News for presse

Opening of the Musée L, the University of Louvain (UCL)...

INVITATION - Musée L official opening press conference Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 10:45 am Musée L Place des sciences, 3 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve RSVP:,+32 (0) 495.22.07.92 Parking available at L Museum The new...
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Top secret! Decrypting the world

Press release Imagine a society without secrets. A kind of space-time where everything and everyone would be known. Possible? Desirable? The exhibition ‘Top secret! Decrypting the world’, presented in collaboration with UCL at the Mundaneum in Mons,...
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UCL launches a unique programme for refugees

UCL education - press release This year, UCL is offering a preparatory programme for refugees that is unique in the French Community of Belgium. The programme includes French language instruction to the university level (to be able to understand advanced subject matter in the lecture hall),...
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Opening of University of Louvain Musée L

Press release  Musée L, the University of Louvain Museum, where dialogue between scientific collections and art elicits new emotions University of Louvain’s new museum, the Musée L, will open on 18 November 2017 in Louvain-la-Neuve’s architectural landmark, an exceptional building...
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Anti-liberal Muslims face discrimination

Press release At the heart of the debate over Islamophobia, many claim the right to criticise fully the ideas and norms of other ethnic and religious groups (here Muslims) on the basis that it has no influence over respecting religious persons as individuals. Notwithstanding the distinction’s...
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