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- Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz
2005 Chercheur Centre de l'énergie, Ressources Naturelles Canada, Montréal, Canada
1998 Master INPG, Grenoble, France
mécanique des fluides et transfert (Thèse en modélisation de la turbulence)
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2003 Docteur en génie mécanique Université de Sherbrooke Canada
Debroeyer, Romain ; Rasquin, Michel ; Toulorge, Thomas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. A wall model for large-eddy simulation of highly compressible flows based on a new scaling of the law of the wall. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 980, no.A9, p. A9 (2024). doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.1086.
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Mendez, Miguel A. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. An extension of the compound flow theory with friction between the streams and at the wall. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1000, no.A85, p. 1-38 (2024). doi:10.1017/jfm.2024.1041.
Martin, Jimmy ; Ruyer, Pierre ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Characterization and Modeling of Gravity-Driven Flashing of Superheated Water in a Pool Heated from Below. In: Nuclear Technology, Vol. , no., p. 1-17 (2024). doi:10.1080/00295450.2024.2411835.
Schillaci, Eugenio ; Vera, Jordi ; Oliet, Carles ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical modeling of air ejectors covering supersonic, subsonic and closed-port operations. In: Energy, Vol. 302, p. 131627 (2024). doi:10.1016/
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Dias, Bruno R.B. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mendez, Miguel A.. A 1D model for the unsteady gas dynamics of ejectors. In: Energy, Vol. 267, p. 126551 (2023). doi:10.1016/ (Accepté/Sous presse).
Martin,Jimmy ; Ruyer, Pierre ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. A NOVEL EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION OF THE GRAVITY-DRIVEN FLASHING OF METASTABLE WATER IN A HEATED POOL. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 410, p. 112371 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112371.
Schillaci, Eugenio ; Oliet, Carles ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Planquart, Philippe. Air Ejector Analysis in Extended Operational Perimeter for Control Oriented Simulation of Bleed-Air Aircraft Systems. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2526, no.1, p. 012057 (2023). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2526/1/012057 (Soumis).
Croquer, Sergio ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Moreau, Stephane ; Lamberts, Olivier ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Large Eddy Simulation of a Supersonic Air Ejector. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, (2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Fiore, Matilde ; Koloszar, Lilla ; Fare, Clynde ; Mendez,Miguel Alfonso ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Physics-constrained machine learning for thermal turbulence modelling at low Prandtl numbers. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Fiore, Matilde ; Koloszar, Lilla ; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Turbulent heat flux modelling in forced convection flows using artificial neural networks. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 399, no.112005, p. 18 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2022.112005.
De Lorenzo, M. ; Pantono, A. ; Pelanti, M. ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Di Matteo, Michele ; Lafon, P. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. A hyperbolic phase-transition model coupled to tabulated EoS for metastable two-phase flows. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, (2021). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110954.
Metsue, Antoine ; Debroeyer, Romain ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. An improved thermodynamic model for supersonic real-gas ejectors using the compound-choking theory. In: Energy, Vol. 382, no. 111362 (2021). doi:10.1016/
Croquer, Sergio ; Fang, Yu ; Metsue, Antoine ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Poncet, Sébastien. Compound-choking theory for supersonic ejectors working with real gas. In: Energy, Vol. 227 (2021). doi:10.1016/
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer at Low Prandtl Numbers in Planar Impinging Jets. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 173, no. 121179 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121179.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. High fidelity simulations in support to assess and improve RANS for modeling turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals: The case of forced convection. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 382 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111362.
Shams, A. ; Roelofs, F. ; Tiselj, I. ; Oder, J. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Niceno, B. ; Guo, W. ; Stalio, E. ; Angeli, D. ; Buckingham, Sophia ; Koloszar, L.K. ; Ortiz, A.V. ; Planquart, P. ; Narayannan, C. ; van Tichelen, K. ; Jager, W. ; Schaub, T.. A collaborative effort towards the accurate prediction of turbulent flow and heat transfer in low-Prandtl number fluids. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 366, p. 110570 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110750.
