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- Anne Legrève
Anne Legrève
Professeure ordinaire
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 1985 Candidate ingénieur agronome Université catholique de Louvain 1988 Ingénieur agronome Université catholique de Louvain 1999 Docteur en sciences agronomiques & ingénierie biologique Université catholique de Louvain
Sigle Titre Début Vol.1 Vol.2 % ECT LBIR1354 Biologie des interactions 2018 10.0 5.0 40.0 3,00 LBIRA2106 Principes de phytiatrie 2017 15.0 0.0 50.0 3,00 LBIRA2201 Projet interdisciplinaire d'agronomie 2017 7.5 0.0 25.0 4,00 LBIRA2210 Master thesis' accompanying seminar 2016 6.0 0.0 20.0 3,00 LBRPP2101 Biologie des bactéries, champignons, nématodes et virus phytopathogènes 2015 15.0 7.5 42.9 5,00 LBRPP2101 Biologie des bactéries, champignons, nématodes et virus phytopathogènes 2015 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,00 LBRPP2103 Phytopathologie 2017 15.0 11.25 50.0 5,00 LBRPP2103 Phytopathologie 2017 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,00 LBRPP2204 Questions spéciales de protection des plantes 2014 15.0 0.0 50.0 3,00 LBRPP2205 Clinique des plantes : diagnostic et recommandations 2014 30.0 0.0 50.0 5,00 LBRPP2205 Clinique des plantes : diagnostic et recommandations 2014 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,00 LBRPP2206 Lutte biologique, protection intégrée et contrôle phytosanitaire 2014 12.5 0.0 27.8 5,00 LBRPP2207 Epidémiologie et systèmes de prévision en pathologie végétale 2015 30.0 0.0 100.0 3,00 156,0 23,75 - Les cours
Nom ID Biologie des interactions LBIR1354 Médecine des plantes LBIRA2111 Projet disciplinaire LBIRA2130 Master thesis' accompanying seminar LBIRA2210 Projet interdisciplinaire LBIRA2230 Ecologie et santé des forêts LBIRF2104 Questions spéciales de protection des plantes LBRPP2204 Interactions plantes - microorganismes LBRPP2208 Pathologies végétales LBRPP2210 Lutte biologique et santé végétale LBRPP2211 Clinique des plantes LBRPP2212 Biotechnologies and diagnostics LBRPP2213
Nihorimbere, Gaspard ; Alleluya Korangi, Virginie ; Nimbeshaho, François ; Nihorimbere, Venant ; Legrève, Anne ; Ongena, Marc. Bacillus-based biocontrol beyond chemical control in central Africa: the challenge of turning myth into reality. In: Frontiers of Plant Science, Vol. 15, no.1, p. 1-44 (2024). doi:10.3389/fpls.2024.1349357 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lengrand, Salomé ; Pesenti, Lena ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Bacterial endophytome sources, profile and dynamics—a conceptual framework. In: Frontiers in sustainable food systems, Vol. 8, p. 1-10 (2024). doi:10.3389/fsufs.2024.1378436.
Oreiro, Eula Gems ; Samils, Berit ; Kildea, Steven ; Heick, Thies ; Hellin, Pierre ; Legrève, Anne ; Rodemann, Bernd ; Berg, Gunilla ; Jørgensen, Lise N ; Friberg, Hanna ; Berlin, Anna ; Zhan, Jiasui ; Andersson, Björn. DMI fungicide resistance in Zymoseptoria tritici is unlinked to geographical origin and genetic background: a case study in Europe. In: Pest Management Science, Vol. 85, no. 2, p. 1103–1112 (2024). doi:10.1002/ps.8514.
Lengrand, Salomé ; Dubois, Benjamin ; Pesenti, Lena ; Debode,Frédéric ; Legrève, Anne. Humic substances increase tomato tolerance to osmotic stress while modulating vertically transmitted endophytic bacterial communities. In: Frontiers of Plant Science, Vol. 15, no.10.3389, p. 1-14 (2024). doi:10.3389/fpls.2024.1488671.
Dubois, Benjamin ; Delitte, Mathieu ; Lengrand, Salomé ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne ; Debode, Frédéric. PRONAME: a user-friendly pipeline to process long-read nanopore metabarcoding data by generating high-quality consensus sequences. In: Frontiers in bioinformatics, Vol. 4, p. 1-13 (2024). doi:10.3389/fbinf.2024.1483255.
Le Vourch, Vivien ; Decroës, Alain ; Thonon, Salomé ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Van Steenberge, Cyril ; Rosillon, Damien ; Lebrun, Pierre ; César, Vincent ; Legrève, Anne. Spatiotemporal dynamics of Phytophthora infestans airborne inoculum in Belgium. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, , p. 1-15 (2024). doi:10.1007/s10658-024-02948-4.
Nimbeshaho, François ; Nihorimbere, Gaspard ; Arias, Anthony Argüelles ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Steels, Sébastien ; Nibasumba, Anaclet ; Nihorimbere, Venant ; Legrève, Anne ; Ongena, Marc. Unravelling the secondary metabolome and biocontrol potential of the recently described species Bacillus nakamurai. In: Microbiology Research, Vol. 288, p. 127841 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.micres.2024.127841.
Tiendrebeogo, Assiata ; Schemaeza Bonzi ; Gaston Tobdem Dabiré ; Diakalia Son ; Amadou Sanou ; Hyacinthe Sami Kambire ; Irénée Somda ; Legrève, Anne. Identification de mycètes cultivables associés aux maladies de la tomate au Burkina Faso. In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, Vol. 27, no.4, p. 255-269 (2023).
Garané, Malik ; De Leener, Philippe ; Ouédraogo, Souleymane ; Gaspart, Frédéric ; Legrève, Anne ; Somda, Irenée ; Toé, Patrice. Willingness to pay for biopesticides for tomato cultivation in Burkina Faso. In: International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, Vol. 11, no.2, p. 57-73 (2023). doi:10.15739/IJAPR.23.006.
Sawadogo Wendnéyidé, Mathieu ; Ahissou Besmer, Regis ; Somda, Irénée ; Nacro, Souleymane ; Legrève, Anne ; Verheggen, François. Identification of alternative hosts of the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in West Africa. In: African Entomology : journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, Vol. 30, no.e12056, p. 1-5 (2022). doi:10.17159/2254-8854/2022/a12056.
Decroës, Alain ; Li, Jun-Min ; Richardson, Lorna ; Mutasa-Gottgens, Euphemia ; Lima Mendez, Gipsi ; Mahillon, Mathieu ; Bragard, Claude ; Finn, Robert D. ; Legrève, Anne. Metagenomics approach for Polymyxa betae genome assembly enables comparative analysis towards deciphering the intracellular parasitic lifestyle of the plasmodiophorids. In: Genomics, Vol. 114, no.1, p. 9-22 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.11.018.
