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- Ester Lucia Rizzi
Ester Lucia Rizzi
Le vendredi de 14h à 16h
Professor, Centre de recherche en Démographie et sociétés, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Visiting professor, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University (U.S.)
Assistant professor (permanent position), Demography, Faculty of Statistics of University of Messina (Italy).
Demographic Consultant - Province of Milan (Italy).
Post-doctoral research, Department of Statistics and Mathematics Applied to Economics, University of Pise (Italy).
Post-doctoral research, Department of Statistics, University of Padua (Italy).
Adjunct assistant professor, Catholic University of Milan (Italy).
PhD in Demography, Consortium of Universities of Florence, Rome, and Padua (Italy).
Master Degree, Demography (Diplôme d’Etude Spécialisés en Démographie), Institut of Demography, Catholique University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).
Degree in Economics, Catholic University of Milan (Italy).
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2011 Dottorato di Ricerca in Demographi Universita Degli Studi Di Roma 1989 Perioto aciendale e corrispondente in lingue estere IST S. Angela Merici
- Les cours
Nom ID Théories du changement socio-démographique LDEMO2130 Séminaire de recherche causale en sciences sociales LDEMO2150 Viellissement et relations intergénérationnelles LDEMO2611 Politiques et programmes d'action en matière de population LDEMO2612 Enquêtes européennes et sondages d'opinion LDEMO2650 Séminaire interdisciplinaire en études de genre LPOLS1233 Genre et sociétés LSPED1215
“Care, retirement and wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes” (CREW), JPI-MYBL, Belspo, with Bruno Arpino (coordinator), Gustavo De Santis, Anne Gauthier, Rachel Margolis, Maria Letizia Tanturri.
“Family transformations. Incentives and norms”, Action de recherche concerté (ARC), with David de la Croix (coordinator) and Fabio Mariani.
“Fertility and gender identity”, Projet de recherche FNRS. Coordinator.
“Soon-to-be parents. Can women trust on men’s help?”, Special funding for research/Fonds Speciaux de Recherche (FSR), Université Catholique de Louvain. Coordinator.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Sarkar Koyel. Self-Arranged Marriages in India: Change Amidst Sociocultural Underpinnings and Hanging Norms.. In: Marriage & Family Review, Vol. 60, no. 2, p. 76-108 (2024). doi:10.1080/01494929.2024.2304725.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rees, Alice ; Charline Decoster. Belgian family policy from a comparative perspective: Does it support fertility and gender equity?. In: Quetelet, (2023) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Dantis, Charalampos ; Baudin, Thomas. The association between religiosity and fertility intentions via grandparenting: Evidence from GGS data. In: European Journal of Population, (2023) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Uccheddu, Damiano ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Intergenerational ties and COVID-19 contagion: A study on European adults 50 years and older using SHARE data. In: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, (2022). doi:10.1093/geronb/gbac196.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Italian familialistic welfare regime and women's employment policy . In: International Labor Brief, Vol. 20, no.8, p. 29-42 (2022).
Bourguignon, Mélanie ; Damiens, Joan Jany ; Doignon, Yoann ; Eggerickx, Thierry ; Fontaine, Scott ; Plavsic, Audrey ; Rees, Alice ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Sanderson, Jean-Paul ; Schlüter, Benjamin-Samuel. Un an après. Analyse de la variation sociodémographique de la surmortalité de 2020 liée à la Covid-19 en Belgique (2022-11-16). In: Cahiers québécois de démographie, Vol. , no., p. 1-38 (2022).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. 이탈리아의 가족주의 복지제도와 여성고용정책. In: International Labor Brief, Vol. 20, no. 8, p. 29-44 (2022).
Chen, Mengni ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Yip, Paul S. F.. Divorce trends in China across time and space: an update. In: Asian Population Studies, Vol. 17, no.2, p. 121-147 (2020). doi:10.1080/17441730.2020.1858571.
Doignon, Yoann ; Eggerickx, Thierry ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The Spatial Diffusion of Nonmarital Cohabitation in Belgium over 25 Years: Geographic Proximity and Urban Hierarchy. In: Demographic Research, Vol. 43, no. 48, p. 1413-1428 (2020). doi:10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.48.
Campolo Maria Gabriella ; Antonio Di Pino ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The labour division of Italian couples after a birth: assessing the effect of unobserved heterogeneity. In: Journal of Population Research, p. 1-31 (2020). doi:10.1007/s12546-020-09241-1.
Dantis, Charalampos ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Transition to first birth during the Great Recession: the case of Greece. In: Genus (Online) : journal of population studies, Vol. 76, no. 1, p. / (2020). doi:10.1186/s41118-019-0070-1.
Ma, Li ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Jani Turunen. Childlessness, sex composition of children, and divorce risks in China.. In: Demographic Research, Vol. 41, no. /, p. 753-780 (2019). doi:10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.26.
