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- Anaïs Perilleux
Anaïs Perilleux
SSH/ESPO -- Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication
SSH/ESPO/OPES -- Faculté ouverte de politique économique et sociale (OPES)
SSH/IDAM -- Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (IDAM)
SSH/IDAM/IRES -- Institut de recherches économiques et sociales
April 2014 |
Second EACB (European Association of Co-operative Banks) Award for Young Researchers on Co-operative Banks - Joint first place – 1,000€, |
October 2013 |
2013 NVSQ (Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly) Best Article Award – With Marek Hudon & Eddy Bloy, |
July 2012 |
Edgard Milhaud Prize 2012 for Doctoral Thesis – CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) - 10,000€, |
August 2011 |
Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) Fellowship, |
April 2009 |
Communauté Française de Belgique Field Study Travel Fellowship , |
September 2007 |
Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) Doctoral Fellowship, |
September 2004 |
Diplôme d’honneur de l’ULB (for outstanding academic records). |
Areas of Interest : Cooperative Ownership, Cooperative Finance, Social Economics, Development Economics, Organizational Theory, Econometrics, Governance and Ownership Structure.
Helleputte, Coralie ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Beyond formality: a bricolage model to navigate between the conflicting considerations in social impact assessments. In: Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print, no.ahead-of-print, p. 25 (2024). doi:10.1108/SEJ-03-2024-0054.
Aouni, Zineb ; Hudon,Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs ; Wry, Tyler. Crowdfunding Social Ventures: Who Will Reward (or Punish) Hybridity?. In: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol. 48, no. 5, p. 1191-1222 (2024). doi:10.1177/10422587231218194.
Helleputte, Coralie ; Nyssens, Marthe ; Perilleux, Anaïs. “What is our actual impact?”: A mixed-method assessment of a Belgian shelter for homeless men. In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 108, p. 102508 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2024.102508.
Dedeurwaerdere, Tom ; Cossey, Jozef ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Inherently unstable? Scaling, mission drift, and the comparative performance of community-based platforms in the sharing economy. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 212, p. 107927 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107927.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Women in the boardroom: a bottom–up approach to the trickle-down effect. In: Small Business Economics : an entrepreneurship journal, Vol. 58, p. 1783-1800 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00475-8.
Gafni,Hadar ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Business or Basic Needs? The Impact of Loan Purpose on Social Crowdfunding Platforms. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 173, p. 777-793 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10551-020-04530-4.
Brihaye, Thomas ; Pril, Julie De ; Labie, Marc ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Positive versus negative incentives for loan repayment in microfinance: A game theory approach. In: Review of Development Economics, Vol. 23, no. 2, p. 577-597 (2019). doi:10.1111/rode.12563.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common. In: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol. 87, no. 3, p. 155-177 (2017). doi:10.1111/apce.12160.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Vanroose, Annabel ; Despallier, Bert. Are financial cooperatives crowded out by commercial banks in the process of financial sector development?. In: Kyklos : international review for social sciences, Vol. 69, no.1, p. 108-134 (2016). doi:10.1111/kykl.12105.
Perilleux, Anaïs. When Social Enterprises Engage in Finance: Agents of Change in Lending Relationships, a Belgian Typology. In: Strategic Change, Vol. 24, no.3, p. 285-300 (May 2015). doi:10.1002/jsc.2009.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Women Leaders and Social Performance: Evidence from Financial Cooperatives in Senegal. In: World Development, Vol. 74, p. 437-452 (October 2015). doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.05.011.
Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Surplus Distribution and Characteristics of Social Enterprises: Evidence from Microfinance. In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 54, no.2, p. 147–157 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.qref.2013.10.002.
Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Performance management of double bottom line institutions: Evidence from Banco Compartamos. In: Cost Management, Vol. January/February, p. 14-23 (2013).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Strategic Governance Lessons from History for West African Microfinance Cooperatives. In: Strategic Change, Vol. 22, no. 1/2, p. 95-106 (February 2013). doi:10.1002/jsc.1924.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Hudon, Marek ; Bloy, Eddy. Surplus Distribution in Microfinance Differences Among Cooperative, Nonprofit, and Shareholder Forms of Ownership. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 41, no.3, p. 386-304 (2012). doi:10.1177/0899764011406287.