Sawadogo Wendnéyidé, Mathieu ; Mano, Elias ; Ahissou Besmer, Régis ; Irénée, Somda ; Nacro, Souleymane ; Legrève, Anne ; Verheggen, François J.. Nesidiocoris tenuis in Burkina Faso: Distribution, predatory capacity and insecticide sensibility. In: Physiological entomology, Vol. 47, p. 2022/1-8 (2022). doi:10.1111/phen.12389.
Sawadogo Wendnéyidé, Mathieu ; Ahissou, Besmer, Régis ; Somda, Irénée ; Nacro, Souleymane ; Legrève, Anne ; Verheggen, François. Ovicidal and Larvicidal Effects of Selected Plant-Based Biopesticides on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). In: Journal of Entomological Science, Vol. 57, no.4, p. 614-624 (2022). doi:10.18474/jes22-04.
Decroës, Alain ; Mahillon, Mathieu ; Genard, Margaux ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Gipsi Lima-Mendez ; Gilmer, David ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Rhizomania: Hide and Seek of Polymyxa betae and the Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus with Beta vulgaris. In: Molecular plant-microbe interactions, Vol. 35, p. 989-1005 (2022). doi:10.1094/mpmi-03-22-0063-r.
Sawadogo, Wendnéyidé, Mathieu ; Dabire, Rémy A. ; Ahissou, Besmer Régis ; Bonzi, Schémaëza ; Somda, Irénée ; Nacro, Souleymane ; Martin, Clément ; Legrève, Anne ; Verheggen, François J.. Comparison of life‐history traits and oviposition preferences of Tuta absoluta for 12 common tomato varieties in Burkina Faso. In: Physiological Entomology: from biochemistry to behaviour, Vol. 46, no.3-4 (2021). doi:10.1111/phen.12373.
Mahillon, Mathieu ; Decroës, Alain ; Caulier, Simon ; Tiendrebeogo, Assiata ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Genomic and biological characterization of a novel partitivirus infecting Fusarium equiseti. In: Virus Research, Vol. 297, p. 198386 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198386.
Wilmart, Olivier ; Legrève, Anne ; Scippo, Marie-Louise ; Reybroeck, Wim ; Urbain, Bruno ; de Graaf, Dirk C. ; Spanoghe, Pieter ; Delahaut, Philippe ; Saegerman, Claude. Honey bee exposure scenarios to selected residues through contaminated beeswax. In: Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 772, p. 145533 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145533.
Mahillon, Mathieu ; Decroës, Alain ; Peduzzi, Chloé ; Romay Gonzalez, Gustavo ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. RNA silencing machinery contributes to inability of BSBV to establish infection in Nicotiana benthamiana: evidence from characterization of agroinfectious clones of Beet soil-borne virus. In: Journal of General Virology, Vol. 102, no.2 (2021). doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001530.
Hellin, Pierre ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Heick, Thies M ; Fraaije, Bart A ; Bataille, Charlotte ; Clinckemaillie, Aurélie ; Legrève, Anne ; Jørgensen, Lise N ; Andersson, Björn ; Samils, Berit ; Rodemann, Bernd ; Berg, Gunilla ; Hutton, Fiona ; Garnault, Maxime ; El Jarroudi, Moussa ; Couleaud, Gilles ; Kildea, Steven (co-first author). Spatio-temporal distribution of DMI and SDHI fungicide resistance of Zymoseptoria tritici throughout Europe based on frequencies of key target-site alterations . In: Pest Management Science, Vol. 77, no.12, p. 5576-5588 (2021). doi:10.1002/ps.6601.
Sawadogo Wendnéyidé, Mathieu ; Irénée, Somda ; Souleymane, Nacro ; Legrève, Anne ; François, Verheggen. Cinq années d’invasion : Impact de Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) sur la production de tomate au Burkina Faso. In: Tropicultura, Vol. 38, no. 3-4, p. 1638 (2020).
Mahillon, Mathieu ; Romay Gonzalez, Gustavo ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Description of a Novel Mycovirus in the Phytopathogen Fusarium culmorum and a Related EVE in the Yeast Lipomyces starkeyi. In: Viruses, Vol. 12, no.5, p. 523 (2020). doi:10.3390/v12050523.
Sawadogo, Mathieu W. ; Somda, Irénée ; Nacro, Souleymane ; Legrève, Anne ; Verheggen, François J.. Insecticide susceptibility level and control failure likelihood estimation of Sub‐Saharan African populations of tomato leafminer: Evidence from Burkina Faso. In: Physiological Entomology, Vol. 45, no. 4, p. 147-153 (2020). doi:10.1111/phen.12332.
Hellin, Pierre ; Duvivier, M. ; Clinckemaillie, A. ; Bataille, C. ; Legrève, Anne ; Heick, T.M. ; Jørgensen, L.N. ; Andersson, B. ; Samils, B. ; Rodemann, B. ; Berg, G. ; Kildea, S.. Multiplex qPCR assay for simultaneous quantification of CYP51‐S524T and SdhC‐H152R substitutions in European populations of Zymoseptoria tritici. In: Plant Pathology, (2020). doi:10.1111/ppa.13252 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Coninck, Eugénie ; Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Gollier, Mélanie ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Foucart, Guy ; Manssens, G. ; Munaut, Francoise ; Legrève, Anne. Trichoderma atroviride as a promising biocontrol agent in seed coating for reducing Fusarium damping‐off on maize. In: Journal of Applied Microbiology, (2020). doi:10.1111/jam.14641.
Decroës, Alain ; Calusinska, Magnalena ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne ; Rokas, Antonis. First Draft Genome Sequence of a Polymyxa Genus Member, Polymyxa betae, the Protist Vector of Rhizomania. In: Microbiology Resource Announcements, Vol. 8, no.2, p. e01509-18 (2019). doi:10.1128/mra.01509-18.
Mahillon, Mathieu ; Decroës, Alain ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Full genome sequence of a new polymycovirus infecting Fusarium redolens. In: Archives of Virology, Vol. 164, no.8, p. 2215-2219 (2019). doi:10.1007/s00705-019-04301-1.
Hassine, Marwa ; Siah, Ali ; Hellin, Pierre ; Cadalen, Thierry ; Halama, Patrice ; Hilbert, Jean-Louis ; Hamada, Walid ; Baraket, Mokhtar ; Yahyaoui, Amor ; Legrève, Anne ; Duvivier, Maxime. Sexual reproduction of Zymoseptoria tritici on durum wheat in Tunisia revealed by presence of airborne inoculum, fruiting bodies and high levels of genetic diversity. In: Fungal Biology, (2019). doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2019.06.006 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Son, Diakalia ; Zerbo, Fabrice ; Bonzi, Schémaeza ; Legrève, Anne ; Somda, Irénée ; Schiffers, Bruno. Assessment of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Producers’ Exposure Level to Pesticides, in Kouka and Toussiana (Burkina Faso). In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 15, p. 204 (2018). doi:10.3390/ijerph15020204.
Son, Diakalia ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne ; Schiffers, Bruno. Effect of plant diversification on pest abundance and tomato yields in two cropping systems in Burkina Faso: farmer practices and integrated pest management. In: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 12, no.1, p. 101 (2018). doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v12i1.8.
