Research (Recherche)

IL&C Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

In order to keep the research project manageable and share the work load among the project members several work packages (including 4 PhD candidates) have been designed that will each be coordinated by two of the project promoters.

Le projet s'articule autour de plusieurs workpackages (incluant 4 thèses de doctorat), chacun d'eux est gérés par deux promoteurs de projet.



Typology: what are (dis)fluency markers? (L. Degand & A.C. Simon).

Development of a cross-linguistically valid framework for the description of (dis)fluency markers for spoken and signed languages, in native and learner varieties. [...more...]


Towards a shared multi-linear annotation scheme : Corpus design and annotation.

 Development of an annotation scheme and database for the annotated examples, taking into account the framework developed in WP1. [...more...] 


Discourse markers as (dis)fluency markers (L. Crible, L. Degand, G. Gilquin).

PhD candidate Ludivine Crible is exploring the cross-linguistic analysis of discourse markers (English/French) as potential markers of (dis)fluency. [...more...]


(Dis)Fluency in native and learner speech (A. Dumont, G. Gilquin, S. Granger).

PhD candidate Amandine Dumont inverstigates fluency profiles in English learner language in comparison with native learner speech. [...more...]


(Dis)Fluency in Signed Language (I. Notarrigo, L. Meurant, A.C. Simon).

Ingrid Notarrigo focuses on the development of the notion of (dis)fluency for Belgian French Signed Language (LSFB). [...more...]

Les recherches d'Ingrid Notarrigo se focalisent sur le dévelopement de la notion de (dis)fluence en langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB). [...more...]


Prosodic markers of (dis)fluency in French native Speech (Grosman, I. L. Degand & A.C Simon)

 PhD candidate Iulia grosman investigates how prosody and syntax participate to the overall perception of fluency for native french speakers in a variety of situations [...more...]

Le doctorat de Iulia Grosman étudie la contribution de la prosodie et syntaxe à la perception de la (dis)fluence chez les locuteurs francophones natifs dans une variété de situation [...more...]



Synthesis and perspectives (L. Degand, S. Granger)

 The final project will integrate the findings developed in each research project into global framework. [...more...]

 Le projet final intègrera les conclusions dévelopées dans chaque projet individuel à l'intérieur d'un cadre commun d'analyse. [...more...]