Conference papers
Conference papers
Hardy, Baptiste ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; De Wilde, Juray. A penalization method for the Direct Numerical Simulation of low-Mach reacting gas-solid flows. International Workshops and Conferences on Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (Ghent, Belgium).
Delannay, Francis ; Brassart, Laurence. A propos de la rhéologie de la superplasticité, du fluage diffusionnel, et de la viscosité de cisaillement en frittage. MATERIAUX 2018 (Strasbourg, France, du 19/11/2018 au 23/11/2018). In: MATERIAUX2018-E-Book - Livre des abstracts, 2018, p. # MATERIAUX2018-1102.
Simar, Aude ; Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; van der Rest, Camille ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Jacques, Pascal. Amélioration des propriétés mécaniques d'alliage ALM d'aluminium AlSi10Mg . Colloque de Physique des deux infinis (Orsay, France, du 13/12/2018 au 14/12/2018).
Molina Fernandez, Cristhian ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Application of enzyme integrated supported ionic liquid membranes and poly(ionic liquid)-free ionic liquid composite membranes in CO2-N2 separation. GEPROC 2018 (Liège, Belgium, 29/10/2018).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Atomistic plasticity mechanisms in metallic glass thin films : new insights from advanced transmission electron microscopy. 2018 DPG Spring meeting (Berlin, Germnay, du 12/03/2018 au 16/03/2018).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise. Austenization stasis in Fe-12Cr-0.1C martensitic stainless steel. CALPHAD XLVII Conference (Queretaro, Mexico, du 27/05/2018 au 01/06/2018).
Vlémincq, Céline ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard ; Gandin, Ezio. Characterization and modeling of the ageing of polymers in contact to fluids using nanomechanical probes . SEM2018 - International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Greenville, SC, USA, du 04/06/2018 au 07/06/2018).
Vlémincq, Céline ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Nysten, Bernard ; Gandin, Ezio. Characterization and modeling of the ageing of polymers in contact to fluids using nanomechanical probes. Nanobrücken 2018, A Nanomechanical Testing Conference and Bruker Hysitron User Meeting (Erlangen, Germany, du 20/02/2018 au 22/02/2018). In: Programme Nanobrücken 2018, 2018, 29.
Amani, Yasin ; Dancette, Sylvain ; Maire, Eric ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Simar, Aude. Compression behaviour of cellular structures produced by selective laser beam additive manufacturing: X-ray tomography based finite element and experimental approaches. EMMC16 - 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
Proost, Joris ; Chehade, Z. ; Hilliard, S. ; Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C.. Critical assessment of running P2H demo-projects within the framework of the IEA/HIA. 1st International Power2Gas Conference (Copenhagen,Denmark, du 17/10/2018 au 18/10/2018).
Jacques, Pascal ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Simar, Aude ; Georges, Cédric. Critical assessment of the hydrogen uptake during the powder-bed laser 3D-printing of Al-Si grade. THERMEC'2018, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Paris, France, du 08/07/2018 au 13/07/2018).
Marteleur, Matthieu ; van der Rest, Camille ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Critical assessment of the hydrogen uptake during the powder-bed laser 3D-printing of Al-Si grade. 3rd Workshop on Metal Additive Manufacturing (Liège, du 28/05/2018 au 29/05/2018).
Jacques, Pascal ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Simar, Aude ; Georges, Cédric. Critical assessment of the hydrogen uptake during the powder-bed laser 3D-printing of Al-Si grade. Steel Hydrogen 2018 (Ghent, du 29/05/2018 au 31/05/2018).
Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage mechanisms and fracture toughness of dual-phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure. EMMC 16 (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
Roy, Geoffrey ; Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; Poncelet, Olivier ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Design of Thermal Contacts for High Performances Heusler-Based Thermoelectric Modules. International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT18) (Caen, France, du 02/07/2018 au 05/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2018), 2018.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Dislocation based plasticity: new insights from quantitative in-situ TEM tensile testing. Schöntal Symposium on ‘Dislocation based Plasticity’ (Schöntal, Germany, du 26/02/2018 au 01/03/2018).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Laville, Colin ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Parrens, Coralie ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Ductile to brittle failure transition under bending deformation of martensitic stainless steels. ESMC 2018, 10th European Solid Mechnics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
van der Rest, Camille ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Effect of process parameters and post-treatments on the mechanical static and fatigue properties of AlSi10Mg SLM samples. 3rd Workshop on Metal Additive Manufacturing (Liège).
Poncelet, Olivier ; Van Der Rest, Camille ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Simar, Aude. Effect of scan strategy and laser parameters on roughness of SLM AlSi10Mg thin-walls. 3rd Workshop on Metal Additive Manufacturing (Liège, du 28/05/2018 au 29/05/2018).
Delvaux, Adeline ; Lumbeeck, Gunnzt ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical hydrogenation of nickel thin film electrodes. 4th International Symposium on the Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC 2018) (Bilbao, Spain, du 09/07/2018 au 11/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC), 2018, p. 8.
Adeline Delvaux, Gunnar Lumbeeck, Dominique Schryvers, Hosni Idrissi, Joris Proost. Electrochemical hydrogenation of nickel thin film electrodes. 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC) (Bilbao (Spain), du 09/07/2018 au 11/07/2018), p. 8. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC), 2018.
Zhao, Lv ; Ding, Lipeng ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Simar, Aude. Enhancement of fracture resistance by crack deviation via shape memory alloy agents. IUTAM Symposium on Size-effect in Microstructure and Damage Evolution (copenhagen, Danmark, du 28/05/2018 au 01/06/2018).
Minette, Florent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Marco Castaldi ; Michael Lugo. Experimental study of the intrinsic kinetics of steam methane reforming on a thin and adherent Ni coating. Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (Gent, du 08/11/2018 au 09/11/2018).
Saadouki, Bouchra ; Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Pelca, Philippe H ; Elghorba, Mohamed ; Rachik, Mohamed. Failure analysis and damage modeling of precipitate strengthened Cu–Ni–Si alloy under fatigue loading. IGF Workshop “Fracture and Structural Integrity” (Cassino, Italy). In: Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 9, no.1, p. 186-198 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.prostr.2018.06.029.
Arseenko, Mariia ; Hannard, Florent ; Zhao, Lv ; Ding, Lipeng ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Simar, Aude. First steps towards the healable aluminum alloys. IUTAM Symposium on Size-effect in Microstructure and Damage Evolution (Copenhagen, Denmark, du 28/05/2018 au 01/06/2018).
Zhao, Lv ; Simar, Aude ; Turteltaub, Sergio. Fracture investigation in Al/NiTip composite manufactured by friction stir processing. EMMC16 - 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fracture mechanics on a chip. European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018) (Strasbourg, France, du 18/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of Proceedings of EMRS Spring Meeting, 2018.
Yang, Kang ; Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Raoelison, Rija Nirina ; Buiron, Nicolas ; Rachik, Mohamed. Fully coupled semi-analytical model for an electromagnetic-mechanical-thermal problem of a ring expansion test. 8th International Conference on High Speed Forming (Columbus, USA, du 13/05/2018 au 16/05/2018).
Luis Alconero, Patricia. Fundamental Modelling of Membrane Systems: Membrane and Process Performance. EUROMEMBRANE 2018 (Valencia, Spain, du 09/07/2018 au 13/07/2018).
Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, Vahid ; Béché, Armand ; Haque, Aman ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Grain size dependent deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline thin films: insights from new dedicated sample preparation method. European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018) (Strasbourg, France, du 18/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2018), 2018.
Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Heterogeneous microstructure informed computational unit cell modelling of the plastic behaviour of dual-phase steels. ESMC 2018 (Bologna, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Hilhorst, Antoine. High-Troughtput characterization method of non-equiatomic high entropy alloys. Indentation 2018 (Liège, Belgique, du 11/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Cordier, Patrick ; van der Werf, Thomas ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Samaee, Vahid ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. In situ TEM nanomechanical testing of antigorite suggest weak interfaces. Fall Meeting 2018, AGU - Session MR43A : Tensile and Shear Dynamic Rupturing Across Multiple Scales: Precursory Deformation (Washington, D.C., USA, du 10/12/2018 au 14/12/2018). In: Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018, p. MR43A-05.
Delannay, Francis ; Brassart, Laurence. Influence de la diffusion à la surface des pores sur la viscosité de l’agrégat au cours des procédés de frittage rapide. MATERIAUX 2018 (Strasbourg, France, du 19/11/2018 au 23/11/2018). In: MATERIAUX2018-E-Book - Livre des abstracts, 2018, p. # MATERIAUX2018-1100.
Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Ismail, Karim ; Mousny, Maryline ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of angle on failure of growth rods in H3S2 construct. 16th Edition of the European Mechanics of Material Conference (Nantes (France), du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstract of ECCM16, 2018, 267.
Hou, Yuliang ; Tie, Ying ; Li, Cheng ; Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Rachik, Mohamed. Influence of external patch shape and location on the low-velocity impact behavior of repaired CFRP laminates. 26th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, July 2018, ICCE-26 (Paris, France).
Minette, Florent ; M. Lugo ; De Wilde, Juray ; M.J. Castaldi ; R. Gill ; D. Modroukas ; A.W. Davis. Intrinsic Kinetics of Steam Methane Reforming on a Thin, Nanostructured and Adherent Ni Coating. Annual 2018 AIChE Meeting (Pittsburgh, du 28/10/2018 au 02/11/2018). In: Proceedings of the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018, 21e (Group Catalysis and reaction Engineering Division ; Session Catalytic Hydrogen Generation).
Croonenborghs, Maïté ; Jacques, Pascal. Iron-based biodegradable stents : Introduction of roughness in dual-phase steels.. 10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals (Oxford, du 26/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Akan, Aytaç ; Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Life cycle assessment of CO2 capture for further reuse as sodium carbonate. 6th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems - ECRES 2018 (Istanbul / Turkey, du 25/06/2018 au 27/06/2018).
Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Ryelandt, Laurence ; Poncelet, Olivier ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Manufacture of TE-modules: joining Fe2VAl and Cu through several bonding processes.. International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics (Caen, France, du 02/07/2018 au 05/07/2018).
Simar, Aude ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Jacques, Pascal ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Poncelet, Olivier ; Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; van der Rest, Camille. Mechanical properties of selective laser melted aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg: from bulk to thin structures. International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M) (Hammamet, Tunisia, du 17/12/2018 au 19/12/2018). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M), 2018.
Lezaack, Matthieu Baudouin ; Simar, Aude. Micro-hardness evolution in Friction Stir Processed 7475 aluminium plate. Colloque Indentation 2018 (Liège, du 11/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Brassart, Laurence ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanics of Highly-Crosslinked Thermosets. 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 18) (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, du 15/07/2018 au 19/07/2018). In: Book of abstract ICSMA18, 2018, 31.
Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of cross-linked thermosets and application to composite multiscale modelling. International Conference on Composites (Liège, Belgium, du 02/10/2018 au 03/10/2018).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstract of EMMC16, 2018, 35.
Pardoen, Thomas ; Morelle, Xavier ; Chevalier, Jérémy ; Brassart, Laurence ; Camanho, P. ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micromechanics of deformation and fracture in highly cross-linked thermosets and size effects. IUTAM Symposium on Size-effect in Microstructure and Damage Evolution (Copenhagen, Denmark, du 28/05/2018 au 01/06/2018).
Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture. Workshop on Topics in ductile fracture of metals (Trondheim, Norway, du 17/10/2018 au 18/10/2018).
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, Pedro ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modelling of an epoxy matrix based on the shear transformation zone framework. 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Lezaack, Matthieu Baudouin ; Florent, Hannard ; Simar, Aude. Modifications des propriétés d’endommagement de l’aluminium 7475 en tôle de forte épaisseur par le procédé de friction-malaxage. Matériaux 2018 (Strasbourg, France, du 18/11/2018 au 23/11/2018).
Minette, Florent ; De Wilde, Juray. Multi-scale modeling of an annular structured catalytic reactor for steam methane reforming. AIChE Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, du 28/10/2018 au 02/11/2018).
Minette, Florent ; De Wilde, Juray. Multi-scale modeling of an annular structured catalytic reactor: application to steam methane reforming. Chemreactor-23 (Gent, du 05/11/2018 au 09/11/2018).
Leyssens, Lisa ; Ryelandt, Sophie ; Favache, Audrey ; Kerckhofs, Greet. Nanoindentation of biological tissues: opportunities and challenges for the bone-tendon interface. Indentation 2018 (Liège, du 11/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Drezet, Jean-Marie ; Pirling, Thilo ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Neutron diffraction residual stress measurements in aluminum/steel welds produced by Friction Melt Bonding. European Conference on Residual Stresses - ECRS10 (Leuven, Belgium, du 11/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. New dedicated methods for the improvement of quantitative in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European Mechanics of Material Conference (EMMC16) (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstracts of ECCM16, 2018, 337.
