Publications CEE 2015
Journal Articles
1. Keukeleire, Stephan; Delreux, Tom. Competing structural powers and challenges for the EU's structural foreign policy. In: Global Affairs, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 43-50 (2015). doi:10.1080/23340460.2015.983730.
2. Follebouckt, Xavier. ‘Ukraine’s pain is Europe’s shame’. Le Parlement européen et la crise ukrainienne. In: Les Cahiers Sens Public, Vol. 17-18, no.1, p. 143-167 (Avril 2015).
3. Van Ballaert, Bart. The Politics of Policy Formulation within the European Commission. In: Revue d'Intégration Européenne, Vol. 37, no.4, p. 509-516 (09-04-2015). doi:10.1080/07036337.2015.1026190.
4. Dupuy, Claire; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Les politiques publiques et la légitimation dans un contexte multi-niveaux. Explorer les policy feedbacks en Belgique. In: Gouvernement et action publique,.
5. Van Ballaert, Bart. The Politics behind the Consultation of Expert Groups: An Instrument to Reduce Uncertainty or to Offset Salience?. In: Politics and Governance, Vol. 3, no.1, p. 139-150 (2015-03-31). doi:10.17645/pag.v3i1.84.
6. Belot, Céline; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Les attitudes européennes ont-elles enfin joué un rôle dans les élections au Parlement européen ?. In: Revue européenne des sciences sociales, Vol. 53, no.1/2, p. 49-78 (2015).
Conference Papers
1. Goutsmedt, Aurélien; Pinzon-Fuch, Erich; Renault, Matthieu; Sergi, Francesco. Criticizing the Lucas Critique: Macroeconometricians' response to Robert Lucas. 2015 xxx.
2. Delreux, Tom; Keukeleire, Stephan. Division of labour and specialization in EU foreign policy-making. 2015 xxx.
3. Randour, François; Wolfs, Wouter. Regional parliamentary scrutiny of European Affairs in Belgium: a case study on the 2013 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. 2015 xxx.
4. Delreux, Tom. The EU in Global and Regional Environmental Negotiations: Does more Cohesiveness Lead to more Effectiveness?. 2015 xxx.
5. Goutsmedt, Aurélien; Pinzon-Fuch, Erich; Renault, Matthieu; Sergi, Francesco. Criticizing the Lucas Critique: Macroeconometricians' response to Robert Lucas. 2015 xxx.
6. Dupuy, Claire; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Policy Feedbacks or Responsiveness? How Public Policies Impact upon Citizens’ Attitudes. 2015 xxx.
7. Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Assessing the depoliticization of European citizens in a more politicized Union. 2015 xxx.
8. Delreux, Tom. The EU in international environmental negotiations. 2015 xxx.
9. Pirlot, Pauline; Delreux, Tom. The EU and international forestry policy under the UN umbrella. 2015 xxx.
10. Delreux, Tom; Keukeleire, Stephan. Division of labour in EU foreign policy-making. 2015 xxx.
11. Dupuy, Claire; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Citizens’ exit from the EU, back to the Nation-State? Policy feedback and legitimacy in times of crisis. 2015 xxx.
12. Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Assessing the depoliticization of European citizens in a more politicized Union. 2015 xxx.
13. Randour, François; Wolfs, Wouter. Regional parliamentary scrutiny of European Affairs in Belgium: a case study on the 2013 Reform of The Common Agricultural Policy. 2015 xxx.
14. Dupuy, Claire; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. ‘Policy Feedbacks’ ou ‘Responsiveness’ ? Les politiques européennes et leur influence sur les attitudes des citoyens. 2015 xxx.
15. Dupuy, Claire; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Citizens’ exit from the EU, back to the Nation-State? Policy feedback and legitimacy in times of crisis. 2015 xxx.
16. Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Les attitudes à l’égard de l’intégration européenne : quel tournant de la sociologie politique ?. 2015 xxx.
Book Chapters
1. Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Citizens’ Legitimation discourses on European Regional Integration. In: The Legitimacy of Regional Integration in Europe and the Americas (Transformation of the State; xxx), Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 135-158. 9781137456991. xxx xxx.
2. Delreux, Tom. Bureaucratic Politics, New Institutionalism and Principal-Agent Models. In: The SAGE Handbook on European Foreign Policy , SAGE: London, 2015, p. 152-165. 9781446276099. xxx xxx. doi:10.4135/9781473915190.n10.
3. Duchesne, Sophie; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Is there a European Legitimacy ? Vingt ans plus tard, l'aventure continue .... In: La légitimité de la science politique. Construire une discipline, au-delà des clivages , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-La-Neuve, 2015, 51-70. 9782875583796. xxx xxx.
4. Delreux, Tom. Regional governance. In: Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance , Routledge: Abingdon, 2015, p. 172-175. 978-0-415-82246-6. xxx xxx.
5. Kelbel, Camille; Van Ingelgom, Virginie; Verhaegen, Soetkin. À la recherche de l’électeur européen considérations de second-ordre et motivations européennes du vote lors du scrutin de 2014. In: Décrypter l’électeur. Le comportement électoral et les motivations de vote , LannooCampus: Leuven, 2015, p. 193-213. 9789401426503. xxx xxx.
6. Delreux, Tom; Randour, François. Belgium: Institutional and Administrative Adaptation but Limited Political Interest. In: The Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments and the European Union , Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2015, p. 153-169. 9781137289124. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-28913-1_7.
7. Verhaegen , Soetkin; Van Ingelgom, Virginie; Kelbel, Camille. Op zoek naar de Europese kiezer: De plaats van de Europese verkiezingen bij de ‘moeder van alle verkiezingen’. In: De kiezer ontcijferd. Over stemgedrag en stemmotivaties , LannooCampus: Leuven, 2015, p. 185-203. 9789401426497. xxx xxx.
Working Papers
1. Follebouckt, Xavier. Ukraine and the European security order. 2015. 3 p. Commentary Paper Geopolitique-CECRI 23.
2. Feron, Antoine. The EU High Representative’s Declaratory Diplomacy :Declarations and Statements in the Post-Lisbon Era.. 2015. 22 p. Note d’analyse de la Chaire InBev-Baillet Latour UCL 39.
3. Follebouckt, Xavier. Peace through speech or peace through strength’? The European Parliament’s views on the EU’s security role in the East. 2015. 38 p. Working Paper ISPOLE 11.
4. Baudewyns, Pierre; Docq, Françoise; Legrand , Vincent; Michel, Marianne; Pellon, Gaëlle; Reuchamps, Min; Vandamme, Dorothée. Learning by assessing: using online student peer-assessment to improve student's learning in political science. 2015. 19 p. Working Paper ISPOLE 10.
1. Rihoux, Benoît; Van Ingelgom, Virginie; Defacqz, Samuel. La légitimité de la science politique. Construire une discipline, au-delà des clivages. Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2015. 978-2-87558-379-6. 328 pages.