Place Cardinal Mercier 14/L3.06.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Chargé de cours invité
Collaborateur scientifique
Place Cardinal Mercier 14/L3.06.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Academic Curriculum Vitae available here
My research concerns Ancient Physics and Logic, from the listeners of Socrates to Later Neoplatonism.
In this respect, I have recently worked on the reception of Plato's kinematics into the Platonic Tradition, notably in Proclus and Damascius.
Under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Destrée (Catholic University of Louvain) and Prof. Marwan Rashed (Sorbonne University), I devote my doctoral thesis to an examination of the function of modalities into Aristotle's kinetics, notably in the light of the ancient commentators and of the contemporary works on modalities (metaphysics of dispositions, semantics of possible worlds, etc.).
Année | Label | Institution |
2012 | BA | University of Rennes II |
2013 | BA | University of Rennes II |
2013 | BA | University of Rennes I |
2014 | MA | University of Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure & Ecole Polytechnique |
2015 | MPhil | Université Paris 4 - Sorbonne |
2023 | Doctorat en philosophie | Université catholique de Louvain |
Teaching experience:
2017-Present: Teaching Fellow, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve).
Tutorial, Philosophy of Technology (undergraduate class, Faculty of Law)
Tutorial, Epistemology and Philosophy of Language (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy)
Tutorial, Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics (undergraduate class, School of Philosophy)
2016-2017 Philosophy Teacher in Secondary Education, in Lycée Beaumont, (Redon).
2014 Examiner for Philosophy and French Literature mock exams in Parisian private secondary school “L’Ecole”
Nom | ID |
Métaphysique (questions approfondies) | LFILO2231 |
My research concerns Ancient Physics and Logic, from the listeners of Socrates to Later Neoplatonism.
In this respect, I have recently worked on the reception of Plato's kinematics into the Platonic Tradition, notably in Proclus and Damascius.
Under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Destrée (Catholic University of Louvain) and Prof. Marwan Rashed (Sorbonne University), I devote my doctoral thesis to an examination of the function of modalities into Aristotle's kinetics, notably in the light of the ancient commentators and of the contemporary works on modalities (metaphysics of dispositions, semantics of possible worlds, etc.).
Fields of expertise: Platonism, Aristotelian Philosophy, Socratic Philosophy, Hellenistic Philosophy, Neoplatonism
Fields of competence: Ancient History & Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Modernist Literature, French Literature, etc.
Works in Progress:
“Carnéade, in Cicéron, De fato, XIV, 31-33: le platonisme dé-voilé?”
“Diodorus Kronus on Motion against Aristotle’s Kinematics: a crypto-defence of Plato’s Dynamics?”
“Neglected Evidence for Epicurus on the Excluded Middle: The Logical Background of Seneca’s De Tranquillitate Animi”
“The ἐξαίφνης in Platonic Tradition: From Kinematics to Dynamics” (draft available here)
“Separation and Theoretical Sciences: A Reading in the Light of Met, I.1 1052b17”
“Thermodynamics in Aristotle: The Cosmological Function of Aether”
“Looking at the Sun with Aristotle’s and Plato’s Eyes: Physics of Heat vs Metaphysics of Light”
Published papers:
“Le solipsisme dans le Tractatus logico-philosophicus: du solipsisme au Mystique”, in Al-Mukhatabat, vol. 9, january 2014, University of Kairouan, p. 264-283
“Réflexions autour de la première physique ‘quantique’ de Leibniz”, Congrès international triennal 2018 de la SoPhA (Société de Philosophie Analytique). Le continu et le discret, Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve), 5th July 2018
“Damascius’ Theodicy: Psychic Input of Disorder and Evil into the World”, 16th Annual ISNS (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies) Conference, Loyola Marymount University, (Los Angeles), 14th June 2018
“Diodorus Kronus on Motion against Aristotle’s Kinematics”, First Dublin Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy. Physis and Psychê in Ancient Philosophy: Causes, Generation, and Change, University College Dublin/Trinity College Dublin, (Dublin), 31st March 2017