News for cism

CISM Newsletter 18.02

The topics are : Maintenance operation on Hmem on May 14th. CISM Annual report. Lemaitre3 will enter production on Monday April 30th. Slurm Environment modules and software Easybuild Singularity Hardware for Big Data and Machine Learning. New machines in...
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10th CÉCI Day

10th CÉCI Scientific Meeting, May 4th 2018, UNamur

The next CÉCI day will take place in Namur on May 4th. The program with the list of the talks is available at: The registration is free but MANDATORY by filling the following web form: ...
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CISM Newsletter

CISM Newsletter 18.01

The topics are : Please update your publication lists New default permissions on files Save the date See the details of this newsletter.
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Next CUCISM April 23rd, 2018 2pm

The next meeting of the members of the Board, CUCISM ( "Comité des Utilisateurs") is scheduled for April 23rd, 2018 2pm (location will be specified). Your representative can report your enquiry or provide you further information. UCL members (intranet) have access to the CUCISM Reports...
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IMMC Seminar "Design of soft machines"

IMMC will welcome Prof. Mattia Gazzola (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and National Center for Supercomputing Applications) in the context of several ongoing collaborations in CFD for bio-locomotion and bio-inspiration. Together with ICTEAM/INMA, IMMC have organized for him to give a...
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