Publications produced in 2015, with the help of the CISM infrastructure.
Journal Articles
1 Regoli, Fabienne ; de Garidel-Thoron, Thibault ; Tachikawa, Kazuyo ; Jian, Zhiming ;Ye, Liming ; Droxler, André W. ; Lenoir, Guillaume ; Crucifix, Michel ; Barbarin, Nicolas; Beaufort, Luc. Progressive shoaling of the equatorial Pacific thermocline over thelast eight glacial periods. In : Paleoceanography, Vol. 30, no.5, p. 439-455(2015).doi :10.1002/2014PA002696.
2 Barthélemy, Antoine ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Goosse, Hugues ; Madec, Gurvan. Modeling the interplay between sea ice formation and the oceanic mixed layer : Limitations of simple brine rejection parameterizations . In : Ocean Modelling, Vol. 86, p. 141-152 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.12.009.
3 La Torre, A. ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Baaziz, W. ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Banhart, F.. Strain-induced metal–semiconductor transition observed in atomic carbon chains. In : Nature Communications, Vol. 6, p. 6636 (2015). doi :10.1038/ncomms7636.
4 Dardenne , Nicolas ; Blase, Xavier ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. Ab Initio Calculations of Open-Cell Voltage in Li-Ion Organic Radical Batteries. In : The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C : Nanomaterials and Interfaces, Vol. 119, no.41, p. 23373-23378 (2015). doi :10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b07886.
5 Bhatia, Amit ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Nilgianskul, Tan ; Miglio, Anna ; Sun, Jingying ; Kim, Hyung Joon ; Kim, Kee Hoon ; Chen, Shuo ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Gonze, Xavier ; Suntivich, Jin. High-Mobility Bismuth-based Transparent p-Type Oxide from High-Throughput Material Screening. In : Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 28, no.1, p. 30-34 (2016). doi :10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03794. 1/169991
6 Massonnet, François ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Goosse, Hugues. Prospects for improved seasonal Arctic sea ice predictions from multivariate data assimilation. In : Ocean Modelling, Vol. 88, p. 16-25 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.12.013.
7 Pichler, Mathias ; Novacek, Johanna ; Robiette, Raphaël ; Poscher, Vanessa ; Himmelsbach, Markus ; Monkowius, Uwe ; Müller, Norbert ; Waser, Mario. Asymmetric Syntheses of Three-Membered Heterocycles Using Chiral Amide-Based Ammonium Ylides. In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Vol. 13, no. not applicable, p. 2092-2099 (2015). doi :10.1039/C4OB02318H.
8 Soriano, David ; Tuan, Dinh Van ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Gmitra, Martin ; Cummings, Aron W ; Kochan, Denis ; Ortmann, Frank ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Fabian, Jaroslav ; Roche, Stephan. Spin transport in hydrogenated graphene. In : 2D Materials, Vol. 2, no.2, p. 022002 (2015). doi :10.1088/2053-1583/2/2/022002.
9 Romero Aburto, Rebeca ; Alemany, Lawrence B. ; Weldeghiorghis, Thomas K. ; Ozden, Sehmus ; Peng, Zhiwei ; Lherbier, Aurélien ; Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael ; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar ; Taha-Tijerina, Jaime ; Yan, Zheng ; Tabata, Mika ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Tour, James M. ; Ajayan, Pulickel M.. Chemical Makeup and Hydrophilic Behavior of Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons after Low-Temperature Fluorination. In : ACS Nano, Vol. 9, no.7, p. 7009-7018 (2015). doi :10.1021/acsnano. 5b01330.
10 de Jamblinne de Meux, Albert ; Leconte, Nicolas ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Lherbier, Aurélien. Velocity renormalization and Dirac cone multiplication in graphene superlattices with various barrier-edge geometries. In : Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, Vol. 91, no.23, p. 235139 (2015). doi :10.1103/Phys- RevB.91.235139.
11 Renssen, Hans ; Mairesse, Aurélien ; Goosse, Hugues ; Mathiot, Pierre ; Heiri, Oliver ; Roche, Didier M. ; Nisancioglu, Kerim H. ; Valdes, Paul J.. Multiple causes of the Younger Dryas cold period. In : Nature Geoscience, Vol. 8, no.12, p. 946-949 (2015). doi :10.1038/NGEO2557.
