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- Michel Ajzen
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Michel Ajzen
Maître de conférences invité
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Nom ID Personnel et organisation LTRAV2600
Overview of my current research on Human Resource Management and Industrial relations issues:
Research Assistant
Louvain School of Management Research Institute (ILSM) - Center for Research in Entrepreneurial Change and Innovative Strategies (CRECIS)
- The role of HRM on SMEs performance and innovation in Wallonia and Brussels: This research project aims at identifying the conditions under which HRM policies and practices contribute to SMEs innovation and performances (2012-2015)
- Managing Sustainable Innovative Workplace: This research aims at identifying the conditions for developing sustainable innovative workplace practices and the impact it may have on organizational performance (2012-2015)
PhD Candidate In management
Louvain School of Management Research Institute (ILSM) - Center for Research in Entrepreneurial Change and Innovative Strategies (CRECIS)
The aim of my doctoral project is to understand teleworking’s uses through bargaining. The objective of this research project is threefold:
(a) Define teleworking as a flexibility practice in organizations and describing the different uses, as well;
(b) Objectivize the different forms and natures of bargaining by lighting the dynamic processes through which compromises emerge and overlap;
(c) Highlight the process underlying the implementation of management practices in organizations from the social relationships (such as power issues).
The latest starts from actors’ perspective to understand why the use of teleworking practices can be different from a company to another, according to the nature of the compromise. This faces to an instrumentalist approach which only considers that a management practice has to be implement, to be effective
Supervisors: Professors Laurent Taskin & Evelyne Léonard (Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain School of Management)
National Correspondent for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)
Institut des Sciences du Travail - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Travail, Etat et Société (CIRTES)
Eurofound is the European Foundation for the Improvements of Living and Working Conditions ( As Belgian national correspondent, I provide different comparative studies on specific topics such as the unemployment benefits system, the measures for tackling undeclared work or public policy and support for restructuring in SMEs. Moreover, I provide representativeness studies of trade unions and employer associations in many different sectors such live performance, audiovisual, construction or cross-sectoral. Finally, I provide some different information updates on special events or topics within the Belgian indusrial relations as such as all of positive and negative restructuring cases, in Belgium.
Taskin, Laurent ; Terlinden, Laurianne ; Coster, Stéphanie ; Ajzen, Michel. The Cost of Managerial Caring: Exploring Identity Work in the Hybrid Work Context.. In: New Technology, Work & Employment, (2025). doi:10.1111/ntwe.12316 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Taskin, Laurent ; David Klinksiek, Ive ; Ajzen, Michel. Re-humanising management through co-presence: Lessons from enforced telework during the second wave of Covid-19. In: New Technology, Work & Employment, Vol. -, no.-, p. 1-25 (2023). doi:10.1111/ntwe.12271.
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent. La concertation sociale au temps du coronavirus : enjeux et perspectives du premier confinement en Belgique. In: Revue française de gestion, Vol. 298, no.5, p. 79-95 (2021). doi:10.3166/rfg.2021.00549.
Ajzen, Michel. Reconfiguration du travail. Télétravail: appréhender l'amont pour préparer l'aval de la crise? . In: Démocratie, Vol. Mars 2021, no.3, p. 2-4 (2021).
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent. The re-regulation of working communities and relationships in the context of flexwork: A spacing identity approach. In: Information and Organization, Vol. 31, no.3 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.infoandorg.2021.100364 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent. La concertation sociale malade de la crise du coronavirus?. In: IQSOG - Fenêtres Ouvertes sur la Gestion, Vol. , no., p. (2020).
Ajzen, Michel ; De Ridder, Marine. Travail : des équilibres en déséquilibre. In: La Libre, Vol. 137, no.340-341, p. 10 (2020).
Ajzen, Michel. Fiche pratique : Vous avez dit télétravail?. In: CRF Compas - Info Magazine, Vol. Triannuel , no.12, p. 40-43 (2019).
De Ridder, Marine ; Taskin, Laurent ; Antoine, Marie ; Ajzen, Michel ; Jacquemin, Chloé. Le métier de manager en transformation : Une démarche prospective . In: Management & Avenir, Vol. 3, no.109, p. 37-60 (2019).
