




Books/ Special issues

Baldassar L., Nedelcu M., Merla L. & Wilding R. (Forthcoming) Migration and ICTs: ‘being together’ and ‘co-presence’ in transnational family life, Special issue of Global Networks

Merla L. (Forthcoming) Transnational Family Solidarity in Local Contexts . Routledge, Transnationalism Series 

Baldassar L. & Merla L. (Eds) ( 2014) Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care: Understanding mobility and absence in family life . Routledge, Transnationalism Series

Merla L. & Baldassar L. (Eds) (2010) Les dynamiques de soin transnationales : entre émotions et considérations économiques . Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques. Vol. 41(1).

Book chapters

Kilkey M. & Merla L. (2014) ‘Transnational Families’ Care-Giving Arrangements: towards a situated transnationalism’, Global Networks, Vol. 14 (2), 210-229 (first published online on 5 September 2013).

Baldassar L. & Merla L. (2014) ‘Introduction: Transnational Family Caregiving through the Lens of Circulation ’. In L. Baldassar & L. Merla (Eds) Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care: Understanding mobility and absence in family life, Routledge, Transnationalism Series. 

Baldassar L. & Merla L. (2014) ‘Locating transnational care circulation in migration and family studies’. In L. Baldassar & L. Merla (Eds) Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care: Understanding mobility and absence in family life, Routledge, Transnationalism Series.

Merla L. (Forthcoming, 2014) ‘A macro perspective on transnational families and care circulation: situating capacity, obligation, and family commitments’. In L. Baldassar & L. Merla (Eds) Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care: Understanding mobility and absence in family life, Routledge, Transnationalism Series.

Merla L. (2012) “Salvadoran transnational families, distance and eldercare: understanding transnational care practices in Australia and Belgium ”, In T. Geisen, T. Studer & E. Yildiz (Eds) Migration, Familie und Soziale Lage: Beiträge zu Bildung, Gender und Care. Springer-VS, 295-312.

Merla L. & Baldassar L. (2011). Transnational caregiving between Australia, Italy and El Salvador: the impact of institutions on the capability to care at a distance . In P. de Villota, E. Addis, J. Eriksen, F. Degavre & D. Elson (Eds). Gender and well being: interactions between work, family and public policies, London: Ashgate, 147-162.

Papers in refereed international Journals

Merla, L. (2014, Forthcoming) Familias transnacionales y circulacion de cuidados, Journal of Afers Internacionals

Yépez del Castillo I. & Merla L. (2013) Stratégies familiales, projets migratoires et mobilité sociale: les envois de fonds comme vecteurs de reproduction sociale et d’autonomisation, Cahiers Genre et développement n°9, Paris: L’Harmattan.

Merla L. & Degavre F. (2013) ‘Le concept de défamilialisation à l’épreuve du care transnational. Le non accès des travailleuses migrantes domestiques aux politiques de care’, Cahiers Genre et développement n°9, Paris : L’Harmattan.

Kilkey M. & Merla L. (2013) ‘Transnational Families’ Care-Giving Arrangements: towards a situated transnationalism ’, Global Networks, published online.

Merla L. (2012) Salvadoran migrants in Australia: an analysis of transnational families’ capability to care across borders . International Migration, published online.

Merla L. (2011) Familles salvadoriennes à l’épreuve de la distance . Autrepart, Vol 57-58, 145-162.

Merla L. (2010) La gestion des émotions dans le cadre du devoir filial: le cas des migrants salvadoriens vivant en Australie occidentale . Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques. Vol. 41(1), 55-76.

Merla L. & Baldassar L. (2010) Introduction. Les dynamiques de soin transnationales : entre émotions et considérations économiques . Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques. Vol. 41(1), 1-10.

Other publications

Merla, L. (2012) “Migrations, vieillissement et interdépendances familiales ”, DelphAgora La Lettre, n°5, mai-août 2012.