
Bruxelles Woluwe

Selected publications

  1. Bindels L.B., Segura Munoz R.R., Gomes-Neto J.C., Mutemberezi V., Martínez I., Salazar N., Cody E.A., Quintero-Villegas M.I., Kittana H., de Los Reyes-Gavilán C.G., Schmaltz R.J., Muccioli G.G., Walter J.
    Ramer-Tait AE6.Resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity independently of the gut microbiota.
    Microbiom, 2017
  2. Bindels L.B., Neyrinck A.M1, Claus S.P., Le Roy C.I., Grangette C., Pot B., Martinez I., Walter J., Cani P.D., Delzenne N.M.
    Synbiotic approach restores intestinal homeostasis and prolongs survival in leukaemic mice with cachexia.
    ISME J. (2016), 10(6):1456-1470.
  3. Bindels L.B., Delzenne N.M., Cani P.D., Walter J.
    Towards a more comprehensive concept for prebiotics.
    Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. (2015) 12(5): 303-310.
  4. Bindels L.B., Thissen J.P.
    Nutrition in cancer patients with cachexia: a role for the gut microbiota?
    Clin Nutr Exp, 2015.
  5. Bindels L.B., Porporato P., Dewulf E.M., Verrax J., Neyrinck A.M., Martin J.C., Scott K.P., Buc Calderon P., Feron O., Muccioli G.G., Sonveaux P., Cani P.D., Delzenne N.M.
    Gut microbiota-derived propionate reduces cancer cell proliferation in the liver
    Br J Cancer. (2012) 107(8):1337-1344
  6. Everard A., Geurts L., Caesar R., Van Hul M., Matamoros M., Duparc T., Denis R.G.P., Cochez P., Pierard P., Castel J., Bindels L.B., Plovier H., Robine R., Muccioli G.G., Renauld J.C., Dumoutier L., Delzenne N.M., Luquet S., Bäckhed F., Cani P.D.
    Intestinal epithelial MyD88 is a sensor switching host metabolism towards obesity according to nutritional status.
    Nature Communications, (2014), 5: 5648.
  7. Everard A., Lazarevic V., Gaïa N., Johansson M., Ståhlman M., Bäckhed F., Delzenne N.M., Schrenzel J., François P., Cani P.D.
    Microbiome of prebiotic-treated mice reveals novel targets involved in host response during obesity.
    ISME J., (2014), 8: 2116-30.
  8. Everard A., Belzer C., Geurts L., Ouwerkerk J.P., Druart C., Bindels L.B., Guiot Y., Derrien M., Muccioli G.G., Delzenne N.M., de Vos W.M., Cani P.D.
    Cross-talk between Akkermansia muciniphila and intestinal epithelium controls diet-induced obesity.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2013), 110: 9066-71.
  9. Muccioli G.G., Naslain D., Backhed F., Reigstad C.S., Lambert D.M., Delzenne N.M., Cani P.D.
    The endocannabinoid system links gut microbiota to adipogenesis.
    Mol Syst Biol (2010), 6: 392.
  10. Geurts L., Everard A., Van Hul M., Essaghir A., Duparc T., Matamoros S., Plovier H., Castel J., Denis R.G., Bergiers M., Druart C., Alhouayek M., Delzenne N.M., Muccioli G.G., Demoulin J.B., Luquet S., Cani P.D.
    Adipose tissue NAPE-PLD controls fat mass development by altering the browning process and gut microbiota.
    Nature Communications, (2015), 6:6495.
  11. Leclercq S., Matamoros S., Cani P.D., Neyrinck A.M., Jamar F., Stärkel P., Windey K., Tremaroli V., Bäckhed F., Verbeke K., de Timary P., Delzenne N.M.
    Intestinal permeability, gut-bacterial dysbiosis, and behavioral markers of alcohol-dependence severity.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2014), 111: E4485-93.
  12. Dewulf E.M., Cani P.D., Claus S.P., Fuentes S., Puylaert P.G., Neyrinck A.M., Bindels L.B., de Vos W.M., Gibson G.R., Thissen J.P., Delzenne N.M.
    Insight into the prebiotic concept: lessons from an exploratory, double blind intervention study with inulin-type fructans in obese women.
    Gut (2013), 62: 1112-1121.
  13. Delzenne N.M., Neyrinck A.M., Backhed F., Cani P.D.
    Targeting gut microbiota in obesity: effects of prebiotics and probiotics
    Nat Rev Endocrinol (2011), 7: 639-646.
  14. Cani PD, Possemiers S., Van de Wiele T., Guiot Y., Everard A., Rottier O., Geurts L., Nasslain D., Neyrinck A., Lambert D.M., Muccioli GG, Delzenne N.M.
    Changes in gut microbiota control inflammation in obese mice through a mechanism involving GLP-2 driven improvement of gut permeability.
    Gut (2009), 538: 1091-1103.