Voie du Roman Pays 34/L1.03.01
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- Isabelle Thomas
Isabelle Thomas
Professeure extraordinaire émérite
Professeure invitée
Directrice de recherche FNRS
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 1979 Licenciée en sciences pour le groupe des sciences géographiques Université catholique de Louvain 1979 Agrégée de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur en sciences géographiques Université catholique de Louvain 1984 Docteur en sciences géographiques Université catholique de Louvain 2000 Agrégé de lEnseignement Supérieur Université catholique de Louvain
- Les cours
Nom ID Cartographie thématique et analyse des données spatiales LGEO1241
Montero Redondo, Gaëtan ; Caruso, Geoffrey ; Hilal, Mohamed ; Thomas, Isabelle. A partition‐free spatial clustering that preserves topology: application to built‐up density. In: Journal of Geographical Systems : geographical information, analysis, theory and decision, Vol. 25, p. 5-35 (2023). doi:10.1007/s10109-022-00396-4.
Adam, Arnaud ; Proost, Stef ; Thomas, Isabelle. Does Tolling Per Kilometre Compensate for the External Costs of Trucks? A Geographical Approach for Belgium. In: International Regional Science Review, Vol. 46, no. 3, p. 381-409 (2023). doi:10.1177/01600176221145883.
Guyot, Madeleine ; Pelgrims, Ingrid ; Aerts, Raf ; Keune, Hans ; Remmen, Roy ; De Clercq, Eva M. ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanwambeke, Sophie. Non-response bias in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment: a cross-sectional study in Brussels, Belgium. In: Archives of Public Health, Vol. 81, no. 1 (2023) (2023). doi:10.1186/s13690-023-01118-y.
Pelgrims, Ingrid. Association between urban environment and mental health in Brussels, Belgium, collab. Guyot, Madeleine ; Thomas, Isabelle. In: BMC Public Health, Vol. 21, no.635, p. 1 (2021). doi:10.1186/s12889-021-10557-7.
Montero Redondo, Gaëtan ; Tannier, Cécile ; Thomas, Isabelle. Delineation of cities based on scaling properties of urban patterns: a comparison of three methods. In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 35, no.5, p. 919-947 (2021). doi:10.1080/13658816.2020.1817462 (Soumis).
Van Goethem, Nina ; Robert, Annie ; Bossuyt, Nathalie ; Van Poelvoorde, Laura A E ; Quoilin, Sophie ; De Keersmaecker, Sigrid C J ; Devleesschauwer, Brecht ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanneste, Kevin ; Roosens, Nancy H C ; Van Oyen, Herman. Evaluation of the added value of viral genomic information for predicting severity of influenza infection.. In: BMC infectious diseases, Vol. 21, no.1, p. 785 [1-14] (2021). doi:10.1186/s12879-021-06510-z.
Trabelsi, Sonia ; Casas Ruiz, Lidia ; Nemery, Benoit ; Thomas, Isabelle. Geography of medication reimbursements in Belgium: an exploratory analysis. In: CyberGeo : revue européenne de géographie, , no.982 (2021). doi:10.4000/cybergeo.36950.
Fischer, Natalie ; Dauby, Nicolas ; Bossuyt, Nathalie ; Reynders, Marijke ; Gérard, Michèle ; Lacor, Patrick ; Daelemans, Siel ; Lissoir, Bénédicte ; Holemans, Xavier ; Magerman, Koen ; Jouck, Door ; Bourgeois, Marc ; Delaere, Bénédicte ; Quoilin, Sophie ; Van Gucht, Steven ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Barbezange, Cyril ; Subissi, Lorenzo. Monitoring of human coronaviruses in Belgian primary care and hospitals, 2015-20: a surveillance study.. In: The Lancet. Microbe, Vol. 2, no. 3, p. e105-e114 (2021). doi:10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30221-4.
Adam, Arnaud ; Finance, Olivier ; Thomas, Isabelle. Monitoring trucks to reveal Belgian geographical structures and dynamics: From GPS traces to spatial interactions. In: Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 91, p. 102977 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.102977.
