Discussion Papers


Following a well-established tradition, many research papers are first released, following an internal refereeing process, as CORE Discussion Papers, to elicit comments and discussion before or during submission to scientific journals. The most recent ones are listed by topics below.


  • All our Discussion Papers from 1992 are available on the ARCHIVES page.

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CORE publishes a Discussion Paper series to which you are invited to submit papers written during your stay at CORE. Articles undergo an internal refereeing process under the responsibility of the Research Director. Papers are submitted via core-publications@uclouvain.be.
You are welcome to suggest the name of a referee. The refereeing process is mostly informal and hopefully consists in an open discussion between the author and the referee. Final decisions are made by the Research Director on recommendation of the referee.

PDF files must include all fonts and should not require supplemental files for the figures. If you wish for your paper to be included in the CORE DP series, you have to follow these guidelines:
Your paper must be prepared in the CORE DP style. This style requires a page containing the title, DP number, abstract, keywords, classification, acknowledgements. You have to start your paper on the second page. There are no rules for the rest of the paper.

When your paper is ready, submit it for review with a suggested referee name to core-publications@uclouvain.be.

  • Correct affiliation for CORE member: Université catholique de Louvain, CORE, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Correct affiliation for non-UCL but CORE member and who have several affiliations:
    University1, Department1, B-xxx, Town, Belgium; University2, Department 2, F-xxx, Town, France; etc...

Note that the comma is used as separator with the various fields of the signature
and that the semicolon is used as separator between the various affiliations.

Before or even after you leave CORE, let us know whether your papers will be or have been submitted to a journal and which one. If accepted, remember to send the purchase order form for reprints so that your article can be included in our reprint series, our policy being to accept in this series all papers written by members or visitors during their stay at CORE.