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Christian M. Hafner and Arie Preminger. On asymptotic theory for ARCH(∞) models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 28, 85-879, 2017.
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Christian M. Hafner and Alexandre Lauwers. Augmented Taylor rule for the federal reserve's response to asset prices. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 7(1/2), 115-151, 2017.
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Manuela Braione. A time-varying long run HEAVY model. Statistics and Probability Letters, 119, 36-44, 2016.
Energy Economics
Anthony Papavasiliou, Yuting Mou, Léopold Cambier and Damien Scieur. Application of stochastic dual dynamic programming to the real-time dispatch of storage under renewable supply uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(2), 547-558, 2018.
Ignacio Aravena and Anthony Papavasiliou. Renewable energy integration in zonal markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(2), 1334-1349, 2017.
Per J. Agrell and Peter Bogetoft. Regulatory benchmarking: Models, analyses and applications. Data Envelopment Analysis Journal, 3, 49-91, 2017
Frederic Murphy, Axel Pierru and Yves Smeers. A tutorial on building policy models as mixed-complementarity problems. Interfaces, 46(6), 465-481, 2016.
Ibrahim Abada, Gauthier de Maere d'Aertrycke and Yves Smeers. On the multiplicity of solutions in generation capacity investment models with incomplete markets: a ris-averse stochastic equilibrium approach. Mathematical Programming Series B, 165, 5-69, 2017.
Ibrahim Abada, Andreas Ehrenmann and Yves Smeers. Modeling gas markets with endogenous long-term contracts. Operations Research, 65(4), 856-877, 2017.
Anthony Papavasiliou and Yves Smeers. Remuneration of flexibility using operating reserve demand curves: a case study of Belgium. The Energy Journal, 38(6), 105-135, 2017.
Jinil Han and Anthony Papavasiliou. The impacts of transmission topology control on the European electricity network. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(1), 495-507, 2016.
Yuting Mou, Anthony Papavasiliou and Philippe Chevalier. Application of priority service pricing for mobilizing residential demand response in Belgium. In 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), June 2017, Dresden, Germany.
Ignacio Aravena, Anthony Papavasiliou and Alex Papalexopoulos. A distributed computing architecture for the large-scale integration of renewable energy and distributed resources in smart grids. In Wei-Jyi Hang (ed.), Recent Progress in Parallel and Distributed Computing. Rijeka: InTech, 21-43, 2017.
Simone Martelli, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Paolo Paruolo, Thierry Bréchet, Eric Strobl, Diego Guizzardi, Alessandro K. Cerutti and Andreea Iancu. Do voters support locala commitments for climate change mitigation in Italy? Ecological Economics, 144, 27-35, 2017.
Thierry Bréchet, Yann Ménière and Pierre M. Picard. The clean development mechanism in a world carbon market. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d'Economique, 49(4), 1569-1598, 2016.
Damiano Brigo and Frédéric Vrins. Disentangling wrong-way risk: Pricing credit valuation adjustment via change of measures. European Journal of Operational Research, 269, 115--1164, 2018.
Monique Jeanblanc and Frédéric Vrins. Conic martingales from stochastic integrals. Mathematical Finance, 28, 516-535, 2018.
Nicolas Debarsy, Cyrille Dossougoin, Cem Ertur, Jean-Yves Gnabo. Measuring sovereign risk spillovers and assessing the role of transmission channels: A spatial econometrics approach. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 87, 21-45, 2018
Nathan Lassance and Frédéric Vrins. A comparison of pricing and hedging performances of equity derivatives models. Applied Economics, 50(10), 1122-1137, 2018.
Frédéric Vrins. Wrong-way risk CVA models with analytical EPE profiles under Gaussian exposure dynamics. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 20(7), 2017.
Ana Mauleon, Nils Roehl and Vincent Vannetelbosch. Constitutions and groups. Games and Economic Behavior, 107, 135-152, 2018.
