05 November 2018
06 November 2018

Call for Papers
The Board of the Methods in International Finance Network (MIFN) invites submissions of papers on issues related to, but not restricted to, international finance, financial economics, macroeconometrics, and applied econometrics for its 12th International Workshop.
The Workshop will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) on November 5-6, 2018.
The aim of the Workshop is to promote active discussions and exchanges of ideas between researchers working in the fields of international finance, broadly defined. The number of participants will be limited to facilitate active individual participation and collegial interactions.
How to submit a paper
Please submit your paper in PDF format only by email to Professor B. Candelon (mifn2018@gmail.com, subject: MIFN 2018) with your contact information (name, affiliation, and email address).
A registration fee of €200 per participant would be required to defray lunch/coffee break costs.
Please submit your paper by July 31, 2018. Acceptance decisions will be communicated by August 31, 2018. The final version of the paper to be presented at the Workshop should be sent to organizers by September 30, 2018.
Practical Information
Preliminary program
Monday, November 5
9.10 | Introduction Bertrand Candelon, LFIN, Institut Louis Bachelier, and Insti7 Philippe Chevalier, IMMAQ President |
9.30-10.30 | Guest lecture Carlo Favero, IGIER, Università Bocconi |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 | Parallel Sessions 1.1 1.2 (6 papers) |
12.30-14 | Lunch |
14-15.30 | Parallel Sessions 2.1 2.2 (6 papers) |
15.45-17.15 | Parallel Sessions 3.1 3.2 (6 papers) |
Tuesday, November 6
9.00-10.00 | Guest Lecture TBA |
10.00-10.30 | Coffee break |
10.00-12.00 | Parallel Sessions 4.1 4.2 (6 papiers) |
12.00-14 | Lunch |
Poster session | |
14-15.30 | Parallel Sessions 5.1 5.2 (6 papers) |
2018 Workshop Committee
Bertrand Candelon (Maastricht University), Yin-Wong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong), Jean-Baptiste Hasse (Insti7 and Université Aix-Marseille), Leonardo Iania (Université Catholique de Louvain).
About MIFN
The Methods in International Finance Network (MIFN) aims at promoting research in the field of international finance. It provides a platform for researchers and advanced PhD students to exchange research ideas and share new research findings with an emphasis on the interactions between econometric methods and economic theory. The Network activities include an annual conference, the exchange of PhD students between participating universities, and joint applications for grants. The annual conference organized by the Network is designed to facilitate discussions and fruitful exchanges between researchers working in the field of international finance, broadly defined.
Previous workshops took place at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands, 2007), IESE Business School (Spain, 2008), the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg, 2009), Shandong University (Jinan, China, 2010), the University of Orléans (France, 2011), Macquarie University (Australia, 2012), the University of Namur (Belgium, 2013), and IESEG – School of Management (France, 2014), Kwansi Gakuin University (Osaka, Japan, 2015), University of Kent (Canterbury, UK, 2016) and Shandong University (Jinan, China, 2017).