Politique éditoriale (en)



We define as a communication any document written by at least one CP3 member which can be accessed (in any form, printed or electronic) by people outside CP3.

Examples are :

  1. Preprints to any arXiv.
  2. Collaboration notes (typically one or few authors).
  3. Collaboration preprints and publications.
  4. Any presentation given outside Louvain (collaboration meetings, workshops, conferences, invited talks ...).
  5. Conference proceedings.
  6. Release of public software.


For a communication to be made public, the following conditions should be met:

  1. The preferred official affiliation in all communications is (See also the UCLouvain recommendation):
    Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3)
    Université catholique de Louvain
    Chemin du Cyclotron, 2
    B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve,

    Note: One should however check that the affiliation above is compatible with external constraints (such as rules from collaborations).

  2. The e-mail in the communication should be the official Louvain one, i.e. name.surname@uclouvain.be .
  3. For preprints a registration onto the CP3 web database is mandatory.
  4. For publications that do not include staff members or communications by post-docs/students, an opinion of the reference person in CP3 is sought before submission or presentation on
    • Scientific content
    • Author list
    • Acknowledgments (grant and contract number references).
    • Proper references to previous work (if any).

    In any case, the reference person in CP3 should be always informed about forthcoming communications. In case of need, further opinions from experts both in or outside CP3 can be sought.

  5. Given the above simple rules it may be useful to also have some directions on what is considered as "good practice" in our daily scientific activity. Some examples follow.
    • For Ph.D. or diploma students, having any kind of communication refereed by their respective advisor.
    • Acknowledgement of the work of all the people who contributed to the results, either by inclusion in the author list or in other forms to be always discussed with advisors and collaborators.
    • Seeking advice from experts in case a communication on experimental (theoretical) results contains references to theoretical (experimental) work.
    • Giving a short presentation within CP3 on his/her work before the final communication is made public (Diploma and Ph.D. students are strongly advised to organize a rehearsal for their presentations outside CP3, for example during the CP3 lunch seminars).
    • After a positive internal refereeing process, seeking an external opinion (outside of CP3) before submission, provided confidentiality can be ensured.