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- Géraldine Zeimers
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Géraldine Zeimers
Doctorante en Management du Sport - Université catholique de Louvain et Universtité de Gand (2014 - ...)
Joint PhD Program - PhD Candidate Olympic Chair Henri de Baillet-Latour Jacques Rogge
Assistante en Sciences politiques - Université de Liège (2013-2014)
Master en Sciences politiques - Administration publique - Université de Liège (2011-2013)
Bachelier en Sciences politiques - Université de Liège (2008-2011)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Responsabiltié sociale des entreprises (RSE)
Fédérations sportives
Politique sportive belge
Analyse et évaluation des politiques publiques (dont politique sportive)
Management et Gouvernance du sport
McLeod, Joshua ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Robertson, Jonathan ; Ordway, Catherine ; McGowan, Lee ; Shilbury, David. “Seven Weeks Is Not a Lot of Time”: Temporal Work and Institutional Change in Australian Football. In: Journal of Sport Management, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. 1-14 (2024). doi:10.1123/jsm.2023-0278.
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Helsen, Kobe ; Corthouts, Joris ; Scheerder, Jeroen ; Zintz, Thierry. Better Governance and Sport Innovation within Sport Organizations. In: Journal of Global Sport Management, Vol. Ahead-of-print, no. 000, p. 1-17 (2023). doi:10.1080/24704067.2023.2228833.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David ; McLeod, Joshua. Examining sport board leadership: how chairs manage passion. In: Managing Sport and Leisure, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. 1-17 (2023). doi:10.1080/23750472.2023.2192723.
Van Hoye, Aurélie ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Health promoting sports federations: theoretical foundations and guidelines. In: Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 11, no.1147899, p. 01-17 (2023). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1147899.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David ; McLeod, Joshua. A Qualitative Study Examining How Passion Impacts Sport Board Functioning. In: Leisure Sciences, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. Ahead of print (2022). doi:10.1080/01490400.2022.2157913.
Hugaerts, Ine ; Scheerder, Jeroen ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Corthouts, Joris ; Van de Sype, Chloé ; Könecke, Thomas. Are sport organisations environmentally sustainable? – A website analysis of sport federations in Belgium. In: European Sport Management Quarterly, Vol. 23, no.1, p. 38-58 (2022). doi:10.1080/16184742.2022.2093391 (Soumis).
Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Winand, Mathieu ; Papadimitriou, Dimitra ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Implementing corporate social responsibility through charitable foundations in professional football: the role of trustworthiness. In: Managing Sport and Leisure, p. 1-21 (2022). doi:10.1080/23750472.2022.2096672.
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry. Non-profit sport collaboration effectiveness: how do the partner selection factors and the collaboration process matter?. In: Sport, Business and Management, (2022). doi:10.1108/SBM-09-2021-0108.
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Rihoux, Benoît ; Zintz, Thierry. Organizational Resources and Collaboration between Sport Clubs: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. In: International Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 23, no.2022, p. 170-190 (2022).
Winand, Mathieu ; Bell, Uean ; Zeimers, Géraldine. “It's not just a job, it's a passion”: passions and motivations of sport entrepreneurs. In: Sport, Business and Management, (2022). doi:10.1108/SBM-08-2021-0096 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry. Local sport club presidents’ perceptions of collaboration with sport federations. In: Managing Sport & Leisure, Vol. O, no. O, p. O (2021). doi:10.1080/23750472.2021.1928536.
Joshua McLeod ; David Shilbury ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Power and rent-seeking on boards: a case study of national sport federations in India. In: Sport Management Review, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. Ahead of print (2021). doi:10.1080/14413523.2021.1880745.
Corthouts, J. ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Helsen, K ; Demeulemeester, C. ; Könecke, T. ; Zintz, Thierry ; Scheerder, J.. Sport federations' organizational innovativeness: an empirical comparison of characteristics and attitudes. In: International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. Ahead of print (2021). doi:10.1108/IJSMS-02-2021-003).
Joshua McLeod ; David Shilbury ; Zeimers, Géraldine. An Institutional Framework for Governance Convergence in Sport: The Case of India. In: Journal of Sport Management, Vol. Ahead of print, no.Ahead of print, p. 1-14 (2020).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Lefebvre, Arthur ; Winand, Mathieu ; Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Organisational factors for corporate social responsibility implementation in sport federations: a qualitative comparative analysis. In: European Sport Management Quarterly, , p. 1-21 (2020). doi:10.1080/16184742.2020.1731838.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Examining Collaboration Among Nonprofit Organizations for Social Responsibility Programs. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 48, no.5, p. 953-974 (2019). doi:10.1177/0899764019837616.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Christos Anagnostopoulos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Annick Willem. Organisational learning for corporate social responsibility in sport organisations. In: European Sport Management Quarterly, . doi:10.1080/16184742.2018.1546752 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Zeimers, Géraldine. A Research Agenda on Emotions in Sport Management. In: Shilbury, D., A Research Agenda for Sport Management (A Research Agenda), Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2022, p. 232. 9781800378315 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Constandt, Bram. An Integrity System Framework for the FIFA World Cups. In: S. Chadwick D. Parnell, P. Widdop, C. & Anagnostopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Business of the FIFA World Cup, Routledge: Abingdon Oxon, 2022. 9780367640170.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; David Shilbury. The interconnected roles of the chair. In: David Shilbury & Lesley Ferkins, Routledge Handbook of Sport Governance, Routledge: London, 2019. ISBN 9781138341234.
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Football: Expoloring Modes of CSR Implementation. In: Simon Chadwick, Daniel Parnell, Paul Widdop, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Football Business and Management (Roultledge International Handbooks), Routledge, 2018, p. 114-130. 1138579076.