Mikucka, Malgorzata ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The parenthood and happiness link: Testing predictions from five theories. In: European Journal of Population, Vol. 36, p. 337-361 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10680-019-09532-1).
Kim, Younga ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Who does not intend to retire? Mothers' opportunity costs and compensation at later ages in Europe. In: Ageing & Society, Vol. 39, no. 1, p. 1-27 (2019). doi:10.1017/S0144686X19000503.
Ma, Li ; Turunen, Jani ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Divorce Chinese Style. In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 80, no. 5, p. 1287-1297 (2018). doi:10.1111/jomf.12484.
Ma, Li ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Entry into first marriage in China. In: Demographic Research, Vol. 37, no.36, p. 1231-1244 (18 October 2017). doi:10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.36.
Mikucka, Malgorzata ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Does it take a village to raise a child?. In: Demographic Research, Vol. 34, no.34, p. 943-994 (2016). doi:10.4054/DemRes.2016.34.34.
Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Parenthood and labour division in Italian two-earner couples. In: International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 43, no.12, p. 1315 - 1333 (2016). doi:10.1108/IJSE-12-2014-0248.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Review of Cecilia Ridgeway: Framed by Gender. How gender inequality persists in the Modern World, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.. In: European Journal of Population, Vol. 29, no. 1, p. 131-133. (2013). doi:10.1007/s10680-013-9284-7.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Gourbin, Catherine ; Baizan Munoz, Pau. Population Policies: An Integrated Approach. Preface to the 2009 Quetelet Symposium on Population Policies.. In: Population Review, Vol. Special Issue (2012).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Gourbin, Catherine ; Baizan, Pau. Population policies in Europe and North America. In: Population Review, Vol. Special Issue (2012).
McDonald , John ; Rosina, Alessandro ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Colombo, Bernardo. Age and fertility: can women wait until their early thirties to try for a first birth?. In: Journal of Biosocial Science, Vol. 3, no. 6, p. 685-700 (2011). doi:10.1017/S002193201100040X..
Mucciardi, Massimo ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The influence of socio-economic conditions on large families formation (in Italian). In: Rivista Italiano di Economica, Demografia e Statistica, Vol. 60, no. 3-4 (2007).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Dalla Zuanna, G.. The seasonality of conception. In: Demography, Vol. 44, no. 4, p. 705-728 (2007). doi:10.1353/dem.2007.0040.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rosina, A.. Does sex matter? Ageing and Ability to conceive?. In: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, Vol. 2006, p. 77-90 (2006).
Rivellini, G. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Zaccarin, S.. The science network in Italian population research: an analysis according to the social network perspectives. In: Scientometrics : an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy, Vol. 67, no. 3, p. 407-418 (2006). doi:10.1556/Scient.67.2006.3.5.
McDonald, J. W. ; Rosina, A. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Colombo, B.. Age and fertility : Can we wait until the early 30s?. In: Applications and Policy Working Papers, Southampton Sciences Research Institute, Vol. A04/22, p. 22p (2005).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rosina, A. ; Colombo, B.. On age effect: results from a deteiled prospective study on daily fecundability. In: Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Vol. 53, p. 57-63 (2005). doi:10.1016/S0398-7620(05)84768-6.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rosina, A.. The werewolf syndrome: moon phases and sexuality (In Italian). In: Working Paper of Department of Statistics and Mathematics Applied to Economy, University of Pisa, Vol. 267 (2005).
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Uccheddu, Damiano. Gendered loneliness in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. . In: Bruno Arpino, Loneliness and social exclusion among older Europeans before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2023. ISBN - 978-88-32003-04-8 .
Costa, Rafael ; Eggerickx, Thierry ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Sanderson, Jean-Paul. Analyse spatiale et temporelle de la fécondité en Belgique : une approche communale. In: Jacqueline Hecht (Ed.), Christophe Bergouignan (Ed.), France Prioux (Ed.) et al., La fécondité - Représentation, causalités, prospective. Actes du XVe colloque national de démographie, Cudep: Bordeaux, 2016, 102-119.
Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. How Do Life Course Events Affect Paid and Unpaid Work of Italian Couples?. In: Alleva G., Giommi A., Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2016. 978-3-319-27274-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27274-0_17.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. La régression logistique. In: Masuy-Stroobant Godelieve et Costa Rafael, Analyser les données en sciences sociales. De la préparation des données à l'analyse multivariée, 2013. ISBN 978-2-87574-098-4 br. (Softcover).
Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The Italian Couples' Division of Labour after a Birth: Do Gender Attitudes Matter?. In: Brentari E., Carpita M., Advances in Latent Variables,, 2013. 978 88 343 2556 8.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Sterility and subfecondity: assessment from a detailed prospective study. In: Catherine Gourbin et al., Santé de la reproduction au Nord et au Sud. De la connaissance à l'action, Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009, p. 215-226. 978-2-87463-182-5.