Angielczyk, W. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Butrymowicz, D.. Development of delayed equilibrium model for CO2 convergent-divergent nozzle transonic flashing flow. In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 131, no. 103351 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103351.
Fang, Yu ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Nesreddine, Hakim ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. An open-source density-based solver for two-phase CO2 flows: applications to Laval nozzles. In: International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 106, p. 526-538 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.05.016.
Angielczyk, W. ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Gagan, Jerzy ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Butrymowicz, Dariusz. Prediction of critical mass rate of flashing carbon dioxide in convergent-divergent nozzle. In: Chemical Engineering & Processing, Vol. 143, p. 107599 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.cep.2019.107599.
Shams, Afaque ; Roelofs, Ferry ; Ničeno, Bojan ; Guo, W. ; Angeli, Diego ; Stalio, Enrico ; Fregni, Andrea ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Tiselj, Iztok ; Oder, Jure. Reference numerical database for turbulent flow and heat transfer in liquid metals. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Fusion, Vol. 353, no. 110274 (November 2019). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.110274.
Fang, Yu ; De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. An accurate and efficient look-up table equation of state for two-phase compressible flow simulations of carbon dioxide. In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, , no.57, p. 7676-7691 (2018). doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.8b00507.
Lamberts, Olivier ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical and experimental evidence of the Fabri-choking in a supersonic ejector. In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 69, p. 194-209 (2018). doi:10.1016/J.IJHEATFLUIDFLOW.2018.01.002.
Lamberts, Olivier ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bourgeois, Nicolas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. The compound-choking theory as an explanation of the entrainment limitation in supersonic ejectors. In: Energy, Vol. 158, p. 524-536 (2018). doi:10.1016/
De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Benchmark of Delayed Equilibrium Model (DEM) and Classic Two-Phase Critical Flow Models against Experimental Data. In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 92, p. 112-130 (June 2017). doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.03.004.
De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Di Matteo, Michele ; Pelanti, Marica ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Homogeneous Two-Phase Flow Models and Accurate Steam-Water Table Look-up Method for Fast Transient Simulations. In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 95, p. 199-219 (October 2017). doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.06.001.
Lamberts, Olivier ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. New methods for analyzing transport phenomena in supersonic ejectors. In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 64, p. 23-40. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2017.01.009.
Buckingham, Sophia ; Koloszar, Lilla ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Optimized temperature perturbation method to generate turbulent in ow conditions for LES/DNS simulations. In: Computers & Fluids, Vol. 154, p. 44-59 (1 september 2017). doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.05.015.
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Mimouni, Stéphane ; Fleau, Solène ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Experimental and numerical investigations of a two-phase wavy flow. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 321, p. 199-218 (September 2017). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.10.031.
Mazzelli, Federico ; Little, Adrienne ; Garimella, S. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Computational and Experimental Analysis of Supersonic Air Ejector: Tubrulence Modeling and Assessemnt of 3D Effects. In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 56, p. 305-316 (December 2015). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2015.08.003.
Roelofs, Ferry ; Shams, Afaque ; Otic, Ivan ; Böttcher, Michael ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Lakehal, Djamel ; Baglietto, Emilio ; Lardeau, Sylvain ; Cheng, Xu. Status and Perspective of Turbulence Heat Transfer Modeling for the Industrial Application of Liquid Metal Flows. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design : an international journal devoted to the thermal, mechanical, materials, and structural aspects of nuclear fission energy, Vol. 290, p. 99-106 (15 August 2015). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.11.006.
Little, Adrienne ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Garimella, Srinivas. Visualization and Validation of Ejector Flow Field with Computational and First- Principles Analysis. In: Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, no. 5, p. 051107 (May 2015). doi:10.1115/1.4029534.
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Manconi, M ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Assessment of RANS and improved near-wall modeling for forced convection at low Prandtl numbers based on LES up to Re_tau=2000. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 75, p. 470-482 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.03.080.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Delayed equilibrium model (DEM)of flashing flows relevant to LOCA. In: Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 25, no. 2-4, p. 117-131 (2013). doi:10.1615/MultScienTechn.v25.i2-4.50.
