
UCL is an active member of the Euraxess European Network. This European Commission initiative links some 40 member and associated member states in order to promote and facilitate research mobility and career growth. The ultimate goal is to establish scientific research excellence in Europe. The network’s added value for researchers: greater visibility of available career-building opportunities. For the university, Euraxess is a major asset for recruiting international talent.

Euraxess is organised along four lines: Euraxess Jobs, Euraxess Rights, Euraxess Links and Euraxess Services.

Euraxess Jobs

Euraxess Jobs is an online tool for researchers anywhere in the world to search job postings and funding opportunities in the 37 partner countries of the Horizon 2020 programme. Researchers of every nationality can upload their CV and search job postings. Institutions, universities, businesses and other public or private research organisations can post job offers and consult CVs free of charge.

UCL is committed to promoting the use of Euraxess Jobs for publishing job vacancies intended for researchers. Furthermore, the university signed the ‘quality charter’ for posting job vacancies online.

Advantages of Euraxess Jobs

Euraxess Jobs provides several advantages:

  • Transparency of offers
  • Easy to use
  • Access to a large international audience (50,000 visitors per month and 19,000 researcher CVs)
  • Optimal dissemination of announcements thanks to knock-on effects on the Euraxess Jobs site of the European Commission and the jobs pages of the French Community of Belgium, and UCL
  • If the researcher is recruited via Marie Curie (Horizon 2020) funds, the announcement is also posted to the European Commission’s Marie Curie site

Euraxess Rights

Euraxess Rights refers to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These two documents define the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers, but also those of their employers and funding entities. They aim to ensure attractive research careers and improve recruitment and work conditions of researchers in all of Europe.

Every institution that employs or finances researchers is invited to incorporate the 40 principles of these two documents into its human resources strategy. UCL signed the charter and the code in 2006 and reiterated its commitment in 2010. It’s a way for the university to express its determination to support European initiative and implement a human resources strategy for improving the recruitment, work conditions and careers of researchers.

Optimal work conditions for our researchers

In March 2011, the European Commission validated the UCL Human Resources Strategy for Researchers 2011-14   and granted UCL use of the logo representing ‘HR Excellence in Research’. After the first two years, UCL conducted an internal evaluation of progress made under its strategy. The evaluation was approved by the Academic Council on 1 July 2013 (HRS4R 2011-2014 Evaluation interne). In 2016, in accordance with European Commission procedure, UCL conducted a final evaluation of the implementation of its strategy in order to prepare for its external evaluation by Commission experts.

By continuing its commitment to Euraxess Rights, UCL hopes to keep contributing to the improvement of work conditions for all researchers and to the promotion of their international careers.

Euraxess Services

EURAXESS Services is a network of more than 200 centres in Europe. If you’re a mobile international researcher, Euraxess Services can help you and your family take all the steps required for your relocation, departure, arrival and settlement in your host country. At UCL, the Research Department and the Personnel Department, in association with its research institutes, supervise internationally mobile researchers and answer any questions you may have while settling in Belgium.

Euraxess Links

Euraxess Links is a network of European researchers settled abroad. It offers interactive web services for connecting European researchers working outside the EU.