Ajzen, Michel ; Rondeaux, Giseline ; Pichault, François ; Taskin, Laurent. Performance et Innovation en PME: une relation à questionner. In: Revue internationale P.M.E. : économie et gestion de la petite et moyenne entreprise, Vol. 29, no.2, p. 65-94 (2016).
Ajzen, Michel ; Donis, Céline ; Taskin, Laurent. Kaléidoscope des nouvelles formes d'organisation du travail: L'instrumentalisation stupide d'un idéal démocratique et collaboratif. In: Gestion 2000 : management & prospective, Vol. 31, no.3, p. 125-148 (novembre 2015).
Taskin, Laurent ; Ajzen, Michel. Innovation organisationnelle. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 130, no.306-307, p. 9 (2-3/11/13).
Ajzen, Michel. Les managers, les oubliés de l’entreprise agile ?. In: Raveleau, B., Manager en responsabilité à l’heure du digital. Regards croisés de professionnels et de chercheurs, Presses de l'Université de Laval: Laval, 2022, p. 71-88. 9791037017819.
Ajzen, Michel. From De-materialization to Re-materialization: A Social Dynamics Approach to New Ways of Working. In: Mitev, N., Aroles, J., Stephenson K.A. & Malaurent, J., New Ways of Working. Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age (Technology, Work and Globalization), Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, 2021, p. 205-233. 978-3-030-61686-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61687-8.
Antoine, Marie ; Ajzen, Michel. De l'importance des partenariats entreprise-université pour la formation doctorale. In: Taskin, L., Vers un Management Humain?, Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019, p. 41-48. 978-2-87558-875-3.
Taskin, Laurent ; Ajzen, Michel ; Donis, Céline. New ways of working: From smart to shared power. In: Varda Muhlbauer, Wes Harry, Redefining Management, Smart power perspectives, Springer, 2017, p. 65-79. 9783319692081. doi:10.1007/9783319692098.
Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine ; Ajzen, Michel. Le manager des proximités en quête de reconnai-sens. XXXIIIème conférence de l'AIMS - Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (Montréal, du 03/06/2024 au 06/06/2024).
Ajzen, Michel ; Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine. Proximités en contexte de travail post-covid: Des managers de proximité sous haute-tension. XXXVème Congrès de l'AGRH (Barcelone, du 23/10/2024 au 25/10/2024).
Andreeva, Tatiana ; Hill, N. Sharon ; Trullen, Jordi ; Klein, Kristen ; Ajzen, Michel ; Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine ; Bertola, Lara ; Robert, Véronique ; Eisenberg, Julia ; Ipsen, Christine ; Manca, Claudia ; Grotto, Angela ; Donovan, Corinne. The Critical Link: Line Managers’ Experiences in Hybrid Work. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Chicago, du 09/08/2024 au 13/08/2024). In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2024, no.1, p. 1 (2024). doi:10.5465/AMPROC.2024.11847symposium.
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent ; Izak, Michal ; Reissner, Stefanie. The making of the ‘ideal worker’. Re-regulation of workers’ visibility in the context of New ways of working.. 40th EGOS Colloquium (Milano, Italy, du 04/07/2024 au 06/07/2024).
Coster, Stéphanie ; Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent ; Terlinden, Laurianne. The shaping of a new ideal of time in the context of working homes. A routine approach. 40th EGOS Colloquium (Milano, Italy, du 04/07/2024 au 06/07/2024).
Ajzen, Michel ; Izak, Michal ; Reissner, Stefanie. A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and practices of emergence. The 13th International Conference in Critical Management Studies (Nottingham (UK), du 20/06/2023 au 22/06/2023).
Ajzen, Michel ; Pierret, Isabelle . Nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail à l’ère numérique : regards croisés entre chercheurs et praticiens. Colloque CIRTES: Construire ensemble un changement social soutenable (Louvain-la-Neuve, 14/03/2023).