Chen, Weixiong ; Liu, Ming ; Chong, DaoTong ; Yan, JunJie ; Little, Adrienne ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. A 1D model to predict ejector performance at critical and sub-critical operational regimesModèle unidimensionnel utilisé pour prévoir la performance d'un éjecteur sous des conditions de fonctionnement critiques et sous-critiques. In: International Journal of Refrigeration : covering the theory and practice of refrigeration, including heat pumps, air conditioning, and food storage and transport, Vol. 36, no. 6, p. 1750-1761 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2013.04.009.
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Van Den Eynde, Gert ; Tijskens, E. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Design of a complementary scram system for liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors . In: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 243, p. 87-94 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.12.007.
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Tijskens, E. ; Van den Eynde, G. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Development of a Secondary SCRAM system for Fast Reactors and ADS systems. In: Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2012, no. 351985 (2012). doi:10.1155/2012/351985.
Bricteux, Laurent ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Tiselj, I. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Direct and Large Eddy Simultation or Turbulent Heat Transfer at Very Low Prandtl Number: Application to Lead-bismuth Flows. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design : an international journal devoted to the thermal, mechanical, materials, and structural aspects of nuclear fission energy, Vol. 246, p. 91-97 (May 2012). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.07.010.
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Van den Eynde, Gert ; Tijskens, Engelbert ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Modelling the Interaction of a Molten Seal and Solid Particles using SPH and DEM Simulations : Application for a Passive New SCRAM System for LMR. In: The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 4, no. 3, p. 341-350 (1 September 2012). doi:10.1260/1757-482X.4.3.341.
Lucas, Dirk ; Coste, Pierre ; Höhne, Thomas ; Lakehal, Djamel ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Bestion, Dominique ; Scheuerer, Martina ; Galassi, Maria Cristina. CFD modeling of free surface flow with and without condensation. In: Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 23, no. 2-4, p. 253-342 (2011). doi:10.1615/MultScienTechn.v23.i2-4.60.
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Engelbert, Tijskens ; Van den Eynde, Gert ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical and experimental study of a spherical particle flowin a cylindrical tube under vacuum conditions. In: Granular Matter, Vol. 13, no. 6, p. 713-721 (2011). doi:10.1007/s10035-011-0293-0.
Bestion, Dominique ; Coste, Pierre ; Niceno, Bojan ; Mimouni, Stephane ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Two-phase CFD: the various approaches and their applicability to each flow regime. In: Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 23, no. 2-4, p. 101-128 (2011). doi:10.1615/MultScienTechn.v23.i2-4.20.
Hemidi, Amel ; Henry, François ; Leclaire, Sebastien ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. CFD analysis of a supersonic air ejector. Part I: Experimental validation of single-phase and two-phase operation. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 29, no. 8-9, p. 1523-1531 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.07.003.
Hemidi, Amel ; Henry, François ; Leclaire, Sebastien ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. CFD analysis of a supersonic air ejector. Part II: Relation between global operation and local flow features. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 29, no. 14-15, p. 2990-2998 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.03.019.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Lucas, D. ; Bestion, D.. Main results of the European project NURESIM on the CFD-modelling of two-phase Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS). In: Kerntechnik, Vol. 74, no. 5-6, p. 238-242 (November 2009).
