EUROMECH Colloquium : 20 October – 23 October 2015, Houffalize, Belgium
Multiscale analysis of the impact of microstructure on plasticity and fracture in interface-dominated materials
The EUROMECH-Colloquium 570 is co-organised by Grenoble Institute of Technology and the belgian IAP (Interuniversity Attraction Poles) network INTEMATE.
The microstructure of materials is known to have a dominant influence on their mechanical behavior - often larger than the chemical composition. The understanding and the prediction of the link between the microstructure and the deformation and fracture mechanisms, analyzed at different length scales and from different scientific fields, are the main targets of this colloquium. Multiscale must be regarded in a bottom-up approach where atomistic calculations provide information for the formulation of larger scale constitutive laws or cohesive models. Such interfaces include, among others, grain, twin and phase boundaries, precipitates and cracks inside the material, free, corroded and anodized external surfaces of the material.
The colloquium will gather scientists from different fields related to the description of interfaces in order to make bridges between materials science and solid mechanics, between molecular/atomistic calculations and continuum descriptions. All the contributions dealing with the understanding or the prediction of the influence of interfaces on the competition between plastic deformation and fracture are welcome. Both experimental and modeling studies will be mixed together in order to stimulate discussions and interactions.
We look forward to welcoming you at the EUROMECH-Colloquium 570.