Hellin, Pierre ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Bataille, Charlotte ; De Proft, Michel ; Legrève, Anne. Evaluation of the temporal distribution of Fusarium graminearum airborne inoculum above the wheat canopy and its relationship with Fusarium head blight and DON concentration. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, , p. 1-16 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10658-018-1442-7.
Galein, Yann ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Long Term Management of Rhizomania Disease—Insight Into the Changes of the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA-3 Observed Under Resistant and Non-resistant Sugar Beet Fields. In: Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol. 9, p. 795 (2018). doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00795.
Schwelm, Arne ; Badstöber, Julia ; Bulman, Simon ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Etemadi, Mohammad ; Falloon, Richard E. ; Gachon, Claire M. M. ; Legrève, Anne ; Lukes, Julius ; Merz, Ueli ; Nenarokova, Anna ; Strittmatter, Martina ; Sullivan, Brooke K. ; Neuhauser, Sigrid. Not in your usual Top 10: protists that infect plants and algae. In: Molecular Plant Pathology, Vol. 19, no. 4, p. 1029-1044 (2017). doi:10.1111/mpp.12580.
van Aubel, Géraldine ; Serderidis, Sophie ; Ivens, J. ; Clinkemaillie, Aurélie ; Legrève, Anne ; Hause, Bettina ; Van Cutsem, Pierre. Oligosaccharides successfully thwart hijacking of the salicylic acid pathway by Phytophthora infestans in potato leaves. In: plant pathology, Vol. 67, no. 9, p. 1901–1911 (2018). doi:10.1111/ppa.12908.
Goffart, Jean-Pierre ; Devaux, André ; Kromann, Peter ; Bragard, Claude ; Declerck, Stephan ; Legrève, Anne. Réflexion internationale sur le biocontrôle et les biostimulants. In: Phytoma, Vol. 710, p. 1-4.
Hellin, Pierre ; King, Robert ; Urban, Martin ; Hammond-Kosack, Kim E. ; Legrève, Anne. The adaptation of Fusarium culmorum to DMI Fungicides Is Mediated by Major Transcriptome Modifications in Response to Azole Fungicide, Including the Overexpression of a PDR Transporter (FcABC1). In: Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 9, p. 1-15 (2018). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01385.
Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Colau, Gil ; Licciardi, Florent ; Liépin, Maxime ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Modrie, Pauline ; Legrève, Anne ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude. Versatile Antagonistic Activities of Soil-Borne Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. against Phytophthora infestans and Other Potato Pathogens. In: Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 9, p. 143 (2018). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00143.
Decroës, Alain ; Bagayoko, Issiaka ; Mahillon, Mathieu ; Verhaegen, Hanne ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Detection of the Rice stripe necrosis virus Causing Rice Crinkle Disease and its Vector Polymyxa graminis f. sp. colombiana in Mali. In: Plant Disease : an international journal of applied plant pathology, Vol. 101, no.12, p. 2155-2155 (2017). doi:10.1094/PDIS-06-17-0801-PDN.
Son , Diakali ; Bonzi, Schemaeza ; Somda, Irénée ; Bawin, Thomas ; Boukraa, S. ; Verheggen, François ; Francis, Frédéric ; Legrève, Anne ; Schiffers, Bruno . First record of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Burkina Faso. In: African Entomology : journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, Vol. 25, no.1, p. 259-263 (2017). doi:10.4001/003.025.0259.
Son, Diakalia ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne ; Schiffers, Bruno. Pratiques phytosanitaires des producteurs de tomates du Burkina Faso et risques pour la santé et l'environnement. In: Cahiers Agricultures, Vol. 26, no. 2, p. 25005 (2017). doi:10.1051/cagri/2017010.
Hellin, Pierre ; Legrève, Anne. Vertical distributions of Fusarium spp. infections on mature wheat ears under natural field conditions. In: Journal of Plant Pathology : rivista di patologia vegetale, Vol. 99, no.1, p. 249-253 (2017). doi:10.4454/jpp.v99i1.3796.
Dabiré, Tobdem Gaston ; Bonzi, Schémaeza ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne. Activité antifongique d’extraits aqueux de Cymbopogon citratus (D.C.) Stapf., Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. et Portulaca oleracea (L.) contre les principaux champignons transmis par les semences d’oignon (Allium cepa L.) au Burkina Faso. In: International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Vol. 17, no.3, p. 804-812 (2016).
Son, Diakalia ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne ; Schiffers, Bruno. Comparison of efficiency and selectivity of three bio-insecticides for the protection of tomatoes in Burkina Faso. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 81, no.3, p. 289-297 (2016).
Dabiré, Tobdem Gaston ; Bonzi, Schémaeza ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne. Evaluation of the Potential of Trichoderma harzianum as a Plant Growth Promoter and Biocontrol Agent against Fusarium Damping-off in Onion in Burkina Faso. In: Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, (2016). doi:10.3923/ajppaj.2016.49.60 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Dabiré, Tobdem Gaston ; Bonzi, Schémaeza ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne. Identification of seed-borne fungi of onion (Allium cepa L.) in Burkina Faso. In: International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Vol. 25, no.2, p. 562–575 (2016).
Dabiré, Tobdem Gaston ; Bonzi, Schémaeza ; Somda, Irénée ; Legrève, Anne. In vitro Evaluation of Antagonistic Activity of Trichoderma harzianum Pers. Isolates against Three Fungal Species Pathogens of Onion in Burkina Faso. In: Tropicultura, Vol. 34, no.3, p. 313-322 (2016).
Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Bataille, Charlotte ; De Proft, Michel ; Legrève, Anne. Real-time PCR quantification and spatio-temporal distribution of airborne inoculum of Puccinia triticina in Belgium. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 145, no.2, p. 405-420 (2016). doi:10.1007/s10658-015-0854-x.
Hellin, Pierre ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Huybrechts, Bart ; Callebaut, Alfons ; Munaut, Françoise ; Legrève, Anne. Relationship between Fusarium spp. diversity and mycotoxin contents of mature grains in southern Belgium. In: Food Additives and Contaminants, , p. 1-13 (2016). doi:10.1080/19440049.2016.1185900.
Wilmart, Olivier ; Legrève, Anne ; Scippo, Marie-Louise ; Reybroeck, Wim ; Urbain, Bruno ; de Graaf, Dirk C. ; Steurbaut, Walter ; Delahaut, Philippe ; Gustin, Pascal ; Nguyen, Bach Kim ; Saegerman, Claude . Residues in Beeswax: A Health Risk for the Consumer of Honey and Beeswax ?. In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 64, no.44, p. 8425–8434 (2016). doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.6b02813.
Hellin, Pierre ; Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Munaut, Françoise ; Legrève, Anne. Sensitivity of Fusarium culmorum to triazoles : impact of trichothecene chemotypes, oxidative stress response and genetic diversity. In: Pest Management Science, , p. 1-9 (2016). doi:10.1002/ps.4450.