Ajzen, Michel ; Izak, Michal ; Reissner, Stefanie. The future of flexible, remote and hybrid work arrangements: Empirical and conceptual evidence – Collaborative research network initiative. The 13th International Conference in Critical Management Studies (Nottingham (UK), du 20/06/2023 au 22/06/2023).
Ajzen, Michel ; Coster, Stéphanie ; Taskin, Laurent ; Terlinden, Laurianne. Considering the micro- politics of times and spaces through the re-regulation of work-life balance in the context of the (post-)covid hybrid work. 12th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices workshop (San Francisco (and online), du 22/06/2022 au 23/06/2022).
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent. From micro- to macro-politics of NWOW: The re-regulation of the ‘new ideal worker’. A conventionalist perspective. Academy of management annual meeting (Seattle, du 05/08/2022 au 09/08/2022).
Ajzen, Michel ; Barth, Andrea Simone ; Fohim, Emamdeen ; Höllerer, Markus ; Jacobs, Claus ; Meyer, Renate ; Reay, Trish ; Taskin, Laurent. New Ways of Working: Institutions, Identity, and Power (Symposium). Academy of Management Conference (Seattle, du 05/08/2022 au 09/08/2022).
De Carvalho, Damien ; Ajzen, Michel. Travail hybride, travail durable ? La place de l’outil dans l’inclusion à distance. Journée d’étude de l’AGRH : "Dynamiques inclusives : Nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles formes organisationnelles et nouveaux emplois" (Tours , 09/06/2022).
Ajzen, Michel ; Coster, Stéphanie ; Taskin, Laurent ; Terlinden, Laurianne. The re-regulation of work-life balance and its impacts on the centrality of work in the context of the (post-)covid hybrid work.. 12th International Critical Management Studies Conference (BML Munjal University (India), du 16/12/2021 au 18/12/2021).
Ajzen, Michel. Appréhender le travail flexible par les dynamiques d'acteurs. Une lecture conventionnaliste. Séminaire de recherche "Éthique et gouvernance de l’entreprise et des institutions" (Université Catholique de l'Ouest (Angers, France), 04/12/2019).
Ajzen, Michel ; Taskin, Laurent. Considering the social, spatial and material in flexwork studies: Spacing identity and the (re-)constitution of communities in an Insurance company . 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference (The Open University Business School (Milton Keynes - UK), du 27/06/2019 au 29/07/2019).
Taskin, Laurent ; Ajzen, Michel ; De Ridder, Marine ; Scola, Camilla. Perspectives critiques dans la recherche en sciences de gestion : état des lieux et perspectives. Séminaire annuel de recherche du CIRTES (Louvain-la-Neuve, 17/06/2019).
Ajzen, Michel. Quand le télétravail façonne la norme... Jeux d’acteurs, entre régulations et conventions. 8eme rencontres des Perspectives critiques en management (ESG UQAM (Montréal), du 02/10/2019 au 03/10/2019).
Ajzen, Michel ; Léonard, Evelyne. Regulation at work: from Europe to the shop floor. The case of telework in Belgium. 14th European Sociological Association Conference (Manchester, du 20/08/2019 au 23/08/2019).
Ajzen, Michel. New ways of working and power issues: how does telework transform employment relations?. Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (Leuven (Belgium), du 10/09/2018 au 12/09/2018).
Ajzen, Michel. Processus de régulation sociale et dynamique des conventions autour du télétravail. Une étude de cas. 7ème atelier doctoral sur les Perspectives Critiques en Management (Grenoble Ecole de Management (Grenoble, France), du 13/03/2018 au 14/03/2018).
Ajzen, Michel. Re-materialization of work as a consequence of telework de-humanizing effects? A social regulation perspective. New Ways of Working (NWW) Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age 8th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Work (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, du 20/06/2018 au 22/06/2018).
Ajzen, Michel. Questionner le potentiel d'émancipation des acteurs à travers le processus de régulation du télétravail. 5th Meeting Critical Management Studies:(Scholarly) Engagement at Times of Disengagement (EM Lyon Business School (Lyon, France), du 17/03/2016 au 18/03/2016).