He, Zirui ; Minette, Florent ; De Wilde, Juray. Numerical simulation of industrial scale autothermal Chemical Looping Methane Reforming for syngas production in a dual fluidised bed reactor. XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR‐23 (Gent, du 05/11/2018 au 09/11/2018).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Jaddi, Sahar ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Idrissi, Hosni. On a chip MEMS based mechanical testing. Workshop on stress in microelectronics (Leuven, Belgium, 10/09/2018) (Soumis).
Jaddi, Sahar ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On a chip fracture mechanics test method. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference EMMC16 (Nantes, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference EMMC16, 2018.
Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, F. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. On chip study of the irradiation creep behavior of copper films. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, 2018.
Zhao, Lv ; Simar, Aude ; Turteltaub, Sergio. On the fracture of Al/NiTi composite manufactured by friction stir processing. THERMEC'2018 (Paris, France, du 08/07/2018 au 13/07/2018).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Buffière, Jean-Yves ; Maire, Eric ; Adrien, Jérôme ; Elangeswaran, Chola ; Cutolo, Antonio ; Van Hooreweder, Brecht ; Lani, Frédéric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. On the mechanical behaviour of SLM AlSi10Mg and its improvement by friction stir processing. EMMC16 - 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
Dépinoy, S. ; Massart, T.J. ; Godet, Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas. On the mode I interfacial toughness of adhesive bonds accounting for strain-softening. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018). In: Book of abstracts of ECCM16, 2018, 42.
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schülli, T. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Daudin, Rémi ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On the processing, mechanical and structural characterization of ZrNi amorphous thin films. 25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2018) (Roma, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the 25th ISMANAM 2018, 2018, p. ID #274.
de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. On the use of 3-D electrodes and pulsed voltage for the process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis. 2018 International Symposiumon Hydrogen Energy and Energy Technologies (HEET 2018) (Nagoya, Japan, du 15/11/2018 au 16/11/2018). In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy and Energy Technologies (HEET 2018), 2018, p. 23.
Mandy, Mélodie. On the use of deuterium to characterize hydrogen uptake mechanisms in 22MnB5 bare steel. 3rd international conference on metals and hydrogen (Ghent, du 29/05/2018 au 31/05/2018).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Magnin, Delphine ; Demoustier-Champagne, Sophie ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. Eurocorr2018 (Krakow, Poland, du 09/09/2018 au 13/09/2018).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Magnin, Delphine ; Demoustier-Champagne, Sophie ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. 10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications (Oxford, Royaume-Uni, du 26/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Magnin, Delphine ; Demoustier-Champagne, Sophie ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. Biometals (Ottawa, Canada, du 15/07/2018 au 19/07/2018).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. EUROCORR 2018 (Cracovie, Pologne, du 09/09/2018 au 13/09/2018).
van der Rest, Camille ; Poncelet, Olivier ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; Erauw, Jean-Pierre ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the thermoelectric properties of Heusler Fe2VAl-based compounds through off-stoichiometry strategies. International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2018) (Caen, France).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Jacques, Pascal ; Bacroix, Brigitte ; Van Hooreweder, Brecht ; Elangeswaran, Chola ; Maire, Eric ; Adrien, Jérôme ; Simar, Aude. Post-treatment of additive manufactured aluminium parts: Friction stir processing and hot isostatic pressing . ICEM 2018 - 18th international conference on experimental mechanics (Brussels, Belgium, du 01/07/2018 au 05/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the ICEM 2018 - 18th international conference on experimental mechanics, 2018.
Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R.R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hilliard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Robinius, M. ; Salomon, M. ; Samsatli, S. ; Tliili, O.. Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogento- X : midterm appraisal of the IEA HIA Task 38 accomplishments. 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 17/06/2018 au 22/06/2018).
de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Dalne, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. Process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis using forced electrolyte flow through 3D electrodes. European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC-2018) (Malaga, Spain, du 14/03/2018 au 16/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC-2018), 2018, p. 21.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Gatti, R. ; Devincre, B. ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Pushing the limits of quantitative in-situ nanomechanical testing in TEM. Hands-on in-situ electron microscopy workshop (Karlsruhe, Germany, du 15/05/2018 au 17/05/2018).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Quantitative assessment of the impact of second phase particle arrangement on damage and fracture anisotropy. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
Ruiz Salmon Israel ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Recovery of valuable salts from wastewater using membrane distillation-crystallization. 6th IWA Regional Membrane Technology Conference (Vadodara, Gujarat, India , du 10/12/2018 au 12/12/2018).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Jacques, Pascal ; Van Hooreweder, Brecht ; Elangeswaran, Chola ; Lani, Frédéric ; Maire, Eric ; Adrien, Jérôme ; Simar, Aude. SLM AlSi10Mg mechanical behaviour improvement by friction stir processing . 3rd Workshop on Metal Additive Manufacturing (Liège, Belgium, du 28/05/2018 au 29/05/2018). In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Metal Additive Manufacturing, 2018.
Sparenberg, Marie-Charlotte ; Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Salt production by membrane distillation-crystallization:economic analysis. GEPROC Scientific Day 2018 (Liège, Belgium, 29/10/2018).
Pardoen, Thomas. Solid mechanics on a chip. ESMC 2018, 10th European SOlid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Mohammad Mirkhalaf ; Hannard, Florent ; Tao Zhou ; Francois Barthelat. Strong and Tough Ceramics Using Architecture and Topological Interlocking. IUTAM Symposium Architectured Materials Mechanics (Chicago, du 17/09/2018 au 19/09/2018).
Bruyneel, M. ; Strepenne, F. ; Destoop, Vincent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lequesnes, C. ; Delsemme,J.P. ; Delumley Woodyear . Study of fiber waviness in composite structures supported by simulation. International Conference on Composites (Liège, Belgium, du 02/10/2018 au 03/10/2018).
Robinius, M. ; Linssen, J. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hillard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Leaver, J. ; Samsatli, S. ; Olfa, T. ; Valentin, S. ; Weidener, E. ; Lucchese, P.. Techno-economic Potentials and Market Trends for Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogen-to-X based on a Collaborative and International Review. 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 17/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018), 2018, p. Abstract #80.
Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Sabirov, Ilchat ; Molina-Aldareguia, Jon ; Monclus, Miguel ; Simar, Aude. Thermomechanical physical simulation of friction melt bonding for dissimilar Al/steel joints. THERMEC'2018, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Paris, France, du 08/07/2018 au 13/07/2018).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise. Unfolding the effect of residual ferrite on damage and fracture resistance in a martensitic stainless steel for automotive application. EMMC16 – 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Nantes, France, du 26/03/2018 au 28/03/2018).
De Wilde, Juray ; Minette, Florent ; Ratan, Sanjiv. Zoneflow Structured Catalytic Reactors for Steam Methane Reforming: Experimental Studies of the Reaction Kinetics and Fluid Dynamics and Multi-Scale Modelling. 2nd Natural Gas Utilization Workshop (College Station).
Proost, Joris ; Dalne, Thomas ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin. 3-D electrodes for large-scale electrochemical H2 production. 3th Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR-2017) (Lisbonne / Portugal, du 05/04/2017 au 07/04/2017). In: Proceedings of the 3th Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR-2017), 2017, p. 79.
Fivel, Marc ; Tummala, Hareesh ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delannay, Laurent. 3D DD Investigations of the Role of Interfaces on Dislocation Plasticity. MRS Spring Meeting 2017 (Phoenix, USA, du 17/04/2017 au 21/04/2017).
van der Rest, Camille ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Poncelet, Olivier ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Additive manufacturing of AlSi10Mg: from microstructure to mechanical behaviour. Conception d’alliages métalliques (Aussois, France).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Rigo, Olivier ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. AlSi10Mg lattice structures processed by selective laser melting: influence of the geometry and the heat treatments on the microstructure. TMS 2017 (San Diego, USA, du 26/02/2017 au 02/03/2017).
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, Pedro ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick RTM-processed uni-directional samples. 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (Vienna, Austria, du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Simar, Aude. Damage in aluminium alloys. Seminar on "new aluminium alloys", invited by Skywin (Liège, Belgium, 22/11/2017).
Roy, Geoffrey ; Ségolène Vannerem ; Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; Poncelet, Olivier ; Van Der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Design of Low-cost Thermoelectric Generators for Autonomous Sensors and Actuators in Domestic Hot Water Systems. European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT17) (Padoue, Italie, du 25/09/2017 au 28/09/2017). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT17), 2017.
Hannard, Florent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric ; Simar, Aude. Ductilization of aluminium alloy 6056 by friction stir processing. FSWP 2017 (Metz, France, du 11/10/2017 au 13/10/2017).
Hannard, Florent ; Castin, Sidney ; Maire, Eric ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. TMS 2017 (San Diego, USA, du 26/02/2017 au 02/03/2017).
Hannard, Florent ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric ; Simar, Aude. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. FSWP 2017 (Metz, France, du 11/10/2017 au 13/10/2017).
Tuyaerts, Romain ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Electromechanical testing of ZnO thin films under high uniaxial strain. The 30th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures – ICMTS 2017 (Grenoble, France, du 28/03/2017 au 30/03/2017). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures – ICMTS 2017, IEEE, 2017, p. paper # 2.3. doi:10.1109/ICMTS.2017.7954261.
Simar, Aude. Endommagement dans les alliages métalliques. Ecole Doctorale (Aussois, France, du 26/11/2017 au 01/12/2017).
Daudin, Rémi ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Schülli, Tobias ; Zhou, Tao ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Etude de la déformation locale de films minces de verres métalliques par nano-diffraction de rayons X synchrotron. Journées annuelles de la SF2M, Matériaux, microstructures et fonctionnalités (Lyon, France, du 23/10/2017 au 25/10/2017). In: Book of abstracts - Journées annuelles de la SF2M 2017, 2017, JA0035.
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Van Hooreweder, Brecht ; Maire, Eric ; Adrien, Jérôme ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Friction stir processing of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg parts to improve mechanical behaviour. FSWP2017 - 5th International Conference on Scientific and Technial Advances on Friction Stir Welding & Processing (Metz, France, du 11/10/2017 au 13/10/2017). In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scientific and Technial Advances on Friction Stir Welding & Processing, 2017.
Yang, Kang ; Chernikov, Dmitrii ; Sapanathan, Thaneshan ; Raoelison, Rija Nirina ; Gluschenkov, Vladimir ; Buiron, Nicolas ; Rachik, Mohamed. Heterogeneous deformation during electromagnetic ring expansion test. 7th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Rhodes Islad; Greece, du 12/06/2017 au 14/06/2017). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017, 2017. 9788494690921, p. 514-522.
Delroisse, Pauline ; Bruzy , Nicolas ; Rigo, Olivier ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Maire, Eric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry ; Simar, Aude. Impact behavior of lattice structures produced by selective laser melting. TMS 2017 (San Diego, USA, du 26/02/2017 au 02/03/2017).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Badinier, Guillaume ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis. Influence Of Microscopic Strain Heterogeneity On The Formability Of Martensitic Stainless Steel. ESAFORM 2017 (Dublin, Ireland, du 26/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: Proceedings of ESAFORM, 2017.
Thomas, Aude ; Reuter, Sarah ; Scarcello, Eleonora ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Nysten, Bernard ; Lison, Dominique ; Jacques, Pascal. Iron-based biodegradable alloys: effect of composition and experimental parameters on the corrosion rate. EUROCOR 2017 - 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress 2017 (Prague / République Tchèque, du 03/09/2017 au 07/09/2017).
Thomas, Aude ; Scarcello, Eleonora ; Lison, Dominique ; Jacques, Pascal. Iron-based biodegradable alloys: importance of the testing parameters for corrosion evaluation via immersion tests. 9th Biometal Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications (Bertinoro / Italy, du 27/08/2017 au 01/09/2017).
Thomas, Aude ; Scarcello, Eleonora ; Lison, Dominique ; Jacques, Pascal. Iron-based biodegradable alloys: importance of the testing parameters for corrosion evaluation via immersion tests. 9th Biometal Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications (Bertinoro / Italy, du 27/08/2017 au 01/09/2017).
Thomas, Aude ; Scarcello, Eleonora ; Lison, Dominique ; Jacques, Pascal. Iron-based biodegradable alloys: importance of the testing parameters for corrosion evaluation via immersion tests.. Action Nationale de Formation CNRS Conception d'alliages métalliques (Aussois, du 27/11/2017 au 01/12/2017).
Sandu, Georgiana ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kumar, Vishank ; Kassa, Hailu Gebru ; Avram, Ionel ; Ye, Ran ; Stopin, A. ; Bonifazi, D. ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Leclère, Philippe ; Gonze, Xavier ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Vlad, Alexandru ; Melinte, Sorin. Kinked silicon nanowires-based electrode configuration for lithium-ion batteries. E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting (Strasbourg (France), du 22/05/2017 au 26/05/2017) (Soumis).
