids, deux mesures ? L’ONU et le conflit israélo-arabe. Une approche quantitative, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Centre d’étude des crises et des conflits internationaux, 2006.
• Galia Glume et Michel Liégeois, « A Small Power Under the Blue Helmet – the Evolution of Belgian Peacekeeping Policy, in Studia Diplomatica, Vol.LXI, 2008, n°3, pp.111-138.
• “The Role of Small Powers in the UN Security Council: the Case of Belgium”, in Jan Wouters, Edith Drieskens and Sven Biscop, (eds.), Belgium in the UN Security Council, Reflections on the 2007-2008 membership, Antwerp, Oxford, Portland, Intersentia, 2009
Prof. Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael
Dr. Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael is Professor of Geopolitics and International Relations at the Department of Political Science as well as at the Institute for European Studies of the University of Louvain (UCL). Dr. de Wilde holds a Masters Degree in Law and a PhD in Political Science and International Relations.
Dr. de Wilde was Director of the CECRI from 2001 to 2007 and is currently Director of the Department for Political and Social Sciences. He also coordinates the Inbev-Baillet-Latour Fund for the Study of Russia-European Union relations.
He was visiting professor in Paris, Tunis, Geneva, Beirut, and Toulouse (France). His publications include :
• Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael, La politique étrangère et de sécurité commune et la perspective incertaine du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe, Louvain-la-neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2005.
• Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael, La politique étrangère de la Russie et l'Europe: Enjeux d'une proximité, Bruxelles, PIE-Peter Lang, 2004 (dir. avec L. Spetschinsky).
• Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael La politique étrangère: Le modèle classique à l'épreuve, Bruxelles, PIE-Peter Lang, 2004 (dir. avec C. Roosens et V. Rosoux).
• Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael, La dimension politique des relations économiques extérieures de la Communauté européenne: Sanctions et incitants économiques comme moyens de politique étrangère, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1998.
Dr. Valérie Rosoux
Dr. Valérie Rosoux is Visiting Professor at the University of Louvain and Senior Researcher of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Louvain where she is currently teaching International Negotiation. She was Visiting Fellow in various institutions such as the University of Laval (Canada), Grenoble (France) and the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (Washington, D.C.).
Dr. Rosoux is conducting research on International Negotiation, the use of the past and the role of memory in the dynamics of conflicts and peace processes.
She has published:
• Valérie Rosoux, « National Identity in France and Germany: from Mutual Exclusion to Negotiation », International Negotiation, 2001, vol. 6, n°2, pp. 175-198.
• Valérie Rosoux, « Secrecy and International Negotiation », Journal of Information Ethics, 2003, vol. 12, n°1, pp. 45-55.
• Valérie Rosoux, « Human rights and the ‘work of memory’ in international relations », International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 3, n° 2, June 2004, pp. 159-170.
• Valérie Rosoux, Les usages de la mémoire dans les relations internationales, préface de Bertrand Badie, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2001 (Prix Lémonon de l’Institut de France et Prix Rolin du Centre de droit international de l’Université libre de Bruxelles).
Milena Berks
Milena Berks, M.A., is a PhD candidate (FSR Scholarship) at the Research Centre for Crises and International Conflict (CECRI) of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michel Liégeois. She holds a B.A. Degree in Political Science from the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and a M.A. Degree in International Relations from UCL. Her PhD research is concerned with the dynamics of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process in West Africa, in particular the reintegration of ex-combatants in Niger and Mali.
In her broader research Milena Berks focuses on the evolution of peace keeping and post-conflict recovery strategies and disarmament (focus on Small Arms and Light Weapons) through a regional approach in the (West) African context.
Dorothée Vandamme
Dorothée Vandamme holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Catholic University of Louvain, in Belgium, where she is currently a PhD candidate and research assistant. She is also research fellow at the Center for the Study of Crises and International Conflicts.