Other tools



Qawl is a free computer program for readers and searchers in the fields of Arabic studies created by Sébastien Moureau (F.R.S -FNRS, Université catholique de Louvain).

The program offers the following features:

  • a large library of Arabic texts (around 2000) ;
  • a research algorithm which allows one to search any word matching a query ;
  • automatic identification of parallel passages (sources, quotations, etc.) of any pasted text in comparison with the entire library ;
  • handy help for translation and analysis of Arabic words and sentences through various webtools (Aratools, Google Translate, Bing Translator).

The program can be downloaded for free

Toolbox for Classical Armenian

Toolbox for Classical Armenian. Different tools created by Gabriel Kepeklian, such as electronic dictionary generators for Classical Armenian (using DELA formalism) and old Armenian fonts convertors into Unicode fonts. 


Eulexis: un lemmatiseur de grec ancien par Philippe Verkerk (avec le concours du Pool Biblissima).


LemGreek: un lemmatiseur de grec ancien par Smaranda Badilita, Guillaume Bady, Yasmine Ech Chael, Laurence Mellerin (Institut des Sources Chrétiennes).