Haris Aziz, Jens Leth Hougaard, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero and Lars Peter Osterdal. Computational aspects of assigning agents to a line. Mathematical Social Sciences, 90, 93-99, 2017.
Pierre Dehez. On Harsanyi dividends and asymmetric values. International Game Theory Review, 19(3), 2017.
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Paul Castañeda Dower, Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber. Colonial legacy, polarization and linguistic disenfranchisement: the case of the Sri Lankan war. Journal of Development Economics, 127, 440-448, 2017.
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Axel Gautier, Julien Jacqmin and Jean-Christophe Poudou. The prosumers and the grid. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 53(1), 100-126, 2018.
Axel Gautier and Nicolas Petit. Optimal enforcement of competition policy: The commitments procedure under uncertainty. European Journal of Law and Economics, 45(2), 195-224, 2018.
Paul Belleflamme and Nicolas Neysen. The rise and fall of take eat easy, or why markets are not easy to take in the sharing economy. In A. Henten, D. Lesco, J.P. Simon and B. Soria, The Sharing Economy: Myths and Realities. DigiWorld Economic Journal 108(4), 59-76, 2017.
Francis Bloch and Axel Gautier. Strategic bypass deterrence. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52, 189-210, 2017.
Dimitri Paolini, Pasquale Pistone, Giuseppe Pulina and Martin Zagler. Tax treaties with developing countries and the allocation of taxing rights. European Journal of Law and Economics, 42, 383-404, 2016.
Juan A. Mañez, Rafael Moner Colonques, Jose J. Sempere-Monerris and Amparo Urbano. Brand price differentials in retail distribution: product quality and service quality. Applied Economics, 48(59), 5749-5760, 2016.
Sébastien Broos, Axel Gautier, Jorge Marcos Ramos and Nicolas Petit. Analyse statistique des affaires d’ententes dans l’UE (2004-2014). Revue Economique, 67, 79-94, 2016.
Per J. Agrell and Axel Gautier. A theory of soft capture. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(3), 571-596, 2017.
Jean J. Gabszewicz, Marco A. Marini and Ornella Tarola. Vertical differentiation and collusion: pruning or proliferation? Research in Economics, 71, 129-139, 2017.
Julio Davila. Output externalities on total factor productivity. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 12(6), 1389-1452, 2017.
Masashige Hamano and Pierre M. Picard. Extensive and intensive margins and exchange rate regimes. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 50(3), 804-837, 2017
Claude d'Aspremont and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira. The Dixit-Stiglitz economy with a 'small group' of firms: A simple and robust equilibrium markup formula. Research in Economics, 71, 729-739, 2017.
Mathieu Parenti, Alexander V. Sidorov, Jacques-François Thisse and Evgeny V. Zhelobodko. Cournot, Bertrand or Chamberlin: Toward a reconciliation. International Journal of Economic Theory, 13, 29-45, 2017.
René van den Brink and Juan D. Moreno-Ternero. The reverse TAL-family of rules for bankruptcy problems. Annals of Operations Research, 254, 449-465, 2017.
Dunia Lopez-Pintado. Influence networks and public goods. SERIEs: Journal of othe Spanish Economic Association, 8, 97-112, 2017.
Martin Gueuning, Renaud Lambiotte and Jean-Charles Delvenne. Bactraking and mixing rate of diffusion on uncorrelated temporal networks. Entropy, 19, article 542, 2017.
Michael T. Schaub, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Martin Rosvall and Renaud Lambiotte. The many facets of community detection in complex networks. Applied Network Science, 2:4, 2017.
Jean-Charles Delvenne and Henrik Sandberg. Dissipative open systems theory as a foundation for the thermodynamics of linear systems. Philosophical Transactions A, 375:20160218, 2017.
Michael T. Schaub, Maguy Trefois, Paul Van Dooren and Jean-Charles Delvenne. Sparse matrix factorizations for fast linear solvers with application to Laplacian systems. SIAM Journal on Matrix and Applications, 38(2), 505-529, 2017.
