11 octobre 2017
9.00 - 15.00
Place Montesquieu
How to directly tackle complexity in data – both in terms of descriptive (incl. visualization) and explanatory/causal analyses? Increasingly, statisticians and applied quantitative researchers have been developing tools that enable one to move beyond simple statistical models and to go for more complex models. In parallel, ‘Set-theoretic methods’ (STMs) and in particular different variants of QCA have been developing and are being increasingly applied across the social sciences. These non-statistical methods take on board some assumptions of (causal) complexity, such as non-linearity, non-additivity, causal asymmetry, ‘multiple conjunctural causation’ (equifinality), etc. This workshop ambitions to take stock of some core recent/ongoing evolutions in these two thus far largely distinct research agendas. Can some commonalities, points of convergence or complementarities be identified between the two agendas?
This workshop takes place within the framework of the « Irvine Week » at UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve) between 9 and 13 October 2017. This Irvine Week is supported by a bilateral scheme between UCIrvine and UCLouvain ; several UCIrvine scholars from various disciplines will be present on the Louvain-la-Neuve campus during that specific week. We take this opportunity to arrange the presence of Prof. Charles Ragin, the initiator of QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) and seminal developer of Set-Theoretic Methods across social sciences and beyond, on 11 and 12 October.
Speakers (working list): Charles Ragin (UCIrvine), Virginia Ghiara (University of Kent), Federica Russo (UvAmsterdam), Benoît Rihoux (UCLouvain), …
Depending on the number of speakers (we can arrange up to 6-7), we’ll fine-tune the max. duration of each presentation – so as to ensure at least 15 mins of discussion time per presentation. Presentations do not need to be based on full papers ; a few slides or a short synopsis are most welcome, though.
Attendance as speaker or non-speaker; registration: Anyone interested is welcome to attend also as a non-speaker and to intervene in the discussions. The total number of participants (speakers & non-speakers) is capped at 20, first come first serve, registration via e-mail through: priscilla.alamos@gmail.com . Attendance is free of charge; the coffee breaks and a sandwich lunch are offered by the organizers.
If you wish to propose a presentation, please write to benoit.rihoux@uclouvain.be . Depending on the number of speakers (we can arrange up to 6-7), we’ll fine-tune the maximum duration of each presentation – so as to ensure at least 15 mins of discussion time per presentation. Presentations do not need to be based on full papers; a few slides or a short synopsis are most welcome, though.
Academic co-ordination: Benoît Rihoux (UCLouvain; contact person), Nathalie Schiffino, Priscilla Álamos-Concha, Sébastien Van Bellegem.
- UCLouvain (« FAI » seed funds)
- ISPOLE (Institut de Sciences Politiques Louvain-Europe), UCLouvain
- CESPOL (Centre de Science Politique et de Politique Comparée), UCLouvain
COMPASSS International Network – http://www.compasss.org