Clinckemaillie, Aurélie ; Decroës, Alain ; van Aubel, Géraldine ; Carrola Dos Santos, Samuel ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Van Cutsem, Pierre ; Legrève, Anne. The novel elicitor COS-OGA enhances potato resistance to late blight. In: Plant pathology, , p. 1-8 (2016). doi:10.1111/ppa.12641.
Hellin, Pierre ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Bataille, Charlotte ; Jacquemin, Guillaume ; Chandelier, Anne ; Legrève, Anne. Fusarium head blight symptom discrimination : a useful tool in the field evaluation of fungicide treatments. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 80, no.3, p. 501-512 (2015).
Decroës, Alain ; Clausse, Marie ; Galein, Yann ; Legrève, Anne ; wauters, André ; Bragard, Claude. New BNYVV P25 variants in Belgium. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 80, no.3, p. 407-409 (2015).
Bragard, Claude ; Declerck, Stephan ; Legrève, Anne. Report on Workshop on “Biological Control in Potato Production. In: Potato Research, (2015). doi:10.1007/s11540-014-9279-8.
Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Ghysselinckx, Julien ; Hellin, Pierre ; Janssen, Frédéric ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Legrève, Anne. Detection of Fusarium langsethiae on wheat in Belgium. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 139, no.3, p. 453-455 (2014). doi:10.1007/s10658-014-0419-4.
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Carbonell, Jose ; Moreau, Jean-Sébastien ; Conesa, Ana ; Dopazo, Joaquín ; Legrève, Anne. Molecular interactions between sugar beet and Polymyxa betae during its life cycle. In: Annals of Applied Biology, Vol. 164, no.2, p. 244–256 (2014). doi:10.1111/aab.12095.
Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; De Proft, Michel ; Moreau, Jean-Marc ; Legrève, Anne. Real-time PCR quantification and spatio-temporal distribution of airborne inoculum of Mycosphaerella graminicola in Belgium. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 137, no. 2, p. 325-341 (2013). doi:10.1007/s10658-013-0245-0.
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Schramme, Florence ; Ongena, Marc ; Legrève, Anne. Systemic resistance induced by Bacillus lipopeptides in Beta vulgaris reduces infection by the rhizomania disease vector Polymyxa betae.. In: Molecular plant pathology, Vol. 14, no.4, p. 416-21 (2013). doi:10.1111/mpp.12008.
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Lagauche, Audrey ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Silicon Reducs Black Sigatoka development in Banana. In: Plant Disease : an international journal of applied plant pathology, Vol. 96, no. 2, p. 273-278 (February 2012). doi:10.1094/PDIS-04-11-0274.
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Stocco, Céline ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. A new phenotype of Polymyxa betae in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: European journal of plant pathology, Vol. 131, no. 1, p. 27-38 (2011). doi:10.1007/s10658-011-9783-5.
Dieryck, Benjamin ; Weyns, Jeannine ; Doucet, Diane ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Acquisition and transmission of peanut clump virus by polymyxa graminis on cereal species . In: Phytopathology, Vol. 101, no.10, p. 1149-1158 (2011). doi:10.1094/PHYTO-12-10-0335 .
Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Galein, Yann ; Seutin, B. ; Vancutsem, F. ; Bodson, Bernard ; Bertel, Xavier. Cadco - Actualités - Céréales : Tour d'horizon des cultures de froment au 03 mai. In: Le Sillon Belge, , no. 3471, p. p 14 (06 mai 2011).
Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Galein, Yann. Cadco - Actualités - céréales du 03 mai 2011 : Situation phytosanitaire en froment : le meilleur fongicide nous tombe actuellement du ciel, mais la visite des champs s'impose pour vérifier l'absence de foyer de rouille jaune.. In: Plein Champ, , no. 18, p. p 5 (05 mai 2011).
Galein, Yann ; Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Bertel, Xavier. Cadco - Actualités - céréales du 17 mai 2011 (C10) : Beaucoup lémas, peu de surface folière/ Cécidomye orange : en embuscade / Cécidomye équestre : risque quasi nul / Enjeux d'un traitement insecticide. In: Plein Champ, , no. 20, p. p 7 (19 mai 2011).
Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Galein, Yann ; De Proft, M. ; Bertel, Xavier. Cadco - Actualités - céréales du 19 avril 2011 : Situation phytosanitaire en escourgeon : traiter dès que la dernière feuille est complètement deployée !. In: Plein Champ, , no. 16, p. p 17 (21 avril 2011).
Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Galein, Yann ; Seutin, Bernard ; Vancutsem, F. ; Bodson, Bernard ; Bertel, Xavier. Cadco - Actualités - céréales du 26 avril 2011 (C06) (2/2) : Situation phytosanitaire en escourgeon : traiter dès que la dernière feuille est complètement déployée !. In: Plein Champ, no. 17, p. 7 (28 avril 2011).
De Proft, M. ; Galein, Yann ; Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Bertel, Xavier. Cultures - Cadco - Actualité - Céréales : Les froments au 17 mai : voilà la rouille brune. In: Le Sillon Belge, no. 3473, p. 14-15 (20 mai 2011).
Seutin, B. ; Vancutsem, F. ; Bodson, Bernard ; Legrève, Anne ; Galein, Yann ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; De Proft, M. ; Bertel, Xavier. Cultures - Cadco - Actualité - céréales : Des escourgeons en avance sur la saison, et des froments à surveiller attentivement. In: Le Sillon Belge, no. 3468, p. 15-16 (15 avril 2011).
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Legrève, Anne. In Vitro Dual Culture of Polymyxa betae in Agrobacterium rhizogenes Transformed Sugar Beet Hairy Roots in Liquid Media. In: Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, Vol. 58, no. 5, p. 424-425 (2011). doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2011.00563.x.
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Dorel, Marc ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Risède, Jean-Michel ; Legrève, Anne. Protective role of silicon in the banana-cylindrocladium spathiphylli pathosysem.. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 31, no. 4, p. 621-630 (2011). doi:10.1007/s10658-011-9835-x.
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Stocco, Céline ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Arabidopsis thaliana, a new tool to investigate Polymyxa betae host interactions.. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 75, no. 2, p. 23-26 (2010).
Duvivier, Maxime. Distribution of airborne Mycosphaerella graminicola inoculum at the field scale, collab. Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Marchal, G ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Legrève, Anne. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, Vol. 75, no. 4, p. 635-639 (2010).
Duvivier, Maxime. Evolution spatio-temporelle de l'inoculum aérien des pathogènes fongiques des céréales en relation avec le climat et impact sur la dynamique des maladies, collab. Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Legrève, Anne. In: Le livre blanc Céréales / Gembloux, , p. 4-12 pp (2010).
Lepoint, Pascale ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Legrève, Anne ; Duveiller, Etienne ; Maraite, Henri. Genetic Diversity of the Mating Type and Toxin Production Genes in Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. In: Phytopathology, Vol. 100, no. 5, p. 474-483 (2010). doi:10.1094/PHYTO-100-5-0474.