Bauwelinck, Mariska ; Casas, Lidia ; Nawrot, Tim S. ; Nemery, Benoit ; Trabelsi, Sonia ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Aerts, Raf ; Lefebvre, Wouter ; Vanpoucke, Charlotte ; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Vandenheede, Hadewijch. Residing in urban areas with higher green space is associated with lower mortality risk: A census-based cohort study with ten years of follow-up. In: Environment International, Vol. 148, p. 106365 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.envint.2020.106365.
Subissi, Lorenzo ; Bossuyt, Nathalie ; Reynders, Marijke ; Gérard, Michèle ; Dauby, Nicolas ; Lacor, Patrick ; Daelemans, Siel ; Lissoir, Bénédicte ; Holemans, Xavier ; Magerman, Koen ; Jouck, Door ; Bourgeois, Marc ; Delaere, Bénédicte ; Quoilin, Sophie ; Van Gucht, Steven ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Barbezange, Cyril. Spotlight influenza: Extending influenza surveillance to detect non-influenza respiratory viruses of public health relevance: analysis of surveillance data, Belgium, 2015 to 2019.. In: Euro surveillance, Vol. 26, no. 38, p. 2001104 [1-10] (2021). doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.38.2001104.
Guyot, Madeleine ; Araldi, Alessandro ; Fusco, Giovanni ; Thomas, Isabelle. The urban form of Brussels from the street perspective: The role of vegetation in the definition of the urban fabric. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 205, p. 103947 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103947.
Finance, Olivier ; Adam, Arnaud ; Thomas, Isabelle., un outil de géovisualisation de l’extension et de la fragmentation métropolitaine bruxelloise. In: Mappemonde (Print Edition), , no.130 (2021). doi:10.4000/mappemonde.5506.
Subissi, Lorenzo ; Bossuyt, Nathalie ; Reynders, Marijke ; Gérard, Michèle ; Dauby, Nicolas ; Bourgeois, Marc ; Delaere, Bénédicte ; Quoilin, Sophie ; Van Gucht, Steven ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Barbezange, Cyril. Capturing respiratory syncytial virus season in Belgium using the influenza severe acute respiratory infection surveillance network, season 2018/19.. In: Euro surveillance, Vol. 25, no. 39, p. 1900627 [1-10] (2020). doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.39.1900627.
Gandica, Yérali ; Decuyper, Adeline ; Cloquet, Christophe ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles. Measuring the effect of node aggregation on community detection. In: EPJ Data Science, Vol. 9, no. 6 (2020). doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-020-00223-0.
Lauwers, Laura ; Trabelsi, Sonia ; Pelgrims, Ingrid ; Bastiaens, Hilde ; De Clercq, Eva ; Guilbert, Ariane ; Guyot, Madeleine ; Leone, Michael ; Nawrot, Tim ; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An ; Remmen, Roy ; Saenen, Nelly ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Keune, Hans. Urban environment and mental health: the NAMED project, protocol for a mixed-method study. In: BMJ Open, Vol. 10, no. 2, p. e031963 (2020). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031963.
Nagant, Carole ; Barbezange, Cyril ; Dedeken, Laurence ; Besse-Hammer, Tatiana ; Mahadeb, Bhavna ; Efira, André ; Ferster, Alice ; Corazza, Francis ; Krammer, Florian ; Thomas, Isabelle. Alteration of humoral, cellular and cytokine immune response to inactivated influenza vaccine in patients with Sickle Cell Disease. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 14, no. 10, p. e0223991 (2019). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223991.
Sidqi, Yousra ; Frankhauser, Pierre ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Retière, Nicolas. Comparing fractal indices of electric networks to roads and buildings: The case of Grenoble (France). In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 531, p. 121774 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.physa.2019.121774.
Trabelsi, Sonia ; Casas, Lidia ; Nemery, Benoit ; Nawrot, Tim S. ; Thomas, Isabelle. Geographies of asthma medication purchase for pre-schoolers in Belgium. In: Respiratory Research, Vol. 20, no.90 (2019). doi:10.1186/s12931-019-1052-8.
Finance, Olivier ; ADAM, Arnaud ; JONES, Jonathan ; Thomas, Isabelle. Révéler la polarisation économique d'une ville à partir des traces GPS des camions. Le cas de Liège. In: Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, Vol. 72 (2019).
