Belgian National Symposium of CP centres 2017


27 January 2017

Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
Auditoires Roi Baudoin
Tour Franklin Roosevelt
40 avenue Mounier
1200 Brussels

 Parking: Parking Hippocrate, Parking Esplanade
 Metro: "Alma" station



8h30   Registration and coffee
8h50 Welcome speech
9h00 Neuroprotection of the newborn’s brainProf. Pierre Gressens (research director, INSERM Paris)
9h45   Early detection and early intervention in infants with perinatal stroke, Mrs. Aurélie Pascal (PhD, UGent)
10h30 Cofee break
11h00 Neuroplasticity of the young brain: implications for early intervention, Prof. Andrea Guzzetta (Departement of developmental neuroscience, University of Pisa)
11h45 Can motor skill training restore impaired corticospinal tract fibers in children with cerebral palsy? A DTI study, Prof. Yannick Bleyenheuft (PhD, UCL Brussels)
12h30 Lunch break
13h30 Poster session
14h00 Workshop 1 to be chosen (see list below)
15h00 Workshop 2 to be chosen (see list below)
16h00 Follow-up of adult CP in Belgium - a challenging exercise, Dr. Inge Franki (PhD, KU Leuven)
16h30 Conclusion



Please pay attention to the workshops language that can be different during session 1 and 2!

  Lecturers Title 14h 15h
1. PARANTEE Het meten van sportvaardigheden bij stappers met CP / Evaluation des capacités sportives chez des enfants atteints d'IMC (marcheurs) NL FR
2. Mr. Patrick Algoet
Mrs. Vanessa van Tittelboom
Quality Function Measure (Quality FM): Quality is more than quantity NL FR
3. Mr. Julien Sapin
Mr. Geoffroy Saussez
A new interactive virtual interface for rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy EN FR

Mrs. Charlotte Devos
Mrs. Joëlle Berrewaerts

L'impact de la paralysie cérébrale sur la qualité de vie relationnelle et affective, de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Les implications pour le professionnel dans le prise en charge du patient FR FR
5. Mrs. Agnès de Montpellier
Dr. Inge Franki
GAS and COPM: Useful and motivational tools to support clinical decision in the selection of individual therapy goals FR/EN FR/NL
6. Prof. Guy Molenaers Waarom proximale Varisatie Derotatie Osteotomie tov middiafysair of supracondylaire EN /
7. Mr. Stephan Michelet Dact'ecole: l'apprentissage du clavier FR FR
8. DVC Sint-Jozef, Antwerpen Racerunner EN NL
9. Prof. Martin Edwards
Mrs. Marie Alzamour
The use of new technologies in the diagnoses and rehabilitation of patients with perception and action deficits FR EN



If you wish to present one or several posters, please mention it in the registration form below and send, for each poster, a structured abstract (introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion) of max. 250 words in English to

Submission deadline: 1st December 2016

Notification of acceptance: 20 December 2016


Registration and Payment

Registration fees (regular: 120€ - student: 80€) must be paid by bank transfer.

Account number: BE47 2100 6670 0080

Communication: First name Last name - 0007Q - inscription 27/1/2016 Belgian National Symposium of CP centres

To register, please fill the form below. Note that your registration will be confirmed only after payment reception.


All asterisked (*) fields are compulsory...


Published on January 27, 2017