Maxime GILLIAUX (doctorant en IoNS/COSY) présentera le vendredi 6 février 2015 un séminaire sur l'intérêt d'un robot interactif à des fins de réadaptation.
Ce séminaire (invitation) se déroulera dans l'auditoire Martin V / 42B, de 12h30 à 13h30, sur le campus de Louvain-en-Woluwe (UCL) et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de seminaires 2014-2015 organisé par le pôle COSY.
ABSTRACT : Cerebral Palsy (CP) and stroke are major causes of disabilities in child and adult populations. These disabilities justify intensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation and regular assessments, which could be optimized by using robotics. The present research investigated the clinical interest of the REAplan robot in both populations. REAplan is an end-effector robotic device that can move the patient’s upper limb in a horizontal plane with various assistance modes (i.e., active, active-passive, passive). The first part of this research investigated how the REAplan robot could quantitatively assess upper limb movements. A standardized protocol was developed to assess upper limb kinematics in both populations, by using this robot. The second part of this research investigated how the REAplan robot could efficiently rehabilitate upper limb movements. A single-blind randomized controlled trial was performed to assess the efficacy of robot-assisted therapy (RAT) in CP children. This trial showed that the combination of conventional therapy (CT) and RAT could significantly more improve upper limb kinematics and manual dexterity in CP children than CT alone. The present research showed that the REAplan robot could quantitatively assess and efficiently rehabilitate upper limb movements in CP children and stroke adults.