Herbert Mangesius, Jean-Charles Delvenne and Sanjoy K. Mitter. Gradient and passive circuit structure in a class of non-linear dynamics on a graph. Systems & Control Letters, 96, 30-36, 2016.
Michael T. Schaub, Neave O'Clery, Yazan N. Billeh, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Renaud Lambiotte and Mauricio Barahona. Graph partitions and cluster synchronization in networks of oscillators. CHAOS, 26, 094821, 2016.
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Etienne de Klerk, François Glineur and Adrien B. Taylor. On the worst-case complexity of the gradient method with exact line search for smooth strongly convex functions. Optimization Letters, 11(7), 1185-1199, 2017.
Daniel De Wolf. Mathematical properties of formulations of the gas transmission problem. Tehnicki Glasnik/Technical Journal, 11(3), 133-137, 2017.
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Adel Hatami-Marbini, Per J. Agrell, Hirofumi Fukuyama, Kobra Gholami and Pegah Khoshnevis. The role of multiplier bounds in fuzzy data envelopment analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 250, 249-276, 2017.
Maurice Queyranne and Laurence A. Wolsey. Tight MIP formulations for bounded up/down times and interval-dependent start-ups. Mathematical Programming A, 164, 129-155, 2017.
Adrien B. Taylor, Julien M. Hendrickx and François Glineur. Exact worst-case performance of first-order methods for composite convex optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(3), 1283-1313, 2017.
Yurii Nesterov and Vladimir Spokoiny. Random gradient-free minimization of convex functions. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 17, 527-566, 2017.
Pierre Devolder et Jean Hindriks. La pension à points : 5 principes pour plus d'équité dans les régimes de pension en Belgique. Regards Economiques, n° 139, 2018.
Mattéo Godin and Jean Hindriks. An international comparison of school systems based on social mobility. Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics, n° 499, 2018.
Marc Fleurbaey and François Maniquet. Inequality-averse well-being measurement. International Journal of Economic Theory, 14, 35-50, 2018.
Claudia Hupkau and François Maniquet. Identity, non-take-up and welfare conditionality. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 147, 13-27, 2018.
Justina Klimaviciute, Sergio Perelman, Pierre Pestieau and Jerome Schoenmaeckers. Caring for dependent parents: Altruism, exchange or family norm? Journal of Population Economics, 30, 835-873, 2017.
Antoine Dedry, Harun Onder and Pierre Pestieau. Aging, social security design and capital accumulation. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9, 147-155, 2017.
Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere. Optimal fertility under age-dependent labour productivity. Journal of Population Economics, 30, 621-646, 2017.
Helmuth Cremer, Firouz Gahvari and Pierre Pestieau. Uncertain altruism and the provision of long term care. Journal of Public Economics, 151, 12-24, 2017.
Juan D. Moreno-Ternero and Lars Peter Osterdal. A normative foundation for equity-sensitive health evaluation: The role of relative comparison of health gains. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19, 1009-1025, 2017.
Juan D. Moreno-Ternero. A Talmudic approach to bankruptcy problems. In D. Mueller and R. Trost (eds.), Game Theory in Management Accounting, 267-285, 2017.
Biung-Ghi Ju and Juan D. Moreno Ternero. Fair allocation of disputed properties. International Economic Review, 58(4), 1279-1301, 2017.
Marc Fleurbaey and François Maniquet. Fairness and well-being measurement. Mathematical Social Sciences, 90, 119-126, 2017.
Marion Collewet and Jan Sauermann. Working hours and productivity. Labour Economics, 47, 96-106, 2017.
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Marion Collewet, Andries de Grip and Jaap de Koning. Conspicuous work: peer working time, labour supply, and happiness. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 68, 79-90, 2017.
