20 years ago, Fleischmann and Pons stunned the world by announcing that they had achieved nuclear fusion on their lab bench.
This immediately raised hopes of an abundant and clean energy source.
Unfortunately, theoretical issues and early failures to replicate their experiment led many scientists to dismiss their report as nothing but an example of pathological science.
But the story does not end there !
Serious research continued quietly, and evidence of anomalous nuclear effects have been reported in several peer-reviewed journals. Bob Park, a prominent skeptics, recently acknowledged that this is real science.
This March 2009, new compelling evidence were presented by the US Navy at the 2009 American Chemical Society Meeting, and echoed in the scientific press (e.g. on ScienceDaily, New Scientist, IEEE, The Economist).
At the forefront of this research with the US Navy, Lawrence Forsley will report on his success to reliably detect fast neutrons in "co-deposition experiments", and on the slowly changing tide towards more research funding in this re-emerging field.
He will be happy to discuss how UCL students and faculty could contribute to the understanding of this unexpected phenomena.
The conference will take place on May 4 and May 5, at 4:15 PM in auditorium SUD18 (Place Croix du Sud, Louvain-la-Neuve).
A booklet of abstracts is available for download here .
Registration is no more possible!
We are looking forward to your participation,
The organisers:
Prof. Laurent FRANCIS
Prof. Thomas PARDOEN
Prof. Jean-Pierre RASKIN