Dynamic Demand Response as Provider of Ancillary Services
Coordinators: François Glineur (CORE and INMA, UCL) and Emmanuel Dejaeger (MCTR, UCL)
Date: 01/02/2014 - 31/01/2016
Sponsor: Région Bruxelloise
Project: Innoviris
Electricity demand response has the potential of providing flexibility for enhanced reliability of power systems operations and improved efficiency of electricity markets. This project aims at studying the impact and integration of demand response into the Belgian electricity market and system, especially for the provision of ancillary services.
Territorial Planning and Energy Transition 2050
Coordinators: Thierry Bréchet (CORE and ILSM), Yves Hanin (LOCI, UCL), Dominique Peeters (CORE, UCL) and Fiorella Quadu (LOCI, UCL)
Date: 2011-2014
Sponsor: Région Wallonne
The purpose of this project is to explore the interplay between territorial planning and energy transition in a long term perspective (2050) in the Walloon Region. The project is interdisciplinary as it combines methodological tools and concepts coming from geography, urban planning, economics, scenario analysis, and linear programming.
Advances in Behavioral Economics, Gender and Growth
Coordinators: Ana Mauleon (Université Saint-Louis and CORE, UCL) and Vincent Vannetelbosch (CORE, UCL)
Date: January 2013 - December 2015
Sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Computation
The objective of this research is twofold. First, we plan to develop a theoretical framework that allows us to study which networks and coalitions will be formed when individual and collective incentives could be in conflict. In addition, it is crucial to understand which networks and coalitions are likely to emerge if agents do not have full information about the network and coalition structure and are neither myopic nor farsighted but have limited ability to forecast the future. Will limited information lead to persistence of networks and coalition structures that differ from those that would arise under full information? Does imperfect monitoring affect network and coalition formation differently than under incomplete information? We will test through different experiments alternative theories of behavior in situations where group and network effects play an important role. We will also run experiments in order to disentangle the role of imperfect monitoring and incomplete information in network and coalition formation problems. Second, we will study the efficiency of different forms of collaboration among heterogeneous agents in situations where agents are part of a network and belong to coalitions. We will also analyze the role of group and network effects in the design of optimal school choice mechanisms and of more effective policies to address persistent inequalities and mismatch in the labor market.
The Analysis of Economic Performance
Coordinators: Per Agrell (CORE and ILSM, UCL) and Emili Grifell-Tatje (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona)
Date: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2014
Sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
The project aims at developing consolidated non-parametric efficient and productivity measures for the analysis of economic performance, both under regulation and competition.