Vaïanopoulos, Céline ; Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Virginie ; Bragard, Claude. Broad-spectrum detection and quantitation methods of Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus isolates.. In: Journal of virological methods, Vol. 159, no. 2, p. 227-32 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2009.03.026.
Clinckemaillie, Aurélie ; Tran Thi Thu Ha ; Pham Khanh, Tu ; Dufey, Joseph ; Legrève, Anne. Effect of organic amendments on the health of rice and peanut crops in coastal sandy soil of Thua Thien Hue province, Central vietnam. In: Improving food crop productivity of the coastal sandy area of the Thua Thien Hue province, Central Vietnam. Pham Khanh Tu et al (Eds). Hue University Publishing House., , p. 332-340 (2009).
Desoignies, Nicolas. First report of Plasmodiophora brassicae on rapeseed in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, collab. Delfosse, Philippe ; Eickermann, M. ; Kremer, F. ; Godart, N. ; Hoffmann, L.. In: Plant Disease, Vol. 93, no. 11, p. 1220 p (novembre 2009). doi:10.1094/PDIS-93-11-1220B.
Dieryck, Benjamin ; Otto, G ; Doucet, Diane ; Legrève, Anne ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Bragard, Claude. Seed, soil and vegetative transmission contribute to the spread of pecluviruses in Western Africa and the Indian sub-continent.. In: Virus Research, Vol. 141, no. 2, p. 184-9 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2008.08.017.
Dieryck, Benjamin ; Weyns, Jeannine ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Peanut Clump virus transmission by Polymyxa graminis under controlled conditions.. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, Vol. 73, no. 2, p. 71-4 (2008).
Vaïanopoulos, C ; Bragard, Claude ; Dieryck, Benjamin ; Moreau, Virginie ; Maraite, Henri ; Legrève, Anne. A certain but non-exclusive association between Polymyxa graminis special forms and cereals.. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, Vol. 72, no. 4, p. 745-50 (2007).
Vaïanopoulos, C ; Legrève, Anne ; Moreau, Virginie ; Steyer, S. ; Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude. Barley yellow mosaic virus is overcoming RYM4 resistance in Belgium.. In: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, Vol. 72, no. 2, p. 333-9 (2007).
Hleibieh, K.. Etiologie de la rhizomanie de la betterave sucrière, collab. Peltier, C. ; Klein, E. ; Schirmer, A. ; Schmidlin, L. ; Covelli, L. ; Ratti, C. ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. In: Virologie, Vol. 11, p. 409-421 (2007).
Hleibieh, K.. Etiologie de la rhizomanie de la betterave sucrière, collab. Peltier, C. ; Klein, E. ; Schirmer, A. ; Schmidlin, L. ; Covelli, L. ; Ratti, Claudio ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. In: Virologie, Vol. 11, no. 6, p. 409-421 pp (2007).
Vaïanopoulos, Céline. Identification and Quantification of Polymyxa graminis f.sp. temperata and P. graminis f.sp. tepida on Barley and Wheat, collab. Bragard, Claude ; Moreau, Virginie ; Maraite, Henri. In: Plant Disease , Vol. 91, no. 7, p. 857-864 pp (July 2007).
Vaianopoulos, C. ; Bragard, Claude ; Moreau, Virginie ; Maraite, Henri ; Legrève, Anne. Identification and quantification of Polymyxa graminis f. sp temperata and P. graminis f. sp tepida on barley and wheat. In: Plant Disease : an international journal of applied plant pathology, Vol. 91, no. 7, p. 857-864 (2007). doi:10.1094/PDIS-91-7-0857.
Vaianopoulos, C. ; Legrève, Anne ; Lorca, C ; Moreau, Virginie ; Steyer, S. ; Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude. Widespread occurrence of Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus in Belgium. In: Plant Disease : an international journal of applied plant pathology, Vol. 90, no. 6, p. 723-728 (2006). doi:10.1094/PD-90-0723.
Delfosse, Philippe ; Reddy, AS ; Devi, KT ; Legrève, Anne ; Risopoulos, J ; Doucet, Diane ; Devi, PS ; Maraite, Henri ; Reddy, DVR. Dynamics of Polymyxa graminis and Indian peanut clump virus (IPCV) infection on various monocotyledonous crops and groundnut during the rainy season. In: Plant Pathology : a record of current work on plant diseases and pests, Vol. 51, no. 5, p. 546-560 (2002). doi:10.1046/j.1365-3059.2002.00752.x.
Legrève, Anne ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Maraite, Henri. Phylogenetic analysis of Polymyxa species based on nuclear 5.8S and internal transcribed spacers ribosomal DNA sequences. In: Mycological Research, Vol. 106, p. 138-147 (2002). doi:10.1017/S0953756201005391.
Legrève, Anne ; Vanpee, Brigitte ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Maraite, Henri. Host range of tropical and sub-tropical isolates of Polymyxa graminis. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 106, no. 4, p. 379-389 (2000). doi:10.1023/A:1008784823899.
Delfosse, Philippe ; Reddy, AS ; Legrève, Anne ; Devi, KT ; Abdurahman, MD ; Maraite, Henri ; Reddy, DVR. Serological methods for detection of Polymyxa graminis, an obligate root parasite and vector of plant viruses. In: Phytopathology, Vol. 90, no. 5, p. 537-545 (2000). doi:10.1094/PHYTO.2000.90.5.537.
Legrève, Anne ; Vanpee, Brigitte ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Maraite, Henri. High temperature during storage favours infection potential of resting spores of Polymyxa graminis of Indian origin. In: Annals of Applied Biology, Vol. 134, no. 2, p. 163-169 (1999). doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.1999.tb05252.x.
Delfosse, Philippe ; Reddy, AS ; Legrève, Anne ; Devi, PS ; Devi, KT ; Maraite, Henri ; Reddy, DVR. Indian peanut clump virus (IPCV) infection on wheat and barley: symptoms, yield loss and transmission through seed. In: Plant Pathology : a record of current work on plant diseases and pests, Vol. 48, no. 2, p. 273-282 (1999). doi:10.1046/j.1365-3059.1999.00330.x.
Doucet, Diane ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Legrève, Anne ; Devi, PS ; Reddy, AS ; Maraite, Henri. The Indian peanut clump virus is highly infectious on graminaceous plants. In: Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Vol. 106, no. 4, p. 418-424 (1999).
Legrève, Anne ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Vanpee, Brigitte ; Goffin, Annie ; Maraite, Henri. Differences in temperature requirements between polymyxa sp. of Indian origin and Polymyxa graminis and Polymyxa betae from temperate areas. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 104, no. 2, p. 195-205 (1998). doi:10.1023/A:1008612903927.
Sreenivasulu, Pothur ; Masarapu, Hema ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne ; Reddy, D.V.R.. Pecluviruses (Virgaviridae). In: Dennis Bamford and Mark Zuckerman, Encyclopedia of Virolog, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2021, p. 528-538. 9780128145159 . doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.21335-6.