Zeimers, Géraldine. Le tournant stratégique de la politique sportive en Belgique francophone. In: Catherine Fallon; Joël Ficet, Crise de la démocratie et nouveau management public : Discours, pratiques, instruments (ABSP; 21), Academia: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017, p. 79-102. 978-2-8061-0328-4.
Zeimers, Géraldine. Public Policy Funding Sport: A European Comparative Analysis. POLIS (Koln, 16/02/2024).
Schyvinck, C. ; De Cock, M. ; Jonas, M. ; Hlina, M. ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Kihl, L. A.. Measuring is knowing : understanding the process of externally measuring professional sport organizations’ corporate social performance. 2023 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (Montréal, du 31/05/2023 au 02/06/2023).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Organizational Capacity for Implementing Women's Participation Initiatives in Sport Clubs. 31st European Sport Management Conference (Belfast, du 12/09/2023 au 15/09/2023).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Sport Club Initiatives for Women's Participation: The Role of Board Composition and Organizational Capacity. North American Society for Sport Management Conference (Montreal, du 31/05/2023 au 03/06/2023).
Kihl, Lisa ; Schyvinck, Cleo ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Jonas, Michael ; De Cock, Marie ; Hlina, Matthew. A global assessment of professional sport organizations' CSR performance: A Delphi study. North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM) (Atlanta, du 31/05/2022 au 04/06/2022). In: NASSM Book of Abstracts, (2022).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Helsen, Kobe ; Corthouts, Joris ; Scheerder, Jeroen ; Zintz, Thierry. Good Governance and Innovation within Sport Federations. European Association of Sport Management Conference (EASM 2022) (Innsbruck, du 05/09/2022 au 08/09/2022).
Schyvinck, Cleo ; Zeimers, Géraldine. Measuring CSR in professional sport: A Delphi study. European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference 2022 (Innsbruck, du 06/09/2022 au 09/09/2022).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David. Mission & Values: A Content Analysis of Australian Sport Organisations: A pilot Study. SMAANZ (Swinburne, du 30/11/2022 au 02/12/2022).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David. Emotions in Sport Governance: A research Agenda. , European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference "Re-Opening the 'Black-Box' of Sport Governance". (Online, 29/09/2021).
Hugaerts I., ; Scheerder J., ; Helsen K., ; Corthouts J., ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Van de Sype C. ; Könecke T.. Environmental Sustainability in Belgian Sport Federations. European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference "Re-Opening the 'Black-Box' of Sport Governance" (Online, 29/09/2021).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry. Efficacité perçue de la collaboration entre les fédérations sportives et leurs clubs : rôle du processus de collaboration. Conférence de la Société Savante en Management du Sport (En ligne, du 11/12/2020 au 12/12/2020).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury,D.. The Influence of Passion on Sport Board Performance . 26th Annual SMAANZ conference (Online, du 30/11/2020 au 04/12/2020).
Lefebvre, Arthur ; Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry. Examining interconnections of preconditions, process and outcomes of collaboration among non-profit sport clubs. European Association of Sport Management Conference (EASM 2019) (Seville, du 04/09/19 au 07/09/19).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David ; Willem, Annick ; Zintz, Thierry. Hybridity in Non-profit Sport Organisations: Organisational Challenges . 2019 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2019) (New Orleans, du 28/05/2019 au 01/06/2019).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Shilbury, David ; Zintz, Thierry. The role of passion in governing non-profit sport organisations. SMAANZ (Sport Mangament Association Australia New Zealand) Conference (Christchurch, New Zealand, du 04/12/2019 au 06/12/2019).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Collaboration dynamics and processes among nonprofit sport organisations. The 26th European Sport Management Conference (Malmo, Sweden, du 05/09/2018 au 08/09/2018).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Lefebvre, Arthur ; Mathieu Winand ; Christos Anagnostopoulos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Annick Willem. Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation By Sport Federations: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference (Reykjavik, Iceland, du 19/06/2018 au 22/06/2018).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Réflexions sur le positionnement épistémologique d’un chercheur embarqué sur un terrain dans le management du sport . Conférence Audencia "Research and Business in Sport" : Qu’est-ce que la recherche peut apporter au monde du sport ? (Paris, France, 24/11/2017).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Teaming-up for Social Responsibility Programs: the Case of Belgian Nonprofit Sport Organizations. NASSM 2017 Conference (Denver, USA, du 31/05/2017 au 04/06/2017).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Anagnostopoulos, Christos ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. “The Process of Organisational Learning in Sport Organisations: The Case of Social Responsibility Programmes”. 25th European Association for Sport Management Conference (Bern, Switzerland, du 05/09/2017 au 08/09/2017).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport Federations: A Framework to Assess Organizational Integration and Knowledge of CSR. 16th EURAM Conference,European Academy of Management, SIG “Managing Sport” (Paris, France, du 01/06/2016 au 04/06/2016).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. Corporate social responsibility in sport : a critical review of CSR development and sensemaking . European Association for Sport Management (Warsaw, Poland, du 07/09/2016 au 10/09/2016).
Zeimers, Géraldine ; Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick. “A Conceptual Framework to Analyze Sport Federations’ Reactions Following Institutional Pressures to Adopt CSR Practices”. 23rd European Association for Sport Management Congress, CSR Workshop (Dublin, Ireland, du 10/09/2015 au 12/09/2015).
Zeimers, Géraldine. Corporate social responsibility implementation in non-profit sport organisations, prom. : Zintz, Thierry ; Willem, Annick, 28/06/2019.