Available position for a PhD student - Evaluation of tactile displays using EEG.


The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) of the University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium) is offering a PhD position to work on an FP7-funded project (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN) entitled “Virtual prototyping of tactile displays” (PROTOTOUCH).

The PhD will be conducted under the supervision of Pr. André Mouraux (co-supervision: Pr. Jean-Louis Thonnard).

The objective of the PhD is to develop a novel approach based on a joint time-frequency analysis of the human electroencephalogram (EEG) to explore the cortical mechanisms involved in the perception of active touch. The fellowship is integrated in a large European research project involving several universities as well as the private sector.

The candidate should have a Master’s degree in biological or medical sciences, psychology, engineering or a related discipline. He or she will carry out behavioral and EEG experiments. Experience in the field of systems neuroscience, in particular, EEG-based research would thus be an asset.

The starting date is September 2013. Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations

Applications should be sent by email to andre.mouraux@uclouvain.be, and should include a curriculum vitae and a cover letter detailing research motivations.

The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.  


Contact :

André Mouraux

Institute of Neuroscience (IONS)

University of Louvain (UCL)

Brussels, Belgium

Tel : +32(0)2-764-9349

Email : andre.mouraux@uclouvain.be

Web : http://nocions.webnode.com

Publié le 17 janvier 2013