Duveiller, Etienne ; Mezzalama, Monica ; Legrève, Anne. Good Management Practices for Minimizing the Risk of Fusarium Head Blight and Mycotoxin Contamination in Nontraditional Warmer Wheat-Growing Areas . In: Edited by John F. Leslie and Antonio F. Logrieco, Mycotoxin reduction in grain chains, Wiley Blackwell, 2014, p. 220-231. 9780813820835.
Legrève, Anne ; Vanpee, Brigitte ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Reddy, D.V.R. ; Maraite, Henri. Characterization of Polymyxa graminis involved in the transmission of peanut clump virus in tropical areas. In: Hennebert, G.L., The 100 years of the Fungus Collection MUCL 1894-1994. Fungal Taxonomy and Tropical Mycology: Quo vadis ?, UCL: Belgique, 2010, p. 212-216 pp.
Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Plant clinics and phytopathology training. In: Nigel Hardwick, Maria Lodovica Gullino, Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Plant Pathology, 2010, 75-90. 978-1-4020-8933-6.
Legrève, Anne ; Duveiller, Etienne. Preventing potential disease and pest epidemics under a changing climate. In: Reynolds Matthew P., Climate change & Crop production, CAB International: United Kingdom, 2010, p. 50-70 pp. 978-1-84593-633-4.
Delfosse, Philippe ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude ; Dollet, M ; Reddy, D.V.R. Genus Pecluvirus. In: Lapierre, Hervé ; Signoret, Pierre A., Viruses and virus diseases of Poaceae (Gramineae), Quae, 2004, p. 432-437.
Delfosse, Philippe ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Indian Peanut Clump Virus. In: Lapierre, Hervé ; Signoret, Pierre A., Viruses and virus diseases of Poaceae (Gramineae), Quae, 2004, p. 572-576.
Legrève, Anne ; Delfosse, Philippe ; Maraite, Henri. The Plasmodiophoromycetes associated with viral diseases on Poaceae: taxonomy and host range. In: Lapierre, Hervé ; Signoret, Pierre A., Viruses and virus diseases of Poaceae (Gramineae), Quae, 2004, p. 131-136.
Lengrand, Salomé ; Pêcheur, Steven ; Lebbe, Olivier ; Draye, Xavier ; Legrève, Anne. Are vertically transmitted endophytic bacteria involved in increasing plant drought tolerance provided by humic and fulvic acids application?. 16ème rencontres Plantes Bactéries (Aussois, France, du 20/03/2023 au 24/03/2023).
Pesenti, Lena ; Lengrand, Salomé ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Exploring the fascinating world of endophytes : Unveiling the hidden relationship between plants and endophytes. Midi Etudiants - Chercheurs (Belgique, Louvain-la-Neuve, 22/11/2023).
Genard, Margaux ; Decroes, Alain ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Genomic and transcriptomic advances in understanding the tripartite interactions between host plants, viruses and the protist vectors Polymyxa. ECOP-ISOP (Vienne, Autriche, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Genard, Margaux ; Decroës, Alain ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Soil tripartite interactions between host plants, viruses and the protist vectors Polymyxa. ICPP (Lyon, France, du 21/08/2023 au 25/08/2023).
Genard, Margaux ; Decroës, Alain ; Albar, Laurence ; Hébrard, Eugénie ; Bangratz, Martine ; Comte, Aurore ; Bagayoko, Issiaka ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Towards a better understanding of host-Polymyxa-virus interactions with the first sequencing of Polymyxa graminis genome. 19èmes rencontres de virologie (Aussois, France, du 15/01/2023 au 19/01/2023).
Le Vourch, Vivien ; Morandini, Louis ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne. Antagonistic activity of Bacillus mycoides against potato late blight. Plant BioProTech (Reims, France, du 28/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).
Lengrand, Salomé ; Draye, Xavier ; Legrève, Anne. Are endophytic bacteria involvedin increasing plant drought tolerance provided by humic and fulvic acids application ?. SABB (Sustainable Agriculture Biostimulants and Biopesticides) (Ghent, Belgium, du 20/09/2022 au 22/09/2022).
Le Vourch, Vivien ; Decroës, Alain ; César, Vincent ; Legrève, Anne. Contribution of airborne inoculum monitoring in the improvement of late blight management. EuroBlight workshop (Ascona, Suisse, du 09/05/2022 au 12/05/2022).
Decroës, Alain ; Le Vourch, Vivien ; Legrève, Anne. Contribution of airborne inoculum monitoring in the improvement of late blight management. WPC partnerbijeenkomst (Merelbeke, Belgium, 21/09/2022).
Decroës, Alain ; Le Vourch, Vivien ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Van Steenberge, Cyril ; Rosillon, Damien ; Lebrun, Pierre ; Cesar, Vincent ; Legrève, Anne. How to use airborne inoculum spore traps to improve current late blight management strategies?. EuroBlight workshop (Ascona, Suisse, du 09/05/2022 au 12/05/2022).
Lengrand, Salomé ; Falesse William ; Quiévreux Martin ; Dieryck Benjamin ; Dumont de Chassart Sébastien ; Dumont de Chassart Tanguy ; Delaplace Pierre ; du Jardin Patrick ; Draye, Xavier ; Legrève, Anne. Implementation of protocols under controlled conditions : study of biostimulants efficacy. Plant BioProTech (Reims, France, du 28/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).
Lengrand, Salomé ; Pesenti, Lena ; Bragard, Claude ; Draye, Xavier ; Legrève, Anne. Roles of endophytic bacteria against plant stresses. ELIday (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19/05/2022).
Morandini, Louis ; Delitte, Mathieu ; Peduzzi, Chloé ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques. Antagonistic activities of Bacillus spp. and Paenibacillus spp. against wheat pathogens. 72nd ISCP (International Symposium on Crop protection) (Ghent, Belgium (Poster)).
Delitte, Mathieu ; Morandini, Louis ; Peduzzi, Chloé ; Legrève, Anne ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude. Antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas spp. against wheat pathogens. 72nd ISCP (International Symposium on Crop protection) (Ghent, Belgium (Poster)).
Decroës, Alain ; Li, Jun-Min ; Lorna Richardson ; Mutasa-Gottgens, Euphemia ; Genard, Margaux ; Lima-Mendez, Gipsy ; Mahillon, Mathieu ; Finn, Robert D ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Tripartite interaction model in the rhizomania pathosytem. 18ème Rencontre de Virologie Végétale (Aussois, France, du 12/09/2021 au 16/09/2021).
Colau, Gil ; Caulier, Simon ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Bacillus subtilis 30B-B6, a promising bacterium for the biocontrol of early and late blight. EuroBlight ( York, uk, du 12/05/2019 au 15/05/2019).
Kildea, Steven ; Jørgensen, Lise Nistrup ; Heick, Thies Marten ; Hansen, Jens Grønbech ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Hellin, Pierre ; Andersson, Björn ; Samils, Berit ; Legrève, Anne ; Rodemann, Bernd ; Berg, Gunilla. EURORES Eurowheat Fungicide Resistance Network. International Symposium on Cereal Leaf Blights 2019 (Dublin, Ireland, du 22/05/2019 au 24/05/2019).