Lucas, D. ; Bestion, D. ; Coste, P. ; Pouvreau, J. ; Morel, Ch. ; Martin, A. ; Boucker, M. ; Bodele, E. ; Schmidtke, M. ; Scheuerer, M. ; Smith, B. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Niceno, B. ; Galassi, M. C. ; Mazzini, D. ; D'Auria, F. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Tiselj, I. ; Strubelj, L. ; Ilvonen, M. ; Kyrki-Rajamaeki, R. ; Tanskanen, V. ; Puustinen, M. ; Laine, J.. Main results of the European project NURESIM on the CFD-modelling of two-phase Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS). In: Kerntechnik : independent journal for nuclear engineering, energy systems, radiation and radiological protection, Vol. 74, no. 5-6, p. 238-242 (2009). doi:10.3139/124.110041.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Lavieville, Jerome ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. A first assessment of the NEPTUNE_CFD code: Instabilities in a stratified flow comparison between the VOF method and a two-field approach. In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, no. 2, p. 460-478 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2007.09.005.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Aidoun, Z. ; Mercadier, Y.. Numerical assessment of ejector operation for refrigeration applications based on CFD. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 26, no. 5-6, p. 604-612 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2005.07.003.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Aidoun, Zine ; Desevaux, Philippe ; Mercadier, Yves. Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Supersonic Ejectors. In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 26, no. 1, p. 56-70 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2004.07.003.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Proulx, Pierre ; Mercadier, Yves. A Self-Consistent Two Temperatures Model for the Computation of Supersonic Argon Plasma Jets. In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 35, no. 17, p. 2139-2148 (2002). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/35/17/310.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Proulx, Pierre ; Mercadier, Yves. A self-consistent two-temperature model for the computation of supersonic argon plasma jets. In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 35, no. 21, p. 2891-2891 (November 7, 2002). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/35/21/501.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mercadier, Yves ; Proulx, Pierre. Numerical Investigations on the Dynamics and Heat transfer in a Turbulent Underexpanded Jet. In: AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, no. 11, p. 2257-2265 (2002). doi:10.2514/2.1562.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Duponcheel, Matthieu. Large Eddy Simulation: Application to Liquid Metal Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer . In: Roelofs, Ferry, Thermal Hydraulics Aspects of Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactors, Woodhead Publishing, 2018. 9780081019818. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-101980-1.00017-X.
Schillaci, Eugenio ; Oliet, Carles ; Ablanque, Nicolas ; Torras, Santiago ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Planquart, Philippe. A 0D APPROACH FOR EXTENDED OPERATIONAL MODELING OF AIR EJECTORS IN THERMAL SYSTEMS. International Heat Transfer Conference 17 (Cape Town, South Africa, du 14/8/2023 au 18/8/2023). doi:10.1615/ihtc17.330-200.
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso. A machine learning-based calibration of a 1D ejector model from CFD. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, du 25/06/2023 au 30/06/2023). In: 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, p. 424-435 (25-30 June 2023). doi:10.52202/069564-0039.
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso. An overview on the development and calibration of a 1D ejector model. 14th Symposium of VKI PhD Research 2023 (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), du 07/03/2023 au 10/03/2023).
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Delsipee, M. ; Planquart, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mendez, Miguel A.. Calibration of a 1D ejector model from full-scale experiments. 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC) (College Park, USA, du 26/3/2023 au 29/3/2023). In: ASTFE Digital Library, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 1151-1154 (2023). doi:10.1615/tfec2023.enh.046391.
Schillaci, Eugenio ; Oliet, Carles ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Calibration of the 0D model of an air ejector by means of compressible RANS simulations. 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23 (Rome, Italy, du 11/09/2023 au 15/09/2023).
Hamtiaux, Victoria ; Ruyer, Pierre ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Direct numerical simulations of natural convection in a pool containing an internally heated porous medium. 22nd Computational Fluids Conference (Cannes, France, du 25/04/2023 au 28/04/2023).
Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE COMPLETE OPERATING MAP OF EJECTORS IN ULTRA HIGH BYPASS RATIO ENGINE BLEED SYSTEMS. 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC) (College Park, USA, du 26/3/2023 au 29/3/2023). doi:10.1615/tfec2023.aer.046042.
Metsue, Antoine ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical Simulation of Two-phase CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Density-based SU2 Solver and Comparative Analysis of HEM and HRM Models. International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) (Kobe, Japan, du 02/04/2023 au 07/04/2023).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu. Numerical investigation of an air-air ejector behavior in the transient operating conditions of Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engine bleed systems. 22nd IACM COMPUTATIONAL FLUIDS CONFERENCE - CFC2023 (Cannes, France, du 25/04/2023 au 28/04/2023).
Metsue, Antoine ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Poncet, Sébastien. Simulation and Exergy Analysis of Transcritical CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Real Gas SU2 Solver. 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF REFRIGERATION (ICR) (Paris, France, du 21/08/2023 au 25/08/2023).