Ajzen, Michel. Dynamiques de négociation du télétravail: de l'accord à l'usage. 11ème LSM HR Day (Louvain-la-Neuve, 21/10/2014).
Ajzen, Michel ; Donis, Céline ; Taskin, Laurent. Nouvelles Formes d’Organisation du Travail: Quelles pratiques pour quelle philosophie managériale? Critique d’une instrumentalisation de gestion. Atelier doctoral « Perspectives critiques en management » (Montpellier, du 01/04/2014 au 02/04/2014).
Ajzen, Michel ; Pichault, François ; Rondeaux, Giseline ; Taskin, Laurent. Performance et Innovation en PME: quelles relations pour quelles mesures ? Proposition d’une grille d’analyse et application au cas des TPE et PME wallonnes et bruxelloises. Séminaire CRECIS (Louvain-la-Neuve, 19/12/2013).
Ajzen, Michel. Pratiques de flexibilité spatio-temporelle du travail et performances: Quelles régulations sociales?. Atelier doctoral « Perspectives critiques en management » (Paris, du 22/04/2013 au 23/04/2013).
Ajzen, Michel. Pratiques de flexibilité spatio-temporelle du travail et performances: quelles régulations sociales?. 10ème LSM HR Day (Mons, 31/01/2013).
Ajzen, Michel. Quand le « nouveau » monde du travail naturalise la flexibilité : une analyse conventionnaliste des usages du télétravail, prom. : Taskin, Laurent ; Léonard, Evelyne, 12/05/2020.
Ajzen, Michel ; Patesson, Louise ; Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine. Intelligence Artificielle et Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Guide Pratique (), 2024. 9 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Patesson, Louise ; Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine. Intelligence Artificielle et Gestion des Ressources Humaines. À quelles conditions le recours à l’IA peut-il être un atout pour la GRH ? (), 2024. 68 p.
Taskin, Laurent ; Ajzen, Michel ; Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine ; Patesson, Louise. Panorama des approches durables en GRH (), 2024. 9 p.
Patesson, Louise ; Vandenberghe, Vincent ; Ajzen, Michel. Accompagner les fins de carrière. Quel accompagnement et quelles pratiques pour le maintien au travail et l'inclusion des collaborateurs en fin de carrière ? (), 2023. 90 p.
Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine ; Patesson, Louise ; Ajzen, Michel. Bien-être des managers de proximité en contexte de désaffection du métier. Quel accompagnement et quelles pratiques ? (), 2023. 11 p.
Patesson, Louise ; Vandenberghe, Vincent ; Ajzen, Michel. Maintien au travail et inclusion en fin de carrières: Quel accompagnement et quelles pratiques ? (), 2023. 11 p.
Inglebert-Frydman, Antoine ; Patesson, Louise ; Ajzen, Michel ; Falque, Laurent. Soutenir les managers. Quel soutien au bien-être des managers de proximité dans un contexte de désaffection du métier ? (), 2023. 124 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Patesson, Louise ; Nicolas Neysen. Digitalisation et culture managériale. Quelles pratiques? (), 2022. 16 p.
Patesson, Louise ; Ajzen, Michel ; Neysen, Nicolas. Digitalisation et culture managériale. Quelles sont les évolutions en termes de culture managériale dans le contexte de digitalisation ? (), 2022. 106 p.
Patesson, Louise ; Pralong, Jean ; Ajzen, Michel. Flexibilité de carrière. Valoriser, encourager et accompagner la flexibilité interne (), 2022.
Taskin, Laurent ; Coster, Stéphanie ; Ajzen, Michel ; Terlinden, Laurianne. Territorialité, relation managériale et équilibre vie privée-vie professionnelle en contexte de télétravail intensif : une approche longitudinale (Workvid-19) (), 2022. 72 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Defélix, Christian ; Laurent, Marie-Elodie ; Moreau, Liévine. Les alternatives à la classification de fonctions (), 2021. 78 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; De Ridder, Marine ; Duchateau, Nicolas ; Moreau, Liévine. Manager et Management Humain. Comment les RH peuvent-ils accompagner les managers dans la mise en place d’un Management Humain ? (), 2021. 72 p.