12 Verkhoturov, Stanislav V. ; Geng, Sheng ; Czerwinski, Bartlomiej Piotr ; Young, Amanda E. ; Delcorte, Arnaud ; Schweikert, Emile A.. Single impacts of keV fullerene ions on free standing graphene : Emission of ions and electrons from confined volume. In : Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 143, no. 16, p. 164302 [1-5] (2015). doi :10.1063/1.4933310.
13 Bilc, Daniel I. ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Waroquiers, David ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Ghosez, Philippe. Low-Dimensional Transport and Large Thermoelectric Power Factors in Bulk Semiconductors by Band Engineering of Highly Directional Electronic States. In : Physical Review Letters, Vol. 114, no.13, p. 6601-1 à 136601-5 (2015). doi :10.1103/Phys-RevLett.114.136601.
14 Rangel, Tonatiuh ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Olevano, Valerio. Can molecular projected density of states (PDOS) be systematically used in electronic conductance analysis ?. In : Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 6, no._, p. 1247-1259 (2015).doi :10.3762/bjnano.6.128.
15 Paul, Jérôme ; Dupont, Pierre. Inferring statistically significant features from random forests. In : Neurocomputing, Vol. 150, no.part B, p. 471–480 (20 February 2015).doi :10.1016/j.neucom.2014.07.067.
16 Araya Melo, Pablo Andrés ; Crucifix, Michel ; Bounceur, Nabila. Global sensitivity analysis of the Indian monsoon during the Pleistocene. In : Climate of the Past,Vol. 11, no.11, p. 45-61 (12/01/2015). doi :10.5194/cp-11-45-2015.
17 Lherbier, Aurélien ; Liang, Liangbo ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Meunier, Vincent. Charge carrier transport and separation in pristine and nitrogen-doped graphene nanowiggle heterostructures. In : Carbon, Vol. 95, no., p. 833-842 (December 2015). doi :10.1016/j.carbon.2015.08.111.
18 Goelzer, H. ; Huybrechts, P. ; Loutre, Marie-France ; Fichefet, Thierry. Impact of ice sheet meltwater fluxes on the climate evolution at the onset of the Last Interglacial. In : Climate of the Past Discussions, Vol. 11, no. 5, p. 4391-4423 (2015). doi :10.5194/cpd-11-4391-2015.
19 Lecomte, Olivier ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Massonnet, François ; Vancoppenolle, Martin. Benefits from representing snow properties and related processes in coupled ocean–sea ice models. In : Ocean Modelling, Vol. 87, p. 81-85 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.11.005.
20 Voitenko, Y. ; Pierrard, Viviane. Generation of Proton Beams by Non-uniform Solar Wind Turbulence. In : Solar Physics : a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics, Vol. 290, no.4, p. 1231-1241 (2015).doi :10.1007/s11207-015-0661-8.
21 Khalfoun, Hafid ; Lherbier, Aurélien ; Lambin, Philippe ; Henrard, Luc ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Transport regimes in nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes : Perfect order,semi-random, and random disorder cases. In : Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, Vol. 91, no.3, p. 035428 (2015). doi :10.1103/Phys-RevB.91.035428.
22 Frapiccini, Ana Laura ; Aliou Hamido ; Mota-Furtado, Francisca ; O’Mahony, Patrick F. ; Piraux, Bernard. Multiresolution schemes for time-scaled propagation of wave packets. In : Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Vol. 91, no.4, p. 0434235 (2015). doi :10.1103/PhysRevA.91.043423.
23 Delcorte, Arnaud ; Cristaudo, Vanina ; Lebec, Victor ; Czerwinski, Bartlomiej Piotr. Reprint of ”Sputtering of polymers by keV clusters : Microscopic views of the molecular dynamics”. In : International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 377, p. 580–590 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ijms.2014.06.017.
24 Delcorte, Arnaud ; Debongnie, Mathieu. Macromolecular Sample Sputtering by Large Ar and CH4Clusters : Elucidating Chain Size and Projectile Effects with Molecular Dynamics. In : The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C : Nanomaterials and Interfaces, Vol. 119, no.46, p. 25868-25879 (2015). doi :10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b07007.
25 Paul, Jérôme ; D’Ambrosio, Roberto ; Dupont, Pierre. Kernel methods for heterogeneous feature selection. In : Neurocomputing, Vol. 169, p. 187-195 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.neucom.2014.12.098 (Accepté/Sous presse).