Simar, Aude ; Herman, Benoît ; Delroisse, Pauline. L’enseignement d’un cours de techniques avancées de fabrication mécanique via des projets “hands-on” avec un support informatique. Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Lyon, France, du 23/10/2017 au 25/10/2017).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Jacques, Pascal ; Adrien, Jérôme ; Maire, Eric ; Lani, Frédéric ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Simar, Aude. Mechanical behaviour enhancement of SLM AlSi10Mg by friction stir processing. Workshop on metal AM (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 27/06/2017 au 28/06/2017).
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Clérin, C.. Membrane crystallization of valuable salts from waste streams. International Conference on Membrane Science 2017 (Paris, France, du 11/09/2017 au 12/09/2017).
Simar, Aude ; Mertens, Anne ; Brassart, Laurence ; Lecomte-Beckers, Jacqueline ; Delannay, Francis. Micro-mechanical testing of magnesium based composites reinforced by carbon fibers manufactured by friction stir processing. TMS 2017 (San Diego, USA, du 26/02/2017 au 02/03/2017).
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Camanho, P.P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Micro-mechanics based pressure dependent failure model for highly cross-linked epoxy resins. 8th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (les Diablerets, Switzerland, du 10/09/2017 au 14/09/2017).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Jacques, Pascal ; Maire, Eric ; Rigo, Olivier ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Simar, Aude. Microstructure and porosity of AlSi10Mg parts processed by SLM: Influence of sample orientation and heat treatments. Workshop on metal AM (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 27/06/2017 au 28/06/2017).
Delvaux, Adeline ; Lumbeeck, G. ; Schryvers, D. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Nickel thin film electro-activation by hydrogen adsorption. 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P) (Brisbane, Australia, du 29/07/2017 au 31/07/2017). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P), 2017, p. 106.
Pardoen, Thomas. On chip irradiation creep testing of copper films. 3ème Rencontre Scientifique sur l'Effet de l'Irradiation Neutronique sur les Matériaux (EINM2017) (Algiers, Algeria, du 24/10/2017 au 25/10/2017).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. Joint EUROCORR 2017 & 20th ICC & Process Safety Congress 2017 (Prague, République tchèque, du 03/09/2017 au 07/09/2017).
Reuter, Sarah ; Georges, Cédric ; Jacques, Pascal. Optimisation of the corrosion rate of iron-based alloys for bioresorbable stent applications by surface acidification. 9th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications (Bertinoro, Italie, du 27/08/2017 au 01/09/2017).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise. Overcoming the Diffusion Bottleneck: Effect of Alloying Elements on Phase Transformations and Carbides Dissolution in Martensitic Stainless Steels. CALPHAD 2017 (Saint-Malo, France, du 11/06/2017 au 16/06/2017).
Ismail, Karim ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Plasticity and Fracture in Dual-Phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure. International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM27) (Leuven, Belgique, du 20/09/2017 au 22/09/2017).
Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R.R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hilliard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Robinius, M. ; Salomon, M. ; Samsalti, S.. Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogen-to-X: latest results of Task 38 of the IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement. 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17) (Naples, Italy, du 12/12/2017 au 15/12/2017). In: Proceedings of the 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17), 2017, p. Abstract 145.
Proost, Joris ; Dalne, Thomas ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin. Process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis by using 3-D electrodes. 1st International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE) (Copenhague, Danemark, du 12/06/2017 au 15/06/2017). In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE), 2017, p. 102.
Tran, H.-S ; Tummalah, Hareesh ; Duchêne, L ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Fivel, Marc ; Habraken, A.-M.. Quasicontinuum analysis of dislocation-coherent twin boundary interaction to provide local rules to discrete dislocation dynamics. 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (Dublin, Ireland, du 26/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1896, no.1 (2017). doi:10.1063/1.5008190 .
Janssens, Raphaël ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor technology for cytotoxic drugs removal from wastewater. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (Barcelona, Spain, du 01/10/2017 au 05/10/2017).
Proost, Joris. State-of-the-art CAPEX data for water electrolysers, and their impact on renewable hydrogen price settings. 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17) (Naples, Italy, du 12/12/2017 au 15/12/2017). In: Proceedings of the 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17),, 2017, p. abstract 118.
Mandy, Mélodie ; Georges, C. ; Drillet, P. ; Sturel, T. ; Jacques, Pascal. Study of the hydrogen introduction in bare and Al-Si coated steels during the hot stamping process. The challenges of hydrogen and metals, discussion meeting organised by the Royal Society (London, UK, 18/01/2017).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Le Bourlot, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Étude de l’impact du procédé de friction malaxage sur la rupture ductile dans les alliages d’aluminium. Journées annuelles de la SF2M, Matériaux, microstructures et fonctionnalités (Lyon, France, du 23/10/2017 au 25/10/2017). In: book of abstracts - SF2M 2017, 2017, JA0057.
M.J. Castaldi ; De Wilde, Juray ; M. Lugo ; D. Modroukas ; A.W. Davis ; R. Gill ; Minette, Florent. A New Thin Layered Structural Coating on a Metal Substrate for Enhanced Hydrogen Production from Steam Methane Reforming. Annual 2016 AIChE Meeting (San-Francisco, USA).
Inanç, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tekoglu, C.. A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of the Per-Phase Properties on the Ductility of Dual-Phase (DP) Steels. 15th European Mechanics of Materilas Conference (EMMC15) (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Advanced TEM Study of Homogeneous Flow and Size Dependent Mechanical Behaviour in Highly Ductile Zr65Ni35 Metallic Glass Films. MRS Fall Meeting 2016 (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/11/2016 au 02/12/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5990.
Simar, Aude ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Jacques, Pascal ; Maire, Eric ; Rigo, Olivier. Aluminum lattice structures processed by additive manufacturing - Mechanical properties and microstructural characterization. Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Albi, France, du 25/10/2016 au 267/10/2016).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Rigo, Olivier ; Maire, Eric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Aluminum lattice structures processed by additive manufacturing: Mechanical and microstructural characterization. Workshop on additive manufacturing (Bruxelles, du 26/05/2016 au 27/05/2016).
Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Gudla, Visweswara ; Rajan, Ambat ; Jensen, Flemming ; Simar, Aude. Anodization behaviour of friction stir processed aluminium surface composites. Thermec 2016 (Graz, Austria, du 29/05/2016 au 03/06/2016).
Voleppe, Quentin ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Assembling of thermoset composites by welding of thermoplastic surface layers: morphology and toughness of the resulting thermoplastic/thermoset interphases.. IMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Rigo, Olivier ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Caractérisation de la résistance à l'impact de structures lattices en AlSi10Mg obtenues par Fabrication additive (SLM). Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Albi, France, du 25/10/2016 au 27/10/2016).
Proost, Joris. Challenges and pitfalls while establishing a H2 mobility plan for Belgium (Invited presentation). 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Implementation of H2 technologies in European regions (Prague, Czech Republic, du 06/04/2016 au 08/04/2016). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Implementation of H2 technologies in European regions, 2016, p. 39.
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Camanho, Pedro ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick RTM-processed unidirectional samples. 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (Munich, du 26/06/2016 au 30/06/2016).
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Janssens, Yann-Alex ; Cammanho, Pedro ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and multi-scale modeling of the transverse compression of thick rtm-processed uni-directional samples. EMMC15 (European mechanics of Materials Conference, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Tummala, Hareesh ; Fivel, Marc ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent ; Lemoine, Guerric. Collective influence of texture, grain shape, size and dislocation density on the plasticity of polycrystalline metallic thin films. EMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid. Damage Mechanisms and Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. ECF21 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, du 20/06/2016 au 24/06/2016).
Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Damage Mechanisms and Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15) (Bruxelles, Belgique, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Dislocation and back stress dominated viscoplasticity in free-standing sub-micron Pd films. ICACM 2016 Symposium (Compiègne, France, du 01/06/2016 au 03/06/2016) (Soumis).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Dislocation and back stress dominated viscoplasticity in freestanding sub-micron Pd films. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15) (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Mokso, Rajmund ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. 11th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium (Cambridge, UK, du 17/05/2016 au 19/05/2016).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC 2016) (Graz, Autriche, du 29/05/2016 au 03/06/2016).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Maire, Eric. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. EMMC15 (Brussels, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Proost, Joris ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric. Electrochemical process intensification of hydrogen production using 3-D electrodes. 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Stationary systems and applications (Prague, Czech Republic, du 06/04/2016 au 08/04/2016). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Stationary systems and applications, 2016, p. 74.
Delvaux, Adeline ; Poulain, Raphaël ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Enhanced oxygen evolution from (de-)alloyed nickel thin film electrodes. SolarFuel16 (Berlin, Germany, du 05/10/2016 au 06/10/2016). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Semiconductors and Catalysts for Photoelectrochemical Fuel Production (SolarFuel16), 2016, p. Abstract 4120.
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Evaluation of the intermetallic fracture toughness in Al-to-steel welds performed by Friction Stir Welding and Friction Melt Bonding. Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Albi, France, du 25/10/2016 au 27/10/2016).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Lani, Frédéric ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Friction stir processing of AM parts. Additive manufacturing workshop Brussels (Brussels, Belgium, du 26/05/2016 au 27/05/2016).
Amin-Ahmadi, Benham ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Fivel, Marc ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. HRTEM investigation of dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5020.
Simar, Aude ; Delroisse, Pauline ; Bruzy, Nicolas ; Rigo, Olivier ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry. Impact of sandwich lattice structures processed by selective laser melting. EMMC15 – 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Bruxelles, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Delvaux, Adeline ; Dupuis, G. ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Improvement of Bubble Detachment and Overpotential during Hydrogen Evolution on (de-)alloyed Nickel Electrodes. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Symposium on Novel Materials and Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage: Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Regenerative Fuel Cells and Flow Batteries (The Hague, The Netherlands, du 21/08/2016 au 26/08/2016). In: Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Symposium on Novel Materials and Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage: Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Regenerative Fuel Cells and Flow Batteries, 2016, p. 123.
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Janssens, Raphaël ; Tinant, C. ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Influence of temperature on membrane distillation-crystallization for application in CO2 capture. International conferences "Green Chemistry and white biotechnology" (Gembloux, Belgium, du 12/05/2016 au 13/05/2016).
Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo ; Santos, Andrea Gil ; Moelans, Nele ; van der Biest, Omer ; Ruiz Navas, Elisa Maria. Influence of the grain size and phase content on the mechanical behaviour of magnesium alloys for biodegradable implants. Gravity casting and SPS manufactured. Junior Euromat 2016 (Lauzanne, Switzerland, du 10/07/2016 au 14/07/2016).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Jacques, Pascal ; Rigo, Olivier ; Maire, Eric ; Simar, Aude. Influence of the scan speed on the microstructure of AlSi10Mg processed by additive manufacturing. Thermec 2016 (Graz, Austria, du 29/05/2016 au 03/06/2016).
Samaeeaghmiyoni, Vahid ; Groten, Jonas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schwaiger, Ruth ; Schryvers, Dominique. Investigation of plasticity/fatigue mechanisms at interfaces in Ni using ex-situ and in-situ SEM/TEM micro/nano-mechanical testing. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5898 (Soumis).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Samaeeaghmiyoni, V. ; Groten, J. ; Schwaiger, R. ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Cordier, P. ; Schryvers, D.. Investigation of small-scale plasticity/fatigue mechanisms and size effects using advanced transmission electron microscopy. MRS Fall Meeting 2016 (Boston, MA, USA, du 27/11/2016 au 02/12/2016). In: Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2016 (Soumis).
Coulombier, Michaël ; Favache, Audrey ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Tuyaerts, Romain ; van der Rest, Astrid ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Ureña Begara, Fernando ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Lab on-chip for testing thin film materials: extraction of mechanical properties at the nanometer scale. Belgian Physical Society Meeting (Ghent (Belgium), 18/05/2016). In: Belgian Physical Society Meeting, 2016, paper #62.
Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chip for testing thin film materials: extraction of mechanical and electrical properties under large deformation at the nanometer scale. Third Winfab Scientific Day (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 29/01/2016).
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Janssens, Raphaël ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Membrane crystallization of sodium carbonate in CO2capture scenario: mass and heat transfer study. 2016 EMS Summer School on "Membranes and Membrane Processes Design" (Bertinoro, Italy, du 26/06/2016 au 01/07/2016).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, B.. Membrane performance vs process performance: What should we enhance?. Advanced Membrane Technology VII (Maryborough Hotel and Spa Cork, Ireland, du 11/09/2016 au 16/09/2016).
