The vice-rector only receives appeals and requests after all prior internal means specified in the Academic Regulations and Procedures have been exhausted and submission deadlines have been respected.
The vice-rector for student affairs is responsible for considering the following appeals and requests:
Regarding enrolment:
- appeal against enrolment refusal on grounds the individual does not qualify for funding;
- appeal against enrolment refusal on grounds the desired programme of study does not give rise to funding;
- appeal against enrolment refusal on grounds of the 16 June 2006 ‘Residents’ Decree limiting the number of students in certain curricula;
- appeal against enrolment refusal on grounds of expulsion for gross misconduct from a higher education institution;
- appeal against enrolment refusal on grounds of expulsion for enrolment or evaluation fraud from a higher education institution (only in the event of a procedural defect);
- appeal against enrolment refusal as an at-large or auditing student (after faculty refusal);
- request to enrol as a doctoral student beyond the fifth year, for non-EU students not integrated in the Belgian educational system;
- appeal against enrolment fee discount refusal (only in the event of a procedural defect);
- request to pay in instalments when fees increase (respecting the 4 January deadline imposed by Article 102 of the ‘Landscape Decree’);
- regarding late enrolment requests after 31 October (Article 101 of the ‘Landscape Decree’ and 10 al. 2 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures), the student prepares a substantiated request addressed to Jean-Claude Marcourt, the French Community of Belgium’s Minister of Higher Education, Research and Media. This request must be accompanied by a university recommendation, which is why the request is submitted to the vice-rector for student affairs who evaluates it and, in case of recommending it, forwards it to the minister.
Regarding faculty and jury decisions:
- appeal against faculty refusal to allow a change in a first-year bachelor’s programme during the academic year (before 15 February);
- appeal against faculty refusal to grant a lighter annual course load (deadline 30 September);
- appeal against a select jury decision to not admit a first-year bachelor student to June and September testing (Article 83 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures);
- appeal against the jury chair’s decision on the student’s appeal claim of irregularities in jury decisions (concerning jury exams/missions);
- appeal against refusing exam enrolment (in application of Articles 72, 73 and 74 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures)
=> Request/appeal submission procedure
=> Required documents
=> Request form
=> Time frame
Note on Inclusive Higher Education (Articles 53 to 55/2 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures, PEPS students with a disability, severe illness or disorder who wish to submit an appeal regarding their request to adjust their curriculum or change/end their individualised support plan are invited to consult