Degree programmes conducted in English or other languages

French is the language of instruction for most UCL bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. However, UCL also offers master’s programmes conducted partially or entirely in English, as well as many classes conducted in other languages. The great majority of French-language degree programmes include some classes in which English is the language of instruction. Frequently, course materials are partially or entirely in English.

Programmes conducted entirely in English

English as the language of instruction is typically offered in the fields of economics, business management, management, European studies, history, philology, geography, computer science, engineering and statistics.

Complete list of programmes conducted entirely in English

Classes in other languages

With few exceptions, classes taught in Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch are limited to the field of philology.

Note that even for courses taught in French, some professors offer support for non-French-speaking students, such as English course materials or the possibility to take the exam in another language.

Information on language of instruction and English-language course offerings are available on faculty websites and also detailed in the degree programme course descriptions in the UCL Study Programme.

In addition, students can complement their language training through a degree or non-degree mobility programme. Non-French-speaking students can take advantage of UCL preparatory French classes.