Heidari, Hamed ; Rivero, Guadalupe ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Ramachandran, Dhanya ; Cakir, Seda ; Egoavil, Ricardo ; Kurttepeli, Mert ; Crabbé, Amandine ; Hauffman, Tom ; Terryn, Herman ; Du Prez, Filip ; Schryvers, Nick. Micro- and nanostructural characterization of melamine-formaldehyde microcapsule shells using electron microscopy. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi: doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5750.
Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Microstructural heterogeneity effects on damage resistance of 6xxx series Aluminium alloys. 2016 EMI International Conference (Metz, France, du 25/10/2016 au 27/10/2016).
Sacré, Charles-Henri ; Lani, Fred ; Guaino, L ; Libralesso, A ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modélisation des mécanismes de rayure dans des films durs sur sous-couche compliante. Colloque Indentation 2016 (Lille, France, du 12/10/2016 au 14/10/2016).
Ryelandt, Sophie ; Dompierre, B. ; Favache, Audrey ; Simar, Aude. Méthodologie d'identification du comportement élasto-viscoplastique de matériaux par nanoindentation. Colloque Indentation 2016 - Recueil présentations (Lille, du 12/10/2016 au 14/10/2016). In: Indentation 2016, 2016.
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Simon, K. ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Osmotic and thermal membrane distillation for CO2valorization as carbonate crystals. Journée Jeunes Chercheurs 2016 - GEPROC (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 06/10/2016).
Minette, Florent ; Jean-Marc, Schweitzer ; De Wilde, Juray. Phase (dis)appearance in GLS lab-scale reactors . 45th Eurokin Workshop (Trondheim, du 22/06/2016 au 23/06/2016).
de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of aluminum with pulsed DC current. 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Symposium on Wear and Corrosion Protection (Milan, Italy, du 29/06/2016 au 01/07/2016). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Symposium on Wear and Corrosion Protection, 2016.
de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of titanium with DC current. 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Special Session on Ti anodising (Milan, Italy, du 29/06/2016 au 01/07/2016). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Special Session on Ti anodising, 2016, p. Abstract 169.
Mallmann, Camila ; Simar, Aude ; Ferrié, E. ; Fivel, Marc ; Lilleodden, E. T.. Plastic deformation mechanisms of magnesium matrix nanocomposites elaborated by friction stir processing. EMMC15 - 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Poulain, Raphaël ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Klein, Andreas ; Proost, Joris. Reactively sputtered ultrathin nickel oxide films for electro-catalytic applications. 6th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TVMs) (Platanias-Chania, Crête - Grèce, du 09/10/2016 au 13/10/2016). In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (TMC-2016), 2016, p. 128.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. Recent investigation of small-scale plasticity mechanisms in 3D and small-sized systems using advanced in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.8312.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Size dependent mechanical behavior and nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in highly ductile zr65ni35 metallic glass films. EMMC15, 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Janssens, Raphaël ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Slurry photocatalyic membrane reactor technology for anti-cancer drugs removal from wastewater. (Bio) chemical engineering: the cornerstone of human development, « Chimie verte et Biotech blanche » (Gembloux, Belgium, du 25/05/2016 au 26/05/2016).
Simar, Aude ; Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Avettand Fénoël, Marie-Noëlle. Status and challenges of dissimilar metal welding. 11th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium (Cambridge, UK, du 17/05/2016 au 19/05/2016).
Minette, Florent ; Tourneur, Thomas ; De Wilde, Juray. Structured reactors for steam methane reforming. Symposium Chemical Research in Flanders (Blankenberge).
Mandy, Mélodie ; Georges, C. ; Drillet , P. ; Sturel, T. ; Jacques, Pascal. Study of the hydrogen introduction in bare and Al-Si coated steels during the hot stamping process. International Hydrogen Conference 2016 (Moran, Wyoming, USA, du 11/09/2016 au 14/09/2016).
Poulain, Raphaël ; Klein , Andreas ; Proost, Joris. Tailoring reactively sputtered ultrathin nickel oxide films for solar water splitting devices. SolarFuel16 (Berlin, Germany, du 05/09/2016 au 06/01/2017). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Semiconductors and Catalysts for Photoelectrochemical Fuel Production (SolarFuel16), 2016, p. Abstract G1.O5.
Janssens, Raphaël ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Targeting the elimination of antineoplastic compounds in hospital wastewaters. Journée Jeunes Chercheurs 2016 - GEPROC (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 06/10/2016).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Effect of Second Population NbC Carbides on The Shear Localisation in a Nb-Modified AISI 410 Stainless Steel. EMMC15 – 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (Brussels, Belgium, du 07/09/16 au 09/09/2016).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Mithieux, Jean-Denis ; Badinier, Guillaume. The Role of Chromium Carbides Volume Fraction on Plastic Instability Under Three-Point Bending Test in Martensitic Stainless Steel. RTME 2016 (Aveiro, Portugal, du 11/07/2016 au 13/07/2016).
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Drezet, Jean-Marie ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Thermomechanical modelling of dissimilar Friction Melt Bonding of AA6061 to Dual-phase steel: Prediction of solidification cracking and residual stresses. Thermec 2016 (Graz, Austria, du 29/05/2016 au 03/06/2016).
Hatami, Mahdi K ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lacroix, Gauthier ; Berke, Peter Z ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry J. Ultra-high ductility of TRIP-assisted steels modelled by gradient plasticity. ICTAM2016 (Montreal, Canada, du 22/08/2016 au 26/08/2016). In: Proceedings of ICTAM2016 - volume 3, J.M. Floryan, 2016. 978-0-660-05459-9, p. 2484-2485.
Fivel, Marc ; Hammad, Mohamed ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. 3D Dislocation Dynamics simulations of naonindentation: application to Cu/graphene bilayer system.. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.
Wucher, B. ; Hallström, S ; Dumas, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. A non-conformal finite element approach to determine the elastic properties of complex woven composites with simple geometrical modeling. TEXCOMP - 12th International Conference on Textile Composites (Raleigh, USA, du 26/06/2015 au 29/06/2015). In: Proceedings of the TEXCOMP - 12th International Conference on Textile Composites, 2015.
Nguyen, Van Dung ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Noels, Ludovic. A viscoelastic-viscoplastic-damage constitutive model based on a large strain hyperlastic formulation for amorphous glassy polymers.. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
van der Rest, Astrid ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Al/Al203 multilayers to unravel the influence of the oxide on the elastic, viscoplastic and fracture properties of Al thin films. EUROMECH Colloquium 570 (Houffalize, Belgique, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).
Delroisse, Pauline ; Rigo, Olivier ; Doneux, Catherine ; Wevers, Martine ; Godet, Stéphane ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Aluminum lattice structures processed by additive manufacturing: microstructure and impact resistance. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
Inanç, Mustafa ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas. An enhanced Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for incremental, non-linear rate-independent plasticity. 20th International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM20) (Copenhagen, Denmark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. CO2 capture: an approach based on membrane technology. Network Young Membrains 2015 (Aachen, Germany, du 04/09/2015 au 05/09/2015).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and Modeling of Ductile Damage Accumulation in Martensitic Stainless Steel. EUROMECH - Colloquium 570 Multiscale analysis of the impact of microstructure on plasticity and fracture in interface-dominated materials (Houffalize, Belgium, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).
Miotti Bettanini, Alvise ; Delannay, Laurent ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Badinier, G. ; Mithieux, J.-D.. Characterization and modeling of ductile damage accumulation in martensitic stainless steels. EUROMAT 2015 (Varsovie, Pologne, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric. Characterization and modeling of the strain-rate, temperature and pressure dependence of the deformatio nof a highly crosslinked aerospace grade epoxy resin. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Conpenhaguen, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Bellanger, Philippe ; Simar, Aude ; Gorsse, Stéphane ; Jacques, Pascal. Combinatorial Approach Using Diffusion Couples as a Tool for the Optimization of Thermoelectric Materials. TMS2015, Alloys and Compounds for Thermoelectric and Solar Cell Applications III - Session V (Orlando, Florida, USA, du 15/03/2015 au 19/03/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Marteleur, Matthieu ; Jacques, Pascal. Comparative grain-scale characterisation of mechanical twinning in austenitic steel and beta-Ti. PTM 2015 (Whistler, Canada).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal Plasticity based modelling of Viscoplasticity in Nanocrystalline FCC Thin Films. Euromech Colloquium 570, Multiscale analysis of the impact of microstructure on plasticity and fracture in interface-dominated materials (Houffalize, Belgium, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).
Ismail, Karim ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, Astrid. Damage & Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for Automotive Applications. ICM 12 (Karlsruhe, Germany, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015).
Amelio, A ; Curcio, E ; Darvishmanesh, S ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Calabro, V ; Van der Bruggen, B.. Design of a hybrid system (distillation pervaporation) for the mixture methanol-mtbe (methyl tert-butyl ether). CAPE Forum 2014 - Computer Aided Process Engineering (Politecnico de Milano, Italy, du 12/05/2014 au 14/05/2014).
Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Malet, Loïc ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Dislocation mediated hardening and relaxation in nanocrystalline palladium films revealed by on-chip HRTEM time-resolved nano mechanical testing.. MMC 2015 (Manchester Central, UK, du 29/06/2015 au 02/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the MMC 2015, 2015.
Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Castin, Sidney ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effect of hydriding on nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium thin films. Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IV (Albufeira, Portugal, du 04/10/2015 au 09/10/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Lani, Frédéric. Effect of load ratio, testing frequency, temperature, moisture, notch and stacking sequence on the fatigue resistance of woven CFRP laminates. 6th International Conference on Fatigue of Composite ICFC2015 (Paris-Le Bourget, du 25/03/2015 au 27/03/2015).
Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Effet of friction stir processing on the damage resistance of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. TMS2015, Symposium: Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII (Orlando, Florida, USA, du 15/03/2015 au 19/03/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Lugo, Michael ; Tiliakos, Nickolas ; De Wilde, Juray ; Gill, Rajinder ; W. Davis, Andrew ; Soltani, Elaine C. ; Modroukas, Dean ; Castaldi, Marco J. Enhanced hydrogen production from methane steam reforming using a new thin layered structural coating on a metal substrate. AICHE 2015 Annual Meeting (Salt Lake City, UT, USA, du 08/11/2015 au 13/11/2015).
Delvaux, Adeline ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Enhancement of electrocatalytic activity on nanostructured porous nickel electrodes for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions. 2015 Energy and Materials Research Conference (EMR-2015), Symposium on Materials for Hydrogen Production and Purification (Madrid, du 25/02/2015 au 27/02/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Energy and Materials Research Conference (EMR-2015), 2015. --, p. 171.
Mandy, Mélodie ; Jacques, Pascal ; Georges, Cédric. Etude des mécanismes d'interaction, au cours du procédé d'emboutissage à chaud, entre les surces atmosphériques d'hydrogène et les aciers à haute résistance revêtus d'Al-Si. Journée Jeunes Chercheurs 2015 - Commission "Corrosion sous contrainte / Fatigue-Corrosion" (Saint-Etienne, France, du 08/04/2015 au 09/04/2015).
Proost, Joris ; Delvaux, Adeline ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Exploring and exploiting the use of 3-D electrodes for electrochemical H2 production (Invited presentation). 2015 Fall meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Symposium on Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (Warsaw, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), 2015. --, p. 45.
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Crucifix, Stéphane ; Helal, Yazid ; van der Rest, Camille ; Boumerzoug, Zakaria ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Friction Melt Bonding of Al6061 to Dual-Phase steel. Modelling and comparison to FSW for lap-joints. Workshop on Dissimilar Welding (Goin, France, 03/07/2015).
Gudla, Visweswara C. ; Jensen, Flemming ; Bordo, Kirill ; Simar, Aude ; Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Ambat, Rajan. Friction stir processed Al-TiO2 surface composites: DC vs. High Frequency Pulse and Pulse Reverse Anodising. Eurocorr 2015 (Graz, Austria, du 06/09/2015 au 10/09/2015).
Genduso, Guiseppe ; Osorio Baguer, V. ; Amelio, Antonio ; Degreve, Jan ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. From a methanol-methyl acetate industrail waste stream to n-butyl acetate, ethyl acetate or acetic acid - How can pervaporation help in increasing the value of these conversions?. Euromembrane 2015 (06/09/2015, 10/09/2015).
Ghidelli, M. ; Gravier, S. ; Djemia, P. ; Coulombier, M. ; Vayrette, R. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Giant ductility of ZrNi thin freestanding metallic glass films. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference – ESMC’15 (Madrid (Spain), du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015) (Soumis).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Heterogeneity informed quantitative micromechanical approach of ductile fracture in 6xxx aluminium alloys. 4th Internatinal Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2015) (Cachan, France, du 03/06/2015 au 05/06/2015).
Hatami, M.K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Berke, P. ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, Thierry J.. Homogenization of TRIP steel behavior using a strain gradient plasticity model . ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015, p. #729.
Hatami, M.K. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Berke, P ; Jacques, Pascal ; Massart, T.J.. Homogenization of TRIP steel behaviour using a strain gradient plasticity model. ICM12 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015).