Van den Berghe, Jan ; Dias, Bruno Ricardo Barros ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Mendez, Miguel Alfonso. Unsteady 1D gas dynamics in ejectors: a pipeline analogy. 22nd Computational Fluids Conference (Cannes, du 25/04/2023 au 28/04/2023).
Debroeyer, Romain ; Rasquin, Michel ; Toulorge, Thomas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. A wall-model for compressible flows based on a new scaling of the law of the wall. 13th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations (DLES13) (Udine, Italy, du 26/10/2022 au 28/10/2022).
Schillaci, Eugenio ; Oliet, Carles ; Vemula, Jagadish Babu ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Planquat, Philippe. Air ejector analysis in normal and abnormal modes, oriented to control purposes in aircraft systems. 9th European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS) (Lille, France, du 27/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).
Metsue, Antoine ; Debroeyer, Romain ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. An improved thermodynamic model for supersonic ejectors. HPC 2021 (Bilbao, Spain).
Croquer, Sergio ; Metsue, Antoine ; Fang, Yu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Poncet, Sébastien. Choking Behaviour In Real-gas Supersonic Ejectors Using Compound Flow Theory. ATE-HEFAT 2021 (Online, du 26/07/2021 au 28/07/2021).
Metsue, Antoine ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Poncet, Sébastien. Investigation on Ejector Design for CO2 Heat Pump Applications Using Dymola. IIR International Conference Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies (Online, du 16/09/2021 au 17/09/2021).
Debroeyer, Romain ; Toulorge, Thomas ; Rasquin, Michel ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Wall-resolved LES of turbulent flow in a supersonic nozzle. 13th International ERCOFTAC symposium on engineering, turbulence, modelling and measurements (ETMM13) (Rhodes, Greece, du 15/09/2021 au 17/09/2021).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. High Fidelity Simulations in Support to Assess and Improve RANS for Modeling Turbulent Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals: the Case of Forced Convection. International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH2020) (Paris (France)).
van Tichelen, K. ; Jäger, W. ; Schaub, T. ; Koloszar, L.K. ; Ortiz, A.V. ; Planquart, P. ; Narayanan, C. ; Shams, A. ; Roelofs, F. ; Tiselji, I. ; Oder, J. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Niceno, B. ; Guo, W. ; Stalio, E. ; Angeli, D. ; Buckingham, Sophia. A Collaborative Effort Towards the Accurate Prediction of Flow and Heat transfers in Low-Prandtl Fluids. NURETH18 (Portland (USA), du 18/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Direct Numerical Simulations of Low-Prandtl Turbulent Heat Transfer in Planar Impinging Jets. NURETH18 (Portland (USA), du 18/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).
Buckingham, Sophia ; Koloszar, L. ; Villa Ortiz, Agustin ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. LES Investigation of Prandtl Number Effects over a Backward Facing Step and Consequences for best Prtactice in Rans. NURETH18 (Portland (USA), du 18/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).
Buckingham, S. ; Koloszar, L. ; Villa Ortiz, A. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. LES investigation of Prandtl number effects over a backward facing step and consequences in terms of best practice guidelines for RANS. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH 2019) (du 18/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Reconciling FCD and thermodynamics to understand transfer in supersonic ejectors. 27th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2019) (Sherbrooke (Canada), du 27/05/2019 au 30/05/2019).
Fang, Yu ; De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Poncet, Sébastien ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Nesreddine, Hakim. Fast and accurate CO2 properties calculation algorithm for massive numerical simulations of supersonic two-phase ejectors. 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning COnference (Purdue (USA), du 09/07/2018 au 12/07/2018).
Lamberts, Olivier ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flow within a Supersonic Ejector. ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (Napoli (Italy), du 28/05/2017 au 01/06/2017).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Large Eddy SImulation for Heat transfer in liguid metals. Lecture Series, Von Karman Institute.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Large Eddy Simulation for Heat transfer in liquid metals. Thermal-hydraulics and chemistry of liquid metal cooled reactors, VKI lecture series.
Buckingham, Sophia ; Koloszar ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Large-eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer at low prandtl number over a backward facing step. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 09/09/2017).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Low Prandtl Turbulent Heat Transfer in Unconfined or Wall-Bounded Configurations: DNS of a Mixing Layer and of an Impinging Jet. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 10/09/2017).