26 Lecomte, Olivier ; Toyota, T.. Influence of wet conditions on snow temperature diurnal variations : An East Antarctic sea–ice case study. In : Deep-Sea Research. Part 2 : Topical Studies in Oceanography, (2015). doi :10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.12.011.
27 Jolly, A. ; Cottini, V. ; Fayt, André ; Manceron, L. ; Kwabia-Tchana, F. ; Benilan, Y. ; Guillemin, J.-C. ; Nixon, C. ; Irwin, P.. Gas phase dicyanoacetylene (C4N2) on Titan : New experimental and theoretical spectroscopy results applied to Cassini CIRS data. In : Icarus, Vol. 248, no.248, p. 340-346 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.049.
28 Robert, V. ; Lainey, V. ; Pascu, D. ; Pasewaldt, A. ; Arlot, J.-E. ; De Cuyper, J.-P. ; Dehant, Véronique ; Thuillot, W.. A new astrometric measurement and reduction of USNO photographic observations of Phobos and Deimos : 1967–1997. In : Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 582, p. A36 (2015). doi :10.1051/0004-6361/201526977.
29 Zunz, Violette ; Goosse, Hugues. Influence of freshwater input on the skill of decadal forecast of sea ice in the Southern Ocean. In : The Cryosphere, Vol. 9, no.2, p. 541-556 (2015). doi :10.5194/tc-9-541-2015.
30 Thomas, Christopher ; Bridge, Tom C.L. ; Figueiredo, Joana ; Deleersnijder, Eric ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Connectivity between submerged and near-sea-surface coral reefs : can submerged reef populations act as refuges ?. In : Diversity and Distributions : a journal of conservation biogeography, Vol. 21, no.10, p. 1254-1266 (2015). doi :10.1111/ddi.12360.
31 Delandmeter, Philippe ; Lewis, Stephen E. ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Deleersnijder, Eric ; Legat, Vincent ; Wolanski, Eric. The transport and fate of riverine fine sediment exported to a semi-open system. In : Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 167, p.336-346 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ecss.2015.10.011.
32 Lecomte, Olivier ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Flocco, Daniela ; Schroeder, David ; Vancoppenolle, Martin. Interactions between wind-blown snow redistribution and melt ponds in a coupled ocean–sea ice model. In : Ocean Modelling, Vol. 87, p. 67-80 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.12.003.
33 McGregor, Helen V. ; Evans, Michael N. ; Goosse, Hugues ; Leduc, Guillaume ; Martrat, Belen ; Addison, Jason A. ; Mortyn, P. Graham ; Oppo, Delia W. ; Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig ; Sicre, Marie-Alexandrine ; Phipps, Steven J. ; Selvaraj, Kandasamy ; Thirumalai, Kaustubh ; Filipsson, Helena L. ; Ersek, Vasile. Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era. In : Nature Geoscience, Vol. 8, no.9, p. 671-677 (2015). doi :10.1038/NGEO2510.
34 De Maet, Thomas ; Cornaton, Fabien ; Hanert, Emmanuel. A scalable coupled surfacesubsurface flow model.. In : Computers and Fluids, Vol. 116, p. 74-87 (15 August 2015). doi :10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.03.028.
35 Michoux, Nicolas ; Guillet, Alain ; Rommel, Denis ; Mazzamuto, Giosué ; Sindic, Christian; Duprez, Thierry ; Lenglet, Christophe. Texture Analysis of T2-Weighted MR Images to Assess Acute Inflammation in Brain MS Lesions. In : PLoS One, Vol. 10,no.12, p. e0145497 (2015). doi :10.1371/journal.pone.0145497.
36 Verbanac, Giuliana ; Pierrard, Viviane ; Bandi, M. ; Darrouzet, Fabien ; Rauch, Jean Louis ; Décréau, Pierrette. The relationship between plasmapause, solar wind and geomagnetic activity between 2007 and 2011. In : Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 33, no.10, p. 1271–1283 (2015). doi :10.5194/angeo-33-1271-2015.
37 Poncé, Samuel ; Gillet, Yannick ; Laflamme Janssen, Jonathan ; Marini, Andrea ; Verstraete, Matthieu ; Gonze, Xavier. Temperature dependence of the electronic structure of semiconductors and insulators. In : Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 143, p.102813 (2015). doi :10.1063/1.4927081.