Proost, Joris ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. In-situ approaches to study hydrogen production, uptake and release on highly strained nanostructured thin films (Invited presentation). 8th Meeting of Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC-2015), Symposium on Hydrogen Storage, Production & Fuel Cells (Miami, du 08/03/2015 au 15/03/2015). In: Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions, 2015. --, p. 48.
Marteleur, Matthieu ; Idrissi, Hosni ; S. Van Petegem ; F. Prima ; Jacques, Pascal. In-situ investigation of plasticity mechanisms in β-metastable titanium alloys presenting synergetic TRIP and TWIP effects. PTM 2015 (Whistler, Canada).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Castadot, Raphaël ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Proost, Joris. Influence de la stœchiométrie du TiO2 sur la performance de couches ultra-minces pour la passivation de photoanodes en silicium. 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, Symposium on Corrosion, Revêtements et Traitements des Surfaces (Rome, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, 2015. --, p. 132.
Delroisse, Pauline ; Rigo, Olivier ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Influence de la vitesse laser et des traitements thermiques sur la microstructure d'échantillons d'AlSi10Mg obtenus par fabrication additive. SF2M - La métallurgie en fabrication additive (Arts et Métiers, ParisTech, France, du 18/11/2015 au 19/11/2015).
Lai, Q.Q. ; Bouaziz, O ; Perlade, A ; Parry, G ; Gouné, M ; Brassart, L ; Bréchet, Y ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of martensite volume fraction and hardness on the plastic properties of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels . ICSMA17, 17th International Conference on the Strength of (Brno, Czech Republic, du 09/08/2015 au 14/08/2015).
Ruiz Salmon, Israel ; Janssens, Raphaël ; Tinant, C. ; Luis Alconero, Patricia. Influence of temperature on membrane crystallization for application in CO2 capture. Euromembrane 2015 (Aachen, Germany, du 06/09/2015 au 10/09/2015).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Li, Wenqi ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. Integration of reverse osmosis and membrane crystallization for sodium sulphate recovery. 2nd International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Innovating Membrane Operations IN Desalination and Water Reuse (2IWMD2015) (Ravello, Italy, du 01/07/2015 au 04/07/2015).
De Wilde, Juray ; Eliaers, Philippe. Measurements and Flow Visualization Techniques for Multiphase Systems. Low-Temperature, Wet Coating of Cohesive Particles in a Vortex Chamber Generated High-G Fluidized Bed. 12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS12) (Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, du 28/06/2015 au 01/07/2015).
van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frédéric ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. ICM12 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Ryelandt, Sophie ; Favache, Audrey ; Dompierre, Benoit ; François, Arnaud ; Simar, Aude. Mechanical properties of AuGe die-attach solder for electronic applications. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
Mallmann, Camila ; Simar, Aude ; Ferrié, Emilie ; Fivel, Marc ; Lilleodden, Erica T.. Mechanisms of plastic deformation of magnesium matrix nanocomposites developed by friction stir processing. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
Mallmann, Camila ; Simar, Aude ; Ferrié, Emilie ; Fivel, Marc ; Lilleodden, Erica T.. Mechanisms of plastic deformation of magnesium matrix nanocomposites elaborated by friction stir processing. Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V (Albufeira, Portugal, du 04/10/2015 au 09/10/2015).
Lai, Q. ; Gouné, M. ; Perlade, A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Bréchet, Yves. Mechnism of austenite formation in an intermediate 3.5Mn steel with Mn-enriched cementite. International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation in Inorganic Materials (PTM 2015) (Whistler, Canada, du 28/06/2015 au 03/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Chevalier, Jérémy ; Morelle, Xavier ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Micro-mechanical modeling of the pressure dependent failure of highly crosslinked epoxy resin. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Hannard, Florent ; Simar, Aude ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micromechanical modelling and in situ 3D microtomography characterization of microstructure heterogeneities effects on damage in aluminium alloys. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015) (Leganés-Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015).
Lai, Q.Q. ; Bouaziz, O ; Perlade, A ; Gouné, M ; Bréchet, Y ; Pardoen, Thomas. Microstructure refinement of dual-phase steels with 3.5wt% Mn: plastic and fracture properties. ICSMA17, 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (Brno, Czech Republic, du 09/08/2015 au 14/08/2015).
Lani, Frédéric ; Morelle, Xavier ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Modeling the strain-rate, temperature and pressure dépendent mechanical response of a highly crosslinked aerospace grade epoxy resin up to large deformation. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composite Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the ICCM20, 2015.
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Modelling and control of thermal cycles during dissimilar Friction Melt Bonding of Al6061 to Ultra-Low-Carbon Steel and their role in hot tearing. EUROMAT 2015 (Warsaw, Poland, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Sun, F. ; Vermaut, P. ; Prima, F. ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Jacques, Pascal. Nanoscale TWIP and TRIP mechanisms in Ti-Mo binary alloys. European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2015) (Antwerp, Belgium, du 14/09/2015 au 18/09/2015).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, L. ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in as-deposited and hydride nanocrystalline Pd thin films revealed by advanced in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Delvaux, Adeline ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Nickel poreux nanostructuré et évolution d’oxygène: contributions de la surface spécifique et du détachement des bulles au surpotentiel. 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, Symposium on Electrocatalyse, Electrochimie Moléculaire et Electrosynthèse (Rome, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, 2015. --, p. 171.
Wucher, Benoît ; Hallstrom, Stefan ; Dumas, David ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Lani, Frédéric. Non-conformal finite element homogenization applied to woven composites with complex textile architectures. ICCM20 - International Conference on Composites Materials (Copenhague, Danemark, du 19/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Jacques, Pascal ; van der Rest, Camille ; Bellanger, Philippe ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Simar, Aude. On the characterisation of ordering in Fe2VAl-based ternary Heusler Compounds. International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation in Inorganic Materials (PTM 2015) (Whistler, Canada, du 28/06/2015 au 03/07/2015).
Mandy, Mélodie ; Georges, Cédric ; Drillet, Pascal ; Sturel, Thierry ; Jacques, Pascal. On the interaction mechanisms between atmospheric sources of hydrogen and Al-Si coated or bare high strength steels during the hot stamping process. SF2M - workshop "Mapping the future of materials science" (Sèvres (Paris), France, du 07/09/2015 au 09/09/2015).
Mandy, Mélodie ; Georges, Cédric ; Drillet, Pascal ; Sturel, Thierry ; Jacques, Pascal. On the interaction mechanisms between sources of hydrogen and Al-Si coated or bare high strength steels during the hot stamping process. EUROMAT 2015 - European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Varsovie, Pologne, du 20/09/2015 au 24/09/2015).
van der Rest, Camille ; Bellanger, Philippe ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. On the interactions between recrystallisation and ordering phenomena in Fe2VAl-based Heusler Compounds. International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation in Inorganic Materials (PTM 2015) (Whistler, Canada, du 28/06/2015 au 03/07/2015).
Hammad, Mohamed ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-Chip Graphene Tensile Testing. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings fo the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.
Lapouge, Pierre ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Onimus, F. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bréchet, Yves. On-Chip Irradiation Creep Testing of Copper Films. 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 29/11/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2015.
Proost, Joris. Perspectives of H2 mobility in Belgium (Invited presentation). 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES-2015), Special Invited Session Smart Energy Europe - Challenges and opportunities for a fossil and nuclear free European continent (Dubrovnik, Croatia, du 27/09/2015 au 02/10/2015). In: Book of abstracts of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES-2015), Special Invited Session Smart Energy Europe - Challenges and opportunities for a fossil and nuclear free European continent, 2015, p. abstract 0799.
Tekoglu, Cihan ; Hutchinson, J. W. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Plastic flow localization leading to ductile fracture. IUTAM Symposium on "Ductile Failure & Localization" (Paris, Fance, du 17/03/2015 au 20/03/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Ismail, Karim ; Pierman, Anne-Pascale ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Jacques, Pascal ; Brassart, Laurence ; Perlade, A.. Plasticity & Fracture Toughness of Fibrous Dual-Phase Steels for automotive Applications. EUROMECH Colloquium 570 (Houffalize, Belgique, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).
Amelio, A. ; Danguy, L. ; Van der Voorde, B. ; Darvishmanesh , S. ; Calabro, V. ; Degreve, J. ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, B.. Process integration of membrane extraction in the biodiesel production process: experiments and simulation. Euromembrane 2015 (Aachen, Germany, du 06/09/2015 au 10/09/2015).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bollinger, C. ; Boioli, F. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Cordier, P. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Small-scale plasticity mechanisms in crystalline and amorphous materials revealed by in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. European-MRS Fall Meeting (Warsaw, Poland, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, D. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Study of creep/relaxation in nanocrystalline FCC thin films through internal-stress-actuated microtensile testing method. 13th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures - CREEP2015 (Toulouse, du 31/05/2015 au 04/06/2015).
Lapouge, Pierre ; Onimus, Fabien ; Bréchet, Yves ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Vayrette, Renaud. Study of the irradiation creep based on nanomechanical lab-on-chip testing. ICM12 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Idrissi, Hosni. TEM observation of dislocation dynamics and strain hardening. Interuniversity Attraction Pole: Graduate School on Strain Hardening (Leuven, Belgium, du 19/05/2015 au 21/05/2015).
Simar, Aude. Teaching an advanced processing course with hands-on projects. International Conference on Materials Education (Cambridge, UK, du 06/04/2015 au 11/04/2015).
Benyahia, Sofiane. Understanding Particulate Flow Physics by Means of Large Simulation Data Sets. 2015 Multiphase Flow Science Workshop (US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 12/08/2015).
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Djemia, P. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Viscoplastic and fracture behavior of ZrNi freestanding metallic glass films . ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.
Proost, Joris ; Henry, Frédéric ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Tuyaerts, Romain ; Michotte, Sébastien. What strain can (or cannot) do to your TCO (Invited presentation). 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials : from Fundamental Understanding to Applications (Warsaw, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, 2015. --, p. 157.
Kinloch, A. J. ; Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints.. 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norvège, du 30/06/2014 au 04/07/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Kinloch, A. ; Martiny, Ph. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for fracture in adhesively-bonded joints. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Kinloch, A. J. ; Martiny ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints. 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics - ACAM8 (Melbourne, Australie, du 23/11/2014 au 26/11/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Pardoen, Thomas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel. A new class of architectured materials for combined electromagnetic and mechanical absorption. Symposium Future directions in micromechanics in recognition of the honorary doctoral degree of the TU/e awarded to Prof. N.A. Fleck (Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland, 23/04/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Inança, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Tekoglu, Cihan. An enhanced Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for incremental, non-linear rate-independent plasticity. 3rd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental Observations (Izmir, Turkey, du 02/06/2014 au 04/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Physics Based Modeling of Material Properties and Experimental Observations, 2014.
Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Avettand-Fènoël, Maire-Noëlle ; Simar, Aude ; Taillard, Roland. Arresting the grain growth of nano grains in Copper for effective heat evacuation applications. NANOSPD6 (Metz, France, du 30/06/2014 au 04/07/2014). In: Proceedings of NANOSPD6, 2014.
Morelle, Xavier ; Bahrami, Amir ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Nysten, Bernard ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modeling of the time-dependent behavior of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery, creep and back stress. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modelling of the viscoplactic and damage behaviour of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery and back stress effects. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014).
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Characterization and modelling of the viscoplastic and damage behaviour of the RTM6 structural epoxy involving recovery and back stress effects. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16) (Séville, Espagne, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014).
Simar, Aude ; Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Jacques, Pascal ; van der Rest, Camille. Characterization of different Al-to-steel dissimilar welds using an innovative FSW-based process. 10th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium (Beijing, China, du 20/05/2014 au 22/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 10th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium, 2014.
Delroisse, Pauline ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Rigo, Olivier ; Doneux, Catherine ; Pyka, Grégory ; Wevers, Martine ; Jacques, Pascal ; Simar, Aude. Comparison of the impact resistance of honeycombs and LBM lattice structures. Workshop on Additive Manufacturing for space applications (European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, Pays-Bas, du 28/10/2014 au 29/10/2014).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline FCC thin films. 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany, du 14/07/2014 au 15/07/2014).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline freestanding Pd films. 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science. New Frontiers of Nanometals (Roskilde, Denmark, du 01/09/2014 au 05/09/2014).
Lemoine, Guerric ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Delannay, Laurent. Crystal plasticity based modelling of strain hardening and creep in nanocrystalline freestanding Pd films. 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC14 (Gothenburg,Sweden, du 27/08/2014 au 29/08/2014).
Sun, F. ; Zhang, Jinyong ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; Gloriant, Thierry ; Vermaut, Philippe ; Prima, Frédéric. Deformation microstructure and mechanisms in a metastable β titanium alloy exhibiting TWIP and TRIP effects. 8th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2013 (Las Vegas, du 02/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Materials Science Forum, Vol. 783-786, p. 1360-1365 (2014).
