Jacquemin Chair on European Economy

History and Missions

The «Jacquemin Chair on European Economy» has been created to honor Professor Alexis Jacquemin, who sadly passed away in 2004.
The Chair, sponsored by Professor Jacquemin’s family, aims to promote research on issues related to international trade and development economics, with a specific focus on the determinants of the economic performance of firms and regions in Europe and in the developing world.  

It organizes conferences and seminars and funds research projects in line with the themes of the Chair. Sponsoring is managed by the Fondation Louvain.
The Chair has been launched on October 2005. Its current holder is Professor Florian Mayneris who is member of the economics department since 2010.

For more information or to be kept informed about future activities organized by the Chair, please contact Claudine Stage (Tél : +32 (0)10 47 39 76)

Chair Holder

Professor Florian Mayneris is the Alexis Jacquemin Chair holder in the Economics department of UCL since October 2014.

Florian Mayneris' research focuses on the determinants of productivity and exports of firms and regions, both in developed and in developing countries. He has a specific interest in the impact evaluation of industrial and regional policies. Beyond his academic work, he regularly collaborates with public authorities in Belgium and abroad to provide expertise on various issues related to export promotions policies, economic impacts of transport infrastructure, cluster policies etc. He also intervenes in various media.

Other people closely involved in the research activities of the Chair Jacquemin include:

  • Professor William Parienté (development economics, labor, policy evaluation)
  • Professor Gonzague Vannoorenberghe (international trade, international macroeconomics)
  • Guzman Ourens (PhD student, international trade, growth)
  • Daniele Verdini (PhD student, international trade, labor economics)

Secretary: Claudine Stage ; Tel : +32 (0)10 47 39 76 

Recent conferences and events organized by the Chair Jacquemin :


The Jacquemin Chair activities deal with issues related to international trade, urban economics and development economics with a common bottom line: the economic performance of firms and regions in Europe and in the developing world. Here are a few examples of the questions addressed by the researchers of the Chair:

  • How do firms and workers adjust to trade shocks?
  • Does trade favor growth and welfare?
  • What are the determinants of firms’ export performance?
  • Does micro-credit help small businesses to grow and contribute to poverty alleviation ?
  • How does human capital affect the growth of small enterprises
  • How do firms adjust to minimum wages?
  • What is the impact of cluster and enterprise zone policies on firm-level productivity and regional attractiveness?
  • What are the challenges related to the access to basic services in big cities from the developing world?

Some of the contributions of the members of the Jacquemin Chair have been published in top academic journals such as the American Economic Journal : Applied Economics, the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics, the Journal of Economic Geography etc.

Do not hesitate to contact the members of the Chair for any information on their work or any expertise in the fields of the Chair.


The teaching activities of Florian Mayneris, William Parienté and Gonzague Vannoorenberghe participate greatly to the dissemination of the research work accomplished with the Chair.

At the undergraduate level:

  • Economie Régionale (ECGE 1228)
  • European Economy (ECGE 1331)

At the master level:

  • Advanced International Trade (ECON 2604)
  • Economic Geography (ECON 2314)
  • Evaluation of public and social policies (ECON 2352)
  • International Trade (ECON 2041)
  • Globalization, Firms and Trade (ECON 2042)
  • Seminar in Urban Economics and International Trade (ECON 2416)