Erik Schokkaert. Putting inequality in context. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 17(3), 429-433, 2016.
Xavier Ramos and Dirk Van de Gaer. Approaches to inequality of opportunity: principles, measures and evidence. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(5), 855-883, 2016.
François Maniquet. Opportunities, welfare, and social justice: a review of Fishkin's bottlenecks. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(2), 580-591, 2017.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur and Pierre Pestieau. The design of long term care insurance contracts. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 330-339, 2016.
Thomas Demuynck, Bram de Rock and Victor Ginsburgh. The transfer paradox in welfare space. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 62, 1-4, 2016.
Joris Beckers, Isabelle Thomas, Thomas Vanoutrive and Ann Verhetsel. Logistics clusters, including inter-firm relations through community detection. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure, 18(2), 178-195, 2018.
Isabelle Thomas, Arnaud Adam and Ann Verhetsel. Migration and commuting interactions fields: A new geography with community detection algorithm? Belgeo, Revue belge de géographie, 4/2017.
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Isabelle Thomas, Jonathan Jones, Geoffrey Caruso and Philippe Gerber. City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: Review and tests. Transport Reviews, 38(1), 6-32, 2018.
Thierry Mayer, Florian Mayneris and Loriane Py. The impact of urban enterprise zones on establishment location decisions and labor market outcomes: evidence from France. Journal of Economic Geography, 17, 709-752, 2017.
Carl Caigné, Stéphane Riou and Jacques-François Thisse. How to make the metropolitan area work? Neither big government, nor laissez-faire. Journal of Public Economics, 134, 100-113, 2016.
Mirjam Schindler, Geoffrey Caruso and Pierre Picard. Equilibrium and first-best city with endogenous exposure to pollution from traffic. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 62, 12-23, 2017.
Grégory Vandenbulcke, Luc Int Panis and Isabelle Thomas. On the location of reported and unreported cycling accidents: a spatial network analysis for Brussels. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography. Systems, Modelling, Geostatistics. Document 818.
Tanja Mlinar and Philippe Chevalier. Dynamic admission control for two customer classes with stochastic demands and strict due dates. International Journal of Production Research, 54(20), 6156–6173, 2016.
Alejandro Lamas and Philippe Chevalier. Joint dynamic pricing and lot-sizing under competition. European Journal of Operations Research, 266, 864-876, 2018.
Per J. Agrell, Johan Lundin and Andreas Norman. Supply chain management: horizontal carrier coordination through cooperative governance structures. International Journal of Production Economics, 194, 59-72, 2017.
Adel Hatami-Marbini, Per J. Agrell, Madjid Tavana and Pegah Khoshnevis. A flexible cross-efficiency fuzzy data envelopment analysis model for sustainable sourcing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 2761-2779, 2017.
Manuel Herrera, Per J. Agrell, Casiano Manrique-de-Lara-Penate and Lourdes Trujillo. Vessel capacity restrictions in the fleet deployment problem: an application to the Panama Canal. Annals of Operations Research, 253(2), 845-869, 2017.
Axel Cleeremans, Victor Ginsburgh, Olivier Klein and Abdul Noury. What's in a name? The effect of an artist' s name on aesthetic judgments. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 34(1), 126-139, 2016.
Victor Ginsburgh, Jacques Melitz and Farid Toubal. Foreign language learning and trade. Review of International Economics, 25(2), 320-361, 2017.
Naill Bond and Victor Ginsburgh. Language and emotion. Chapter 8 in V. Ginsburgh and S. Weber (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Economics and Language. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 231-260, 2016.
Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber. Linguistic distances and ethnolinguistic fractionalization and disenfranchisement indices. Chapter 5 in V. Ginsburgh and S. Weber (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Economics and Language. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 137-173, 2016.
Victor Ginsburgh, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero and Shlomo Weber. Ranking languages in the European Union: before and after Brexit. European Economic Review, 93, 139-151, 2017.