Bloy, Eddy ; Ernult, Joël ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Surplus et responsabilité sociale en microfinance : Étude de cas d’institutions péruviennes. In: Management & Avenir, Vol. 6, no.48, p. 244-260 (2011). doi:10.3917/mav.046.0244.
Niyongabo, Ephrem ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Microfinance et financement de l’investissement en milieu rural. Potentiel des coopératives et synergies avec les politiques publiques. In: Mondes en développement, Vol. 4, no.152, p. 45-56 (2010). doi:10.3917/med.152.0045.
Perilleux, Anaïs. La gouvernance des coopératives d'épargne et de crédit en microfinance: un enjeu de taille. In: Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. 3, no. 48, p. 51-60 (2009). doi:10.3917/rpve.483.0051.
Perilleux, Anaïs. Le cas des coopératives d’épargne et de crédit en Afrique de l’Ouest. In: Bachet, D. et Naszalyi, P., L’autre finance, Editions du Croquant, 2011, 291-306. 978-2-914968-97-3.
Hudon, Marek ; Labie, Marc ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Microfinance pour l’agriculture des pays du Sud : Etats des lieux et tendances actuelles. In: Morvant-Roux, S, Exclusion et liens financiers – Microfinance pour l’agriculture des pays du Sud (Economica), Economica: Paris, 2009, p. 25-33. 978-2-7178-5725-2.
Cossey, Jozef ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Addressing Imperfect Substitution in the Circular Economy. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Chicago, du 09/08/2024 au 13/08/2024). In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2024, no.1, p. 13025 (2024). doi:10.5465/AMPROC.2024.13025abstract.
Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Do hybridity conceptualizations affect investment decision in social ventures? . 39th EGOS Colloquium (Cagliari, du 06/07/2023 au 08/07/2023).
Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Do hybridity conceptualizations affect investment decision in social ventures? . 9th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Francfort, du 11/09/2023 au 14/09/2023).
Cossey, Jozef ; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Inherently Instable? An Analysis of the Organizational Diversity of the Sharing Economy. AOM Annual Meeting (Boston, du 4/08/2023 au 8/08/2023). In: Academy of Management proceedings, Vol. 2023, no.1, p. 10630 (2023). doi:10.5465/AMPROC.2023.10630abstract.
Cossey, Jozef ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Minimizing rebound effects in the circular economy: The role of behavioral and contextual factors in addressing imperfect substitution. 39th EGOS Colloquium (Cagliari, du 06/07/2023 au 08/07/2023).
Cossey, Jozef ; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom ; Perilleux, Anaïs. The institutional diversity of the sharing economy: What implications for stakeholders, opportunities and challenges?. 38th Egos Colloquium - Organizing the Beauty of Imperfection (Vienna, du 07/07/2022 au 09/07/2022).
Helleputte, Coralie ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Beyond scientific robustness: using social bricolage to navigate the multiple considerations in social impact assessments. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Teruel, du 04/10/2021 au 08/10/2021).
Helleputte, Coralie ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Beyond scientific robustness: using social bricolage to navigate the multiple considerations in social impact assessments. 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference (Milan, du 08/09/2021 au 10/09/2021).
Wagener, Martin ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Démarche de recherche collective inter et transdisciplinaire dans le cadre de la Chaire Les Petits Riens : L’Economie Sociale au Service de la Lutte contre l’Exclusion. Conférence Recherche inter/transdisciplinaire "Transition et Développement durable (Louvain-la-neuve, 26/11/2021).
Lambert, Louise ; Nyssens, Marthe ; Perilleux, Anaïs. How do institutional models affect surplus distribution? The case of Belgian breweries. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Teruel, du 04/10/2021 au 08/10/2021).
Helleputte, Coralie ; Nyssens, Marthe ; Perilleux, Anaïs. “What is our actual impact?” An outcomes assessment in a Belgian shelter for homelessmen . 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Teruel, du 04/10/2021 au 08/10/2021).
Aouni, Zineb ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Do hybridity conceptualizations affect investment decision in social ventures?. 36th EGOS Colloquium (Hamburg, du 02/07/2020 au 04/07/2020).
Helleputte, Coralie ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Measuring social impact, mission impossible? A mixed-method impact assessment in a shelter for homeless men. Virtual 12th International Social Innovation Research Conference (Online, du 01/09/2020 au 03/09/2020).