38 Moreau, Sébastien ; Vancoppenolle, Martin ; Delille, Bruno ; Tison, Jean-Louis ; Zhou, Jiayun ; Kotovitch, Marie ; Thomas, David N. ; Geilfus, Nicolas-Xavier ; Goosse, Hugues. Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice : A model study. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Oceans, Vol. 120, no.1, p. 471-495 (2015). doi :10.1002/2014JC010388.
39 Moreau, Sébastien ; Mostajir, Behzad ; Bélanger, Simon ; Schloss, Irene R. ; Vancoppenolle, Martin ; Demers, Serge ; Ferreyra, Gustavo A.. Climate change enhances primary production in the western antarctic peninsula. In : Global Change Biology, (2015). doi :10.1111/gcb.12878.
40 Boumal, Nicolas ; Absil, Pierre-Antoine. Low-rank matrix completion via preconditioned optimization on the Grassmann manifold. In : Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 475, p. 200-239 (June 2015). doi :10.1016/j.laa.2015.02.027.
41 Pham Van, Chien ; Gourgue, Olivier ; Sassi, Maximiliano ; Hoitink, A.J.F. ; Deleersnijder, Eric ; Soares Frazao, Sandra. Modelling fine-grained sediment transport in the Mahakam land-sea continuum, Indonesia. In : Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, (2015). doi :10.1016/j.jher.2015.04.005 (Accepté/Sous presse).
42 Mitsui, Takahito ; Crucifix, Michel ; Aihara, K.. Bifurcations and strange non chaotic attractors in a phase oscillator model of glacial-interglacial cycles. In : Physica D : Nonlinear Phenomena,.
43 Pasquer, B. ; Metzl, N. ; Goosse, Hugues ; Lancelot, C.. What drives the seasonality of air–sea CO2 fluxes in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean : A 1D coupled physical–biogeochemical model approach. In : Marine Chemistry, Vol. 177, no.177, p. 554-565 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.marchem.2015.08.008.
44 Rousset, C. ; Vancoppenolle, M. ; Madec, G. ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Flavoni, S. ; Barthélemy, Antoine ; Benshila, R. ; Chanut, J. ; Levy, C. ; Masson, S. ; Vivier, F.. The Louvain-La-Neuve sea ice model LIM3.6 : global and regional capabilities. In : Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 8, no.10, p. 2991-3005 (2015). doi :10.5194/gmd-8-2991-2015.
45 Sudhakara Murthy, Prasad ; Jacques, Laurent ; Dubois, Xavier ; Antoine, Philippe ; Joannes, Luc. Compressive Imaging and Characterization of Sparse Light Deflection Maps. In : SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 8, no.3, p. 1824–1856 (Submitted : 24 June 2014 ; Accepted : 15 June 2015 ; Published online : 15 September 2015.). doi :10.1137/140974341.
46 Goosse, Hugues ; et al. Continental-scale temperature variability in PMIP3 simulations and PAGES 2k regional temperature reconstructions over the past millennium. In : Climate of the Past, Vol. 11, no.12, p. 1673-1699 (2015). doi :10.5194/cp-11- 1673-2015.
47 Baudin, Thomas ; de la Croix, David ; Gobbi, Paula Eugenia. Fertility and Childlessness in the United States. In : The American Economic Review, Vol. 105, no.6, p. 1852-1882 (June 2015). doi :10.1257/aer.20120926.
48 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Berger, André. Interglacial analogues of the Holocene and its natural near future. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 120, no. 1, p. 28-46 (2015). doi :10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.04.008.
