Francqui Chair: Thomas Pardoen



Fracture of materials : from physical mechanisms to engineering applications



Inaugurale lecture : Fracture, a fatality for materials, sturctures and life ?

Abstract :

Fracture with its different facets involving cracking, damaging, delamination, spalling, fatigue, debonding, cutting, penetration, or fragmentation is ubiquitous in nature and technology. A fracture event often leads to irreversible damage or failure of both living tissues and engineering components.

Fracture issues are directly connected to mainstream society challenges, for instance safety and ageing of natural or man-made structures.

In this inaugural lecture, after briefly reviewing various classes of cracking mechanisms, the general scientific strategy to characterize, understand and predict fracture will be explained. Modern approaches based on the current level of development of this filed offer today a variety of direct or indirect solutions to improve the fracture resistance by designing new materials microstrutres, new structural configurations or crack healing concepts.  Fracture is not a fatality anymore.


03.02.2016 - 16hh30
Salle académique de l’Université de Liège
Place du 20 août 7, 4000 Liège

Registration :


Published on February 03, 2016