Place du Levant 3/L5.03.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
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- Répertoire
- Michael Saint-Guillain
Michael Saint-Guillain
Collaborateur scientifique
My CV is available here.
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2013 Master en sciences informatiques, à finalité spécialisée Université catholique de Louvain 2019 Dosteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologies Université catholique de Louvain
Assistant de cours / Teaching assistant
Cours actuels / Present courses
- LINGI 1123 : Calculabilité et Complexité — Computability and complexity theory (Pr. Yves Deville)
- LINGI 2261 : Artificial Intelligence: representation and reasoning (Pr. Yves Deville)
- LINGI 2255 : Software Engineering Project (Pr. Kim Mens)
Passé / Past courses
- LSINF 1225 : Conception Orientée Objet et Gestion de Données — Object oriented programming and databases (Pr. Kim Mens)
- LINGI 1113 : Systèmes Informatiques 2 (Pr. Marc Lobel)
PhD thesis
Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems
My PhD thesis is concerned with both robust and flexible solutions to vehicle routing problems, in a context where customer requests arise dynamically as the vehicle operations are performed, each request having a known probability to appear.
Applications in the society are manyfold, from intelligent on demand public transportation to sameday delivery services. Our goal is, basically, to answer the following question: given a fleet of (capaciateted) vehicles and a set of customers, each being potentially able to request a service at anytime of the day and having its own constraints (demand, service time, time window, etc.), which are the actions to be performed by each vehicle such that the expected number of unsatisfied requests is minimized by the end of the operational day ?
We assume a stochastic knowledge on each operational problem we tackle (e.g. the probability that customer request arise at a given location and a given time of the day). By using mathematical techniques from operations research and stochastic programming, we are able to build and hopefully solve mathematical models that compute (optimal) anticipative actions, such as vehicle relocation to waiting places, in order to minimize the expected overal cost of the final solution.
Keywords: online combinatorial optimization, stochastic programming, vehicle routing problems
Supervisor: Pr. Yves Deville
Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Buckland, Daniel Miller ; Vico, Laurence ; Dobney, William ; Baatout, Sarah ; Wain, Cyril ; Jacobs, Jean ; Comein, Audrey ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Casla, Ignacio Sanchez ; Chamart, Cheyenne ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. Adequacy of in-mission training to treat tibial shaft fractures in mars analogue testing.. In: Scientific reports, Vol. 13, no.1, p. 18072 [1-13] (2023). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-43878-1.
Manon, Julie ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Wain, Cyril ; Jacobs, Jean ; Comein, Audrey ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Sanchez Casla, Ignacio Jose ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. An Easy-To-Use External Fixator for All Hostile Environments, from Space to War Medicine: Is It Meant for Everyone's Hands?. In: Journal of clinical medicine, Vol. 12, no.14, p. 4764 [1-16] (2023). doi:10.3390/jcm12144764.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Burny, Nicolas ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Vaquero, Tiago ; Chien, Steve ; Karl, Alexander ; Marquez, Jessica ; Wain, Cyril ; Comein, Audrey ; Casla, Ignacio S. ; Jacobs, Jean ; Meert, Julien ; Chamart, Cheyenne ; Drouet, Sirga ; Manon, Julie. Enabling astronaut self-scheduling using a robust advanced modelling and scheduling system: An assessment during a Mars analogue mission. In: Advances in Space Research, Vol. 72, no.4, p. 1378-1398 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.asr.2023.03.045.
Vaquero, Tiago ; Chien, Steve ; Agrawal, Jagriti ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Parmentier, Maxime. Property-Based Brittleness Analysis of Temporal Networks. In: Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 20, no. 7, p. 398-417 (2023). doi:10.2514/1.i011189.
Wuyckens, Sophie ; Zhao, Lewei ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Janssens, Guillaume ; Sterpin, Edmond ; Souris, Kevin ; Ding, Xuanfeng ; Lee, John Aldo. Bi-criteria Pareto optimization to balance irradiation time and dosimetric objectives in proton arc therapy. In: Physics in Medicine & Biology, Vol. 67, no.24, p. 245017 (2022). doi:10.1088/1361-6560/aca5e9.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Gibaszek, Jonas ; Vaquero, Tiago ; Chien, Steve. Romie: A domain-independent tool for computer-aided robust operations management. In: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 111, no.0000, p. 104801 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2022.104801.
Wuyckens, Sophie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Janssens, Guillaume ; Zhao, Lewei ; Li, Xiaoqiang ; Ding, Xuanfeng ; Sterpin, Edmond ; Lee, John A. ; Souris, Kevin. Treatment planning in arc proton therapy: Comparison of several optimization problem statements and their corresponding solvers. In: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 148, no.1, p. 105609 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105609.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vaquero, Tiago ; Chien, Steve ; Agrawal, Jagriti ; Abrahams, Jordan. Probabilistic Temporal Networks with Ordinary Distributions: Theory, Robustness and Expected Utility. In: The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 71, no.1, p. 1091-1136 (2021). doi:10.1613/jair.1.13019.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Paquay, Célia ; Limbourg, Sabine. Time-Dependent Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Random Requests: Application to online police patrol management in Brussels. In: European Journal of Operational Research, (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2020.11.007 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Perboli, Guido ; Rosano, Mariangela ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Rizzo, Pietro. Simulation–optimisation framework for City Logistics: an application on multimodal last-mile delivery. In: IET Intelligent Transport Systems, (2018). doi:10.1049/iet-its.2017.0357.
Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Vatavu, Radu-Daniel ; Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Marquez, Jessica J.. Might as Well Be on Mars: Insights on the Extraterrestrial Applicability of Interaction Design Frameworks from Earth. ACM International Conference oh Human Aspects in Computing Systems (CHI '24) (Honolulu, HL, USA, du 11/05/2024 au 16/05/2024). In: Proceedings of ACM Int. Conf. on Human Aspects in Computing System, ACM Press: New York, 2024. 979-8-4007-0331-7/24/05. doi:10.1145/3613905.3650807.
Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Buckland, Daniel Miller ; Vico, Laurence ; Dobney, William ; Baatout, Sarah ; Wain, Cyril ; Jacobs, Jean ; Comein, Audrey ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Sanchez Casla, Ignacio Jose ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. An EZExFix, from Space to Earth medicine : Is it meant for everyone’s hands ?. Orthopaedica Belgica Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 27/04/2023 ((Belgium) Bruxelles, 27/04/2023).
Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Buckland, Daniel Miller ; Vico, Laurence ; Dobney, William ; Baatout, Sarah ; Wain, Cyril ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Sanchez Casla, Ignacio Jose ; Chamart, Cheyenne ; Behets Wydemans, Catherine ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. Astronaut’s fast learning to treat a tibial shaft fracture : A Mars analogue simulation . 22nd European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES) ((Slovenia) Ljubljana, du 07/05/2023 au 09/05/2023).
Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Vico, Laurence ; Dobney, William ; Baatout, Sarah ; Wain, Cyril ; Jacobs, Jean ; Comein, Audrey ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Sanchez Casla, Ignacio Jose ; Burny, Nicolas ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. Le traitement des fractures diaphysaires du tibia sur Mars : Une simulation en conditions spatiales . 97ème Congrès of Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (SOFCOT) ((France) Paris, du 13/11/2023 au 15/11/2023).
Manon, Julie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Vico, Laurence ; Dobney, William ; Baatout, Sarah ; Wain, Cyril ; Jacobs, Jean ; Comein, Audrey ; Drouet, Sirga ; Meert, Julien ; Sanchez Casla, Ignacio Jose ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Cartiaux, Olivier ; Cornu, Olivier. Tibial shaft fracture treatment in Space : A Mars analogue simulation. 24th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) Congress ((Austria) Vienna, du 24/05/2023 au 26/05/2023).
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Burny, Nicolas ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Vaquero; Tiago ; Chien, Steve ; Vaquero; Tiago Chien, Steve Karl, Alexander Comein, Audrey[UCL] Chamart, Cheyenne ; Karl, Alexander ; Comein, Audrey ; Chamart, Cheyenne ; Wain, Cyril ; Casla, Ignacio S. ; Jacobs, Jean ; Manon, Julie ; Meert, Julien ; Drouet, Sirga. Enabling astronaut self-scheduling using a robust modelling and scheduling system (RAMS) : A Mars analog use case. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA, California (On line, 12/07/2022).
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Vanderdonckt, Jean ; Burny, Nicolas ; Pletser, Vladimir ; Vaquero; Tiago ; Chien, Steve ; Karl, Alexander ; Comein, Audrey ; Chamart, Cheyenne ; Wain, Cyril ; Casla, Ignacio S. ; Jacobs, Jean ; Manon, Julie ; Meert, Julien ; Drouet, Sirga. Enabling astronaut self-scheduling using a robust modelling and scheduling system (RAMS) : A Mars analog use case. 16th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA) ((The Nederlands) Noordwijk, du 01/06/2022 au 02/06/2022). In: Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), European Space Agency (ESA), 2022.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Stegun Vaquero, Tiago ; Agrawal, Jagriti ; Chien, Steve. Robustness Computation of Dynamic Controllability in Probabilistic Temporal Networks with Ordinary Distributions. Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20) (Yokohama, Japan, du 11/7/2020 au 17/7/2020). In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020. 9780999241165. doi:10.24963/ijcai.2020/576.
Saint-Guillain, Michael. Robust Operations Management on Mars. 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS19) (Berkeley, CA, USA, du 11/07/2019 au 15/07/2019). In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, (2019).
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Solnon, Christine ; Deville, Yves. The Static and Stochastic VRP with Time Windows and both random Customers and Reveal Times. EvoApplications 2017. In: Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 20th European Conference, EvoApplications 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2017, Proceedings, Part II, 2017. 978-3-319-55792-2, p. 110-127. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55792-2_8.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Solnon, Christine ; Deville, Yves. Un nouveau VRPTW static et stochastique: vers une modélisation en deux étapes plus réaliste. Treizièmes journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (Accepté/Sous presse).
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Papavasiliou, Anthony ; Deville, Yves ; Solnon, Christine. The Static and Stochastic VRP with Time Windows and both random Customers and Reveal Times (abstract). XIV International Conference on Stochastic Programming (Buzios, Brezil, du 24/06/2016 au 01/01/2017).
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Deville, Yves ; Solnon, Christine. A Multistage Stochastic Programming Approach to the Dynamic and Stochastic VRPTW. Twelfth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR'15) (Barcelone, Espagne). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18008-3_25.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Deville, Yves ; Solnon, Christine. Une approche basée sur la programmation stochastique multi-étapes pour résoudre le VRPTW dynamique et stochastique. Onzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC 2015).
Saint-Guillain, Michael. Models and algorithms for online stochastic vehicle routing problems, prom. : Deville, Yves ; Solnon, Christine, 13/09/2019.
Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Christine Solnon ; Deville, Yves. Progressive Focus Search for the Static and Stochastic VRPTW with both Random Customers and Reveal Times, 2019. 42 p.