Avettand-Fènoël, M.-N. ; Simar, Aude ; Shabadi, R. ; Taillard, R. ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno. Dispersion Strengthened Copper Elaborated by Friction Stir Processing. 10th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium (Beijing,China, du 20/05/2014 au 22/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 10th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium, 2014.
Van Overmeere, Quentin. Electrochemical energy conversion with oxide thin films: tuning the internal stress for improved performance. Energy, Materials, Nanotechnology East Meeting, Symposium Electrochemical energy conversion (Bejing (China), du 12/05/2014 au 15/05/2014).
Idrissi, Hosni. Etude par MET avancée des mécanismes de plasticité dans des films minces Palladium nanocristallin sous chargement en Hydrogène. Colloque Plasticité (Lyon, France, du 28/04/2014 au 30/04/2014).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Wang, B. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Failure in thin metallic films: on chip testing and size effects. 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norvège, du 30/06/2014 au 04/07/2014).
van der Rest, Camille ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Friction Melt Bonding: an innovative process for aluminium-steel lap joints. Friction Stir Welding and Processing FSWP 2014 (Nantes, France, 29/01/2014).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; La Mantia, Fabio ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Di Quarto, Francesco ; Proost, Joris. In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides. 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films (Lausanne (CH), du 31/08/2014 au 05/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films, 2014, Abstract n°141558 (Soumis).
Simar, Aude ; Hannard, Florent ; Maire, Eric ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of microstructure heterogeneities on damage in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (Trondheim, Norway, du 15/06/2014 au 19/06/2014).
Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, Olivier ; Bréchet, Yves ; Perlade, A. ; Parry, G. ; Gouné, M. ; Favache, Audrey ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the martensite properties on the mechanical behavior of ferrite-martensite dual-phasesteels.. Materials Science Engineering -MSE 2014 (Darmstadt, Germany, du 23/09/2014 au 25/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Denquin, Anne ; Simar, Aude ; Gallais, Christophe ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bréchet, Yves. Integrated modelling applied to process design: FSW of Aluminium alloys. TMS 2014 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition (San Diego, California, USA, du 16/02/2014 au 20/02/2014).
Marteleur, Matthieu ; Jacques, Pascal. Investigations of the role of SIM α’’ phase in the plasticity of β- metastable Ti alloys exhibiting TRIP and TWIP effects. ICOMAT 2014 (Bilbao).
van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frederic ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior (Waltham, MA (USA), du 13/07/2014 au 18/07/2014).
Proost, Joris ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Sinnaeve, Marc. Mechano-chemical coupling effects during hydriding of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems : Fundamentals and Applications (Manchester, UK, du 20/07/2014 au 25/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, 2014, abstract #398.
Gudla, Viswesvara ; Jensen, Flemming ; Bordo, Kirill ; Canulescu, Stela ; Ambat, Rajan ; Simar, Aude ; Shabadi, Rajashekhara. Microstructure and optical appearance of anodized friction stir processed Al- Metal oxide surface composites. Eurocorr 2014 (Pisa, Italy, du 08/09/2014 au 12/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the EUROCORR 2014, 2014.
Ambat, Rajan ; Gudla, Viswesvara ; Jensen, Flemming ; Canulescu, Stela ; Simar, Aude ; Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Schou, Jorgen. Microstructure and optical appearance of friction stir processed and anodized Al- Metal oxide surface composites. 2nd International Congress on Anodizing Science and Technology (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, du 04/06/2014 au 06/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Anodizing Science and Technology, 2014.
Gudla, Visweswara ; Jensen, Flemming ; Canulescu, Stela ; Simar, Aude ; Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Schou, Jorgen ; Ambat, Rajan. Microstructure and optical appearance of friction stir processed and anodized Al-TiO2 surface composites. TMS 2014 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition (San Diego, California, USA, du 16/02/2014 au 20/02/2014).
Proost, Joris ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Morphological and electrical instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Invited presentation). 2nd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology (Sapporo, Japan, du 04/06/2014 au 06/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology, 2014, p. Abstract I-03.
Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multifunctional sandwich structure for electromagnetic absorption and mechanical performances. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.
Ribesse, Arnaud ; Favache, Audrey ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Bailly, Christian ; Jacques, Pascal ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multiscale mechanical and tribological characterization of AlSi abradable material. 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives (Les Diablerets, Suisse, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Hammad, Mohamed ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nano-Indentation of Cu/Graphene Bilayer System. 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference – EMMC14 (Gothenburg, Sweden, du 27/08/2014 au 29/08/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Hammad, Mohamed ; Fivel, Marc ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Idrissi, Hosni ; D'Haese, Cécile ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Nysten, Bernard ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoindentation of Cu/Graphene Bilayer System. 2014 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, Massachussetts, USA, du 30/11/2014 au 05/12/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Idrissi, Hosni. Nanomechanics of defects using in situ TEM. First international school and workshop on electron microscopy in Morocco (Fez, Marocco, du 29/09/2014 au 04/10/2014).
Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. On-chip MEMS-based internal stress actuated structures for the mechanical testing of freestanding thin film materials. 9th European Conference on Residual Stress (Troyes, France, du 07/07/2014 au 10/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Residual Stress, 2014.
de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Delvaux, A. ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Process intensification of electrochemical hydrogen production by using porous electrodes. 2nd Euro-Meditarranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference (EmHyTeC2014) (Taormina, Italy, du 09/12/2014 au 12/12/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Euro-Meditarranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference, 2014, p.144.
Idrissi, Hosni. Recent review on nanoscale deformation mechanisms in coarse-grained and nanocrystalline materials using advanced TEM. PIRE, Science at the triple point between mathematics, mechanics and materials science (NSF) (Warwick, UK, du 15/09/2014 au 18/09/2014).
Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Perlade, A. ; Parry, G. ; Gouné, M. ; Brassart, Laurence ; Pardoen, Thomas. Refined dual-phase steel from cold-rolled martensite with 3.5wt% Mn.. Materials Science Engineering -MSE 2014 (Darmstadt, Germany, du 23/09/2014 au 25/09/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Lorant, Christophe ; Descamps, Pierre ; De Wilde, Juray. Simulation of low-temperature, atmospheric-pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactors. 1st BeLux workshop on “Coating, Materials, surfaces and Interfaces (Luxembourg, du 11/09/2014 au 12/09/2014).
Wucher, B. ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Dumas, D. ; Martiny, P.. Simulation-driven tooling shape optimization for an easier assembling process of composite parts. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.
Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Lemoine, Guerric ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Ghidelli, Matteo ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Delannay, Laurent ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Size dependent plastic localization in thin nanocrystalline or amorphous metallic films. MRS fall meeting (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2014 au 05/12/2014).
Pardoen, Thomas. Size effects in static fracture on the limitations of the fracture toughness concept for tough/ductile materials. CECAM workshop : Modeling Metal Failure across Multiple Scales (Lausanne, switzerland, du 26/05/2014 au 27/05/2014).
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Size-Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Sputter-Deposited Zr65Ni35 Thin Film Metallic Glasses. 21st International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2014) (Cancun (Mexique), du 29/06/2014 au 04/07/2014).
Tuyaerts, Romain ; Henry, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Strain-engineered piezoelectric ZnO thin films. 8th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Symposium on Piezoelectric, Acousto-Optic, Gas, Chemical and Biosensor Device Applications (Ontario, Canada, du 07/09/2014 au 11/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Symposium on Piezoelectric, Acousto-Optic, Gas, Chemical and Biosensor Device Applications, 2014, p.42.
Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Coulon, Benoît ; Ballout, Wael ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structural and micromechanical characterization and modeling of the interdiffusion region between two thermoset resins. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16) (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014).
Janssens de Bisthoven, Yann-Alex ; Coulon, B. ; Voleppe, Quentin ; Sclavons, Michel ; Magnin, Delphine ; Debleser, R. ; Ballout, Wael ; Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Structural micromechanical characterization of the interphase region between two thermoset resins. 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (Seville, Spain, du 22/06/2014 au 26/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kübel, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Study of nanoscale deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline materials using advanced micro/nanomechanical TEM testing. IUTAM Symposium on Micromechanics of Defects in Solids (Seville, Spain, du 09/06/2014 au 13/06/2014).
Sandu, Georgiana ; Brassart, Laurence ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Melinte, Sorin ; Vlad, Alexandru. Surface Coating Mediated Swelling and Fracture in Lithiated Core-Shell Nanowires. 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting (Lille (France), du 26/05/2014 au 29/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting, p. 1. In: Proceedings of the 2014 E-MRS Spring Meeting, 2014, 1.
Sandu, Georgiana ; Brassart, Laurence ; Singh, N. ; Gohy, Jean-François ; Ajayan, P. M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Melinte, Sorin ; Vlad, Alexandru. Surface Coating Mediated Swelling and Fracture in Lithiated Core-Shell Silicon Nanostructures. 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (Como, Italie, du 10/06/2014 au 14/06/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Idrissi, Hosni. TEM investigation of the elementary plasticity mechanisms in TRIP/TWIP Ti-12 wt.% Mo alloy. International Microscopy Conference (IMC2014) (Prague, Czech Republic, du 07/09/2014 au 12/09/2014).
Voleppe, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Thermoset composite assembling by welding of thermoplastic surface layers: microstructure and toughness of the resulting thermoplastic/epoxy resin interfaces. 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (Suzhou, China, du 15/10/2014 au 17/10/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, 2014.
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Castadot, Raphaël ; Proost, Joris ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Ultrathin oxide films in electrochemical energy conversion devices: controlling the internal stress for improved reliability and performance. Mat4Energy (Grenoble (FR), du 16/06/2014 au 18/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2014 Mat4Energy Meeting, 2014, Abstract P29, page 83.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Ahmin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kübel, C. ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Pardoen, Thomas. Unravelling plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline metallic thin films using advanced in-situ TEM micro/nanomechanical testing. 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (Cambridge, UK, du 07/07/2014 au 11/07/2014). In: Book of abstracts, 2014.
Tekoglu, Cihan ; Attari, Sanaz ; Leblond, Jean-Baptiste ; Pardoen, Thomas. Void coalescence through internal necking: Thomason's criterion revisited. 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (Izmir, Turkey, du 30/06/2014 au 03/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 2014.
Lani, Frédéric ; Wyart, Eric ; D'Alvise, Laurent. A XFEM-based probabilistic damage tolerant approach with Morfeo/Crack for Abaqus. Simulia Benelux Users' Meeting (Conferentiecentrum Bovendonk – Hoeven, Netherlands, du 13/11/2013 au 14/11/2013).
Roy, Geoffrey ; van der Rest, Camille ; Michiels, Cécile ; Vinel, Mathieu ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. A global design approach for thermoelectric harvesting system. EUROMAT 2013 (Séville, Espagne, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Kinloch, A.J. ; Martiny, Philippe ; Lani, Frédéric ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of crack propagation in adhesively-bonded joints . ADHESION '13 (The National Science Learning Centre, University of York, UK, du 04/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Martiny, Philippe ; Lani, Frédéric ; Kinloch, A.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas. A maximum stress at a distance criterion for the prediction of fracture in adhesively-bonded joints. Adhesion Society Annual Meeting 2013 (Daytona Beach, FL, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 06/03/2013).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. A novel schema to recover carbon dioxide. International Membrane Science & Technology Conference (IMSTEC) (Melbourne, Australia, du 25/11/2013 au 29/11/2013).
Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, Loic ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, Dominique. Active Plasticity Mechanisms during Hydriding of Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Dislocation Plasticity (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, p. Abstract KK.05 (Soumis).
van der Rest, Camille ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. An innovative process applied to the joining of steel to aluminum in a lap-joint configuration: thermal profile, microstructural evolution and lap-shear testing. BIL-NIL Lassymposium (Antwerpen, Belgique, du 26/11/2013 au 27/11/2013).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Lassance, Denis ; Fabrègue, D.. Applications of advanced micromechanics based ductile failure models Do we really need ail this complexity?. 2nd International Worshop on Physics Based Modeling of Materials Properties & Experimental Observation (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Marandi, K. ; Vayrette, Renaud ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Duchêne, Laurent ; Habraken, Anne Marie. Bauschinger effect in thin metallic films by Fern simulations. XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, 2013.
Ye, Wenyuan ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. Carbon dioxide Recovery by membrane assisted crystallization. International Conference on chemical science and engineering (ICCSE 2013) (Zurich, Suisse, du 30/07/2013 au 31/07/2013).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Ye, Wenyuan ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. Carbon dioxide recovery by membrane assisted crystallization. 2013 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (IEEC 2013 & Exhibition) (COEX, Seoul, Korea, du 11/06/2013 au 13/06/2013).
Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; de Streel, Matthieu ; Schmitz, Alain ; Schmitz, B. ; Silberberg, E. ; Pace, S. ; Harlet, P. ; Jacques, Pascal. Characterisation of copper films processed by evaporation. EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, Spain, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of EUROMAT 2013, 2013, p. 02955.
Jimenez Mena, Norberto ; Simar, Aude ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Characterization of DP600-Al6061 dissimilar welds using an innovative FSW-based process to join Al to steel. 10th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Beijing, China, du 20/05/2014 au 22/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2013.
De Maeyer, Barbara ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Combined in-situ curvature and resistivity monitoring to assess the morphological stability of solar concentrators in operando. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society - Symposium on Characterization of Energy Materials In-Situ and Operando (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract FF7.12.
Blaffart, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Combining In-situ Mechanical, Ellipsometric and Spectrometric Tools during Growth of 3D Porous Anodic Silica. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Characterization of Energy Materials In-Situ and Operando (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS Online Proceedings Library; 1646), 2013.
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, Sébastien ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe. Compositional-induced structural change of ZrNi thin film metallic glasses deposited by magnetron sputtering. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (Torino (Italy), du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013).
Brassart, Laurence ; Zhao, Kejie ; Suo, Zhigang. Continuum modeling of plasticity, diffusion and chemical reactions in Li-ion batteries. SES 50th Annual Technical Meeting and ASME-AMD Annual Summer Meeting (Brown University, Providence (RI), USA, du 28/07/2013 au 31/07/2013).
Marteleur, Matthieu ; F. Sun ; F. Prima ; Jacques, Pascal. Design and Microstructural Characterization of High Performance β-Metastable Titanium Alloys Presenting Simultaneous TRIP and TWIP Effects. TMS 2013 (San Antonio).
Marteleur, Matthieu ; Jacques, Pascal. Design and Microstructural Characterization of High Performance β-Metastable Titanium Alloys Presenting Simultaneous TRIP and TWIP Effects. Plasticité 2013 (Paris, du 17/04/2013 au 19/04/2013).
Navarro, Etienne ; Bréchet, Yves ; Moreau, R. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I.. Direct silicon bonding dynamics: a coupled fluid/structure analysis. WaferBond'13 (Stockhom, Suède, du 05/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of WaferBond'13, 2013.
Navarro, E. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Moreau , R. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Barthelemy, A. ; Radu, I.. Direct wafer bonding front propagation dynamics. WaferBond’13 (Stockhom, Suède, du 04/12/2013 au 12/12/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
De Wilde, Juray. Dual-zone structured catalytic reactors for steam methane reforming:Modeling and reactor analysis and design. 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors (Beijing, China, du 25/09/2014 au 27/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, 2013.
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Energy storage in nanostructured solid oxide fuel cell electrodes. Gordon Research Conference on Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology (Ventura, CA, USA, du 03/02/2013 au 08/02/2013).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. Enhancing Transesterification Reactions by Pervaporation. International Scientific Conference on Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation (Torun, Poland, du 12/05/2013 au 15/05/2013).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kübel, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Etude des mécanismes élémentaires de plasticité et de fracture dans des films minces d'Aluminium nanocristallin par des tests nanomécaniques in-situ en ACOM-TEM. Colloque Plasticité 2013 (Paris, France, du 17/04/2013 au 19/04/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Volland, Antoine ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Exploring size effect phenomena in Zr65Ni35 thin film metallic glasses. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (Torino (Italy), du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013).
Erauw, Jean-Pierre ; Dupont, Vedi ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal ; Cambier, Francis. Field assisted (reactive) sintering of Fe2VAl thermoelectric compounds. Workshop on Field Assisted Sintering Techniques (Maubeuge, France).
Simar, Aude ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Friction Melt Bonding: An innovative process for aluminium-steel lap joints. Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Lille, France, du 29/10/2013 au 31/10/2013).
van der Rest, Camille ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Friction Melt Bonding: an innovative process applied to the joining of steel to aluminum in a lap-joint configuration. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Simar, Aude ; van der Rest, Camille ; Jacques, Pascal. Friction Melt Bonding: an innovative process applied to the joining of steel to aluminum in a lap-joint configuration. Thermec 2013 (Las Vegas, USA, du 02/12/2013 au 06/12/2013).
Mertens, Anne ; Simar, Aude ; Garray, Didier ; Halleux, Jacques ; Montrieux, Henri-Michel ; Lecomte-Beckers, Jacqueline. Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Matrix Composites Reinforced with Carbon Fibres or Carbon Nanotubes. Thermec (Las Vegas, USA, du 02/12/2013 au 06/06/2013).
de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Jonckheere, Caroline ; Denquin, Anne ; Simar, Aude. Friction Stir Welding of AA6061 T6 to AA2014 T for an aeronautical application. IIW Congress (Singapore, du 08/07/2013 au 10/07/2013). In: Proceedings of the IIW Congress, 2013.
Simar, Aude. Friction stir mixing to process new composite materials. Conférence Collège de France (Paris, du 14/10/2013 au 14/02/2014).
Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Huynen, Isabelle ; Bailly, Christian ; Detrembleur, C. ; Thomassin, J. M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Hybrid and Hierarchical Composite Materials. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, California, USA, du 03/3/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Wucher, Benoît ; Lani, Frédéric ; Martiny, Philippe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. Identification of the material properties needed in cure simulations from inverse analysis and finite element homogenization. 17th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS17) (FEUP Porto , du 17/06/2013 au 21/06/2013).
Idrissi, Hosni ; Kobler , A. ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Kubel, C. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. In-situ ACOM-TEM nanomechanical testing of <111> textured ultrafine grained Al thin films: plasticity and fracture mechanisms. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, California, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Malet, L. ; Schryvers, D. ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. In-situ characterization of the time dependent mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. MECANO (Dusseldorf, Germany, du 18/07/2013 au 19/07/2013).
De Maeyer, Barbara ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of thermally induced resistivity changes in silver thin films. 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Thin Films and Nanomaterials (San Antonio, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Proceedings of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), 2013, p.263.
Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim ; Hannard, Florent ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminium alloys. XII Int. Conf. Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013).
Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim L. ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminum alloys. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Marteleur, Matthieu ; Jacques, Pascal. Influence of the thermomechanical processing on the enhancement of the mechanical properties of β-metastable Ti alloys presenting conjugated TRIP and TWIP effects. Thermec 2013 (Las Vegas).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Brugger, Charles ; Massart, Thierry J.. Interface dominated plastic flow described by strain gradient plasticity theory - application to fine grained steels and thin films. COMPLAS 2013 - XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Van Overmeere, Quentin. Internal stresses in ultrathin oxide films: influence on growth and reliability. 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (San Francisco, USA, du 27/10/2013 au 01/11/2013).
Van Overmeere, Quentin. Internal stresses in ultrathin oxide flms: influence on growth and reliability. 224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium on Oxide Films (San Francisco, USA, du 27/10/2013 au 01/11/2013). In: ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
Vayrette, Renaud ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Mompiou, F. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Lab-on-chip for in- and ex-situ characterization of the mechanical response of nano-objects. GDRI CNRS Mecano General Meeting on the Mechanics of Nano-objects (Duesseldorf, Deutschland, du 18/07/2013 au 19/07/2013).
Tekoglu, Cihan ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Hutchinson, J. W.. Localization of plastic flow leading to ductile failure: which comes first, the localization in a band or the coalescence of voids?. COMPLAS 2013 - XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelone, Espagne, du 03/09/2013 au 06/09/2013). In: Book of Abstracts, 2013.
van der Rest, Astrid ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Henry, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-electro-mechanical testing of freestanding ultrathin aluminum oxide films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society - Symposium on Microelectromechanical Systems-Materials and Devices (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract XX.10.07.
Mertens, Anne ; Simar, Aude ; Garray, Didier ; Halleux, Jacques ; Montrieux, Henri-Michel ; Lecompte-Beckers, Jacqueline. Microstructure and Thermomechanical Behaviour of Magnesium - C nanotubes Composites produced by Friction Stir Processing. EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Simar, Aude ; Avettand-Fènoël, Marie-Noëlle ; Shabadi, Rajashekhara. Microstructure and mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened copper produced by friction stir processing. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Brassart, Laurence ; Zhao, Kejie ; Suo, Zhigang. Modeling of plasticity coupled to diffusion and chemical reaction in high-capacity electrodes for Li-ion batteries. XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications. (Barcelona, Spain, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013).
Simar, Aude. Modélisation intégrée des procédés de soudage FSW. Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (Collège de France, Paris).
Bollen, Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian ; Huynen, Isabelle. Multifunctional Metamaterial Absorber Based on Honeycomb Filled with Epoxy-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite and Split Ring Resonator. 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials 2013 (Bordeaux, France, du 16/09/2013 au 21/09/2013), p. 4 p.. In: Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), 2013 7th International Congress on, IEEE, 2013. 978-1-4799-1229-2, 349 - 351. doi:10.1109/MetaMaterials.2013.6809049.
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Gravier, S. ; Blandin, J.-J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. New Generation of Micro- and Nano- Systems using Metallic Glass Thin Films. IDS-FunMat 3rd Training School (Annecy, France, du 17/03/2016 au 22/03/2016).
Melchior, Maxime ; Lani, Frédéric ; Morelle, Xavier ; Brassart, Laurence ; Doghri, Issam ; Pardoen, Thomas. Non-linear micromechanics based analysis of a satin5 representative single ply volume element. XII International conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications. COMPLAS XII. (Barcelona, Spain, du 03/09/2013 au 05/09/2013).
van der Rest, Camille ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. On the Processing and Microstructure Optimisation of Fe2VAl-based Compounds for Low Grade Heat Harvesting. Thermec (Las Vegas, USA, du 02/12/2013 au 06/12/2013).
van der Rest, Camille ; Crucifix, Stéphane ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. On the joining of steel and aluminium by means of an innovative process. EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, Espagne, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. On the transition from dense to porous silicia. the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Electrochemical Processes for Advanced Materials Synthesis (Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, 17.
Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-Chip tensile testing of the mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of nano-scale silicon free-standing beams up to fracture. PiezoNEMS 2013 - PHELMA-Polygone (Grenoble, France, 11/11/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Vayrette, Renaud ; Galceran, Montserrat ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. On-chip testing and characterization of polysilicon thin films fracture mechanisms. MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/02/2014).
Lai, Q. ; Bouaziz, O. ; Bréchet, Yves ; Gouné, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Phase transformation controlled architectures in steel alloys. EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, France, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Brassart, Laurence ; Zhao, Kejie ; Suo, Zhigang. Plasticity of lithiated silicon under chemo-mechanical loading. 3rd International Conference on Material Modelling (Warsaw, Poland, du 08/09/2013 au 11/09/2013).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Pore initiation and growth in anodic alumina : looking from within the electrolyte (Invited presentation). 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Corrosion Processes at the Nanoscale (Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, p.14.
van der Rest, Camille ; Roy, Geoffrey ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Processing and microstructure optimisation of Fe2VAl-based compounds for thermoelectric applications. EUROMAT 2013 (Séville, Espagne, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Idrissi, Hosni. Recent Advances in TEM characterization of crystallographic defects. First North African School and Workshop on Electron Microscopy in Materials (La Marsa, Tunisia, du 02/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Jullok, Nora ; Van Hooghten, R. ; Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Vermant, J. ; Van der Bruggen, Bart. Series production of nano-particles using Stöber method. 3rd INternational Malaysia-Ireland Joint Symposium on Engineering, Sicence and Business (IMiEJS) (Dublin, Ireland, du 11/06/2013 au 13/06/2013).
Ghidelli, Matteo ; Volland, Antoine ; Blandin, Jean-Jacques ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Lani, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Djemia, Philippe ; Gravier, Sébastien. Size Dependent Mechanics of Thin ZrNi Metallic Glass Films. Nano- And Micromechanical Testing In Materials Research And Development IV (Olhao Portugal, du 06/10/2013 au 11/10/2013).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Wang, B. ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Mompiou, Frédéric ; Legros, M.. Size and rate dependent ductility of thin metallic films. Plasticity'13 - Symosium in honor of Prof. P. Van Houtte (Nassau, Bahamas, du 03/01/2013 au 08/01/2013).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, D. ; Mompiou, F. ; Legros, M. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Size and rate dependent plastic localization in thin metallic films. 142nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2013 - Symposium: Fatigue and Fracture of Thin Films and Nanomaterials (San Antonio, Texas (USA), du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Proost, Joris ; Henry, Frédéric ; Delamare, Romain ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Strain-engineered transparent conductive oxides with improved electro-optical and light trapping functionalities. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Elastic Strain Engineering for Unprecedented Materials Properties (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract YY2.04.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Kobler, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Kübel, C. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Study of small-scale plasticity and fracture mechanisms in ultrafine-grained Al wires using in situ BF-TEM and in situ ACOM-TEM nanomechanical testing. Nanobrücken (Dresden, Germany, du 20/03/2013 au 22/03/2018).
