

Petites choses linguistiques (amusantes) à savoir :

  • The Linguists - le film !!!
    Like modern-day explorers, the two academics featured in The Linguists travel to forgotten places around the globe to unearth rare treasures—in this case, endangered languages. On a shoestring budget, professors David Harrison and Gregory Anderson navigate difficult terrain, searching for speakers of these forgotten and mostly hidden languages. While more than 7,000 different languages are currently spoken around the world, many are rapidly disappearing. Language diversity is shrinking as colonialism and economic unrest destroy traditional tribal tongues. When young people abandon their ancestral language, the passive suppression of their culture begins, and soon those languages will cease to exist. Joining a traditional ceremony in a remote village in India, observing a Kallawaya healing ritual in Bolivia, and completing an arduous journey into Siberia are all part and parcel of heeding the urgent call. The word connoisseurs are well suited for the monumental task of researching and documenting native tongues; they speak 25 languages between them. These humble ethnographers are in a race against time to preserve the increasingly rare words, which are intricately linked to the vanishing traditions and heritage of Indigenous populations. Well-paced and laced with humor, The Linguists serves as an insightful, contemporary adventure film with a strong emphasis on cultural history.
  • Quelques blogs de linguistes
    • Language Log : Language Log was started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. For nearly five years, it ran on the same elderly linux box, with the same 2003-era blogging software, sitting in a dusty corner of a group office at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Other more or less regular contributors include Arnold Zwicky, Benjamin Zimmer, Bill Poser, Heidi Harley, Roger Shuy, Geoff Nunberg, Eric Bakovic, Sally Thomason, Barbara Partee, and John McWhorter. And an additional cast of dozens have blogged here from time to time. On April 5, 2008, the original server suffered a terminal illness, and was replaced by a new machine in an actual server room with professional support, thanks to Chris Cieri, Chad Jackson and others at the Linguistic Data Consortium. The blog posts between 7/28/2003 and 4/6/2008, in the ugly but beloved old format, can be found here.
    • Evolving English : English has changed since its beginning as the tongue of the Angled Saxons, through Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dickens, and now us. The process of change hasn't stopped, however much some folks might want it to. In this blog, we observe the language changing all around us. We don't opine (much) about these changes; we just note them as we see them.
    • The language guy : Commentary on how language is used and abused in advertising, politics, the law, and other areas of public life. You can think of this blog as a linguistic self-defense course in which we prepare ourselves to do battle with the forces of linguistic evil.
    • Mr Verb : Language changes. Deal with it. Revel in it.
    • Langue sauce piquante : le blog des correcteurs du
    • Technologies du langage : Le blog de Jean Véronis, professeur de linguistique à l'Université d'Aix - Marseille. Beaucoup d'outils très amusants et très utiles, et une réflexion poussée sur le discours de nos hommes politiques.
  • Quelques cartoons à inspiration linguistique et/ou académique
  • Les listes de discussion