22 janvier 2018
Monday 22 January - 13h00 - Salle Couvreur (73/0)
- Marine Blackman, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Characterization of the metabolic control of metastasis in spontaneously metastatic cervix, breast and pancreatic cancer models
- Donatienne D'Hose, Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Impact of statins on the oxygen consumption of prostate cancer cells, on tumor hypoxia and on response to radiation therapy
- Xiao Liu, Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials, Development of a novel form of alpha1-antitrypsin for inhalation
- Ariane Mwema, Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials & Bioanalysys and Pharmacology of Bioactive Lipids, Nose-to-brain delivery of nanomedicines to stimulate remyelination in the scope of multiple sclerosis
- Albert Ruiz Sorribas, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology,Targeting exopolysaccharides and their synthesis as an adjuvant therapy in the context of biofilm infections in orthopedic surgery
info : giulio.muccioli@uclouvain.be