Antoine, Marie ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Taskin, Laurent ; Terlinden, Laurianne ; Ajzen, Michel. Employabilité (), 2018. 108 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Antoine, Marie ; De Ridder, Marine ; Jacquemin, Chloé ; Taskin, Laurent ; Van Oycke, Jean. Transformations du métier de manager, 2017. 98 p.
Moulaï, Kamila ; Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Snapshot of research findings on psychosocial risks at work, Research in Focus, Eurofound:, 2016.
Co-authors: Kristi Anniste, Inga Blaziene, Catherine Cerf, Antonio Corral, Jan Czarzasty, Raluca Dimitriu, Jessica Duran, Karel Fric, Iñigo Isusi, Märt Masso and Yolanda Torres-Revenga. ; Christine Aumayr-Pintar (Research coordinator and main author). Developments in working life in Europe:EurWORK annual review 2015, collab. Moulaï, Kamila ; Ajzen, Michel, 2016. 118 p.
Pichault, François ; Taskin, Laurent ; Rondeaux, Giseline ; Ajzen, Michel. Entreprises innovantes et performantes, quelles bonnes pratiques en Gestion des Ressources Humaines?, 2016. 36 p.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Trade unions criticise pension reform proposals, 2015. 1 p.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Turbulent industrial relations follow new government agreement (Information Update, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2015.
Perin, Emmanuelle ; Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Working life country profile, 2015. 27 p.
Taskin, Laurent ; Ajzen, Michel. Managing sustainable and innovative workplaces: New ways of working, towards sustainable organizational performance?, 2015. 140 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Desmarets, Maxime ; Taskin, Laurent. "Il n'existe plus d'environnement de travail type" (Interview)- Dossier: Focus sur les environnements de travail, People Sphere,, 2014. 28-30 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Vermandere, Caroline. Agreement gives equal status to blue- and white-collar workers (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2014.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Representativeness of the European social partner organisations in the cross-industry social dialogue (Representativeness Study), 2014.
Ajzen, Michel. New collective agreement on temporary agency work (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2014.
Coster, Stéphanie ; Ajzen, Michel. New work voucher scheme under scrutiny (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2014.
Ajzen, Michel. Preventing psychosocial risks at work (Information Update), 2014.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: ERM Comparative Analytical Report on ‘Public policy and support for restructuring in SMEs’ (Comparative Study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: Industrial relations profile, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. Belgium: The role of governments and social partners in keeping older workers in the labour market (Comparative Study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel ; Vermandere, Caroline. Economic crisis puts social dialogue in disarray (Information Update) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. New employers’ group chair sets out future ambitions (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. Protests over reform to benefits system (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. Steel giant’s restructuring galvanises opposition (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. The representativeness of trade unions and employer associations in the audiovisual sector (Representativeness Study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. The representativeness of trade unions and employer associations in the live performance sector (Representativeness Study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2013.
Ajzen, Michel. Industrial relations and working conditions developments in Belgium (Comparative study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2011, 2012.
Ajzen, Michel. More than 10,000 bankruptcies in 2011 (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2012.
Ajzen, Michel. New demands for wage indexation reform (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2012.
Ajzen, Michel. Security workers hired to break strike in car parts plant (Information Update), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2012.
Ajzen, Michel. Social partners involvement in unemployment benefit regimes (Comparative study), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:, 2012.
Vendramin, Patricia ; Valenduc, Gérard ; Volkoff, Serge ; Molinié, Anne-Françoise ; Léonard, Evelyne ; Ajzen, Michel. Sustainable work and the ageing workforce, 2012. 104 p.
Ajzen, Michel. New ways of working and power issues: how does telework transform employment relations? (Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations Working Paper Series; 2019/01), 2019. 27 p.
Ajzen, Michel ; Pichault, François ; Rondeaux, Giseline ; Taskin, Laurent. Performance et Innovation en PME: quelles relations pour quelles mesures? Proposition d’une grille d’analyse et application au cas des TPE et PME wallonnes et bruxelloises (LSM Working Paper Series; 2014/08), 2014. 26 p.