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- Jonathan Dedonder
Jonathan Dedonder
Logisticien de recherche principal
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2006 Licencié en psychologie cognitive Université de Liège 2015 Docteur en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation Université catholique de Louvain
2007 - En cours - Recherche en psychologie et cognition sociale sur le rôle de la conscience dans le changement d'attitude et de comportement.
2013 - Chargé de gestion et d'analyses de données qualitatives et quantitatives en Sciences Humaines (IACCHOS - ISPOLE - IL&C)
Dedonder, Jonathan ; Gelgon, Christelle ; Guerder, Antoine ; Nion, Nathalie ; Lavault, Sophie ; Morélot-Panzini, Capucine ; Gonzalez-Bermejo, Jésus ; Benoit, Laelia ; Similowski, Thomas ; Serresse, Laure. "In their own words": delineating the contours of dyspnea invisibility in patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from quantitative discourse analysis. In: Respiratory Research, Vol. 25, no. 1 (2024) (2024). doi:10.1186/s12931-023-02655-4.
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Baar,Maryse. Traitement judiciaire des demandes d’hébergement égalitaire en Belgique : critères d’évaluation et normativités familiales. In: revue trimestrielle de droit familial, Vol. 2022, no. 2, p. 227-253 (2022).
Serresse, Laure ; Guerder, Antoine ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Nion, Nathalie ; Lavault, Sophie ; Morélot-Panzini, Capucine ; Gonzalez-Bermejo, Jésus ; Benoit, Laelia ; Similowski, Thomas. You can’t feel what we feel’: Multifaceted dyspnoea invisibility in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease examined through interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: Palliative Medicine, , p. 026921632211181 (2022). doi:10.1177/02692163221118198 (Soumis).
Standaert, Olivier ; Hanitzsch, Thomas ; Dedonder, Jonathan. In their own words: A normative-empirical approach to journalistic roles around the world. In: Journalism. Theory, Practice & Criticism, Vol. 22, no. (4), p. 919-936 (2021). doi:10.1177/1464884919853183.
Degrave, Pauline ; Dedonder, Jonathan. A French translation of the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index, an instrument to assess self-reported musical skills, abilities and behaviours. In: Journal of New Music Research, Vol. , no., p. (2018). doi:10.1080/09298215.2018.1499779.
Dedonder, Jonathan ; Corneille, Olivier ; Bertinchamps, Denis ; Yzerbyt, Vincent. Overcoming correlational pitfalls: Experimental evidence suggests that evaluative conditioning occurs for explicit but not implicit encoding of CS-US pairings. In: Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 5, no.2, p. 250-257 (2014). doi:10.1177/1948550613490969.
Dedonder, Jonathan ; Corneille, Olivier ; Yzerbyt, Vincent ; Kuppens, Toon. Evaluative conditioning of high-novelty stimuli does not seem to be based on an automatic form of associative learning. In: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 46, no. 6, p. 1118-1121 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2010.06.004.
Willems, Sylvie ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Van der Linden, Martial. The mere exposure effect without recognition can depend on the way you look!. In: Experimental Psychology (formerly Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie), Vol. 57, no.3, p. 185-192 (2010). doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000023.
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Nobels, Bérengère ; Murru, Sarah. The SOHI: Operationalizing a New Model for Studying Teenagers’ Sense of Home in Post-Divorce Families. In: Laura Bernardi and Dimitri Mortelmans, Shared Physical Custody. Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Empirical Insights in Custody Arrangements, Springer, 2021. 978-3-030-68479-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-68479-2_8.
Dedonder, Jonathan. Méthodologies innovantes en Orthophonie - Le logiciel NVivo au service de l’analyse des données qualitatives. JOURNÉES SCIENTIFIQUES D’ORTHOPHONIE 2021 (Distanciel, 22/10/2021).
Dedonder, Jonathan ; Merla, Laura. Usages et pratiques numériques adolescentes en contexte familial. Midi de la Direction Recherche et Développement (online, 27/05/2021).
Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Serhadlioglu, Eliz ; Dedonder, Jonathan. De behoefte aan vreemde talen, in het bijzonder aan Nederlands, in Franstalig België. Ledenvergadering van de "Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren" (16/12/2020).
Degrave, Pauline ; Serhadlioglu, Eliz ; Pomponio, Elisa ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Parmentier, Philippe P. ; Dedonder, Jonathan. Quels besoins linguistiques pour les diplômés universitaire de Belgique francophone?. Linguists'Day 2020 (Belgique, Namur, 16/10/2020).
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Murru, Sarah. Quality of parent-child relations in post-separation families. A view from the Brussels-Wallonia Federation. 4th International Conference on Shared Parenting (Strasbourg, France, du 22/11/2018 au 23/11/2018).
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Murru, Sarah. Children in shared physical custody arrangements. Family Dynamics and the Changing Landscape of Shared Custody in Europe (UNIL, Lausanne, du 14/12/2017 au 15/12/2017).
Degrave, Pauline ; Dedonder, Jonathan. V alidation of a French translation of the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index, an instrument to assess self - reported musical skills and behaviors. ESCOM 2017 (Ghent, Belgium, du 31/07/2017 au 04/08/2017).
Degrave, Pauline ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Difficulties in foreign language learning: does music help? The influence of music training, music aptitude and musical teaching methods on the perception of Dutch phonemes and lexical stress by French speakers.. Shared Processing in Language and Music: What Neurocognition and Disorders Reveal (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, du 27/03/2015 au 28/03/2015).
Balasse, Julien ; Raemdonck, Isabel ; Beausaert, Simon ; Dedonder, Jonathan. The effects of hierarchy on feedback exchange in a social network of firemen. EARLI SIG 14 (OSLO, NORWAY, du 26/08/2014 au 29/08/2014).
Dedonder, Jonathan. Like at first sight: Evaluative conditioning for high-novelty stimuli may not be qualified as an associative process. European Social Cognition Network (ESCON) (Gothenburg, SWEDEN, du 25/08/2010 au 29/08/2010).
Dedonder, Jonathan. The impact of awareness in affective learning : contribution to research on the mere exposure effect and evaluative conditioning, prom. : Corneille, Olivier ; Yzerbyt, Vincent, 02/07/2015.
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan. Post-divorce/separation family configurations in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: The point of view of adolescents, 2020. 30 p.
Merla, Laura ; Baar, Maryse ; Dedonder, Jonathan. Séparations parentales et hébergement alterné égalitaire en Belgique: cadre juridique et regard des praticien•nes du droit (), 2020. 50 p.
Merla, Laura ; Dedonder, Jonathan. Configurations familiales post-divorce/séparation en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles : Le point de vue des adolescent-e-s, 2019. 31 p.