Lorieul, Gaël ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Low-Prandtl heat transfer in free-surface flows: assessment of a Vortex Particle Mesh method. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 10/09/2017).
Lamberts, Olivier ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Chatelain, Philippe. Analysis of Energy and Exergy Fluxes in a Supersonic Ejector. Heat Powered Cycles HPC 2016 (Nottingham, UK). In: Heat Powered Cycles 2016 Proceedings, 2016. 978-0-9563329-5-0.
Biferi, Giulio ; Mazzelli, Federico ; Little, Adrienne ; Garimella, Srinivas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. CFD Modeling of High-Speed Condensation in Supersonic Nozzles, Part II: R134a. Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems ThermaComp2016 (Atlanta, USA).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. How CFD could help to unveil the secrets of ejectors. Heat Powered Cycles Conference HPC2016 (Nottingham, UK). In: Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2016 Proceedings, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9563329-5-0.
Lamberts, Olivier ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Chatelain, Philippe. On the use of momentum and kinetic energy tubes for analyzing transport phenomena in sa supersonic ejector. 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2016 (Malaga, Spain).
Lorieul, Gaël ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Performance assessment of Eulerian versus Eulerian-Lagrangian level set implementations for the simulation of two-phase flows. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF-2016 (Firenze, Italy).
De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Physical and numeraicl investigations for the development of a new experimental facility for studying blowdown phenomena. ICONE 24 (Charlotte, USA).
Lafon, Philippe ; Essadki, Mohamed ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Assessment of two phase critical flow models and implementation in fast transient fluid dynamics software. ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP2015 (Boston, USA, du 19/07/2015 au 23/07/2015). doi:10.1115/PVP2015-45559.
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; lecompte, Yves ; Poncelet, Alain ; Rubay, Jean ; Willemet, Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Energizing the TCPC Fontan circulation by an autonomous jet-pump: towards an optimal design. IMECE 2015 (Houston, USA).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Implementation and Assessment of the Delayed Equilibrium Model for Computing Flashing Choked Flows in a Multi-Field CFD Code. NURETH16 (Chicago, USA, du 30/08/2015 au 04/09/2015).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Le cycle à éjecteur pour produire du froid avec de la chaleur. CIFQ2015 (Sherbrooke, Canada, du 08/06/2015 au 10/06/2015).
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; De Crécy, A. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Uncertainty Analysis of Delayed Equilibrium Model (DEM) using the CIRCE Methodology. NURETH16 (Chicago, USA, du 30/08/2015 au 04/09/2015).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Delayed equilibrium model of flashing choked flows relevant to LOCA and implementation in system codes. ICONE22 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 07/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Little, Adrienne ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Garimella, S.. First-Principles Analysis of Ejector Flow Field and Condensation Effects with Experimental Implementation. IMECE (ASME) (Montréal, Canada, du 14/11/2014 au 20/11/2014).
Roelofs, F. ; Shams, A. ; Otic, I. ; Bottcher, M. ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Lakehal, D. ; Baglietto, E. ; Lardeau , S. ; Cheng, X.. status and perspective of turbulence hat transfer modelling for the industrial application of liquid metal flows. THINS workshop (Modena, Italy, du 19/01/2014 au 23/01/2014).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Fundamental of two-phase flows and modeling of two-phase choked flows. VKI lecture series.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Metastable models of the liquid phase for two-phase choked flows relevant to LOCA and validation experiments. IMECE2013 (San Diego, USA, du 15/11/2013 au 21/11/2013).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, M. ; Bricteux, Laurent. Numerical simulation of forced convection in liquid metal condition. IMECE2013 (San Diego, USA, du 15/11/2013 au 21/11/2013).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Manconi, M. ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical simulation of liquid metal turbulent heat transfer in a channel flow at Rer = 2000. NURETH15 (Pisa, Italy, du 13/05/2013 au 17/05/2013). In: The 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, NURETH-15, 2013, Nureth15-299.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Turbulence modeling at low Prandtl number. VKI Lecture series.