Arena, D. ; Crisafulli, C. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. La seconda generazione di immigrati in Calabria e Sicilia. In: Casacchia O. et al., Studiare insieme, crescere Insieme? Un 'indagine sulle seconde generazioni di immigrati in dieci regioni italiane, Franco Angeli: Milano, 2008. 978-88-464-9249-4.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Charity work and second career: inclusion of old people in society (in French). In: Michel Loriaux, Dominique Remy, La retraite au quotidien. Modes de vie, représentation, espérances, inquiétudes des personnes âgées, De Boeck, 2006. 2-8041-4731-2.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Valentini, A.. Demographic frame and population projections of the province of Varese (In Italian). In: Feliziani et al., Transformazioni e tendenze del mercato del lavoro in provincia di Varese, Franco Angeli: Milano, 2006. 88-464-7326-4.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Sexuality after 30s and consequences on risk of conception. In: Michel Loriaux, Eric Vilquin, Entre nature et culture : quelle(s) démographie(s) ?, Chaire Quetelet 2002, Academia-Bruylant/L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2006. 2-87209-823-2.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The third child although (in Italian). In: G. Micheli, Strategie di family formation. Cosa sta cambiando nella famiglia forte mediterranea, Collana Equivalenze: Milano, 2006. 88-464-7485-6.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Fatherhood in large families (in Italian). In: A. Rosina, L. L. Sabbadini, Diventare padri in Italia, Istat, 2005, p. 199-211.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Religion and sexual ethics. In: Dalla Zuana, Crisafulli, The sexual behaviour of Italian students, 2005.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Three children or more (in Italian). In: A. Rosina, L. L. Sabbadini, Diventare padri in Italia, Istat, 2005, p. 127-137.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Families with three or more children (In Italian). In: Guerini e Associati, Equilibri fragili. Vulnerabilità e vita quotidiana delle famiglie lombarde, IReR: Milano, 2003. 88-8335-501-6.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Lonely old people (In Italian). In: Guerini e Associati, Equilibri fragili. Vulnerabilità e vita quotidiana delle famiglie lombarde, IReR: Milano, 2003. 88-8335-501-6.
Rivellini, G. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. MAP: The survey and its follow-up (In Italian). In: G. A. Micheli, La nave di Teseo. La condizione anziana e l'identità nel cambiamento, F. Angeli: Milano, 2002. 88-464-3787-X.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rosina, A.. Predictors of severe diseases at older ages (in Italian). In: G. A. Micheli, La nave di Teseo. La condizione anziana e l'identità nel cambiamento, F. Angeli: Milano, 2002. 88-464-3787-X.
Rivellini, G. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Scientific networks of academic demographers in Italy. In: Atti della XLI Riunione Scientifica della SIS, CLEUP: Milano, 2002.
Rivellini, G. ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The research on population in Italy in years 1998-1999. In: Società Italiana di Statistica, 2001.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Rees, Alice ; Decoster, Charline. Belgian family policy from a comparative perspective: What works and what is missing, 2021.
Dantis, Charalampos ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Baudin, Thomas. The association between religiosity and fertility intentions via grandparenting: Evidence from GGS data (Démographie et sociétés; 28), 2021. 34 p.
Bourguignon, Mélanie ; Damiens, Joan Jany ; Doignon, Yoann ; Eggerickx, Thierry ; Fontaine, Scott ; Lusyne, Patrick ; Plavsic, Audrey ; Rees, Alice ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Sanderson, Jean-Paul ; Schlüter, Benjamin-Samuel. Variations spatiales et sociodémographiques de mortalité de 2020-2021 en Belgique. L’effet de la pandémie Covid-19 (Démographie et sociétés; 27), 2021. 39 p.
Sarkar, Koyel ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Love Marriage in India, 2020.
Doignon, Yoann ; Eggerickx, Thierry ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. The spatial diffusion of nonmarital cohabitation in Belgium over 25 years: geographic proximity and urban hierarchy, 2020.
Ma, Li ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Children and Divorce in China. Does a boy protect marriage? (SRRD; 8), 2018. / p.
Ma, Li ; Turunen, Jani ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Divorce Chinese Style (Stockholm Research Reports in Demography; 12), 2017. 32 p.
Dantis, Charalampos ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Economic Uncertainty and First Birth in Greece (Démographie et sociétés; 9), 2017. 18 p.
Mikucka, Malgorzata ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Does it take a village to raise a child? The buffering effect of relationships with relatives for parental life satisfaction. (FORS working papers; 2016-1), 2016.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Mikucka, Malgorzata. The happiness-parenthood link in a context of limited state support: The case of Switzerland (FORS working papers; 2015-3), 2015.
Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. A Simultaneous-Equation Estimation Model of Life-Course Transition Effects on Market and Domestic Work of Italian Couples, 2012. 12 p.
Rizzi, Ester Lucia ; Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio. Italian women’s satisfaction across life-course events, 2012. 18 p.