Helleputte, Coralie ; Nyssens, Marthe ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Assessing social impact: a Belgian case study in a shelter for homeless men. 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Sheffield, du 24/06/2019 au 27/06/2019).
Defourny, Jacques ; Dethier, Fanny ; Perilleux, Anaïs. The effects of workers’ participation in governance, ownership and profit sharing on the survival of worker cooperatives . 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Sheffield, du 24/06/2019 au 27/06/2019).
Aouni, Zineb ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Financing of hybrid new ventures: The role of funder’s perceptions and preconceptions about the straddled categories. 34th EGOS Colloquium (Tallinn, du 05/07/2018 au 07/07/2018).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Gafni, Hadar ; Marek, Hudon. For Business or for Basic Needs? Does loan purpose affect micro- entrepreneurs’ success in pro-social microlending platforms?. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Louvain-la-Neuve ).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Gender and Inspirational Leadership in Social Enterprises; Lessons from Africa. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Aouni, Zineb ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs. The Perceived Identity of Hybrid Social Entrepreneurial Ventures and the Funding Decision of Crowdfunding Investors. The 1st IESE-LUISS Conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship (Rome , du 18/04/2017 au 19/04/2017).
Perilleux, Anaïs. The subjective perception of hybrid ventures and the funding decision of crowdfunding investors. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Louvain-la-Neuve , du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common?. 32nd EGOS Colloquium (Naples, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common?. 2nd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar (Paris, du 19/05/2016 au 20/05/2016).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Vanroose, Annabel ; DEspallier, Bert. Are financial cooperatives crowded out by commercial banks in the process of financial sector development?. 2nd Interdisciplinary Symposium on Sustainable Development (Louvain-la-Neuve , du 21/05/2015 au 22/05/2015).
Venmans, Frank ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Optimal bank capital. 8th International Risk Management Conference (Luxembourg ).
Perilleux, Anais ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common Good. 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Helsinki, du 30/06/2015 au 04/07/2015).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common?. ACRN Oxford - Oxford University (Oxford, du 23/04/2015 au 24/04/2015).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common?. 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Helsinki, du 29/06/2015 au 03/07/2015).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common?. 2nd Interdisciplinary Symposium on Sustainable Development (Louvain-la-Neuve , du 21/05/2015 au 22/05/2015).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Female Managers in Hybrid Organizations: Evidence from Financial Cooperatives in Senegal. American Economic Association (Philadelphia , du 3/01/2014 au 5/01/2014).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Groeneveld, Hans. The impact of network arrangements on risk taking and efficiency of local cooperative banks. The case of local cooperative Rabobanks. 5th Euricse International Workshop on Cooperative Finance and Sustainable Development (Trento , du 19/06/2014 au 20/06/2014).
Nyssens, Marthe ; Le Polain, Maïté ; Perilleux, Anaïs. The relevance of the common goods approach to examine social enterprise - Insights from Ostrom to the SE field. The Fourth IAP-Day - From common goods to social banking: sharing theories and field analyses (Brussels (ULB), 19/05/2014).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Female Managers in Hybrid Organizations: Evidence from Financial Cooperatives in Senegal. 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Liège, du 1/06/2013 au 4/06/2013).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Female Managers in Hybrid Organizations: Evidence from Financial Cooperatives in Senegal. Third European Research Conference on Microfinance (Agder , du 10/06/2013 au 12/06/2013).
BRIHAYE, Thomas ; De Pril, Julie ; Labie, Marc ; Perilleux, Anaïs. Positive incentives in Microfinance: A game theory approach. Third European Research Conference on Microfinance (Agder, du 10/06/2013 au 12/06/2013).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Governance and Growth of Cooperatives in Microfinance. 29th International Congress of CIRIEC (Vienna , du 12/09/2012 au 14/09/2012).
Perilleux, Anaïs. West African Microfinance Cooperatives: Access to Credit and Seasonality. Yale University (New Haven, 06/12/2012).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Implementing Maturity Mismatch with Good Governance: What Lessons from the Raiffeisen Model for West African Microfinance Cooperatives?. Second European Research Conference on Microfinance (Groningen , du 16/06/2011 au 18/06/2011).
Perilleux, Anaïs. The development of cooperative finance in southern countries; are cooperatives and banks complements or substitutes?. 2nd Euricse International Conference on Cooperative Finance and Sustainable Development (Trento , du 9/06/2011 au 10/06/2011).