Adam, Arnaud ; Charlier, Julien ; Debuisson, Marc ; Duprez, Jean-Paul ; Reginster, Isabelle ; Thomas, Isabelle. Bassins résidentiels en Belgique : deux méthodes, une réalité ?. In: Espace géographique, Vol. 47, no.1, p. 35-50 (2018). doi:10.3917/eg.471.0035.
Thomas, Isabelle ; Jones, Jonathan ; Caruso, Geoffrey ; Gerber, Philippe. City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: Review and tests. In: Transport Reviews : a transnational, transdisciplinary journal, Vol. 38, no.1, p. 6-32 (2018). doi:10.1080/01441647.2017.1295112.
Adam, Arnaud ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles ; Thomas, Isabelle. Detecting communities with the multi-scale Louvain method: robustness test on the metropolitan area of Brussels. In: Journal of Geographical Systems, Vol. 20, no. 4, p. 363-386 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10109-018-0279-0.
Beckers, Joris ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Verhetsel, Ann. Logistics clusters, including inter-firm relations through community detection. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 18, no.2, p. 178-195 (2018).
Médard de Chardon, Cyrille ; Caruso, Geoffrey ; Thomas, Isabelle. Bicycle sharing system 'success' determinants. In: Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, Vol. 100, p. 202-214 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.020.
Adam, Arnaud ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles ; Thomas, Isabelle. Cartografie van de interactiegebieden in en rond Brussel: pendelverkeer, verhuizingen en telefoongesprekken. In: Brussels Studies, no. 118 (2017). doi:10.4000/brussels.1598.
Adam, Arnaud ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles ; Thomas, Isabelle. Cartographies des champs d’interaction dans et autour de Bruxelles : navettes, déménagements et appels téléphoniques. In: Brussels Studies, no. 118 (2017). doi:10.4000/brussels.1592.
Adam, Arnaud ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles ; Thomas, Isabelle. Cartography of interaction fields in and around Brussels: Commuting, moves and telephone calls. In: Brussels Studies, no. 118 (2017). doi:10.4000/brussels.1601.
Caruso, Geoffrey ; Hilal, Mohamed ; Thomas, Isabelle. Measuring urban forms from inter-building distances: combining MST graphs with a local index of spatial association. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 163, p. 80-89 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.03.003.
Thomas, Isabelle ; Adam, Arnaud ; Verhetsel, Ann. Migration and commuting interactions fields: a new geography with community detection algorithm?. In: Belgeo, Vol. 2017, no. 4 (2017). doi:10.4000/belgeo.20507.
Vandenbulcke-Plasschaert, Gregory ; Int Panis, Luc ; Thomas, Isabelle. On the location of reported and unreported cycling accidents: a spatial network analysis for Brussels. In: Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography. Systèmes, Modélisation, Géostatistiques, no. 818 (2017). doi:10.4000/cybergeo.28073.
Jones, Jonathan ; Peeters, Dominique ; Thomas, Isabelle. Scale effect in a LUTI model of Brussels: challenges for policy evaluation. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 17, p. 103-131 (2017).
Jones, Jonathan ; Cloquet, Christophe ; Adam, Arnaud ; Decuyper, Adeline ; Thomas, Isabelle. Belgium through the lens of rail travel requests: does geography still matter?. In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 5, p. 216 (2016). doi:10.3390/ijgi5110216.
Médard de Chardon, Cyrille ; Caruso, Geoffrey ; Thomas, Isabelle. Bike-share rebalancing strategies, patterns, and purpose. In: Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 55, p. 22-39 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.07.003.
Delloye, Justin ; Peeters, Dominique ; Thomas, Isabelle. "On the morphology of a growing city: a heuristic experiment merging static economics with dynamic geography". In: PLoS One, Vol. 10, no.8:e0135871 (2015). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135871.
Peeters, Dominique ; Caruso, Geoffrey ; Cavailhès, Jean ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Frankhauser, Pierre ; Vuidel, Gilles. Emergence of leapfrogging from residential choice with endogenous green space : Analytical results. In: Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 55, no.3, p. 491-512 (2015). doi:10.1111/jors.12158.
