Master thesis

Main deadlines for academic year 2016-2017 :

. mid-November : thesis plan (roadmap) sent to director(s)
. end of February : encode information about thesis (title and jury composition)
. submission : June 9th 2017 (second session : August 18th 2017)
. dates for oral presentations : June 23rd, June 26th, June 27th 2017 (second session : September 1st, 2nd, 4th 2017)
(please block all three dates in your agendas)

Rules and procedures

Vade-mecum (contains essential information about master theses at EPL)

Slides from the November 8th, 2016 presentation

Note sur l'harmonisation de règles et procédures (in French)

Evaluation and templates

Detailed intended learning outcomes for the master thesis

Evaluation grids : Year's work (filled by promotor) - Written dissertation (filled by jury members) - Oral presentation (filled by jury members)

Suggestion for organization of the dissertation's contents

Templates for the cover (Word and LaTeX)