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, Moïse ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Assessment of different RANS approaches and near wall modeling strategies for the prediction of turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals: comparison with DNS and LES. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE20) (Anaheim, Californie, USA, du 30/07/2012 au 03/08/2012).
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Butrymowicz ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Comparative Analysis of 1D Relaxation Models Calculations Performed for Carbon Dioxide Two-Phase Transonic Flow Through Converging-Diverging Ejector Motive Nozzle. 50th European Two Phase Flow Group Meeting 2012 (Udine, Italy, du 16/05/2012 au 18/05/2012).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Serre, G.. Delayed equilibrium model and validation experiments for two-phase choked flows relevant to LOCA. NURETH-14 (Toronto, du 25/09/2011 au 30/11/2011). In: Kerntechnik : independent journal for nuclear engineering, energy systems, radiation and radiological protection, Vol. 77, no. 2, p. 108-114 (May 2012).
Gavioli, Stefano ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Dynamic simulation of an ejector-based cooling system for residential solar air-conditioning. imeca2010 (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2012), 2012. doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-88867.
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Serres, G. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Implementation and validation of the Delayed Equilibirum Model to predict two-phase choked flows in CATHARE. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 20 (Anaheim, USA, du 30/07/2012 au 03/08/2012).
Bricteux, Laurent ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, M. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical prediction of turbulent heat transfer at low prandlt number. EUROTHERM 2012 (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 395, no. 012044 (2012). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012044.
Little, Adrienne Blair ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Garimella, S.. Optical validation of ejector flow characteristics predicted by computational analysis. IMECE (ASME) (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechnaical Engineering Congress & Expostion (format CD-Rom), 2012, IMECE2012-86767. doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-86767.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Supersonic ejector technology for solar air-conditioning: Numerical and experimental results at the component ans system scale. Invited speaker series, Woodruff School of mechanical Engineering (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA).
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Tijskens, E. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic evaluation of a secondary passive SCRAM system for liqui metal reactors. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 20 (Anaheim, USA, du 30/07/2013 au 03/08/2013).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. UCL contributions to NURISP FP7 Program : Modeling two-phase choking flows relevant to LOCA. NURISP FP7 final workshop (Karlsruhe, Germany).
Henry, François ; Valette, M. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. A Model for Droplet Entrainment Rate in Horizontal Stratifield Flow. NURETH 14 (Toronto, Canada, du 25/09/2011 au 30/09/2011).
Bricteux, Laurent ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. DNS and LES of turbulent channel flows at very low Prandtl number: application to convection in lead-bismuth. The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, NURETH-14 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, du 25/09/2011 au 30/09/2011).
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Butrymowicz, Dariusz ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. 1-D Modeling of Supersonic CarbonDioxide Two-Phase FLow through Ejector Motive Nozzle. 13th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference (Purdue, du 12/07/2010 au 15/07/2010).
Roelofs, F. ; rohde, M. ; Otic, I. ; Brillant, G. ; Tiselj, I. ; Anglart, H. ; Niceno, B. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Cross-cutting European Research for Single Phase Turbulence in Innovative Reactors. NUTHOS-8 (Shanghai, China, du 10/10/2010 au 14/10/2010).
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Van den Eynde, Geert ; Tijskens, E. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor safety device using spherical Boron carbide powder. World Congress on Particle Technology (WTCP6) (Delft, Netherlands).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Vallee, C. ; Hoehne, T. ; Lavieville, Jérôme-Marcel. Modeling free surface flows relevant to a PTS scenario: Comparison between experimental data and three RANS based CFD-codes. Comments on the CFD-experiment integration and best practice guideline. Workshop on Experiments and CFD Code Applications to Nuclear Reactor Safety (XCFD4NRS) (Grenoble(France), du 10/09/2008 au 12/09/2008). In: Nuclear Engineering and Design : an international journal devoted to the thermal, mechanical, materials, and structural aspects of nuclear fission energy, Vol. 240, no. 9, p. 2375-2381 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.04.032.