Le Gallo, Julie ; Thomas, Isabelle. Espace, statistique et économétrie : progrès et défis en science régionale. In: Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Vol. 1-2, p. 387 (mai 2015).
Jones, Jonathan ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Peeters, Dominique. Forecasting jobs location choices by Discrete Choice Models: A sensitivity analysis to scale and implications for LUTI models. In: REGION, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 67-93 (2015). doi:10.18335/region.v2i1.63.
Caruso, Geoffrey ; Cavailhès, Jean ; Peeters, Dominique ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Frankhauser, Pierre ; Vuidel, Gilles. Greener and larger neighbourhoods make cities more sustainable! A 2D urban economics perspective. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 54, p. 82-94 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.06.002.
Casas, Lidia ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Nawrot, Tim ; Bouland, Catherine ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An ; Nemery, Benoit. Impact of green/blue spaces on specific morbidity and cause-specific mortality in Belgium: the GRESP-HEALTH project protocol (2015-2019). In: Archives of Public Health, Vol. 73, no. Suppl 1, p. P16 (2015). doi:10.1186/2049-3258-73-S1-P16.
Jones, Jonathan ; Peeters, Dominique ; Thomas, Isabelle. Is cities delineation a pre requisite for urban modelling? The example of land price determinants in Brussels. In: CyberGeo : revue européenne de géographie, Vol. Document 716 (2015). doi:10.4000/cybergeo.26899.
Le Gallo, Julie ; Thomas, Isabelle. Statistique, économétrie et espace : progrès et défis en science régionale. In: Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Vol. mai, no.1, p. 9-26 (2015). doi:10.3917/reru.151.0009.
Le Gallo, Julie ; Thomas, Isabelle. Espace, Statistique et économétrie: progrès et défis en science régionale (Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine; 2015 1/2), Armand Colin: Malakoff, 2015. 9782200929817. 387 p.
Thomas, Isabelle. Conclusion of the book "Fractal geometry in human geography and planning". In: Cécile Tannier (ed.), Fractal geometry in human geography and planning, Wiley/ISTE, 2024, p. 335-338. 978-1-394-30655-8.
Tannier, Cécile ; Montero, Gaëtan ; Sémécurbe, François ; Thomas, Isabelle. Fractal Analysis Methods for Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of Human Settlements. In: Cécile Tannier (ed.), Fractal geometry in human geography and planning, Wiley/ISTE, 2024, p. 93-146 (chap. 4). 978-1-394-30655-8.
Montero, Gaëtan ; Tannier, Cécile ; Thomas, Isabelle. Morphological Delineation of Urban Agglomerations: Comparison of Fractal and Non-Fractal Methods. In: Cécile Tannier (ed.), Fractal geometry in human geography and planning, Wiley/ISTE, 2024, p. 147-196 (chap. 5). 978-1-394-30655-8.
Caruso, Geoffrey ; Pumain, Denise ; Thomas, Isabelle. No “Prêt à Porter” but a Multi-scalar Perspective of “Smart Cities”. In: Robert Laurini, Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, Louafi Bouzouina (eds), Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking, Springer, 2022, p. 123-147 (chap. 7). 978-3-031-15647-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15648-9_7.
Sanders, Lena ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, Céline. On the Survival of Butterflies in the Jungle of Urban Systems. In: Denise Pumain, Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis : Theories and Models of Urbanization (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis), Springer, 2020, p. 151-167. 9783030366551. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36656-8_9.
Adam, Arnaud ; Montero Redondo, Gaëtan ; Finance, Olivier ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Thomas, Isabelle. Revisiting urban models with information and communication technology data? Some exampes from Brussels. In: Pnina O. Plaut and Dalit Shach-Pinsky, Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments, Routledge: London, 2019, p. 186-202. 9781138594630.
Degraeuwe, Bart ; de Geus, Bas ; Thomas, Isabelle. Cycling behaviour and collision risk of utilitarian cyclists in Belgium. In: R. Gerike ; J. Parkin (eds), Cycling Futures: From Research into Practice, Ashgate Publishing: Farnham, 2015, p. 33-51. 978-1472453617.