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Vanroose, Annabel. What Makes Member-based Organizations (MBOs) Successful in Serving Rural Areas? The Role of Strategic Alliances and Governance. European Microfinance Week (Luxembourg , du 2/11/2011 au 4/11/2011).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Asymétrie d’échéances au sein du bilan et gouvernance des coopératives en microfinance : quels enseignements tirer de l’histoire ?. XXXème Journées de l’Association d’Economie Sociale (Charleroi, du 9/10/2010 au 10/10/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Gouvernance et croissance en microfinance: Cas des coopératives d’épargne et de crédit en Afrique de Ouest. IIIe Colloque du DEUST Travail Social (Evry, 8/11/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Implementing Maturity Mismatch with Good Governance: What Lessons from the Raiffeisen Model for West African Microfinance Cooperatives?. ISEOR and Academy of Management (Lyon, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Maturity Mismatch and Governance of Microfinance Cooperatives: Lessons from History. XXVIèmes Journées du Développement de l’Association Tiers Monde – BETA (Strasbourg, du 2/06/2010 au 3/06/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Maturity Mismatch and Governance of Microfinance Cooperatives: Lessons from History. Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance (Metz, du 17/05/2010 au 18/05/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Microfinance Development: Financial Cooperatives and Banks, complements or substitutes?. Workshop on microfinance (Groningen , du 30/08/2010 au 31/08/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Productivity Surplus Distribution in Microfinance: Does Ownership Matter?. the 12th INFER Annual Conference (Münster, du 3/09/2010 au 5/09/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. What Explains Microfinance Distribution Surplus? A Stakeholder-oriented Approach. Workshop on microfinance (Groeningen, du 30/08/2010 au 31/08/2010).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Productivity Surplus Distribution in Microfinance: Does Ownership Matter?. First European Research Conference on Microfinance (Brussels , du 2/06/2009 au 4/06/2009).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Corporate Governance in Microfinance: Credit Unions. Workshop on Microfinance Management and Governance (Agder University, du 2/06/2008 au 3/06/2008).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Gouvernance des coopératives d’épargne et de crédit dans les pays du Sud : réflexions préliminaires. the 25th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance (Luxembourg , du 19/06/2008 au 20/06/2008).
Perilleux, Anaïs. Gouvernance des coopératives d’épargne et de crédit dans les pays du sud: réflexions préliminaires. Journées Internationales de Micro-intermédiation (Orléans, du 13/03/2008 au 14/03/2008).
Belleflamme, Paul ; Li, Muxin ; Perilleux, Anaïs ; Strowel, Alain. How resilient are sharing economy platforms during pandemic times? (LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE; 2021/08), 2021. 16 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Women in the Boardroom: A Bottom-up Approach to the Trickle-down Effect (LIDAM Discussion Paper IRES; 2021/12), 2021. 41 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Vanroose, Annabel ; D'Espallier, Bert. Are financial cooperatives crowded out by commercial banks in the process of financial sector development? (IRES Discussion Papers; 2016-01), 2016. 37 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Evaluer l'impact social : utopie, opportunité ou menace pour les entreprises sociales, collab. Dayez, Odile (Chaire Les Petits Riens; 2016-01), 2016. 59 p.
Huyberechts, Benjamin ; Defourny, Jacques ; Nyssens, Marthe ; Bauwens, Thomas ; Brolis, Olivier ; De Cuyper, Peter ; Degavre, Florence ; Hudon, Marek ; Perilleux, Anaïs ; Pongo, Thomas ; Rijpens, Julie ; Thys, Séverine. Social Enterprise in Belgium: A Diversity of Roots, Models and Fields (ICSEM Working Papers; 27), 2016. 26 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Nyssens, Marthe. Understanding Cooperative Finance as a New Common (IRES Discussion Papers; 2016-2), 2016. 29 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Szafarz, Ariane. Female Managers in Hybrid Organizations: Evidence from Financial Cooperatives in Senegal (IRES Discussion Papers; 2014018), 2014. 32 p.
Perilleux, Anaïs ; Hudon, Marek. Performance Management of Double Bottom Line Institutions: Evidence from Banco Compartamos’s Productivity Distribution, 2011.