Libralesso, L. ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Guaino, P. ; Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Archambeau, C.. Surface Mechanical Properties of Functional Thin Films on Steel-based substrates. Hybrid Materials 2013 - HYMA 2013 (Sorrento, Italy, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface effects on the electrical, mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of silicon nano wires. 2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit (San Francisco, California, USA, du 01/04/2013 au 05/04/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Galceran, M. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Godet, Stéphane ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. TEM Observation of FCC 9R Phase Transformation in Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films during Hydriding/Dehydriding Cycles. 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), Symposium on Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution: Non-conventional Phase Transformation Paths (San Antonio, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Proceedings of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), 2013, p.226.
Sacre, Charles-Henry ; Guaino, P. ; Libralesso, L. ; Favache, Audrey ; Pardoen, Thomas. Temperature dependent mechanical properties of hard ZnO thin films deposited onto polymer-based sub-layers. World Tribology Congress 2013 (Torino, Italie, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Book of abstracts, 2013.
Inanç, M ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bouaziz, O ; Tekoglu, C. The Effect of Per-phase Properties on the Ductility of Dual Phase (DP) Steels . 2nd International Workshop on hysics based modelling of material properties and experimental observations with special focus on (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Shabadi, Rajashekhara ; Avettand-Fènoël, Marie-Noëlle ; Simar, Aude ; Taillard, Roland ; Jain, P.K. ; Johnson, Roy. Thermal behavior of Friction Stir Processed Copper-Yttria nanostructured composites. Thermec (Las Vegas, USA, du 02/12/2013 au 06/12/2013).
van der Rest, Camille ; Makuanga, David-Henry ; Marchal-Marchant, Valentin ; Simar, Aude ; Jacques, Pascal. Thermomechanical processing of Fe2VAl-based compounds for thermoelectric applications. TMS 2013 (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013).
Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Towards an understanding of electrochemical oscillations during anodic silica formation. 13th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces (Chateau Liblice, Czech Republic, du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces, 2013, Abstract 24.
Idrissi, Hosni. Tracking nanoscale interfaces related mechanisms in materials using advanced transmission electron microscopy. International Workshop on Interface-dominated Materials (Bochum, Germany, du 21/10/2013 au 28/10/2013).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Vanadium oxide electrodes for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Surface/Interface Characterization and Renewable Energy (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013).
Mamaghani, S.A. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Leblond, J.-B. ; Tekoglu, C. Void Coalescence under Combined Tension and Shear. 2nd International Workshop on hysics based modelling of material properties and experimental observations with special focus on (Antalya, Turkey, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Idrissi, Hosni. Étude des mécanismes élémentaires de plasticité et de fracture dans des films minces d’aluminium nanocristallin par des tests nanomécaniques in situ ACOM-TEM. Colloque Plasticité (Paris, France, du 17/04/2013 au 19/04/2013).
Wucher, Benoît ; Lani, Frédéric ; Martiny, Philippe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Bailly, Christian. An example of mold compensation by means of numerical simulation on a generic curved CFRP C-spar. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.
Blaffart, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Combined in-situ stress and thickness monitoring during electrochemical oxidation of silicon. 8th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology (Malaga, du 25/03/2012 au 30/03/2012). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology, 2012, p. Abstract O2-03.
Simar, Aude. Composite manufacturing by friction stir welding. Journées annuelles SF2M (Paris, France, du 29/10/2012 au 31/10/2012).
Rosales-Trujillo, Waldo ; De Wilde, Juray. Design Aspects of Rotating Fluidized Beds in a Static Geometry: Theoretical and Experimental Study. 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22) (Maastricht, Pays-Bas, du 02/09/2012 au 05/09/2012). In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reactin Engineering (ISCRE 22), 2012.
Legrand, Nicolas ; Geurten, Alban ; Gioe, Dorian ; Jonckheere, Caroline ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Simar, Aude. Dissimilar 2014T6-6061T6 welds: application, clamping device, non destructive examination. The 2nd International Conference on Friction Stir Welding and Processing (St Etienne, France, du 26/01/2012 au 27/01/2012). In: Proceedings of FSWP Conference, 2012.
Jonckheere, Caroline ; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno ; Denquin, Anne ; Simar, Aude. Effects of the high temperature mechanical relative strengths in dissimilar friction stir welds of 2014 to 6061 aluminum alloys. 9th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (Huntsville, Alabama, USA, du 15/05/2012 au 17/05/2012). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, 2012.
Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Huynen, Isabelle. Electromagnetic absorption of sandwich panel made of glass fiber reinforced polymer and nanocomposite foam filled honeycomb. EMC Europe 2012 (Rome, du 17/09/2012 au 21/09/2012), p. 3 p. In: , 2012.
Bollen, Pierre ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Detrembleur, Christophe ; Thomassin, Jean-Michel ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Huynen, Isabelle. Electromagnetic absorption of sandwich panel made of glass fiber reinforced polymer and nanocomposite foam filled honeycomb. EMC Europe 2012 Conference September 17-21, 2012, paper D6.1 (6 pages) (Roma, Italy, du 17/09/2012 au 21/09/2012). In: Proceedings of the EMC Europe 2012 Conference, , p. paper D6.1 (6 pages).
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van Der Bruggen, B.. Enhancing transesterification reactions by using pervaporation. CHISA 2012 - 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and PRES 2012 - 15th Conference PRES (Prague, Czech Republic, du 25/08/2012 au 29/08/2012).
De Wilde, Juray. Fluidized Bed Process Intensification: Novel Technologies and Potential Applications. National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore, du 22/02/2012 au 22/02/2012).
Mertens, Anne ; Simar, Aude ; Montrieux, Henri-Michel ; Halleux, Jacques ; Delannay, Francis ; Lecomte-Beckers, Jacqueline. Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Matrix Composites reinforced with Carbon Fibres: Influence of the Matrix Characteristics and of the Processing Parameters on Microstructural Developments. 9th International Conference on Mg alloys and their Applications (Vancouver, Canada, du 08/07/2012 au 12/07/2012). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mg alloys and their Applications, 2012.
Simar, Aude ; Nielsen, Kim L. ; Lecarme, Liza ; Pardoen, Thomas. Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminum alloys. Seminar associated to the PhD defense of Katherina Teichmann (Trondheim, Norway, du 28/08/2012 au 30/08/2012).
Simar, Aude ; Mertens, Anne ; Montrieux, Henri-Michel ; Lecomte-Beckers, Jacqueline ; Halleux, Jacques ; Delannay, Francis. Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed magnesium matrix composites reinforced with carbon fibres. The 2nd International Conference on Friction Stir Welding and Processing (St Etienne, France, du 26/01/2012 au 27/01/2012). In: Proceedings of FSWP Conference, 2012.
Simar, Aude. Modélisation couplée du friction stir welding: un pas vers l'optimisation procédé/matériau. Séminaire organisé en l'honneur de Gilles Lapasset "Précipitation dans les alliages d'aluminium" (ONERA,Paris, janvier 2012).
Huynen, Isabelle ; Quiévy, Nicolas ; Bollen, Pierre ; Danlée, Yann ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. Multi-hierarchical metamaterials combining conductive inclusions and polymer matrices for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. META 2012 Conference (Paris, du 19/04/2012 au 22/04/2012), p. 3 p.
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Nanostructured vanadium oxide anodes for thin film solid-oxide fuel cells. 222nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium Solid State Ionic Devices (Hawaii (USA), du 07/10/2012 au 12/10/2012).
Dumas, David ; Lani, Frédéric ; Martiny, Philippe. Numerical prediction of the residual stresses consecutive to the integration of sensing devices in composite structures and of their impact on the in-service response. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.
Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Pardoen, Thomas. Numerical study of the relationship between transverse matrix crack density and apparent stiffness of textile reinforced composites. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.
De Wilde, Juray. On Rotating Fluidized Beds in a Static Geometry (Poster + book of extended abstracts). Multiscale Approaches for Process Innovation (MAPI), Institut Français du Pétrole, IFP Energies nouvells (Solaize (Lyon), France, du 25/01/2012 au 27/01/2012).
Pardoen, Thomas ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Houri, Samer ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Idrissi, Hosni. On chip testing of (freestanding) thin films. GDRi CNRS MECANO, Session I, Mechanical Testing (Paris, France, du 30/10/2012 au 31/10/2012). In: Proceedings of the GDRi CNRS MECANO, Session I, Mechanical Testing, 2012, p. Paper 2.
De Wilde, Juray. Process Intensification using Rotating Fluidized Beds in a Static Geometry. 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2012) (Singapore, du 21/02/2012 au 24/02/2012). In: Book of extended abstracts of the 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2012), 2012, paper 825 - 2p.
Luis Alconero, Patricia ; Van Gerven, T. ; Van Der Bruggen, B.. Recent developments in membrane-based technologies for CO2 capture (Conference Paper) . CHISA 2012 - 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and PRES 2012 - 15th Conference PRES (Prague; Czech Republic, du 25/08/2012 au 14/01/2016). In: Proceedings of the CHISA 2012, 2012. --.
De Wilde, Juray ; Froment, Gilbert F.. Scale-up of a ZoneFlow(TM) Reactor for Methane Steam Reforming using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22) (Maastricht, Pays-Bas, du 02/09/2012 au 05/09/2012). In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reactin Engineering (ISCRE 22), 2012.
De Wilde, Juray ; Froment, Gilbert F.. Scale-up of a ZoneFlowTM Reactor for Methane Steam Reforming using Computational Fluid Dynamics (Poster ; Book of extended abstracts). Multiscale Approaches for Process Innovation (MAPI), Institut Français du Pétrole - IFP Energies nouvelles (Solaize (Lyon), France, du 25/01/2012 au 27/01/2012).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Storing energy in thin film solid oxide fuel cells through multi-functional anodes. 2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Symposium Oxide Thin Films for Renewable Energy Applications (Boston (USA), du 25/11/2012 au 30/11/2012).
Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Stress-affected and stress-affecting instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Keynote Lecture). 63nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Cathodic and Anodic Routes to Electrochemical Fabrication (Prague, Czech Republic, du 19/08/2012 au 24/08/2012).
Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Stress-related instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Invited presentation). 221th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Seattle, du 06/05/2012 au 10/05/2012). In: Proceedings of the 221th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, p. Abstract F1-02980.
Bhaskar, U. K. ; Passi, V. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface and strain effects on the conductivity of silicon nanowires. 2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting – MRS Fall’12 (Boston, Massachusetts (USA), du 25/11/2012 au 30/11/2012). In: 2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting – MRS Fall’12, 2012, paper # FF9.28.
Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Passi, Vikram ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Surface and stress effects on the electrical conductivity of nano-scale silicon. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, Massachusetts, UDA, du 25/11/2012 au 30/11/2012).
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Andre, Simon ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Vicoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of Structural RTM6 Epoxy. ESMC 2012 -‐ 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Graz, Austria, du 09/07/2012 au 13/07/2012).
Morelle, Xavier ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Lani, Frédéric ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 Epoxy Resin. 10th Annual SAMPE Benelux Student Meetings (Ermelo, The Netherlands, du 09/01/2012 au 10/01/2012).
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 Epoxy resin. SAMPE Europe Student Conference 2012 (Paris, France, du 23/03/2012 au 25/03/2012).
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; André, Simon ; Melchior, Maxime ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The Elasto-Viscoplasticity and Fracture Behaviour of RTM6 epoxy resin. SAMPE EUROPE 33rd International Technical Conference - SEICO (Hotel Mercure Paris Porte de Versaille Expo F-92174 Vanves (Paris), du 26/03/2012 au 27/04/2012).
Morelle, Xavier ; Lani, Frédéric ; Melchior, Maxime ; Andre, Simon ; Bailly, Christian ; Pardoen, Thomas. The elasto-viscoplasticity and fracture behavior of the RTM6 structural epoxy and impact on the response of woven composites. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (Venezia, Lido, Palazzio del Cinema, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012). In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 2012. 978-88-88785-33-2.
Pardoen, Thomas ; Lecarme, Liza ; Fabrègue, Damien ; Tekoglu, Cihan ; Leblond, J.-B.. Void coalescence modelling: strain hardening, second population and shear effects. MECAMAT Conference on ductile fracture: "Physique et Mécanique de l’Endommagement et de la Rupture" (Site d'EDF R&D Modélisation et Simulation de la Rupture Ductile, Clamart, France, 25/09/2012).
Minnebo, H. ; André, Simon ; Duflot, M. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. X-FEM based modelling of complex mixed mode fatigue crack propagation. VIth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering-ECCOMAS 2012 (Vienna, Austria, du 10/09/2012 au 14/09/2012). In: Book of abstracts, 2012.
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