49 Dauvrin, M. ; Lorant, V.. Leadership and cultural competence of healthcare professionals. In : Nursing Research Vol. 64, no. 3, p. 200-210 (2015)
50 Dauvrin, M. ; Lorant, V. ; d’Hoore, W.. Is the Chronic Care Model Integrated Into Research Examining Culturally Competent Interventions for Ethnically Diverse Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ? A Review. In : Evaluation and the Health Professions Vol. 38, no. 4, p. 435-463 (2015)
51 Kuipers, M. A. G. ; de Korte, R. ; Soto, V. E. ; Richter, M. ; Moor, I. ; Rimpelä, A. H. ; Perelman, J. ; Federico, B. ; Kunst, A. E. ; Lorant, V.. School smoking policies and educational inequalities in smoking behaviour of adolescents aged 14-17 years in Europe. In : Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2015)
52 Lorant, V. ; D’Hoore, W.. Johan Mackenbach, awarded an honorary doctorate for his work on health inequalities, in a discussion of burning issues in tackling health inequalities. In : International Journal for Equity in Health Vol. 14, no. 1 (2015)
53 Lorant, V. ; Grard, A. ; Nicaise, P.. Implementing a Nation-Wide Mental Health Care Reform : An Analysis of Stakeholders’ Priorities. In : Community Mental Health Journal (2015)
54 Lorant, V. ; Nicaise, P.. Binge drinking at University : A social network study in Belgium. In : Health Promotion International Vol. 30, no. 3, p. 675-683 (2015)
55 Lorant, V. ; Soto, V. E. ; Alves, J. ; Federico, B. ; Kinnunen, J. ; Kuipers, M. ; Moor, I. ; Perelman, J. ; Richter, M. ; Rimpelä, A. ; Robert, P. O. ; Roscillo, G. ; Kunst, A.. Smoking in school-aged adolescents : Design of a social network survey in six European countries. In : BMC Research Notes Vol. 8, no. 1 (2015)
56 Grard, A. ; Lorant, V. ; Nicaise, P.. Evaluation de la réforme « Vers de meilleurs soins en santé mentale » – Résultats 2014. In : Acta Psychiatrica Belgica Vol. 115 (2015)
57 Hogenraad, R. L.. Deaf sentences over Ukraine : Mysticism versus ethics. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. (2015)
58 Hogenraad, R. L.. he wish of words. In N. Korytin, V. Petrov, & S. Mastandrea (Eds.), ”Artistic Life : Interdisciplinary Studies” dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Russian Branch of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics. In : Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation : Museum of Fine Arts p.157-162 (2015)
Conference Papers
- Delcorte, Arnaud. Invited Talk : Fundamentals of soft matter desorption, molecular analysis and depth-profiling using massive keV clusters. 22th International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2009) (Moscow - Russia, du 19/08/2015 au 24/08/2015).
- Delcorte, Arnaud. Invited Talk : Fundamental aspects of SIMS. 20th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS XX) (Seattle (United States), du 13/09/2015 au 18/09/2015).
- Delcorte, Arnaud. Invited Talk : Probing organic surface and thin films with large clusters : From nanocraters to shallow molecular depth profiling. 16th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA-2015) (Granada (Spain), du 28/09/2015 au 01/10/2015).
- Gillet, Yannick ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Gonze, Xavier. Novel Trilinear Interpolation Technique to Improve the Convergence Rate of Bethe-Salpeter Calculations. CECAM Workshop ”Electron-vibration coupling : theoretical and numerical challenges” (Lausanne, du 27/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
- Poncé, Samuel ; Antonius, G. ; Gillet, Yannick ; Boulanger, Paul ; Laflamme Janssen, Jonathan ; Marini, Andrea. Temperature dependence of electronic eigenenergies in the adiabatic harmonic approximation. Electron-phonon Meeting (Rome, Italie, du 14/01/2015 au 16/01/2015).
- Gillet, Yannick ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Gonze, Xavier. Efficient Trilinear Interpolation Technique for Bethe-Salpeter Calculations of Optical Spectra. 7th Abinit Developer Workshop 2015 (Liège, du 28/04/2015 au 30/04/2015).
- Gillet, Yannick ; Kontur, Stefan ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Draxl, Claudia ; Gonze, Xavier. First-principles study of frequency-dependent Resonant Raman Scattering in solids. PhD Students’ Day (Louvain-la-Neuve, 22/05/2015).
- Gillet, Yannick ; Kontur, Stefan ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Draxl, Claudia ; Gonze, Xavier. First-principles study of frequency-dependent Resonant Raman scattering. CECAM Workshop ”Electron-vibration coupling : theoretical and numerical challenges” (Lausanne, du 27/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
- Gillet, Yannick ; Kontur, Stefan ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Draxl, Claudia ; Gonze, Xavier. First-principles study of frequency-dependent Resonant Raman scattering. Psik Conference 2015 (San Sebastian (Spain), du 06/09/2015 au 10/09/2015).