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Van den Eynde, G. ; Tijskens, G. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Preliminary Experimental and Numerical Assessment of a Secondary Scram System for Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors. NUTHOS-8 (Shanghai, China, du 10/10/2010 au 14/10/2010). In: International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCES IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS; 4), Curran: New York, 2010. 9781618398093, p. 2835-2842.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Giot, Michel ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Revisiting Modeling Techniques and Validation Experiments for Two-Phase Chocked Flows Relevant to LOCA . NUTHOS-8 (Shanghai, China, du 10/10/2010 au 14/10/2010).
Bestion, D. ; Lucas, D. ; Smith, B. ; Boucker, M. ; Scheuerer, M. ; d'Auria, F. ; Lakehal, D. ; Macek, J. ; Tiselj, I. ; Hazi, G. ; Tanskanen, V. ; Ilvonen, V. ; Seiler, N. ; Boetcher, M. ; Anglart, H. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Two-Phase CFD Advances in the NURESIM and NURISP Projects. 18th International COnference on Nuclear Engineering (Xi'an, China, du 17/05/2010 au 24/05/2010).
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Butrymowicz, D. ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Comparison Analysis of COP Improvement Mehtods for CO2 Transcritical Refrigeration Cycles. International seminar on ejector/jet-pump technology and applications (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 01/09/2009).
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Van den Eynde, Gert ; Tijskens, Englebert ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Conceptual study of a Complementary Scram System For Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactors. 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics - NURETH-13 (Kanazawa, Japan, du 27/09/2009 au 02/10/2009). In: American Nuclear Society. Transactions, Vol. Special issue : 175, no. 3, p. 509 p. (September 2011).
Henry, François ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. On the Growth and Propagation of Interfacial Disturbances in ahorizontal stratified flow. Nuclear Energy for New Europe conference (Bled, Slovenia, 01/09/2009).
Bestion, D. ; Lucas, D. ; Boucker, M. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Some lessons learned from the use of Two-Phase CFD for nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics. 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics - NURETH-13 (Kanazawa, Japan, du 27/09/2009 au 02/10/2009). In: American Nuclear Society. Transactions, Vol. Vol. Special issue : 175, no.3, p. 509 p. (September 2011).
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Butrymowicz, D. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Analysis of Transcritical CO2 Refrigeration Cycle with Two-Phase Ejector. Fifth International COnference on Transpot Phenomena in Multiphase Systems - HEAT 2008 (Bialystok, Poland, du 30/06/2008 au 03/07/2008). In: Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (Proceedings of International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase SYstems), Bialystok Technical University: Poland, 2008, p. 403-410.
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Butrymowicz, Dariusz ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Dudar, Adam. Analysis of transcritical CO2 cycle with two-phase ejector by means of performance curves approach. IIR Conference on Design and operation of environmentally friendly refrigeration and AC system (Poznan, du 15/10/2008 au 17/10/2008). In: XL Refrigeration's days, Krajowe Forum Chlodnictwa: Warsaw, 2008. 9788392505525, p. 13-26.
Hemidi, Amel ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Designing and Rating a Tritherm Solar Ejector System for Residential Cooling. An Energetic and Exergetic Evaluation. 1st International COnference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings - EUROSUN 2008 (Lisbon, Portugal, du 07/10/2008 au 10/10/2008). In: 1st International COnference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings - EUROSUN 2008, Curran Associates: Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. 9781617822285.
Hemidi, Amel ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Ejector Air Conditioning System: Design Tool, Cycle Modeling and Two-Phase considerations. Fifth International COnference on Transpot Phenomena in Multiphase Systems - HEAT 2008 (Bialystok, Poland, du 30/06/2008 au 03/07/2008). In: Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (Proceedings of International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase SYstems), Bialystok Technical University: Poland, 2008, p. 421-428.
Hemidi, Amel ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Modeling of an Ejector Air-Conditionning System: Sizing and Rating Tools. IIR Conference on Design and operation of environmentally friendly refrigeration and AC system (Poznan, Poland, du 15/10/2008 au 17/10/2008). In: XL Refrigeration's days, Krajowe Forum Chlodnictwa : Warsaw, 2008. 9788392505525, p. 141-150.