Coninck, Eugénie ; Gollier, Mélanie ; Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Foucart, Guy ; Manssens, Gilles ; Munaut, Francoise ; Legrève, Anne. Promising native Trichoderma atroviride (BC0584) as a biocontrol agent in seed coating for reducing Fusarium damping-off on maize crop in Belgium. Plant BioProTech (Marrakesh, Morocco, du 19/11/2019 au 22/11/2019).
Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Colau, Gil ; Licciardi, Florent ; Liépin, Maxime ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Modrie, Pauline ; Legrève, Anne ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude. Antagonistic soil-borne Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. bacteria against late blight and other potato pathogens: From the laboratory to the field. 10th World Potato Congress and XXVIII ALAP Congress (Cuzco, Pérou, du 26/05/2018 au 31/05/2018).
Colau, Gil ; Licciardi, Florent ; Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Characterization of the biocontrol of Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani by bacteria isolated from Belgian agroecosystems. XV Meeting of the Working Group “Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens” (Lleida, Spain, du 23/04/2018 au 26/04/2018).
Decroës, Alain ; Mahillon, Mathieu ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Interactions between Beet soil-borne virus and its vector, Polymyxa betae. Advances in Plant Virology (Birmingham, UK, du 12/04/2018 au 13/04/2018).
Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Colau, Gil ; Licciardi, Florent ; Liépin, Maxime ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Modrie, Pauline ; Legrève, Anne ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude. Naturally occurring soil-borne Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. with versatile antagonistic activities against Phytophthora infestans and other potato pathogens. International Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Workshop (Victoria, Canada, du 17/06/2018 au 22/06/2018).
Colau, Gil ; Licciardi, Florent ; Caulier, Simon ; Liépin, Maxime ; Gillis, Annika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Biological control of potato diseases: control of Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani by indigenous Belgian bacteria. XIV Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group Biological Control of Fungal and Bacterial Plant Pathogens (Berlin, Germany, du 12/09/2016 au 15/09/2016).
Hellin, Pierre ; Legrève, Anne. Fusarium culmorum en wallonie : prévalence et résistance d'une espèce à conséquence agro-économique. Livre blanc céréales (Gembloux, 01/02/2016). In: Livre blanc céréales, Février 2016, 2016, p. 10/16 - 10/18.
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Modrie, Pauline ; Caulier, Simon ; Liépin, Maxime ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. High-throughput screeling of Rhizobacteria with antagonistic and elicitation activities for potato protection. 19th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research 6 to 11 July 2014 (Brussels, Belgium, du 06/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Hellin, Pierre ; Legrève, Anne. New insight on the molecular mechanisms conferring resistance to DMI fungicides in Fusarium culmorum. The 31 st Meeting of the Fusarium working group of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Plantenziektekundige Vereniging (Utrecht, 26/10/2016). In: Gewasbescherming, Vol. 47, no.5, p. 135 (2016).
Caulier, Simon ; Licciardi, Florent ; Gillis, Annika ; Liépin, Maxime ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques. Bacillus spp. potato crop protection. Microbes and the global change (Bruxelles, Belgium, 11/12/2015).
Hellin, Pierre ; Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Munaut, Françoise ; Legrève, Anne. Differences in sensitivity of Fusarium culmorum towards triazoles and relation with trichothecene chemotypes. 13th European Fusarium Seminar (Martina Franca, Italy, du 10/05/2014 au 14/05/2014).
Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Ghysselinckx, Julien ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Huybrechts, Bart ; Tangni, Emmanuel Kossi ; Callebaut, Alfons ; Foucart, Guy ; Munaut, Françoise ; Legrève, Anne. Fusarium cerealis, a single phylogenetic species recovered annually from maize in Belgium and producing a wide range of mycotoxins. 3th European Fusarium Seminar (Martina Franca? Italy, du 10/05/2014 au 14/05/2014).
Hellin, Pierre ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Bataille, Charlotte ; Jacquemin, Guillaume ; Chandelier, Anne ; Legrève, Anne. Fusarium head blight symptom discrimination : a useful tool in the field evaluation of fungicide treatments. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection (Ghent, Belgium, 19/05/2015).
Liépin, Maxime ; Gillis, Annika ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques. In vitro and in vivo screening of bacteria that have antagonistic and elicitation effects on potato pathogens. 10th International PGPR Workshop (Liège, Belgium, du 16/06/2015 au 19/06/2015).
Liépin, Maxime ; Gillis, Annika ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Caulier, Simon ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne. In vitro and in vivo screening of bacteria with antagonistic and elicitation activities against potato pathogens. 10th international PGPR workshop (Liege, Belgium, du 16/06/2015 au 19/06/2015).
Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques. Les Bacillus spp. au service de la culture de pommes de terre. BSPIT 2015 colloque «Bactéries sporulantes pathogènes ou d’intérêt technologique» (Paris, France, du 06/07/2015 au 07/07/2015).
Caulier, Simon ; Gillis, Annika ; Liépin, Maxime ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Naturally occurring bacteria with versatile antagonistic activities against potato pathogens. 10th International PGPR Workshop (Liège, Belgium, du 16/06/2015 au 19/06/2015).
Decroës, Alain ; Clausse, Marie ; Galein, Yann ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude ; Wauters, André. New BNYVV P25 variants in Belgium. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection (Ghent, Belgium, 19/05/2015).
Gillis, Annika ; Modrie, Pauline ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Makart, Lionel ; Bragard, Claude ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Legrève, Anne. Naturally occurring soil bacteria: versatile weapons for disease biocontrol in potato plants. The 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - ISME15 (Seoul, South-Korea, du 24/08/2014 au 29/08/2014).
Hellin, Pierre ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Huybrechts, Bart ; Callebaut, Alfons ; Legrève, Anne. Presence of mycotoxins in conjunction with the Fusarium species occurring in Belgian winter wheat fields.. 66th International Symposium on Crop Protection (Ghent, Belgium, 20/05/2014).
Clinckemaillie, Aurélie ; Decroës, Alain ; Legrève, Anne ; Van Aubel, Géraldine. Protective effect of the Elicitor COS-OGA against potato late blight. The European Association for Potato Research 2014 (BrusselS, Belgium, du 06/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Champeil, Agnès ; Galein, Yann ; Escriou, Hervé ; Richard-Molard, Marc ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Rhizomania Intra - and inter-field diversity in France – implication for the disease management . The 74th IIRB Congress (Dresden, Germany, du 01/07/2014 au 03/07/2014).
Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Derumier, Audrey ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Legrève, Anne. A new method for quantifying Puccinia triticina airborne inoculum in wheat fields. 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection (Ghent, Belgium, 21/05/2013).
Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Hellin, Pierre ; Renard, Marie-Eve ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Legrève, Anne. Distribution of airborne inoculum of Gibberella zeae in Belgium. 12th European Fusarium Seminar (Bordeaux, France, du 12/05/2013 au 16/05/2013).
