
Quelques périodiques dans le domaine
Applied artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
 Artificial intelligence review
Automated software engineering
Bulletin of the european association for theoretical computer science
 Computational intelligence
 Cognitive science
 Communications of the ACM
 The computer journal
 Computer communications
 European journal of engineering education
 Expert systems : the journal knowledge engineering
 Evolutionary computation
Information systems
 The internet protocol journal
 Journal of algorithms (cognition, informatics and logic)
Journal of parallel and distributed computing
 Journal of symbolic computation
Linux journal
 Machine learning
 Mobile europe
 Mathematical structures in computer sciences
 New génération computing
 RAIRO Theoretical informatics and applications
 Science of computer programming
 Scientific american
 Software practice & experience
 Theoretical computer science
 IEEE/ACM transactions on networking
 IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics
Computer (IEEE)
 IEEE communications magazine
 IEEE computer graphics and applications
 IEEE design and test of computers
 IEEE information theory society newsletter
 IEEE intelligent systems
 IEEE internet computing
 IEEE micro
IEEE multimedia
 IEEE network
 IEEE pervasive computing
 IEEE security and privacy
 IEEE software
 IEEE spectrum
 IEEE transactions on computers
 IEEE transactions dependable and secure computing
 IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
 IEEE transactions on information theory
 IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering
 IEEE transactions on mobile computing
 IEEE tansactions on neural networks
 IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems
 IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
 IEEE transactions on software engineering
 Proceedings of the IEEE