- Poncé, Samuel ; Gillet, Yannick ; Laflamme Janssen, Jonathan ; Marini, Andrea ; Verstraete, Matthieu ; Gonze, Xavier. Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Structure of Semiconductors and Insulators. CECAM Workshop ”Electron-vibration coupling : theoretical and numerical challenges” (Lausanne, du 27/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
- Delandmeter, Philippe ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Legat, Vincent ; Wolanski, Eric ; Deleersnijder, Eric. Influence of the vertical discretisation of SLIM 3D on a river plume modelling. IMUM 2015 - 14th International workshop on Multiscale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal, shelf, and global ocean dynamics. (Portland, Oregon, USA, du 28/09/2015 au 30/09/2015).
- Degraux, Kévin ; Cambareri, Valerio ; Jacques, Laurent ; Geelen, Bert ; Blanch, Carolina ; Lafruit, Gauthier. Generalized inpainting method for hyperspectral image acquisition. Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (Québec, Canada, du 27/09/2015 au 30/09/2015). In : Proc. ICIP 2015, IEEE, 2015. doi :10.1109/ICIP.2015.7350811.
- Laflamme Janssen, Jonathan ; Gonze, Xavier. Accurate effective masses from first principles. APS March Meeting 2015 (San Antonio, TX, USA, du 02/03/2015 au 06/03/2015).
Book Chapters
- Crucifix, Michel. Climat (science et epistemologie). In : Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique, Dominique Bourg , Alain Papaux : Presses Universitaires de France, 2015, p. 165-166. 978-2-13-058696-8.
- Aucouturier, Valérie. The grammar of sensation. In : M. Doyon, T. Breyer, Normativity in perception , xxx, 2015. 9781137377913.
- Macé, Caroline ; Bausi, Alessandro ; den Heijer, Johannes ; Gippert, Jost ; La Spisa, Paolo ; Mengozzi, Alessandro ; Moureau, Sébastien ; Sels, Lara. Chapter 3. Textual Criticism and Text Editing. In : Edd. : Alessandro Bausi, Pier Giorgio Borbone, Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Paola Buzi, Jost Gippert, Caroline Macé, Marilena Maniaci, Zisis Melissakis, Laura E. Parodi, Witold Witakowski, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies : An Introduction , Tredition : Hamburg, 2015, p. 321-362. 978-3-7323-1768-4.
- Schmidt, Andrea Barbara. History of Armenian Manuscript Cataloguing. In : Alessandro Bausi (ed) ; Pier Giorgio Borbone ; Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet ; Paola Buzi ; Jost Gippert ; Caroline Macé ; Marilena Maniaci ; Zisis Melissakis ; Laura E. Parodi ; Witold Witakowski, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies : An Introduction , Tredition : Hamburg, 2015, p. 476-481. 978-3-7323-1768-4.
- Schmidt, Andrea Barbara. Syriac Paleography. In : Alessandro Bausi (General editor) ; Pier Giorgio Borbone ; Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet ; Paola Buzi ; Jost Gippert ; Caroline Macé ; Marilena Maniaci ; Zisis Melissakis ; Laura E. Parodi ; Witold Witakowski, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies : An Introduction , Tredition : Hamburg, 2015, p. 316-320. 978-3-7323-1768-4.
Working Papers
- Baudin, Thomas ; de la Croix, David ; Gobbi, Paula Eugenia. Development Policies when Accounting for the Extensive Margin of Fertility (IRES Discussion Papers ; 2015-3), 2015. 74 p.
- de la Croix, David ; Delavallade, Clara. Religions, Fertility and Growth in South-East Asia (IRES Discussion Papers ; 201502), 2015. 57 p.
- Goosse, Hugues. Climate System Dynamics and Modelling. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 978-1-10744583-3. 358 pages.
- Dehant, Véronique. Habiter sur une lune du système solaire ?. Académie royale de Belgique, 2015. 978-2-8031-0496-3. 141 pages.
- Paul, Jérôme. Feature selection from heterogeneous biomedical data, prom. : Dupont, Pierre, 29/06/2015.
- Thomas, Christopher. Modelling marine connectivity in the Great Barrier Reef and exploring its ecological implications, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel ; Deleersnijder, Eric, 28/08/2015.
- Kajungu, Dan. Data mining methods for pharmacovigilance in Africa, prom. : Speybroeck, Niko ; d’Alessandro, Umberto, 22/12/2015.
- Schrooyen, Pierre. Numerical simulation of aerothermal flows through ablative thermal protection systems, prom. : Chatelain, Philippe ; Papalexandris, Miltiadis, 16/11/2015.