Willems, Hanny ; Degraeuwe, Bart ; de Geus, Bas ; Vandenbulcke, Grégory ; Thomas, Isabelle. Exposure to Particulate Matter in Traffic when Cycling. In: R. Gerike ; J. Parkin (eds), Cycling Futures: From Research into Practice, Ashgate Publishing: Farnham, 2015, p. 53-70. 978-1472453617.
Thomas, Isabelle. Géographie économique. In: Universalis, Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2015. 978-2-8522-9551-3.
Cabrita, Inès ; Gayda, Sylvia ; Hurtubia, Ricardo ; Efthymiou, Dimitrios ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Peeters, Dominique ; Jones, Jonathan. Integrated land use and transport microsimulation for Brussels. In: M. Bierlaire ; A. de Palma ; R. Hurtubia ; P. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press / Routledge, 2015, p. 373-411. 978-0-415-72910-9.
Thomas, Isabelle ; Cotteels, Camille ; Pholo Bala, Alain ; Peeters, Dominique. Spatial challenges in the estimations of LUTI models: some lessons from the Sustaincity project. In: M. Bierlaire ; A. de Palma ; R. Hurtubia ; P. Waddell (Eds.), Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press / Routledge, 2015, p. 55-74. 978-0-415-72910-9.
Guyot, Madeleine ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanwambeke, Sophie. Unravelling socio-environmental inequality at the street level: a refined typology of Brussels' urban fabrics. 35th International Geographical Congress (Dublin, Ireland, du 24/08/2024 au 29/08/2024).
Guyot, Madeleine ; Vanwambeke, Sophie ; Thomas, Isabelle. Illegal dumping and urban design. Some evidence from Fix My Street data, Brussels. International Geographical Union 2022 - Centennial Congress (Paris, du 18/07/2022 au 22/07/2022).
Dubray, Alexandre ; Nijssen, Siegfried ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Schaus, Pierre. A Seriation Based Framework to Visualize Multiple Aspects of Road Transport from GPS Trajectories. International Intelligent Transportation System Conference (Indianapolis, IN, USA, du 19/09/2021 au 22/09/2021). In: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. Proceedings, (2021).
Guyot, Madeleine ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanwambeke, Sophie. Is illegal dumping associated with some urban designs? Evidence from Fix My Street data, Brussels. XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form : URBAN FORM AND THE SUSTAINABLE AND PROSPEROUS CITIES (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (online), du 29/06/2021 au 03/07/2021). In: ISUF Annual Conference Proceedings, (2021). doi:10.17868/strath.00080414.
Guyot, Madeleine ; Pelgrims, Ingrid ; Aerts, Raf ; De Clercq, Eva M. ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanwambeke, Sophie. Nonresponse in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment in Brussels. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (Manchester (online), du 03/11/2021 au 05/11/2021).
Guyot, Madeleine ; Araldi, Alessandro ; Fusco, Giovanni ; Thomas, Isabelle. Une typologie du paysage urbain bruxellois dans une perspective de recherche en santé. Les Rencontres de Théo Quant (Besançon, France, du 06/02/2019 au 08/02/2019).
Guyot, Madeleine ; Alessandro Araldi ; Giovanni Fusco ; Thomas, Isabelle. Urban street landscape and well-being in Brussels. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (Luxembourg, du 05/09/2019 au 09/09/2019).
Guyot, Madeleine ; Araldi, Alessandro ; Fusco, Giovanni ; Thomas, Isabelle. Multiple Fabric Assessment: application to the case of Brussels. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (New Orleans, du 10/04/2018 au 14/04/2018).
Finance, Olivier ; Adam, Arnaud ; Jones, Jonathan ; Thomas, Isabelle. Révéler la polarisation économique d'une ville à partir de traces GPS de camions. Le cas de Liège (CORE Discussion Paper; 2018/33), 2018. 23 p.
Jones, Jonathan ; Peeters, Dominique ; Thomas, Isabelle. Scale Effect in a LUTI Model of Brussels: Challenges for Policy Evaluation (CORE Discussion Paper; 2016/34), 2016. 37 p.