French linguistics, prosody, syntax, regionalisms, linguistic geography |
Chercheur Postdoctoral |
CLIL, second language acquisition, learner corpora, phraseology |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Chercheur Postdoctoral |
contrastive linguistics English-French, spoken discourse analysis, pragmatics, corpus annotation, discourse markers |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Spanish linguistics, discourse analysis, political discourse, deixis and depersonnalisation, Spanish as second language (ELE) |
Chargée de cours |
CLIL, socio-affective variables, attitudes, motivation, emotions |
Doctorante (boursière) |
discourse analysis (Discourse Markers, Spoken Discourse Segmentation, syntax, semantics, corpus linguistics (discourse annotation, contrastive linguistics (NL/FR), spoken language |
Professeure ordinaire |
Assistante d'enseignement et de recherche |
Language skills, workplace, sociolinguistics, didactics, linguistic norms |
Assistante d'enseignement et de recherche |
prosody - discourse interface, prosody, disfluencies |
Chercheuse Postdoctoral |
Chercheuse Postdoctoral |
French Linguistic, Sociolinguistic, Lexicography, Varieties of French, Regional Languages |
Professeur ordinaire |
prosoy, (dis)fluency, corpus, experimental, humour |
Doctorante (boursière) |
sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, sociology of language, linguistic capital and inequalities in education and work |
Professeur |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Professeur ordinaire |
Dutch linguistics, Dutch as a foreign language, Construction Grammar, Didactics, Modality |
Chargée de cours |
Assistante d'enseignement et de recherche |
Morphology, Construction Grammar, Contrastive Linguistics |
Chercheur Postdoctoral |
Spanish as a second language, request, pragmatics, second language acquisition |
Assistante d'enseignement et de recherche |
natural language processing, language resources administration, corpus linguistics |
Assistante de recherche |
passive structures, contrastive linguistics, Spanish, French, English, registers |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Spanish linguistics, linguistic taboo, cognitive sociolinguistics, semantic variation |
Chercheuse postdoctorale |
Spanish linguistics, pragmatics, indefinite pronouns, intersubjectivity, discursive genres |
Doctorante (boursière) |
discourse analysis, prosody, syntax of spoken French, areal variation |
Professeure |
sociolinguistics, linguistic norms, linguistic legitimacy, Francophone Belgium |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Morphological Awareness, Contrastive Dutch/French Morphology |
Doctorante (boursière) |
Language learning and teaching, applied cognitive grammar, metaphor comprehension, German and contrastive linguistics |
Chargé de cours |
morphology, Construction Grammar, comparative linguistics, diachronic linguistics |
Chercheuse qualifiée |
reference, prosody, psycholinguistics, aging, storytelling |
Assistante de recherche |