Galein, Yann ; Champeil, Agnès ; Escriou, Hervé ; Richard-Molard, Marc ; Legrève, Anne ; Bragard, Claude. Evidence for Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) reassortment and diversity of the P25 avirulence gene in France. the Ninth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors (Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan, du 19/08/2013 au 22/08/2013). In: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, 2013, p. 1-4.
Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; De Proft, Michel ; Legrève, Anne. Four years of monitoring Mycosphaerella graminicola airborne inoculum and its relationship with disease symptoms in the field. 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection (Ghent, Belgium, 21/05/2013).
Scauflaire, Jonathan ; Lienard, Charlotte ; Gourgue, Mélanie ; Foucart, Guy ; Mary, Michael ; Renard, Fabien ; Callebaut, Alfons ; Legrève, Anne ; Munaut, Françoise. Fusarium spp. on maize in Belgium, from biodiversity to biocontrol. EFS12 (Bordeaux, du 12/05/2013 au 16/05/2013).
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Schramme, Florence ; Legrève, Anne. Interactions between Polymyxa betae and plant systemic defense ways. Vienna Interntational Plant Conference Association - Plant Diseases and resistance mechanisms (Vienna, Austria, du 20/02/2013 au 22/02/2013).
Hellin, Pierre ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Ghysselinckx, Julien ; Legrève, Anne. PCR chemotyping of Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum and F.cerealis isolated from winter wheat in Wallonia, Belgium. 12th european fusarium seminar (Bordeaux, France, du 13/05/2013 au 16/05/2013).
Hellin, Pierre ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Ghysselinckx, Julien ; Legrève, Anne. Prevalence of the species involved in Fusarium head blight (FHB) in winter wheat in Wallonia, Belgium from 2010 to 2012. 65th international symposium on crop protection (Ghent, Belgium, 21/05/2013).
Desoignies, Nicolas ; Schramme, Florence ; Ongena, Marc ; Legrève, Anne. Control of Polymyxa betae by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens lipopeptides. International Working group on Plant Viruses with Fungal vectors (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 06/07/2011 au 08/07/2011). In: Proceedings of the Eigth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, 2011, 59-62.
Legrève, Anne ; Desoignies, Nicolas ; Dieryck, Benjamin ; Bragard, Claude. Future challenges in virus transmission by Polymyxa. International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 06/07/2011 au 08/07/2011). In: Proceedings of the Eigth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, 2011, 47-51.
Galein, Yann ; Crutzen, François ; Nagy, Catherine ; Legrève, Anne ; Essalhi, Imane ; Champeil, Agnès ; Richard-Molard, Marc ; Escriou, Hervé ; Bragard, Claude. Rhizomania – what is to be learned from the fields?. the Eigth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors (Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium, du 06/07/2011 au 08/07/2011). In: Proceedings of the Eigth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, 2011, p. 30-34.
Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Mvuyenkure, S.M. ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Marchal, Gérald ; Moreau, Jean Marc ; Legrève, Anne. Spore traps network : a new tool for predicting epidemics of wheat yellow rust. the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection (Gent, Belgium, du 24/05/2011 au 24/05/2011). In: Proceedings of the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection (Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences; Vol. 76(4) - Part III), Universiteit Gent: Gent, 2011, p. 573-964.
Duvivier, Maxime ; Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Marchal, Gérald ; Renard, Marie-Eve ; Van Hese, Viviane ; Moreau, Jean-Marc ; Legrève, Anne. Two years of spatiotemporal monitoring of Mycosphaerella graminicola airborne inoculum in Belgium. 8th International Symposium on Mycosphaerella and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals (Mexico City, Mexico, du 11/09/2011 au 14/09/2011).
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Risède, Jean-Michel ; Dorel, Marc ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Effects of silicon amendment on disease caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis and Cylindrocladium spathiphylli in banana.. 2010 APS Annual meeting (Charlotte - USA, du 07/08/2010 au 11/08/2010). In: Phytopathology, Vol. 100, no. 6, p. S58 (2010).
Clinckemaillie, Aurélie. Presence of airborne inoculum of Mycosphaerella graminicola and occurrence of sexual reproduction during the growing season in Belgium. 2010 APS Annual Meeting (Charlotte, NC, du 07/08/2010 au 11/08/2010).
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Impact of silicon on the susceptibility of banana plants (Musa acuminata) to black Sigatoka disease. Silicon in Agriculture conf ( Wild Coast Sun, South Africa 26 au 29 10/2009, du 26/10/2009 au 29/10/2009).
Legrève, Anne ; Dieryck, Benjamin ; Vaïanopoulos, Céline ; Nagy, Catherine ; Gilmer, David ; Bragard, Claude. Are Polymyxa spp. specifi c carriers of plant viruses ?. the seventh symposium of the international working group on plant viruses with fungal vectors (Quedlinburg, Germany, du 01/09/2008 au 04/09/2008). In: Proceedings of the seventh symposium of the international working group on plant viruses with fungal vectors, 2008, p. 32-37.
Bragard, Claude ; Mehrvar, Mohsen ; Nagy, Catherine ; Crutzen, François ; Legrève, Anne. Soil-borne viruses of sugar beet : a more complex picture than previously thought. 9th International congress of plant pathology Healthy and safe food for everybody (Torino – Italy, du 24/08/2008 au 29/08/2008). In: 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2008, p. S2. 402 p.
Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude ; Legrève, Anne. Teaching Plant Pathology : Plant clinics and phytopathology training. 9th International congress of plant pathology Healthy and safe food for everybody (Torino – Italy, du 24/08/2008 au 29/08/2008). In: 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2008, p. S2. 67-68 pp.
Bragard, Claude ; Dieryck, Benjamin ; Otto, Gaëtan ; Legrève, Anne ; Delfosse, Philippe. Importance of seed and soil-borne transmission in the spread of pecluviruses : Session IV - Oral presentations (OP-10). 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium (Hyderabad, India, du 15/10/2007 au 19/10/2007). In: symposium, Icrisat: India, 2007, 37.
Dieryck, Benjamin ; Legrève, Anne ; delfosse, Philippe ; Bragard, Claude. Sensitive broad spectrum detection and quantification tools for managing peanut clump disease : Section III (PP-3 _ 79). 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium (Hyderabad, India, du 15/10/2007 au 19/10/2007). In: 10th Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 2007, p. p 168.
Vaïanopoulos, Céline ; Bragard, Claude ; Maraite, Henri ; Legrève, Anne. Molecular methods for the detection of polymyxa graminis F.sp. temperata and P.graminis F.sp. Tepida in association with bymo-and furoviruses. Sixth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors (Aula Giorgio Prodi, Italy, du 05/09/2005 au 07/09/2005). In: Proceedings of the sixth symposium of the International working group on plant viruses with fungal vectors, Universita Di Bologna: Italy, 2005, p. 112-116 pp.
Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude. Characterization of pathogen diversity for integrate crop protection and plant resource management. Belgo-Argentinian scientific and technological symposium (Buenos Aires Argentine, du 8 au 9/11/2001).