Working Papers 2002

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

02/78 John Cultiaux
L'épreuve de la disqualification
December 2002

02/77 Valérie Brunel et John Cultiaux
Le développement de l'individu managérial
December 2002

02/76 T. Tung Do, Stéphane Faulkner, Manual Kolp 
Organizational multi-agent architectures for information systems
November 2002

02/75 Stéphane Faulkner, Manuel Kolp
Towards an agent architectural description language for information systems
November 2002

02/74 Bernard Fortz, Martine Labbé
A tabu search heuristic for the design of two-connected networks with bounded rings
November 2002

02/73 Marco Saerens
Any reasonable cost function can be used for a posteriori probability approximation
October 2002

02/72 Daniel Tyteca
Problématique des indicateurs environnementaux et de développement durable
October 2002

02/71 Thi Thuy Hang Hoang, Manuel Kolp
Développement de patrons de conception à ancrage social pour architectures multi-agent
Augustus 2002

02/70 Christophe Sempels
Impact de la marque de service et des associations à la marque surle processus de tangibilisation des services : Proposition de recherche
July 2002

02/69 Valérie Devos, Laurent Taskin
GRH et individu : Paradoxes et contradictions.  Le modèle Loft Story
July 2002

02/68 Bernard Fortz, Martine Labbé
Two-connected networks with rings of bounded cardinality
July 2002

02/67 Bernard Fortz, Jennifer Rexford, Mikkel Thorup
Traffic engineering with traditional IP routing protocols
July 2002

02/66 Valérie Devos, Evelyne Léonard
Logique compétence : Modernisation ou illusion ?
July 2002

02/65 Abdo Bereikdar, Jean Vanderdonckt, Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture
KWARESMI - Knowledge-based web automated evaluation with REconfigurable guidelineS optiMIzation
July 2002

02/64 Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel
Travail et reconnaissance
June 2002

02/63 Peter Forbrig, Quentin Limbourg, Bodo Urban, Jean Vanderdonckt
Design, specification and verification of interactive systems
June 2002

02/62 Laurent Bouillon, Muriel Florins, Quentin Limbourg, Nathalie Souchon, Jean Vanderdonckt
Etat de l'art des outils de développement d'interfaces homme-machine : Une vue analytique par les représentations
June 2002

02/61 Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel
Les dilemmes de l'entreprise flexible
June 2002

02/60 Laurent Bouillon, Jean Vanderdonckt, Nathalie Souchon
Recovering alternative presentation models of a web page with VAQUITA
June 2002

02/59 Abdo Bereikdar, Jean Vanderdonckt, Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture
A framework and a language for usability automatic evaluation of web sites by static analysis of HTML source code
June 2002 

02/58 Stefano Pogutz, Daniel Tyteca
Business organizational response to environmental challenge : Innovation
May 2002

02/57 Regis Coeurderoy
Institutional environment and capital structure : Evidence on EU companies
May 2002

02/56 Regis Coeurderoy, Gordon Murray
Legal environments and location choices by High-Tech Start-ups
May 2002

02/55 Regis Coeurderoy, Gordon Murray
Internationalisation des starts-ups et environnements institutionnels
May 2002

02/54 Alain Vas, Marc Ingham
Towards a multi-paradigmatic analysis of organizational change processes : A case study approach
April 2002

02/53 Nathalie Delobbe, Robert R. Haccoun, Christian Vandenberghe
Measuring core dimensions of organizational culture : A review of research and development of a new instrument
April 2002

02/52 Marc Ingham, Caroline Delmeire, Claude Renvoise
Balancing technological and organizational platforms to create knowledge : Linking consultant's experience and literature
April 2002

02/51 Muriel Creteur, Yves Pochet
Organizational design and hospital performance
April 2002

02/50 Daniel Tyteca
Business organizational response to environmental challenges : performance measurement and reporting
April 2002

02/49 Christophe Sempels
La marque comme levier de tangibilisation des services
March 2002

02/48 Benoît Gailly
Les projets d'affaires en phase de pré-démarrage : étude empirique et implications pour les structures d'appui
March 2002

02/47 Benoît Gailly, Kenneth Bonheure
Au-delà du positionnement compétitif : les stratégies innovantes de 75 grandes entreprises
March 2002

02/46 Benoît Gailly, Anne-Joëlle Philippart
L'impact des NTIC sur les services financiers offerts aux PME
March 2002

02/45 Michaël Antioco, Adam Lindgreen
Relationship marketing in the internet ages
March 2002

02/44 Adam Lindgreen, Michaël Antioco
Customer relationship management one european bank's experiencies
March 2002

02/43 Quentin Limbourg, Nathalie Souchon, Jean Vanderdonckt
Task modelling in multiple contexts of use
March 2002 

02/42 Joëlle Vanhamme, Dirk Snelders
L'intérêt d'utiliser des instructions audiovisuelles dans le cadre d'un design expérimental à tâches complexes et multiples
March 2002

02/41 Alain Pirotte, David Massart
Integrating two descriptions of taxonomies with materialization
March 2002

02/40 Ruben Chumpitaz C., Valérie Swaen
La qualité comme déterminant de la satisfaction des clients en Business-to-Business
March 2002

02/39 Joëlle Vanhamme
La satisfaction des consommateurs spécifique à une transaction
March 2002

02/38 Tung T. Do, Stéphane Faulkner, Manuel Kolp
The structure-in-5 as an agent architectural pattern
March 2002

2002-37 Laurent Taskin
Teletravail : enjeux et erspectives dans les organisations
February 2002 

02/36 Joëlle Vanhamme
Mesure et influence de la surprise dans un contexte d'achat : une expérimentation pilote
February 2002

02/35 Mohamed Dachour, Alain Pirotte
The semantics of reifying N-ary relationships as classes
February 2002

02/34 Mohamed Idriss Ghodbane
Internal capital markets inside financial firms : Rent-seeking behavior versus cost of capital
February 2002

02/33 Mohamed Idriss Ghodbane
Centralization versus decentralization in credit lending
February 2002

02/32 Robert Cobbaut, Stéphane Nassaut
La valeur actionnariale : note technique
February 2002

02/31 Jaelson Castro, Manuel Kolp, John Mylopoulos
Towards requirements-driven information systems engineering : The tropos project
January 2002

02/30 Manuel Kolp, Palolo Giorgini
A Social Ontology for Information System Development
January 2002

02/29  Manuel Kolp
Agent-based IT support for Knowledge Management
January 2002

02/28 Manuel Kolp
Organizational Structures for Multi-Agent Architectures
January 2002